Proof of the GOP's racism?

Speaking of racism, what about those Leftists who sicced five young people onto the Youngkin campaign pretending to be White Nationalists? You were supposed to know because of the Tiki Torches.

But one of them was a woman ---- well, on the edge, but okay ---- but another was a black!!!!! They had to diversify a White Nationalist pretend group? No one is mentioning this, but it seems to me a level of stupidity beyond anything else in the Dem repertoire. They had a racial quota, a token black, for a supposed White Supremacy group????

I suppose that's how smarter people figured it out so quickly. These Lincoln Project types must be really dumb, and what about corrupting young people like that? Getting them to act out a lie like that? They had a black and were too young and too thin and too obviously Woke ----- sort of sad they got these kids to ruin themselves like that.
No the money went to unions and democrat supporters.

The money went to UNION JOBS, not unions - ones that pay a living wage, and benefits. Why would the government spend money to create jobs which don't pay a living wage? would require a government subsidy for the workers? Democratic supporters are called "voters".

Why do Republicans have such a big problem with working Americans being well paid? Unions built the American middle class, but since Reagan, Republicans have done everything possible to end them. The decline of the working class began when Reagan broke the Air Traffic Controllers' Union.

There is no one in the world quite so gullible as the Republican voter who earns less than $1 million per year. You even believe that union demands are the reason why your jobs were off-shored in the first place, and you blame China for "stealing your jobs". China didn't steal your jobs, your wealthy CEO's and executives GAVE them your jobs - freely, openly and with malice aforethought.
The money went to UNION JOBS, not unions - ones that pay a living wage, and benefits. Why would the government spend money to create jobs which don't pay a living wage? would require a government subsidy for the workers? Democratic supporters are called "voters".

Why do Republicans have such a big problem with working Americans being well paid? Unions built the American middle class, but since Reagan, Republicans have done everything possible to end them. The decline of the working class began when Reagan broke the Air Traffic Controllers' Union.

There is no one in the world quite so gullible as the Republican voter who earns less than $1 million per year. You even believe that union demands are the reason why your jobs were off-shored in the first place, and you blame China for "stealing your jobs". China didn't steal your jobs, your wealthy CEO's and executives GAVE them your jobs - freely, openly and with malice aforethought.
So the taxpayers pay for union workers? What if we all become union workers? Who is gonna pay? This is exactly why we are 28 trillion in debt.
If she is holding the gun like that there is nothing to fear. Doubtful she has ever actually fired one.

Apparently, she was in the Marines, at one point. There does not seem to be much detail that I can Google up about her service in the Marines, or even what rank she achieved. From my attempt to parse the insignia on this picture of her in uniform, it looks like she was a Major or a Lieutenant Colonel, but it's not very clear.

Does anyone get into the marines, much less achieve any such rank as she appears to have, without ever firing a gun? I doubt it.

The gop organized attack on blm..

The 24/7 coverage and repeated coverage of blm riots instead of showing the hours upon days of peaceful protesters.

The siding with Chauvin.

The demeaning of Floyd, and all other blacks unnecessary killed or murdered.

The rampant birther movement to demean and delegitimatize Obama.

The Gutting of the civil rights act....

The gop State election laws set up to hurt people of color...

Critical race theory...accusations.

The heavy gerrymandering of their voting districts to strip them from having a voice in their govt....

Etc etc etc etc.....

It's not really subtle anymore, it's right smack out in the open.... :dunno:

If you were a Black Republican
The base would not elect you

So your contention is that it was all of the racists in... California... that didn't vote for Larry Elder? All those racist... LIBERALS in California? Quick question, would YOU have voted for Larry Elder?
Lynn Swann is a professional football player with no clue on how to run a government. I wouldn’t vote for him either, and he is one my all-time favourite football players.

The whole purpose of government is to manage the public resources. If you have no experience in managing resources and personnel, you’re not qualified for the job.

Republicans run stunt candidates, not “qualified” candidates. That’s why the Texas power grid is collapsing, and your economy has crashed three times in the last 40 years. Under the Presidencies of an B movie actor, the legacy C student son of a past President, and a failed businessman and reality TV star. None of these people were “qualified”, even though W had .

Why don’t you try nominating qualified and capable managers, instead of stunt candidates with no clue on how government works, or what it supposed to be doing?

...'no clue on how government works'... Not fair! Joe Biden is already the president!?!

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