Proof of the GOP's racism?

The Democratic Party is incredibly diverse and inclusive with major involvement of blacks, women, minorities, gays, Jews, Muslims.

Let me remind you, "diverse" does not equal "effective." You elect people based on those traits, not based on if they will be effective in the positions you elect them for. You sacrifice efficacy for ethnicity, reliability for race. All for the sake of "diversity."

Your strategy is flawed, and it is starting to fall apart.

Starting with Black Women, when Winsome Sears was elected in Virginia, the media was silent or essentially labeled the people who voted for her as "white supremacists."

The NAACP essentially disowned Deneen Borelli because she was a Republican.

As far as black people go in general, you need only see how your party reacted to people like Ben Carson and Allen West. There are numerous examples where your party had a hostile reaction to a person of color having views contrary to theirs.

With women in general, you need only look to how your party and media reacted to Melania Trump and Sarah Palin.

As far as minorities go, see no further than Virginia AG-Elect Jason Miyares. I don't see you cheering the first, only putting Republicans down for seemingly being so far behind. Like I said in the beginning, Republicans look for effective candidates, not for skin color, race, gender, or ethnicity. We want performance not moral preening.

As far as Jews go, simply look at how your party treats Judeo-Christian beliefs in general.

Then we turn to gays, where we need only look at people like Andy Ngo and how your party reacts to him.

Muslims are a unique case, when you denigrate religion in general but embrace a religion that is overly zealous in its spread, willing to promote theocratic ideals in American society, sometimes attempting violence, all while saying Christians are attempting to do the same thing.

Am I missing anything?

It's one thing to be diverse, but another to be diverse and promote the actual practice of diversity in American society. Your party has perverted the practice and turned it into a weapon of exclusion and coercion. As an addendum, I would be confident in saying that your party displays that same attitude with free speech, where you need only look at how big tech censors conservative viewpoints in the public sphere.

So you can spare me the bragging and arrogance. I don't believe a word of it.
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There is absolutely no evidence that Biden is demented

Ok, so I should have just stopped reading here. It is VERY clear that Biden has dementia. We can argue at what stage, but he has it. Does this sentence sound like something a non-demented person would put together? Can’t blame this on stuttering. Maybe this only makes sense to those with liberalism diseases….not sure.

“As one computer said, if you’re on the train and they say Portal Bridge, you know you better make other plans.”

The rest of the world watches in wonder as Republicans consistently con white people into voting for them. For reasons it's difficult to fathom, white people continue to believe that Republicans know what they're doing on the economy, despite the fact that by every measure there is, Republican economic and labour policies have destroyed your economy and impoverished working and middle class families, for decades.

Funny, I am white and I know what I am doing with my money. I thought Republicans were the party of the rich? Do you think all these “rich” successful people got that way by not knowing how the economy works or how to manage money? Let me guess, they all inherited the money. I guess we supposed to believe that lowest earners in our country are economic genius’ and thus vote for Democrats.
So the left wallow endlessly in the race baiting cesspool but as soon as a republican celebrates a blacks victory we're racist?
We can‘t win with these leftists who insist on calling us racists, despite the evidence.

For example, in Maculiffe’s concession statement, he hinted at racism temporarily winning with the Youngkin election. He said, paraphrasing, that despite this setback (meaning the Dems‘ loss to the racist Republicans), the state of Virginia will not give up on its dreams of INCLUSION.

SAY WHAT? Republicans just elected the first black female Lt Gov in Virginia’s history!
Let me remind you, "diverse" does not equal "effective." You elect people based on those traits, not based on if they will be effective in the positions you elect them for. You sacrifice efficacy for ethnicity, reliability for race. All for the sake of "diversity."

Your strategy is flawed, and it is starting to fall apart.

Starting with Black Women, when Winsome Sears was elected in Virginia, the media was silent or essentially labeled the people who voted for her as "white supremacists."

The NAACP essentially disowned Deneen Borelli because she was a Republican.

As far as black people go in general, you need only see how your party reacted to people like Ben Carson and Allen West. There are numerous examples where your party had a hostile reaction to a person of color having views contrary to theirs.

With women in general, you need only look to how your party and media reacted to Melania Trump and Sarah Palin.

