Proof that Bush backers don't know the enemy from a hole in the ground

Jun 12, 2007
It's all in the polls, folks:

...Since the war began, New York Times/CBS News polls have shown that people who say the United States’s efforts in Iraq are going well, even in the face of news to the contrary, are solidly supportive of President Bush and overwhelmingly Republican.

Their upbeat view displays itself on other ways, as well. They say things in the United States are generally going well right now, putting them at odds with the views of seven in ten Americans, who say the country has veered off on the wrong track....

Some of the respondents to recent Times/CBS News polls were re-interviewed to discuss their perceptions about how well the war was going. They rarely mentioned attacks on American troops or the failure of the Iraqi government to meet goals. They talked about fighting terrorists, an impression that the United States is succeeding at rebuilding Iraq and general support for Mr. Bush.

“If we don’t stay there and fight them, they’re going to come over here, so I’d just as soon fight them over there,” said Chrys Hills, from Platte, Missouri, a 70 year- old retired planner in a railroad office. “If you listen to the news, we are cleaning up parts of Iraq and the people are starting to tell us where the bad guys are.”

“I just think George W. Bush is doing a good job with Iraq and everything else,” said Susan Brand, 47, a housecleaner in Burnsville Minnesota. “He’s a straight up Republican. He says things are going well there.” terms of the war, cognitive dissonance is playing out for some people in favor of Mr. Bush. “As long as he projects optimism,” he said, “they are willing to dismiss the mainstream media as biased.”
Full story
“I just think George W. Bush is doing a good job with Iraq and everything else,” said Susan Brand, 47, a housecleaner in Burnsville Minnesota. “He’s a straight up Republican. He says things are going well there.”

This is just sad.
Chrys Hills, from Platte, Missouri, a 70 year- old retired planner in a railroad office: “If you listen to the news, we are cleaning up parts of Iraq and the people are starting to tell us where the bad guys are.”

I was hearing this exact same thing three years ago.
Your out to lunch alright!

it seems to me..

This is proof that Bush Haters don't know the enemy from a hole in the ground...
I think this is hugely indicative of why the U.S. is facing such a crisis when it comes to our government. Basically, these good-hearted people are saying - "I believe him because he says so." A representative republic is doomed to failure with this type of mentality because it means that we will continue to elect the representatives who say what we want to hear, without verifying if they actually do what they say they are going to do.

I say frequently on this board that I think most Americans are lazy when it comes to our government. After a day of worrying about our jobs, our families, our financial situations, our futures...most people don't want to sit in front of their computers and talk politics, read various blogs and news sources, they want to sit in front of their computers and play games or look at Brittney Spear's crotch. They don't want to read a paper, they want to read People magazine...they don't want to watch the news - they want to watch people pretending to be pirates cooking or dancing or singing for millions of dollars.

Until we realized that in addition to our responsibilities to our families, jobs, bank accounts, and futures...we also must consider our responsibility to our nation...we are going to continue to see people who can't identify their state representatives, the Speaker of the House, the Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, etc....but who answer poll questions and vote in elections - essentially on "the word" of whoever was given the first 10 minutes of the news before tomorrow's weather.
I think this is hugely indicative of why the U.S. is facing such a crisis when it comes to our government. Basically, these good-hearted people are saying - "I believe him because he says so." A representative republic is doomed to failure with this type of mentality because it means that we will continue to elect the representatives who say what we want to hear, without verifying if they actually do what they say they are going to do.

I say frequently on this board that I think most Americans are lazy when it comes to our government. After a day of worrying about our jobs, our families, our financial situations, our futures...most people don't want to sit in front of their computers and talk politics, read various blogs and news sources, they want to sit in front of their computers and play games or look at Brittney Spear's crotch. They don't want to read a paper, they want to read People magazine...they don't want to watch the news - they want to watch people pretending to be pirates cooking or dancing or singing for millions of dollars.

Until we realized that in addition to our responsibilities to our families, jobs, bank accounts, and futures...we also must consider our responsibility to our nation...we are going to continue to see people who can't identify their state representatives, the Speaker of the House, the Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, etc....but who answer poll questions and vote in elections - essentially on "the word" of whoever was given the first 10 minutes of the news before tomorrow's weather.

