Proud Boy on house arrest in Jan. 6 case disappears ahead of sentencing

If he did that--and not just "parading"--then yes, it's criminal.

I will invoke "no one is above the law" when all the George Floyd protesters get equal treatment, and not one minute before. Until then, we live a the Banana Republic Formerly Known as the USA

And a lot of us know this.
You know that hundreds of BLM rioters were arrested, charged, and con-victed, right?
He was just cutting in line. Most people gain entrance into the Capitol by way of bribes or corruption, and sometimes it even takes 50 years.

Besides, cops like pepper spray because it's spicy. I even spray some of it on my enchiladas sometimes.
Lying again, I see.
The George Floyd protestors have been arrested too.

That is just the federal charges and convictions. But it doesn’t sound as awful if you say the “Patriots” were treated the same as everyone else. But it does sound awful if you say nobody was arrested for Floyd.

Right after January 6 the complaints were running the other way.

Some 14,000 arrests nationally for the BLM/Floyd riots. And a mere 52, at that time, arrests for January 6.
How can they maintain their persecution complex when you post facts like that?
Persecuted. That word brings with it a flavor of unfair treatment. Of being targeted for some reason.

The problem is that you can’t really demonstrate why it is unfair. The penalties being imposed on the people after a guilty verdict is exactly what the law says they are supposed to get.

Most of the laws were written by Conservatives. You guys wrote the laws. You were the ones demanding that we get tough on crime. Apparently you meant to get tough on crime for them, not us.
They don’t mean get tough on THEIR guys, that is why they are whining…
Yes!! Go get those terrible people who disagree with you---and....and---PUT THEM IN JAIL!!!
Since when is it ok to “disagree” by assaulting police, injuring over 150, breaking vertebra, severe concussions, pepper and bear spray…spreading feces on the Capitol walls…?

I really would like where you get your ethics from because THIS guy was one of the idiots involved in the violent “assault” you call “disagreement”.

And please don’t go on about …but…BLM ANTIFA….blah blah blah…those involved in arson, setting fire to police vehicles, assault…got pretty stiff sentences for “disagreeing”, as they should. I’m not not seeing anyone hear whining about persecution.
Yes!! Go get those terrible people who disagree with you---and....and---PUT THEM IN JAIL!!!
You call this disagreeing? I assume then you will also support the Floyd rioters since they were just “disagreeing”?

But he questioned the results of the 2020 election and protested over it, how rude.

Only Democrats are supposed to be able to do that.
Only Republicans think assaulting police and ransacking the capitol is “disagreeing”.

So much for law and order fakery.
Run Rabbit run!
I guess he'll have him some fun..before he spends the rest of his life in prison.
This is particularly stupid in that the jail in DC had been sanctioned by the judge for delaying treatment for his broken hand. His release on his OR was in recognition of this. He may well have gotten some play at sentencing....but now, it just won't matter.

Authorities are searching for a member of the Proud Boys extremist group who disappeared days before his sentencing in a U.S. Capitol riot case, where prosecutors are seeking more than a decade in prison, according to a warrant made public Friday.
Christopher Worrell, 52, of Naples, Florida, was supposed to be sentenced Friday after being found guilty of spraying pepper spray gel on police officers, as part of the mob storming the Capitol as Congress was certifying Joe Biden’s presidential victory on Jan. 6, 2021. Prosecutors had asked a judge to sentence him to 14 years.
The sentencing was canceled and a bench warrant for his arrest issued under seal on Tuesday, according to court records. The U.S. attorney’s office for Washington, D.C., encouraged the public to share any information about his whereabouts.

Worrell had been on house arrest in Florida since his release from jail in Washington in November 2021, less than a month after a judge substantiated his civil-rights complaints about his treatment in the jail.
The court may overlook his absconding if he shows up, but I doubt the judge will be lenient concerning a sentencing reduction.
Since when is it ok to “disagree” by assaulting police, injuring over 150, breaking vertebra, severe concussions, pepper and bear spray…spreading feces on the Capitol walls…?

I really would like where you get your ethics from because THIS guy was one of the idiots involved in the violent “assault” you call “disagreement”.

And please don’t go on about …but…BLM ANTIFA….blah blah blah…those involved in arson, setting fire to police vehicles, assault…got pretty stiff sentences for “disagreeing”, as they should. I’m not not seeing anyone hear whining about persecution.

Just for one example:

That poop story comes from an unnamed informant who works for CHUCK SCHUMER

Pull my other leg
Only Republicans think assaulting police and ransacking the capitol is “disagreeing”.

So much for law and order fakery.

Imagine being an American and holding such reverence for the building our shoddy, corrupt politicians do their dirty work.

Lord have mercy, could never be me.
Imagine being an American and holding such reverence for the building our shoddy, corrupt politicians do their dirty work.

Lord have mercy, could never be me.

You get to vote for your Representatives. I don’t get to decide if they should or should not be Congressmen. I don’t get that say. The people who elected Marjorie Tyler Green as one example. I’d never cast a ballot for her. Just as I wouldn’t vote for AOC, or Pelosi, or any other of the extremist representatives.

But that disagreement doesn’t give me the right to attack your Representative physically or even plan to make such an attack. Your Rep is your representative.
You get to vote for your Representatives. I don’t get to decide if they should or should not be Congressmen. I don’t get that say. The people who elected Marjorie Tyler Green as one example. I’d never cast a ballot for her. Just as I wouldn’t vote for AOC, or Pelosi, or any other of the extremist representatives.

But that disagreement doesn’t give me the right to attack your Representative physically or even plan to make such an attack. Your Rep is your representative.

I do not condone attacking anyone. That's first.

Second, over-exaggerating a mob situation for your own political ends is not without price. And that's exactly what's happening here. A LOT of exaggeration, almost to the point of being comical.

And we should never, ever, and I mean EVER revere our government institutions. We should keep an eye on them. That's where tyranny lies.

PS It just struck me that I now have to tell LIBERALS this...not to be govt bootlickers. Honest to Pete
Christopher John Worrell has failed to appear at his Sentencing Hearing. He was convicted of his role in the January 6 Attack on the Capital during a Bench Trial. For those who don’t know, a Bench Trial is where you decide that the Judge knows more about the Law than the Jury, and you can explain to him why you are innocent. By Waiving the right to a Jury Trial, you can throw yourself on the mercy or wisdom of the Judge.

Christopher John Worrell, a Convicted Criminal, was due to be sentenced, and was on House Arrest awaiting his sentencing. It seems that Mr. Worrell did not appear in court at the time he was supposed to. The Judge did what is always done in such cases, and issued a Bench Warrant for his arrest.

The FBI has a Wanted Poster up.

Now, assuming this fellow is found, he will likely face additional charges for fleeing from the law.

It shouldn’t be hard to find him. He’s probably hiding with family, they usually do, or with his Proud Boy buddies.

View attachment 816576

I don’t know which discount website he got that vest from, but it wasn’t sized to a fellow as big as him. It looks like the Paramilitary version of a Micro Thong. For that to do you some good, the guy shooting at you has to have exceptional aim to hit something that small.Sor

Anyway, if you see this Patriot, or whatever, you are supposed to call the Cops and let them know you are looking at a blithering idiot named Christopher Worrell who has a warrant out for his arrest.

If he is taking the Hollywood thing of They’ll Never take me alive! Well they usually get taken alive.
Looks like a bib for baby huey.
Just for one example:

That poop story comes from an unnamed informant who works for CHUCK SCHUMER

Pull my other leg
Multiple sources, including the janitorisl staff.

And the rest? Just expressing “disagreement”?

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