Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

The original Church would of necessity HAVE to go back to the Beginning, to the time of the Ascension. Only the Catholic Church can be traced back that far.

The early Church fathers spoke of Eucharist

the Real Presence

Confession to a priest

and other Catholic terms

way back then..............
Exactly. Christ's church existed long before anyone got the idea to call it the Catholic Church, and exists today in all Christian denominations.
JWs have a different bible

I know this for a fact.

So one has to be careful which Bible one has
Yes Catholicism=2Thess 2:3 by satans will removed Gods personal name and replaced it with titles they had no right. Gods will was to have his name in his bible because he wants it there.
That is undeniable fact. You are being mislead by these-2Thess 2:3
Yes out of LOVE and RESPECT for Gods will, the JW translators put his name back where he willed it. Condemned by the religions of darkness using the altered translations(Gods name removed) in support of satans will over Gods will- satan accomplishes that like this-2 Cor 11:12-15
And Yeshua LOWERED Himself to become a man first, then God gave Him back what He already had.

John 17:

5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.
He was with Jehovah before the world was created. All angels were created way before the universe was.
He was with Jehovah before the world was created. All angels were created way before the universe was.
He created everything that was created. C'mon, you know this. It doesn't say everything except Himself, it says EVERYTHING that was created.
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12
I can answer that.
That would be the Sabbath Keeping Church of God. The organization you worship is the one founded by Simon Magus (Simon the Sorcerer) after Peter rebuked him and threw him out of the Church.

Exactly. Christ's church existed long before anyone got the idea to call it the Catholic Church, and exists today in all Christian denominations.

the true delineation began w/ judaism, a false self serving personification the 1st century repudiated -

for the immediate paradisian, golden rule granted a&e, religion of antiquity - jesus.

the 4th century christian bible does not repudiate judaism but instead encourages the self service delineation of abraham ... is not to say the golden rule does not yet permeate the fabric of religious people.
Exactly. Christ's church existed long before anyone got the idea to call it the Catholic Church, and exists today in all Christian denominations.
because YOU say so?

sorry... I only go with reliable sources (like those who fully understand Christian Church history, which would not be... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:you)
I can answer that.
That would be the Sabbath Keeping Church of God. The organization you worship is the one founded by Simon Magus (Simon the Sorcerer) after Peter rebuked him and threw him out of the Church.
That's the lie you've been told

How do I know it's a lie?

I, as opposed to you and other anti-Catholics, KNOW the history of the Christian religion... I was going to say you don't know it well, but you don't know it AT ALL, to speak of. Otherwise, you would know at least a fraction of what I know about the Catholic Church. However, NO antiCatholic I've ever met does.

I didn't know such abysmal ignorance existed... until I came to this section of the forum. It's beyond unbelievable.
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12
The christian bible was written between 50 and 120 CE by around a dozen people.
Therefore the church could not have existed until at least 50 CE.
The christian bible was written between 50 and 120 CE by around a dozen people.
Therefore the church could not have existed until at least 50 CE.

I'm not going to argue this kind of thing anymore. You can research just as well as I could (and do).
That's the lie you've been told

How do I know it's a lie?

I, as opposed to you and other anti-Catholics, KNOW the history of the Christian religion... I was going to say you don't know it well, but you don't know it AT ALL, to speak of. Otherwise, you would know at least a fraction of what I know about the Catholic Church. However, NO antiCatholic I've ever met does.

I didn't know such abysmal ignorance existed... until I came to this section of the forum. It's beyond unbelievable.
"Come out of her, My People"
because YOU say so?

sorry... I only go with reliable sources (like those who fully understand Christian Church history, which would not be... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:you)
Do you seriously maintain that there are NO Christians who do not attend Catholic services? Seriously? Have you talked to God about that?
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12

Too funny. You truly are brain washed.
why do you bother speaking to me?

I've done my research and anything that disagrees with the truth and history I have discovered is WRONG... which is not to say that the Catholic Church doesn't have big problems. If anyone here reads my past posts they will find out what the REAL problems are, as only Catholics know!

But anyhow, you don't listen so I am going to scroll on by now...


"I've done my research and anything that disagrees with the truth and history I have discovered is WRONG.."

There ya go. A thing is only true if misery believes it. He's started his own little Cult.
About Simon Magus-the First Pope

THE FALSE religious system began very early -- almost with Pentecost in 31 A.D. Even in the earliest of Paul’s epistles, he informs us that "the mystery of iniquity DOTH ALREADY WORK" (II Thess. 2:7). Paul wrote this in 50 or 51 AD The plot to supplant the Truth had already begun. In the later epistles of Paul and in those of the other Apostles, we find it gaining considerable momentum. However, even though the Apostles discuss the diabolical system which was arising, THEY NOWHERE MENTION HOW IT STARTED. They had no need in mentioning its beginning -- that had already been done!

no protestant here

has said which is the first Church....


So.. was it the Baptists?

was it t he Methodists?


Well, in a way, Christians have always been evangelical... meaning they spread the Gospel.. but the modern day Evangelicals cannot trace their Protestant religion back further than the "reformation" of the heretic Luther--FORMALLY excommunicated from the True Church (around 1521)

You make me pity you for your self imposed delusions.

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