Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion.

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240513 {post•16}
theHawk May’24 Spiwtt: LOL more lies. The Founding Fathers endlessly debated about almost everything. . thvhvwk 240513 Spiwtt00016

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240520 {post•41}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: The debate that mattered on a secular constitutional basis was between rational theists like Franklin Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison for a secular government tolerant of all religion versus the Connecticut Wits and all supernatural Cross of Jesus Bible believers.

The Cross of Christ was stricken from the Constitution because the rational theists won the debate.

You need to come to an understanding of the Connecticut wits in order to have a meaningful discussion on the relationship between Christianity and them original founding documents, the declaration of independence in the United States Constitution.

Here is an excerpt regarding the Connecticut wits.

"The Origins of American Religious Nationalism." By Sam Haselby​

Sam Haselby is a historian, an editor at Aeon Magazine and the author of "The Origins of American Religious Nationalism."July 4, 2017 at 6:00 AM​
So there are insuperable obstacles to the Christian nationalist position. But there is also a neglected and fascinating history, key to American independence. Quite simply, America’s first patriots were acutely Christian and did envision, at least, an acutely Christian, which to them meant Protestant, nation. They issued the first calls for American independence. More specifically, America’s first nationalist movement was a small group of young New England writers at Yale College who were fiercely Christian. Timothy Dwight and John Trumbull were the group’s founding members, and by 1769, at the Yale College commencement, they publicly protested for American independence. Noah Webster, of dictionary fame, would later come into the group, too.​
These young writers, who called themselves the Connecticut Wits, were terrible poets, but they were visionary American nationalists. Dwight’s epic poem, “The Conquest of Canaan,” portrayed an independent America as the new Holy Land. He began it in 1771. Most Americans, by contrast, supported reconciliation with Britain well into 1776. Years later, Dwight would complain that for their early, open advocacy of American independence they had suffered years of ridicule and contempt. John Trumbull’s 1773 poem “An Elegy of the Times” is a clear, repeated call, steeped in New England Protestantism, for nationalist revolution. Though I’ve never met anyone today who has read it, Trumbull’s 1775 poem “M’Fingal” was the best-selling poem of the American Revolution. It went through 30 editions, a feat no other American poet managed until Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in 1847. M’Fingal is a lampoon of the Scottish Enlightenment and a sclerotic Great Britain in the name of enlightened and vital independent, Protestant America​

nfbw 240520 Vpiwtt00041
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All that's nice and stuff but really doesn't change my post. There was no "ongoing debate" at the time. The USA is not a christian nation, it is a secular nation.

A secular federal government. Until the 14th amendment States were allowed to have established Religions.
All the conservative types are always talking about a christian nation and christian values, well it turns out that this isn't and never was a christian nation, at least according to the authors of the Tripoli treaty.

It states very clearly that the nation is not in any was founded on the christian religion in the words of John Adams himself.

You would think that this would remove all doubt, but as the short thread on the same subject that was so helpfully closed showed us, there are still plenty of folks who will argue the point.

Tell us, why do you think they would write this if it's not true?

View attachment 946109
All a matter of semantics. It is true that the USA was not founded on the Christian religion. It is also true that the USA was founded by Christians on Christian principles and pretty much to a man they believed that the Constitution was inadequate for any other than a religious and moral people. They likely could not imagine an America that would ban Christian beliefs or expressions or imagery.
A secular federal government. Until the 14th amendment States were allowed to have established Religions.
Why did it take about twenty five years for freedom of religion under the First
Amendnent to take hold in Massachusetts?


Document: Laws of Massachusetts, "An Act respecting Public Worship and Religious Freedom"

...Any person may separate from one Parish or Religious Society and join another, either of the same or of a different denomination, by filing with the Clerk of the Society...a certificate of the fact....

No citizen of this Commonwealth, being a member of any Religious Society in the Commonwealth, shall be assessed or liable to pay any tax for the support of Public Worship, or other Parochial charges, to any Parish, Precinct, or Religious Society whatever, other than to that of which he is a member. Source: Gilder Lehrman Institute

Additional information: Columbian Centinel, April 28, 1824
All a matter of semantics. It is true that the USA was not founded on the Christian religion. It is also true that the USA was founded by Christians on Christian principles and pretty much to a man they believed that the Constitution was inadequate for any other than a religious and moral people. They likely could not imagine an America that would ban Christian beliefs or expressions or imagery.

What makes a person qualified to be a Christian when you claim it is true that America was founded by Christians?

