Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

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What is the origin of the Roman Catholic Church?​


"The Devil," says my cousin the preacher. He is crazy, too.
Catholicisms own encyclopedia says-The apostolic Fathers knew nothing of a trinity God.))))) It was created at the councils of the great apostasy 2Thess 2:3) = Catholicism. So no Catholicism was not the religion Jesus began. The religion he began served the Abrahamic God= a single being God=YHVH(Jehovah) just like Israel did from Moses on up.

prove it.

I have read a lot of what the Church Fathers have to say and have NEVER encountered what you claim here...

which totally figures

THe JWs are a man made religion and not true Christianity.

Even most Protestants would say so
There is no church that goes back to the days of Jesus Christ than did not fall away into a state of apostasy.

You make Jesus a liar, then

He said

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."

(Mt 16:18)
no protestant here

has said which is the first Church....


So.. was it the Baptists?

was it t he Methodists?


Well, in a way, Christians have always been evangelical... meaning they spread the Gospel.. but the modern day Evangelicals cannot trace their Protestant religion back further than the "reformation" of the heretic Luther--FORMALLY excommunicated from the True Church (around 1521)
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12
The Coptic church dates to 42 AD.
Catholicisms own encyclopedia says-The apostolic Fathers knew nothing of a trinity God.))))) It was created at the councils of the great apostasy 2Thess 2:3) = Catholicism. So no Catholicism was not the religion Jesus began. The religion he began served the Abrahamic God= a single being God=YHVH(Jehovah) just like Israel did from Moses on up.
Abraham was visited by I AM. Jesus said it was Himself.
kjw is WRONG. I've been Catholic all my life and never heard of what he is saying

which, after being on this Religion board for some time... is hardly surprising :rolleyes:
Yes, he is wrong. He's blinded by watchtower propaganda. He doesn't have the Holy Spirit to open the Scriptures for him.
prove it.

I have read a lot of what the Church Fathers have to say and have NEVER encountered what you claim here...

which totally figures

THe JWs are a man made religion and not true Christianity.

Even most Protestants would say so
hundreds of trinity religions= a house divided, they will not stand. hundreds of different truths= a mass of confusion-they fail this true mark( 1 Cor 1:10) 100%=unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.

So you are telling me the darkness doesn't agree with the one religion that accomplishes 1 Cor 1:10
hundreds of trinity religions= a house divided, they will not stand. hundreds of different truths= a mass of confusion-they fail this true mark( 1 Cor 1:10) 100%=unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.

So you are telling me the darkness doesn't agree with the one religion that accomplishes 1 Cor 1:10
Don't blame me for the confusion

Blame Luther, from whom all false (but allegedly Christian) religions came
hundreds of trinity religions= a house divided, they will not stand. hundreds of different truths= a mass of confusion-they fail this true mark( 1 Cor 1:10) 100%=unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.

So you are telling me the darkness doesn't agree with the one religion that accomplishes 1 Cor 1:10
No, not hundreds of different truths. The Church believes Jesus is God. We all believe that and that's the most important thing.
No, not hundreds of different truths. The Church believes Jesus is God. We all believe that and that's the most important thing.
That's how you knowthe JWs are false

Theydon't belive the CLEAR scrptures that say Jesus is God


there is eternal punishment for unrepentant sinners

Case closed in my POV
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12
Every person who proclaims Christ as Lord and risen from the dead is grafted to the same tree. The name on the church door is meaningless. IOW, God is not going to give a flying rat's patoot what membership you had in what group when you stand before Him. "But I'm a Catholic" = totally meaningless.
There is no i am that i am in the Hebrew written OT. I will be what i will be that statement translates to.
The key is that Yeshua took the same title for Himself. God doesn't like it very much when those who are not him do that.
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"To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant", and just as easily any religion, for that matter.

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