Proof of the GOP's racism?

Republicans have elected EIGHT BLACKS to the House, Senate, Governorships, Vice President or President in a HUNDRED YEARS

Dems exceed that number in a year
ANd yet you guys bitch about gerrymandering.
No you weren’t
Republicans in the South never supported equal rights
Democrats in the North were at the forefront of Civil Rights legislation

It was a regional issue not connected to party

YOU are the one that made it about party. And if you look at it by Party, the DEMs were teh party of the Klan.

You talk about the South, which at that time, was solid DEM. Southern Republicans? LOL. BOTH OF THEM? lol!!!

IN the early 60s, your party finally gave up on anti-black racism and joined the GOP in supporting equal rights for blacks.

Since then, there has been a solid, adn unbroken bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks and active discrimination IN FAVOR OF BLACKS.

That you lie about this, is you being an asshole.
What makes you think Democrats should support Republican candidates

Personally, I respect black Republicans like Tim Scott, Condi Rice and Colin Powell

I have little respect for Allen West, Candace Owens or Ben Carson who are sellouts
“Sellouts.” There it is - your disdain for blacks who don’t agree with your politics.

I know how it is. I am Jewish and have been verbally assaulted by Democrats for not voting their way (just like 1/3rd of all Jews). One of them even had the nerve to say I am not a Jew unless I vote Democrat. Disgusting sentiment.
You talk about the South, which at that time, was solid DEM. Southern Republicans? LOL. BOTH OF THEM? lol!!!
There were Republicans elected in the South. If the Republicans were the party of Civil Rights, why didn’t they support it?

If Democrats opposed Civil Rights, why did Democrats in the north propose Cvil Rights legislation?

It was a North/South issue
If you were a Black Republican
The base would not elect you

Don't be ridiculous. If Colin Powell had run for the Republican nomination the GOP would've overwhelmingly voted to nominate him for president.

The only reason Powell never ran was because of the fears of his wife.
“Sellouts.” There it is - your disdain for blacks who don’t agree with your politics.

I know how it is. I am Jewish and have been verbally assaulted by Democrats for not voting their way (just like 1/3rd of all Jews). One of them even had the nerve to say I am not a Jew unless I vote Democrat. Disgusting sentiment.

Black Republicans are capable of supporting Republican values like small Government, low taxes and balanced budgets without selling out to the blame the victim and revisionist racial history of the extreme right.
Republicans have elected EIGHT BLACKS to the House, Senate, Governorships, Vice President or President in a HUNDRED YEARS

Dems exceed that number in a year
You people have no business at governing. You govern everything to a shit hole

Embrace your shit hole cities, you made em
There were Republicans elected in the South. If the Republicans were the party of Civil Rights, why didn’t they support it?

If Democrats opposed Civil Rights, why did Democrats in the north propose Cvil Rights legislation?

It was a North/South issue

You are the one that brought up parties, in relation to the klan. I was just pointing out how stupid your claim was.

My position is that this country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality, even discrimination IN FAVOR of blacks, since the early 60s.

THe "klan", indeed w.s. as a whole, at this point, and for generations now, is an irrelevant fringe.

When people talk about it today, normally they are justifying their anti-white racism.
You wanna talk less? Because you really should.

Lets see…

What was the racial Dog Whistle Republicans used in the last election?

Fear mongering about Critical Race Theory in our schools. Even though there are no elementary or High Schools that teach it or are proposing to add it to the curriculum.
CRT has been around for 40 years and concerns the Societal impacts of racism. Republicans trotted out every fear they had about race and attributed it to CRC

Worked in Virginia

And the REST of the country?
Good question and why is it that Kaliforna will only vote for a Black person that is Democrat…

Wait, has California ever had a Black Governor?

I mean the Progressive State surly would elect a Black over a White, right?

As you proclaim that the GOP is the racist party and it base would never vote for a Black, well tell me how many times has California elected a Black Governor or how about New York or when was the last time New York City had a Black Mayor?
THe "klan", indeed w.s. as a whole, at this point, and for generations now, is an irrelevant fringe.
The KKK marching around, wearing hoods and burning crosses no longer exists. They now go by other names and wear MAGA hats
What makes you think Democrats should support Republican candidates

Personally, I respect black Republicans like Tim Scott, Condi Rice and Colin Powell

I have little respect for Allen West, Candace Owens or Ben Carson who are sellouts

And how much respect do you have for those black Dems like Ilhan Omar who hate Jews?
If she is holding the gun like that there is nothing to fear. Doubtful she has ever actually fired one.

Ummm, that's the standard combat ready stance used by the military. I hope you know more about golf than you do guns.
The KKK marching around, wearing hoods and burning crosses no longer exists. They now go by other names and wear MAGA hats

Lets see…

What was the racial Dog Whistle Republicans used in the last election?

Fear mongering about Critical Race Theory in our schools. Even though there are no elementary or High Schools that teach it or are proposing to add it to the curriculum.
CRT has been around for 40 years and concerns the Societal impacts of racism. Republicans trotted out every fear they had about race and attributed it to CRC

Worked in Virginia

Not wanting anti-white racism taught in our schools is a valid issue. YOu are a lying asshole.
Good question and why is it that Kaliforna will only vote for a Black person that is Democrat…

Wait, has California ever had a Black Governor?

I mean the Progressive State surly would elect a Black over a White, right?

As you proclaim that the GOP is the racist party and it base would never vote for a Black, well tell me how many times has California elected a Black Governor or how about New York or when was the last time New York City had a Black Mayor?
Why do you keep expecting Democrats to vote for Republicans ?
White, male, Christian Republicans get elected all the time. Blacks, minorities, Jewish, Muslim and gay Republicans do not.
Female Republicans get elected, but it numbers much, much lower than 50 percent
Why do you keep expecting Democrats to vote for Republicans ?
White, male, Christian Republicans get elected all the time. Blacks, minorities, Jewish, Muslim and gay Republicans do not.
Female Republicans get elected, but it numbers much, much lower than 50 percent

When republicans opposed Obama you pretended that was wacism.

Why does it not work the same both ways?

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