In 1776 the majority of Christians on earth were Catholic. The Catholic Church founded Christianity and that Christian Church served for centuries as the potent mind control enforcement agency for the European hereditary system of government that was entirely based upon the notion that royalty is given sanction to rule by Divine right,

In 1776 most Christian’s did not consider Protestants to be Christians. The Catholic Church had nothing to do with the founding of America. The Protestants believe the same thing about the divinity of Jesus and the story of the Cross of Christ and they also served as the potent mind control enforcement agency for the European hereditary system of government.

It is more realistic to say truthfully based upon historical facts that America was founded by revolutionary intellectuals who decided the Christian Church could not be trusted to protect liberty of conscience for the law abiding citizenry of the new experimental nation based on self governance / no more divine rights based upon the heredity of God’s chosen families or nations,
What makes a person qualified to be a Christian when you claim it is true that America was founded by Christians?

In 1776 the majority of Christians on earth were Catholic. The Catholic Church founded Christianity and that Christian Church served for centuries as the potent mind control enforcement agency for the European hereditary system of government that was entirely based upon the notion that royalty is given sanction to rule by Divine right,

In 1776 most Christian’s did not consider Protestants to be Christians. The Catholic Church had nothing to do with the founding of America. The Protestants believe the same thing about the divinity of Jesus and the story of the Cross of Christ and they also served as the potent mind control enforcement agency for the European hereditary system of government.

It is more realistic to say truthfully based upon historical facts that America was founded by revolutionary intellectuals who decided the Christian Church could not be trusted to protect liberty of conscience for the law abiding citizenry of the new experimental nation based on self governance / no more divine rights based upon the heredity of God’s chosen families or nations,
The Reformation had established a strong Protestant presence throughout western Europe by the time of the American Reovlution. The Founders were largely born in or descended from Brithish, Scottish, Irish, Welsh. England was no longer largely Catholic but the state religion was Anglican under the authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

But whether Catholic or Portestant, Christians then and ow are those who embrace the Christian faith.
All the conservative types are always talking about a christian nation and christian values, well it turns out that this isn't and never was a christian nation, at least according to the authors of the Tripoli treaty.

It states very clearly that the nation is not in any was founded on the christian religion in the words of John Adams himself.

You would think that this would remove all doubt, but as the short thread on the same subject that was so helpfully closed showed us, there are still plenty of folks who will argue the point.

Tell us, why do you think they would write this if it's not true?

View attachment 946109
With all due of the reasons why people came to the Americas was they were seeking the freedom to practice the religion of their choice without persecution. Religion played an integral part in the development of The New World.
What does one have to do to embrace the Christian faith.
They believe that Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament God/the Son of God, he died for our sins, and he rose from the grave to assure us of eteral life.
Religion played an integral part in the development of The New World.
What did Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and subsequent resurrection for the salvation of sinners that they may have eternal life instead of spending eternity in hell, have to do with writing the Constitution?
What did Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and subsequent resurrection for the salvation of sinners that they may have eternal life instead of spending eternity in hell, have to do with writing the Constitution?
Absolutely nothing. My point was that this country was founded in large part by people who were escaping religious persecution in Europe and that many of the freedoms that we're granted by the Constitution is to make sure that religious persecution didn't happen here.
They believe that Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament God/the Son of God, he died for our sins, and he rose from the grave to assure us of eteral life.
What does that belief have to do with the founding of the United States of America?

See post Vpiwtt00041 for highly educated people who believed that the Cross of Christ had supernatural meaning in their lives and in 1771 wanted the Colonies to break free of the King of England in order to establish an independent America as the new Holy Land.

Five years later they got the revolt aided mostly by a revolutionary era, non-Christian American patriot named Thomas Paine (See linked “Paine” posts below) who basically gave no merit to any Biblical Christian ideas about creating some kind of crazy supernatural Holy Bible bullshit that a revolt against monarchy should be to create a new Holy Land on the Continent of North America.

The US Constitution did not create a new Holy Land on the continent of North America.

“rational_theist Paine”
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nfbw 240521 Vpiwtt00052
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What does that belief have to do with the founding of the United States of America?

See post Vpiwtt00041 for highly educated people who believed that the Cross of Christ had supernatural meaning in their lives and in 1771 wanted the Colonies to break free of the King of England in order to establish an independent America as the new Holy Land.