As far as minorities go, see no further than Virginia AG-Elect Jason Miyares. I don't see you cheering the first, only putting Republicans down for seemingly being so far behind. Like I said in the beginning, Republicans look for effective candidates, not for skin color, race, gender, or ethnicity. We want performance not moral preening.

As far as Jews go, simply look at how your party treats Judeo-Christian beliefs in general.

Then we turn to gays, where we need only look at people like Andy Ngo and how your party reacts to him.

Muslims are a unique case, when you denigrate religion in general but embrace a religion that is overly zealous in its spread, willing to promote theocratic ideals in American society, sometimes attempting violence, all while saying Christians are attempting to do the same thing.

Am I missing anything?

It's one thing to be diverse, but another to be diverse and promote the actual practice of diversity in American society. Your party has perverted the practice and turned it into a weapon of exclusion and coercion.
So true! Why isn’t Omar and the other Squad members celebrating that a black female was elected to Lt Gov of Virginia? It‘s a historic first! Not a peep. happens so often it is easy to see how happy you are to do it. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If American was really a "white supremacist nation" or the gop was really wacist, like you lefties claim,

it would never happen.

That is a valid point and one that you are afraid to address.

So you harp on a very different point, ie the low numbers of minorities IN the gop. Which, you pretend shows that we are wacist, BUT, you don't STATE that, because if you clearly stated it, it would be easy to disprove, and you know it.

So you snidely, like a fucking asshole, just IMPLY it over and over again, so that when you get called on your bullshit, you can weasel out of it, like the little fucktard weasels you people are.
If American was really a "white supremacist nation" or the gop was really wacist, like you lefties claim,

it would never happen.

That is a valid point and one that you are afraid to address.

So you harp on a very different point, ie the low numbers of minorities IN the gop. Which, you pretend shows that we are wacist, BUT, you don't STATE that, because if you clearly stated it, it would be easy to disprove, and you know it.

So you snidely, like a fucking asshole, just IMPLY it over and over again, so that when you get called on your bullshit, you can weasel out of it, like the little fucktard weasels you people are.

To find where implication and inference take place of facts and reason, look no further than the left.
It’s ironic. The left is bemoaning the relative lack of blacks in Republican posts, but when a black man (or woman) runs for a Republican office, the Dems rake him over the coal with everything from “Uncle Tom” to worse.
It’s ironic. The left is bemoaning the relative lack of blacks in Republican posts, but when a black man (or woman) runs for a Republican office, the Dems rake him over the coal with everything from “Uncle Tom” to worse.

AND, if we point out, you know, you make a big deal out of the lack of black republicans, and look, we just elected one.

Then the response immediately pivots to,

"Jeeze, why do you make such a big deal about it?"

AND, tomorrow, they go right back to their normal, standard race baiting.
Actually we don’t
That would be today’s RepubliKlan Party

Actually you do. The Republicans were supporting equal rights for blacks back when you dems were ACTUALLY allied with the Klan and we still support such rights for EVERYONE.

You are a lying, divisive, racist asshole.
Right-wingers on this very site are worse bigots and racists.

This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks and active discrimination IN FAVOR OF BLACKS, since the early 60s.

Any claim otherwise, is a divisive lie.
Actually you do. The Republicans were supporting equal rights for blacks back when you dems were ACTUALLY allied with the Klan and we still support such rights for EVERYONE.

You are a lying, divisive, racist asshole.
No you weren’t
Republicans in the South never supported equal rights
Democrats in the North were at the forefront of Civil Rights legislation

It was a regional issue not connected to party
This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks and active discrimination IN FAVOR OF BLACKS, since the early 60s.

Any claim otherwise, is a divisive lie.
You don’t have to tell ME. I had a front-row seat in college admissions. Very mediocre blacks had the doors of competitive colleges thrown open while better qualified whites got a thin rejection letter.
It’s ironic. The left is bemoaning the relative lack of blacks in Republican posts, but when a black man (or woman) runs for a Republican office, the Dems rake him over the coal with everything from “Uncle Tom” to worse.

What makes you think Democrats should support Republican candidates

Personally, I respect black Republicans like Tim Scott, Condi Rice and Colin Powell

I have little respect for Allen West, Candace Owens or Ben Carson who are sellouts

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