Proof of the GOP's racism?

The mere fact every time the Repubs actually elect a black person they feel the need to make a huge deal about it should clue you in that it happens rarely.

It will be nice the day it is common place enough they do not feel the need to tout it each and every time it happens.
I wonder if Republicans feel the need to do so because rabid Mexicrats scream “RACIST” in their faces at every turn?
What have Republicans done?
Trump was on the right track getting them out of poverty. Now Biden is putting them back in poverty. Probably one of the reasons you hated Trump was because he was doing good things for blacks. Your party wants to keep them in poverty for a vote. Johnson a democrat president stated with welfare. We will have them nig#ers voting democrat for years.
Except they have, repeatedly. When black Republicans lose elections it's because YOU won't vote for them.
Except they don’t

Republicans have rarely elected blacks to higher office
Eight in a hundred years
Trump was on the right track getting them out of poverty. Now Biden is putting them back in poverty. Probably one of the reasons you hated Trump was because he was doing good things for blacks. Your party wants to keep them in poverty for a vote. Johnson a democrat president stated with welfare. We will have them nig#ers voting democrat for years.

Biden has added more black jobs than Trump
Biden has added more black jobs than Trump
Biden's job numbers are horrible, even cnn commented on it. Try again, the great Trump will be back to solve harris's failures. Heard this morning that Osha is fixing to require the jab to work and that you will have to pay for it. If that is true, your party is toast.
Biden's job numbers are horrible, even cnn commented on it. Try again, the great Trump will be back to solve harris's failures. Heard this morning that Osha is fixing to require the jab to work and that you will have to pay for it. If that is true, your party is toast.
Biden has added almost 4 million jobs
Trump LOST 3 million
Well Trump did away with Clinton and Biden's crime bill that incarcerated thousands of blacks.
He also gave billions to black colleges for scholarships.
He also had the lowest unemployment rate for blacks.
Something Obama wouldn't do.
Only because right-wingers had nothing but repeal for all those shovel ready infrastructure jobs that should have happened around a decade ago.
Biden has added almost 4 million jobs
Trump LOST 3 million

Trump was handed COVID and lockdowns. Pre-COVID, the US economy was absolutely killing it. Biden was handed an economy wanting to come out of lockdowns and move past COVID and yet we still have a HUGE labor shortage because Biden supports the stay at home and collect “free” money movement that is so popular with loser Democrats. Apple and oranges.
It’s not the Democrats who have a problem with race. It’s not the Democrats who are filling school board meetings to complain about their children being taught about slavery and racism.

It is not Democrats who come to this board and start thread after thread after thread calling black people stupid or lazy and claiming racism doesn’t exist.

Employment agencies and headhunter firms exist for the sole reason of perpetuating racism.These companies came into existence after anti-discrimination laws were passed to help employers skirt these laws by ensuring that the company never interviews an “unsuitable” employee. You can’t be sued for not hiring minorities if you didn’t interview any minorities for the position. If the agency doesn’t present any black candidates to you, then how have you discriminated?

The United States is currently just as segregated as it was before before desegregation. The only differences now is they’ve taken down the signs that say say “whites only”. The signs are gone but the policies remain.

You have bought into the exact false narrative the left pushes. Racism is always on the tip of a Democrat’s tongue. It is a convenient excuse when things don’t go the way they want and it relieves them of any personal accountability or responsibility. It is a loser mentality.

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