Proof of the GOP's racism?

Biden has added almost 4 million jobs
Trump LOST 3 million
Except they don’t

Republicans have rarely elected blacks to higher office
Eight in a hundred years

Except they do, again, repeatedly, but they lose the general election because YOU don't vote for them. The Republicans have had plenty of black candidates run in inner city urban areas with heavy Democratic registration and they lose because Democrats won't vote for them. Ken Blackwell was the Republican candidate for governor in Ohio and he lost because Democrats wouldn't vote for him. You chose old white guy Ted Strickland. Lynn Swann was the Republican candidate for governor in Pennsylvania and he lost because Democrats wouldn't vote for him. You chose old white guy Ed Rendell. Michael Steele was the Republican nominee for Senate in Maryland, but you chose old white guy Ben Cardin. And frankly, I can go on and on. In fact, about the only places you people elect black Democrats is in the urban inner city ghettos. You're no more likely to see a black Democrat get elected in a lily white area of New England than you are to see a black Republican because, again, you won't vote for them. They are nothing more than tokens for your agenda.
Except they do, again, repeatedly, but they lose the general election because YOU don't vote for them. The Republicans have had plenty of black candidates run in inner city urban areas with heavy Democratic registration and they lose because Democrats won't vote for them. Ken Blackwell was the Republican candidate for governor in Ohio and he lost because Democrats wouldn't vote for him. You chose old white guy Ted Strickland. Lynn Swann was the Republican candidate for governor in Pennsylvania and he lost because Democrats wouldn't vote for him. You chose old white guy Ed Rendell. Michael Steele was the Republican nominee for Senate in Maryland, but you chose old white guy Ben Cardin. And frankly, I can go on and on. In fact, about the only places you people elect black Democrats is in the urban inner city ghettos. You're no more likely to see a black Democrat get elected in a lily white area of New England than you are to see a black Republican because, again, you won't vote for them. They are nothing more than tokens for your agenda.

Like Republicans, Party loyalty is at the top of Democrat’s priority list. The difference is that most Republicans would not vote or not vote for a Republican candidate because of the color of their skin while Democrats would absolutely vote for a Democratic candidate for the color of their skin. Beyond party loyalty, the race and or gender of a candidate is THE top priority for many Democrats. Identity politics is a driving force for them.
Well Trump did away with Clinton and Biden's crime bill that incarcerated thousands of blacks.
He also gave billions to black colleges for scholarships.
He also had the lowest unemployment rate for blacks.
Something Obama wouldn't do.

Trump took credit for black unemployment rates created by Obama. Black employment SLOWED under Trump. But like so many of Obama’s accomplishments, trump eagerly claimed credit.

Trump didn’t have the least bit of interest in the crime bill and if not for Jared it never would’ve happened. Jared was only interested because his father was imprisoned.
Except they do, again, repeatedly, but they lose the general election because YOU don't vote for them. The Republicans have had plenty of black candidates run in inner city urban areas with heavy Democratic registration and they lose because Democrats won't vote for them. Ken Blackwell was the Republican candidate for governor in Ohio and he lost because Democrats wouldn't vote for him. You chose old white guy Ted Strickland. Lynn Swann was the Republican candidate for governor in Pennsylvania and he lost because Democrats wouldn't vote for him. You chose old white guy Ed Rendell. Michael Steele was the Republican nominee for Senate in Maryland, but you chose old white guy Ben Cardin. And frankly, I can go on and on. In fact, about the only places you people elect black Democrats is in the urban inner city ghettos. You're no more likely to see a black Democrat get elected in a lily white area of New England than you are to see a black Republican because, again, you won't vote for them. They are nothing more than tokens for your agenda.

Lynn Swann is a professional football player with no clue on how to run a government. I wouldn’t vote for him either, and he is one my all-time favourite football players.

The whole purpose of government is to manage the public resources. If you have no experience in managing resources and personnel, you’re not qualified for the job.

Republicans run stunt candidates, not “qualified” candidates. That’s why the Texas power grid is collapsing, and your economy has crashed three times in the last 40 years. Under the Presidencies of an B movie actor, the legacy C student son of a past President, and a failed businessman and reality TV star. None of these people were “qualified”, even though W had .

