Psaki: ‘Unfair and Absurd’ To Say Companies Would Raise Prices in Response to Tax Increases

Why we can’t have Republicans lead the country

They have no clue about how economics works
Since BOTH parties have done nothing but increase the debt it's pretty safe to say neither of our corrupt political parties understand economics
Congratulations and good for you, but you're one of millions. I grew up poor after my father died when I was eleven, and while I didn't retire a multi-millionaire, I'm happy and quite comfortable with where I ended up in my retirement.

In 1980, when Ronald Reagan was elected, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty. Thanks to Republican economic policies, today, a child born into poverty has a 2% chance of doing what you accomplished. If you had grown up in the 80's, you'd still be working for slave wages, and/or paying off college debt.
Hardly rare in America for people to go from being poor to being upper class. About 10% of our Presidents were raised poor. Palin and Cuomo were lower class. Dr Carson was poor. Jessie Jackson poor. Justice Thomas, poor.

It’s a very long list. God Bless America.
No they really didn’t. Why is it you’re too stupid to follow what happened in the last few years. Trump lowered taxes and fees, unemployment drops to as close to zero as possible. Highest employment numbers in history. Yet you think raising the taxes and fees is somehow going to get the same result?
Success to democrats is keeping as many people as possible unemployed.
You post a link from and claim you have facts. Laughable and sad at the same time.

Board of Directors​

John Podesta, Chair
Stacey Abrams
Julián Castro
Steve Daetz
Sen. Tom Daschle
Patrick Gaspard
Andrew Hauptman
Eric Mindich
Kristin Mugford
Donald Sussman
Hansjörg Wyss

Shit, they have a "Build Back Better" tab on their homepage. :auiqs.jpg:

Be sure to include the record employment figures for minorities under Trump.
You lose again Skippy

Why we can’t have Republicans lead the country

They have no clue about how economics works

Much more so than the commies. How do we get the economy going? Increase the cost of fuel by 30% or more. People love paying more for gasoline. Winter is right around the corner. Do you know what it's going to cost manufacturing to heat their factories with additional natural gas prices?
Conversely, if a company could charge higher prices, they already would.

You fail to take into consideration competition from companies outside the US that have lower corporate taxes and labor. If taxes go up for US companies, in order to continue being profitable, they will need to either cut labor, slow down investing, raise prices above their competition or go out of business.

It is more than a little absurd that Biden is proposing a corporate tax that will put US companies well behind that of our global competition. There is no way to spin that into a positive.
Hard to believe the chart from my neck of the woods, food prices rose all of last year, up here!!!

It's from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I don't know what you want.

When you choke off the labor market, businesses need to increase wages to attract what's left out there to get work done. Prices go up. We all pay more for everything. Every time we print a dollar it weakens that dollar. You need more dollars to buy the same products since they are worth less. Now they want to print another 3.5 trillion for Democrat pork?

The good news is Dementia greatly increased food stamp handouts. That will get people working again. :eusa_shhh:
No, taxes do not create jobs

An expanded market for your goods or services will create jobs
If you could sell more product, you already would

So your idea is to give people money to spend to increase demand? Brilliant except that these people aren’t going work, decreasing supply.
It's from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I don't know what you want.

When you choke off the labor market, businesses need to increase wages to attract what's left out there to get work done. Prices go up. We all pay more for everything. Every time we print a dollar it weakens that dollar. You need more dollars to buy the same products since they are worth less. Now they want to print another 3.5 trillion for Democrat pork?

The good news is Dementia greatly increased food stamp handouts. That will get people working again. :eusa_shhh:
No, they don't want to print more money for it....they want to pay for it, through taxation.
No, they don't want to print more money for it....they want to pay for it, through taxation.

The Republicans ran the numbers and there is no possible way to pay for it through taxation unless they want to send the country into a depression. Every since the Democrats took over the House, every bill is laced with hundreds off billions in Democrat pork. This can't go on without having negative impacts like massive inflation.

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