Proof of the GOP's racism?

The gop organized attack on blm..

The 24/7 coverage and repeated coverage of blm riots instead of showing the hours upon days of peaceful protesters.

The siding with Chauvin.

The demeaning of Floyd, and all other blacks unnecessary killed or murdered.

The rampant birther movement to demean and delegitimatize Obama.

The Gutting of the civil rights act....

The gop State election laws set up to hurt people of color...

Critical race theory...accusations.

The heavy gerrymandering of their voting districts to strip them from having a voice in their govt....

Etc etc etc etc.....

It's not really subtle anymore, it's right smack out in the open.... :dunno:
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Republicans have a long way to go before they can start celebrating their diversity

Ok, let’s cut to the chase. Specifically, what do Republicans need to do to bring more black people into the party? Do they have to support reparations? Do they have to agree to punish all white people for their whiteness? Do they have to fire white people to hire black people for the sake of diversity, with the exception of the NBA, NFL of course? Give some specifics.

The answer seems pretty clear to me.

Well to their credit, dems had a black Governor in VA

If she is holding the gun like that there is nothing to fear. Doubtful she has ever actually fired one.

There is nothing scarier to the Left than an independently-minded Conservative Black woman.

And Winsome Sears is very RIght Wing. Make no mistake about it. Endorsed by people like Dan Crenshaw, Representative Bob Good, former President Donald Trump, and myself. :)

There is nothing scarier to the Left than an independently-minded Conservative Black woman.

And Winsome Sears is very RIght Wing. Make no mistake about it. Endorsed by people like Dan Crenshaw, Representative Bob Good, former President Donald Trump, and myself. :)

Turns out I was wrong about her, she is a Marine so she knows how to fire that weapon. Good to see a fellow Marine carrying on the tradition of winning.

It is interesting that her campaign website does not mention gun rights at all. An article I read said she removed all references to guns an abortions after winning the GOP nomination. A shame she felt the need to hide those views.
Republicans want the best person for the job.

Democrats want the right skin color for the job. They also are the ones who bring up skin color the most often.

I mean if I go to a doctor I want the doctor that has experience, merit, intelligence and education. I don't want to go a doctor just because he isn't white. I will always chose the best person for the job, not because they have the right boxes checked for their gender or skin color.
It's just skin. Period. The largest organ of the body, covering everything else. To deny a job to someone due to that is idiotic. You get the most experienced, best candidate, best in their field, and go from there.

Remember when Jeopardy was in the hot seat because blacks were not on the show very much..and in fact, rarely? It was not because of skin was because those WITH skin color never applied or didn't pass the test they give before being accepted on the show.
Republicans have elected EIGHT BLACKS to the House, Senate, Governorships, Vice President or President in a HUNDRED YEARS

Dems exceed that number in a year
You smuggle forward the collective black IQ of a hundred years ago as if that was a benign situation. You suck Chinese fentanyl.
The mere fact every time the Repubs actually elect a black person they feel the need to make a huge deal about it should clue you in that it happens rarely.

It will be nice the day it is common place enough they do not feel the need to tout it each and every time it happens.

Ok, let’s cut to the chase. Specifically, what do Republicans need to do to bring more black people into the party? Do they have to support reparations? Do they have to agree to punish all white people for their whiteness? Do they have to fire white people to hire black people for the sake of diversity, with the exception of the NBA, NFL of course? Give some specifics.
They need to stop with the type of retarded stereotyping that you just engaged in and just treat people like people.
They need to stop with the type of retarded stereotyping that you just engaged in and just treat people like people.

You are very confused. We do treat people like people. The difference is we don’t see everything through a racist/sexists lens. That is EXACTLY how most Democrats see the world.
As if you just didn’t start a race baiting cesspool thread. :icon_rolleyes:
You dont have to bait liberals to show their racism. They do a fine job all on their own.
Their support is highly conditional at best. Look how they minimized Colin Powell after his death.
And it had absolutely nothing to do with his race. But liberals think EVERYTHING is racist.....except when THEY do it.
Their support is highly conditional at best. Look how they minimized Colin Powell after his death.

Do you think that was because he was black or because he’s started having Democratic tendencies like supporting Obama and Hillary? It had nothing to do with this skin color, but like a typical Democrat, EVERYTHING has to do with skin color.
You smuggle forward the collective black IQ of a hundred years ago as if that was a benign situation. You suck Chinese fentanyl.

Winner, winner Chicken Dinner

Another fine example of why Republicans don’t elect blacks

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