Five years later they got the revolt aided mostly by a revolutionary era, non-Christian American patriot named Thomas Paine (See linked “Paine” posts below) who basically gave no merit to any Biblical Christian ideas about creating some kind of crazy supernatural Holy Bible bullshit that a revolt against monarchy should be to create a new Holy Land on the Continent of North America.

The US Constitution did not create a new Holy Land on the continent of North America.

“rational_theist Paine”
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nfbw 240521 Vpiwtt00052
I think you need to join a growing group of folks here who need remedial reading comprehension instruction.

I said the USA was not founded on the Christian religion.
I said the USA was founded by Christians who embraced the Christian faith and wrote Christian PRINCIPLES, not Christian dogma/doctrine into the U.S. Constitution.
I said most or all of the Founders were Christian and mostly believed the Constitution was adequate only for a religious and moral people.

I won't accept you trying to make more of that than what I am arguing and/or twist that into something I never said and never intended.
It is also true that the USA was founded by Christians

I said the USA was founded by Christians who embraced the Christian faith

The first four presidents did not embrace what you said it takes to embrace the Christian faith.

They believe that Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament God/the Son of God, he died for our sins, and he rose from the grave to assure us of eteral life.
They were rational theists, who besides Washington, were voted into office by the founding generation which 80 percent of them did not belong to a Christian church.

Frauds Tucker and Laura distance from T 201130 {post•135} NotfooledbyW Churching of America : Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34% 1860 37% 1870 35% 1890 45% 1906 51% 1916 53% 1926 56% 1952 59% 1980 62% 1995 65% * *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data“ •••• nfbw 201130 Vftald00135

By your definition of embracing Christianity America was not founded by Christians.

That is what I an reading.
The first four presidents did not embrace what you said it takes to embrace the Christian faith.

They were rational theists, who besides Washington, were voted into office by the founding generation which 80 percent of them did not belong to a Christian church.

Frauds Tucker and Laura distance from T 201130 {post•135} NotfooledbyW Churching of America : Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34% 1860 37% 1870 35% 1890 45% 1906 51% 1916 53% 1926 56% 1952 59% 1980 62% 1995 65% * *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data“ •••• nfbw 201130 Vftald00135

By your definition of embracing Christianity America was not founded by Christians.

That is what I an reading.
Well you definitely are reading something quite different than what I am posting. And I will stand by my understanding and appreciation of the history, and I said absolutely nothing about belonging to a church which also has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.
They likely could not imagine an America that would ban Christian beliefs or expressions or imagery.

There never has been a ban on any American citizen or visitor who believe’s that Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament God/the Son of God, and that he died for all the sins of humankind , and who rose from the grave to assure humankind the privilege of eteral life.

That belief has never been ban Ned in the United States of America since day one.
I said absolutely nothing about belonging to a church which also has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.

How do you know that America was founded by the founding generation of adults who believe that Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament God/the Son of God, and that he died for all the sins of humankind, and who rose from the grave to assure humankind the privilege of eternal life, if people did not profess that belief in any public way and did not record themselves being a member of a church dogmatized system of preserving that supernatural belief that you yourself described?
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I said absolutely nothing about belonging to a church
I have not suggested that you did.

You favor the perceived white churched political party and its current white Christian nationalist leader who is much more in opposition to our system of voting than you are .

Don’t Believe Voter Fraud Happens? Here’s Some Examples 150526 {post•32}
Foxfyre May’15 Sdbvfh: I don't think it should be all that EASY to register to vote or to vote. I want people who care about America and who have a clue what their vote means to be the ones who vote. fxfyr 150526 Sdbvfh00032
I think you need to join a growing group of folks here who need remedial reading comprehension instruction.
Actually, with the above statement, you are the one who has withdrawn from a discussion that is based upon a clear reading of what you said.

You wrote:

All a matter of semantics. It is true that the USA was not founded on the Christian religion. It is also true that the USA was founded by Christians on Christian principles and pretty much to a man they believed that the Constitution was inadequate for any other than a religious and moral people. They likely could not imagine an America that would ban Christian beliefs or expressions or imagery.

How do you know that is true what you said in bold above?
Absolutely nothing. My point was that this country was founded in large part by people who were escaping religious persecution in Europe and that many of the freedoms that we're granted by the Constitution is to make sure that religious persecution didn't happen here.

The establishment clause is more a restraint on the power of churches to control the minds of individuals through government power of the sword. . It is a defense of “reason“ to be maintained in civil affairs as a blockade keeping the irrationalism of supernatural religion from driving reason and facts outside of the needed political debates in a self governed nation.

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