Proof of the GOP's racism?

All the left has done is use black voters. You do nothing for them for four years despite your big promises and then you draw them in again in that election year to preserve your power. I think they got your number now bud.
All the left has done is use black voters. You do nothing for them for four years despite your big promises and then you draw them in again in that election year to preserve your power. I think they got your number now bud.
What the left has done for black voters

Affirmative Action
Educational opportunities
Urban jobs programs
Minority business support
Healthcare programs

What the right has done for blacks

Build prisons
You are very confused. We do treat people like people. The difference is we don’t see everything through a racist/sexists lens. That is EXACTLY how most Democrats see the world.
Sure. As evidenced by your outlined elements of strategies focused on stereotypes. :uhoh3:
They tell me everything I need to know about your understanding of and the ways you see black folks.
Do you think that was because he was black or because he’s started having Democratic tendencies like supporting Obama and Hillary? It had nothing to do with this skin color, but like a typical Democrat, EVERYTHING has to do with skin color.
I think it was very easy to throw him under the bus because he was black. He didn’t change. The party changed.
Dems do it because of their COLOR, NOT because of their skills, knowledge, and regards for the law and the people. If you're black and your a Dem, and you're willing to be used as their token colored ge the job.

Republicans elected Donald Trump as president. It wasn’t because of his skills knowledge or his regard for the law, or the people. Ditto George W. Bush.

Trump was in the middle of a multi million dollar fraud lawsuit when he was elected. Fleecing people out of their life savings with Trump University.

It’s no wonder that the only people he benefitted were billionaires, or that he left the country in a total mess of debt, disease and death.
Ok, let’s cut to the chase. Specifically, what do Republicans need to do to bring more black people into the party? Do they have to support reparations? Do they have to agree to punish all white people for their whiteness? Do they have to fire white people to hire black people for the sake of diversity, with the exception of the NBA, NFL of course? Give some specifics.

You could start with: stop shooting and killing unarmed black people at a rate that is 7 times higher than whites people. If you can arrest white mass murders without harming them, why can’t you pull an unarmed black man over in a traffic stop, without shooting him?
Republicans elected Donald Trump as president. It wasn’t because of his skills knowledge or his regard for the law, or the people. Ditto George W. Bush.

Trump was in the middle of a multi million dollar fraud lawsuit when he was elected. Fleecing people out of their life savings with Trump University.

It’s no wonder that the only people he benefitted were billionaires, or that he left the country in a total mess of debt, disease and death.
Republicans elected Donald Trump as president. It wasn’t because of his skills knowledge or his regard for the law, or the people.


it was because you idiots ran HIllary
You could start with: stop shooting and killing unarmed black people at a rate that is 7 times higher than whites people. If you can arrest white mass murders without harming them, why can’t you pull an unarmed black man over in a traffic stop, without shooting him?
It is more than just that
It is Republican blaming the victim and engaging in smear campaigns that alienates blacks
If she is holding the gun like that there is nothing to fear. Doubtful she has ever actually fired one.


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Do you think that was because he was black or because he’s started having Democratic tendencies like supporting Obama and Hillary? It had nothing to do with this skin color, but like a typical Democrat, EVERYTHING has to do with skin color.

It’s not the Democrats who have a problem with race. It’s not the Democrats who are filling school board meetings to complain about their children being taught about slavery and racism.

It is not Democrats who come to this board and start thread after thread after thread calling black people stupid or lazy and claiming racism doesn’t exist.

Employment agencies and headhunter firms exist for the sole reason of perpetuating racism.These companies came into existence after anti-discrimination laws were passed to help employers skirt these laws by ensuring that the company never interviews an “unsuitable” employee. You can’t be sued for not hiring minorities if you didn’t interview any minorities for the position. If the agency doesn’t present any black candidates to you, then how have you discriminated?

The United States is currently just as segregated as it was before before desegregation. The only differences now is they’ve taken down the signs that say say “whites only”. The signs are gone but the policies remain.

I have already admitted I was wrong about her, she is a fellow Marine and knows how to use a weapon. With that said, the handgrip on that is so far down the barrel there is no way she could bring it to her shoulder with any stability at all, which is why she had to use something to prop it against. And even that I would like to see her target and see if she hit anything. She did not learn to hold a weapon like that in the Marines.
I have already admitted I was wrong about her, she is a fellow Marine and knows how to use a weapon. With that said, the handgrip on that is so far down the barrel there is no way she could bring it to her shoulder with any stability at all, which is why she had to use something to prop it against. And even that I would like to see her target and see if she hit anything. She did not learn to hold a weapon like that in the Marines.

I agree. Most people who have those grip them forward of the vertical grip, not like a broom handle.


I tried one on my AK and didn't care for it, so I went to an angled fore grip instead.

I agree. Most people who have those grip them forward of the vertical grip, not like a broom handle.

View attachment 559877

I tried one on my AK and didn't care for it, so I went to an angled fore grip instead.

View attachment 559881

I suspect based on the way she was dressed it was an unplanned photo op and she was just handed the gun and did not set it up herself.

But, as I said in a different thread, it seems like a good win and she seems like a good person for the position. Had I lived in Va, she might have gotten me to break my no voting for the duopoly rule.
The gop organized attack on blm..

The 24/7 coverage and repeated coverage of blm riots instead of showing the hours upon days of peaceful protesters.

The siding with Chauvin.

The demeaning of Floyd, and all other blacks unnecessary killed or murdered.

The rampant birther movement to demean and delegitimatize Obama.

The Gutting of the civil rights act....

The gop State election laws set up to hurt people of color...

The heavy gerrymandering of their voting districts to strip them from having a voice in their govt....

Etc etc etc etc.....

It's not really subtle anymore, it's right smack out in the open.... :dunno:
Talking points?
Republicans want the best person for the job.

Democrats want the right skin color for the job. They also are the ones who bring up skin color the most often.

I mean if I go to a doctor I want the doctor that has experience, merit, intelligence and education. I don't want to go a doctor just because he isn't white. I will always chose the best person for the job, not because they have the right boxes checked for their gender or skin color.
I know you can be hired only because your different. No qualifications necessary.
What the left has done for black voters

Affirmative Action
Educational opportunities
Urban jobs programs
Minority business support
Healthcare programs

What the right has done for blacks

Build prisons
Well Trump did away with Clinton and Biden's crime bill that incarcerated thousands of blacks.
He also gave billions to black colleges for scholarships.
He also had the lowest unemployment rate for blacks.
Something Obama wouldn't do.
Well Trump did away with Clinton and Biden's crime bill that incarcerated thousands of blacks.
He also gave billions to black colleges for scholarships.
He also had the lowest unemployment rate for blacks.
Something Obama wouldn't do.
Hundreds of thousands more blacks got jobs under Obama than Trump

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