Why don’t you try nominating qualified and capable managers, instead of stunt candidates with no clue on how government works, or what it supposed to be doing?
Except they do, again, repeatedly, but they lose the general election because YOU don't vote for them.
Guess what?

Democrats don’t vote for Republicans black OR white

Yet Republicans have no problem electing white males
Lynn Swann is a professional football player with no clue on how to run a government. I wouldn’t vote for him either, and he is one my all-time favourite football players.

The whole purpose of government is to manage the public resources. If you have no experience in managing resources and personnel, you’re not qualified for the job.

Republicans run stunt candidates, not “qualified” candidates. That’s why the Texas power grid is collapsing, and your economy has crashed three times in the last 40 years. Under the Presidencies of an B movie actor, the legacy C student son of a past President, and a failed businessman and reality TV star.

I don’t you try electing qualified and capable managers, instead of stunt candidates with no clue on how government works, or what it supposed to be doing?

Qualified like Biden, the demented career politician? Yeah, ok.
Trump took credit for black unemployment rates created by Obama. Black employment SLOWED under Trump. But like so many of Obama’s accomplishments, trump eagerly claimed credit.

Trump didn’t have the least bit of interest in the crime bill and if not for Jared it never would’ve happened. Jared was only interested because his father was imprisoned.
The black unemployment number were at record low under his presidency, and he got rid of the crime bill. No matter how hard you spin it.
Those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?

Obama had money to spend on infrastructure if those projects created immediate employment. Not jobs ten years down the line. “Shovel ready”

Any project that could meet the shovel ready criteria, got funded
Qualified like Biden, the demented career politician? Yeah, ok.
Lets see
Bidens eight years as VP and 36 years in the Senate
Swan playing in the NFL

I can see where you elected Trump
Is the reason for the democrats electing a Black solely on the color of the skin any better?
That's racism.
Do you think Kam would have been chosen for the VP if she was a white male?
Of course not.

The numbers don’t lie
Dems have elected a hundred blacks to higher office…Repubs eight
Dems have elected blacks as Governors, Senators, Vice Presidents and President
Repubs? ONE
Qualified like Biden, the demented career politician? Yeah, ok.

There is absolutely no evidence that Biden is demented, and much evidence that Donald Trump suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, with a family history of abuse at the hands of a tyrannical father who was well aware of Donald's shortcomings. He was bounced out of multiple military prep schools where he was sent to develop self-discipline. Doesn't/Can't read. Doesn't prepare and makes decisions based on his "gut instincts". So far, his gut has lead him into 7 business bankruptcies, hundreds of corporate failures, thousands of lawsuits, and an empire founded on debt and deception.

Joe Biden at least knows how government works, and has the experience of having gotten the economy successfully back on track the last time a Republican President crashed the economy. Last time Biden faced obstruction from Republicans in getting the economy sorted out, this time it's coming from his own party. Despite Trump's efforts to portray Biden as corrupt and criminal, the mortgage on Biden's house when he left office puts the lie to the notion that Biden skimmed billions of dollars of government funds.

Neither the Clintons, nor the Bidens left office with great wealth. That's what makes Republicans' lies about their criminal behaviour ring so false. Especially in light of Trump's open "pay for play" at his golf clubs - more than 200 government contracts being doled out to members of Trump's East Coast golf clubs, or to companies which hosted events at them. Trump doubled initiation fees at his clubs as soon as he was elected President. Republicans pretended none of this was going on.

The rest of the world watches in wonder as Republicans consistently con white people into voting for them. For reasons it's difficult to fathom, white people continue to believe that Republicans know what they're doing on the economy, despite the fact that by every measure there is, Republican economic and labour policies have destroyed your economy and impoverished working and middle class families, for decades.

The stock market goes higher and faster under Democrats. Unemployment goes down, the deficit goes down, the size of government goes down - all the things Republicans promise, Democrats deliver.

3 economic crashes in 40 years say that Republicans can talk about "Making American Great", but they've presided over the destruction of your economy, and now your democracy.
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