The Americans you are describing are called Liberals...
I think this is hugely indicative of why the U.S. is facing such a crisis when it comes to our government. Basically, these good-hearted people are saying - "I believe him because he says so." A representative republic is doomed to failure with this type of mentality because it means that we will continue to elect the representatives who say what we want to hear, without verifying if they actually do what they say they are going to do.

I say frequently on this board that I think most Americans are lazy when it comes to our government. After a day of worrying about our jobs, our families, our financial situations, our futures...most people don't want to sit in front of their computers and talk politics, read various blogs and news sources, they want to sit in front of their computers and play games or look at Brittney Spear's crotch. They don't want to read a paper, they want to read People magazine...they don't want to watch the news - they want to watch people pretending to be pirates cooking or dancing or singing for millions of dollars.

Until we realized that in addition to our responsibilities to our families, jobs, bank accounts, and futures...we also must consider our responsibility to our nation...we are going to continue to see people who can't identify their state representatives, the Speaker of the House, the Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, etc....but who answer poll questions and vote in elections - essentially on "the word" of whoever was given the first 10 minutes of the news before tomorrow's weather.

Good post Gem....
The Americans I am describing are Liberals.

And Conservatives.

And Libertarians, Anarchists, Green Party followers, Religious Nuts, Hippies, Gun-Toting Rednecks, Environment Obsessed Hybrid Drivers, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

Many Americans (in my more cynical moods, I would say MOST Americans) have no idea who most of the people currently in government are and what they say they stand for (let alone what they really stand for).

They look for the person who is most loudly saying what they think they believe...whether its "Fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here." or "The world has a fever!" and follows it blindly.
The Americans I am describing are Liberals.

And Conservatives.

And Libertarians, Anarchists, Green Party followers, Religious Nuts, Hippies, Gun-Toting Rednecks, Environment Obsessed Hybrid Drivers, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

Many Americans (in my more cynical moods, I would say MOST Americans) have no idea who most of the people currently in government are and what they say they stand for (let alone what they really stand for).

They look for the person who is most loudly saying what they think they believe...whether its "Fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here." or "The world has a fever!" and follows it blindly.

So your saying the average uninformed American should not have the right vote...
LOL. I won't deny throwing the idea out there after a couple of Smithwicks :eusa_dance:

But no, I would not seriously endorse the notion of a "literacy test" in this country...although I do believe that nothing will spark interest in our right to vote like someone threatening to take it away.

There is a really dumb movie with Debra Messing in it, I'm blanking on the title...but she is dating a man who, during a conversation about her miserable luck with a previous boyfriend, tells her "Every woman has exactly the love life she wants..." and she gets very indignant about it.

I think, in a way, Americans have exactly the political situation in this nation that they want. They may bitch and bitch...but in election after election turnout numbers are simply pathetic....demonstrating that even though we have the power to change things...we really don't want to.
No reason to bash the Dim takeover of Congress .:eusa_naughty: ...shit happens...:rofl:

bounced out of the competition at the local comedy club 'open mike' contest early again this week, I see.

have you considered a career as a mortician?
bounced out of the competition at the local comedy club 'open mike' contest early again this week, I see.

have you considered a career as a mortician?

THey will keep and expand their congressional majority. Grab the presidency too.
The real funnymen, the Democrats.

you're right....and I KNOW it just pisses you off bigtime to realize that the Reagan/Gingrich conservative revolution is all washed up! :rofl:

these must be tough times for republicans, I would imagine
you're right....and I KNOW it just pisses you off bigtime to realize that the Reagan/Gingrich conservative revolution is all washed up! :rofl:

these must be tough times for republicans, I would imagine

Ah, neither Gingrich or Reagan were my 'men', but whatever.
you're right....and I KNOW it just pisses you off bigtime to realize that the Reagan/Gingrich conservative revolution is all washed up! :rofl:

these must be tough times for republicans, I would imagine

You really are going to shit yourself when you lose the presidential election....AGAIN!

The democratic lineup is a laugh...

Hillary and Obama?

no chance!
You really are going to shit yourself when you lose the presidential election....AGAIN!

The democratic lineup is a laugh...

Hillary and Obama?

no chance!

the opinions of a pyscho are always fun to read, albeit irrelevant.

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