Psaki: ‘Unfair and Absurd’ To Say Companies Would Raise Prices in Response to Tax Increases

The Republicans ran the numbers and there is no possible way to pay for it through taxation unless they want to send the country into a depression. Every since the Democrats took over the House, every bill is laced with hundreds off billions in Democrat pork. This can't go on without having negative impacts like massive inflation.
First, they are trying to get it down, to $2.3 trillion as we speak, and second the $2.3 trillion is the cost for it over TEN YEARS. That's $230 billion a year..... Closing tax loop holes for the billionaires paying ZERO in federal income taxes, and some of the other tax hikes ain't gonna kill our economy or businesses....the benefits out weight the taxes.
First, they are trying to get it down, to $2.3 trillion as we speak, and second the $2.3 trillion is the cost for it over TEN YEARS. That's $230 billion a year..... Closing tax loop holes for the billionaires paying ZERO in federal income taxes, and some of the other tax hikes ain't gonna kill our economy or businesses....the benefits out weight the taxes.

It may not kill businesses but it may make them move. The businesses that don't have that option will simply pass the loss to us consumers like they always have, and we'll end up paying them. It's bad enough we will be paying for the much higher fuel costs businesses will have to endure this winter. If they do pass any multi-trillion dollar bill, watch what happens to inflation after it does get passed.
Did they lower the price of goods when their taxes were reduced by 40% -45% in their last mega corporate tax cut?


So why would the price of goods go up, with a 10% - 20% tax hike??? :dunno:
A corporation pays dividends on stock to their investors. During just the 4 years of the Trump administration, my investments doubled in value.
True, demand is a key component. It wouldn't work for all businesses...especially those with no existing future, for lack of consumer demand.
what would be ideal is;
If corporations took a tax cut savings, and reduced their wholesale prices with the savings, demand would increase with a lower wholesale and retail price for consumers, which in turn... Increases the manufacture's demand, growth.

But that's not what the corporations did....
They invested the savings from the reduced saving back in their company.
Taxes are business expenses just like anything else.

All money used to pay taxes comes from the sale of good and/or services. Consumers pay it.

The filthy Democrats deny things like this for one or both of these reasons:

1. They are lying

2. They are ignorant and don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
Taxes are business expenses just like anything else.

All money used to pay taxes comes from the sale of good and/or services. Consumers pay it.

The filthy Democrats deny things like this for one or both of these reasons:

1. They are lying

2. They are ignorant and don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

The sheep get their information from their leaders and that's why they say that BS. Their wealth envy followers actually believe that when you tax business, the big guy has to dig deeper in his pocket and pay, so they support their leaders when they talk about increased taxation on the wealthy. If they knew anything about how business works and come to the realization that they will ultimately end up paying for all these new taxes, of course they wouldn't support it.

Taking advantage of the ignorant is how Democrats came to power. Why change a winning strategy?
It’s not the govt. There aren’t enough workers or truck drivers to maintain 24 hr operations.
Just another reason why you unbearable twats need to get vaxxed.
Why do truck drivers need to be vaccinated? They stay in the trucks alone about 99% of the time. My son was a long haul trucker, and then moved containers out of the port of Seattle. He had to quit because the company wanted him to drive overweight trucks at his peril!
Psaki isn't lying. You are. But that's typical for you. I did find this. They funded the Steele Dossier:

"From October 2015 to May 2016, the Washington Free Beacon hired Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on “multiple candidates” during the 2016 presidential election, including Donald Trump. The Free Beacon stopped funding this research when Donald Trump had clinched the Republican nomination."

If prices go up or down depending on the tax rate, why didn't prices go down when the government cut taxes in 2017? Since prices didn't go down when Trump cut taxes, why would they go up if taxes are raised by 5%. Trump cut taxes by 12%. The proposed tax increase still gives corporations 7% of the Trump tax cut, so there is no need to raise prices if a portion of that tax cut is clawed back.

This is just more Republican fear tactics. See thread on "Why do Republicans lie". Keeping money out of the hands of working people is a goal of Republicans everywhere, so of course they're lying about this.
So that's why Hillary's law firm attorney was indicted?
The sheep get their information from their leaders and that's why they say that BS. Their wealth envy followers actually believe that when you tax business, the big guy has to dig deeper in his pocket and pay, so they support their leaders when they talk about increased taxation on the wealthy. If they knew anything about how business works and come to the realization that they will ultimately end up paying for all these new taxes, of course they wouldn't support it.

Taking advantage of the ignorant is how Democrats came to power. Why change a winning strategy?

These stupid greedy Left Wing Moon Bats think that if taxes are raised on businesses then the money just comes out out profits. They have no idea of real world economic forces. That is why their beloved socialism always fails.
Why do truck drivers need to be vaccinated? They stay in the trucks alone about 99% of the time. My son was a long haul trucker, and then moved containers out of the port of Seattle. He had to quit because the company wanted him to drive overweight trucks at his peril!
Didn’t say they did. Although they should as should everyone. Your son’s problems are due to shortage of drivers no doubt. People are apprehensive to work as long as the Covid threat remains at a high level. Getting everyone vaxxed would alleviate the number of cases and the threat to workers who interact with others regularly. It’s a pretty simple solution but people’s resistance to the vaccine is worsening our problems. The anti vaccine rhetoric is dangerous in ways the users of it don’t fully appreciate yet.
Idiot left wingers have this misperception that corporations should be altruistic.

That is not how it works.

The left wing communist cuck asshole faggots who voted for Biden are fascists. Literally, by definition.

They must read about Mussolini and jerk off.

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