Psaki: ‘Unfair and Absurd’ To Say Companies Would Raise Prices in Response to Tax Increases

What workers saw it? We, sure as heck, didn't... same with most Americans....raises weren't any higher than they would have been without Corps getting this colossal tax cut.

The advances in pay that working Americans have seen comes from the States increasing their minimum wage.

Before we were attacked with this virus, the US had over a million more jobs than people who could do them. That created a labor shortage causing companies to offer more money to attract the available workers, so wages did go up thanks to Trump and yes, those evil tax cuts.

Before we were attacked with this virus, the US had over a million more jobs than people who could do them. That created a labor shortage causing companies to offer more money to attract the available workers, so wages did go up thanks to Trump and yes, those evil tax cuts.

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Don't confuse that one with facts. It hurts her tiny brain.
The advances in pay that working Americans have seen comes from the States increasing their minimum wage.
Advances in pay come as a result of an employee improving or adding to their skill set. An employee that stagnates and performs the same menial job, year after year has added nothing to the process and does not deserve a raise simply because they show up every day. Entry level jobs are just that. If you want more money, become more valuable.
Advances in pay come as a result of an employee improving or adding to their skill set. An employee that stagnates and performs the same menial job, year after year has added nothing to the process and does not deserve a raise simply because they show up every day. Entry level jobs are just that. If you want more money, become more valuable.

Some people (particularly on the left) believe that people open up businesses as a social obligation; to provide good paying jobs and benefits. There is no truth to that. People open or maintain a business to produce profits for products and services sold.

Although it hasn't affected me, as a landlord I'm disturbed by the idea that we cannot evict tenants that don't pay rent simply because we are living with covid. WTF does covid have to do with it when there are plenty of jobs around? Yet leftist government believes that I became a landlord for the same reason others have businesses, and that is to provide to others even at my own demise. I didn't become a landlord and work this place half my adult life for that reason.
So according to the enlightened if you raise corporate taxes it will not necessarily be passed on to the consumer, interesting. Here’s a little reality check, if earning decline due to taxes not being passed on to the consumer which translates into net income declining how long will the stock price of said company trade at its current value? Who would invest in a company with declining net income growth, ROI ? I guess one can argue EBITDA will fill the gap until someone realizes post tax earnings are in decline, then poof! bye bye valuation, dividends to investors, labor force cut backs, and serious thought toward relocation offshore. Isn’t it interesting that history never repeats itself and how politicians that possess little or no basic understanding of generally accepted account practices, finance, and economics are elected in the first place? These are the people you elected, really? As a former member and auditor of the congressional budget office once explained to me if tax payers demanded generally accepted accounting principles be applied to the federal government the true expense of fiscal legislation would bring the house of cards crashing down and Americans don’t have the strength to be kicked in the gut.
Wages for 98 percent of people have always been really really trash. Lets all admit that fact.
Cut their taxes and they just keep the money

Conversely, if a company could charge higher prices, they already would.
The market will decide

Higher taxes are on profit not operating expenses
all taxes put on businesses are passed on to the people that use those businesses 90 percent of what you pay at a store goes to cover taxes
all taxes put on businesses are passed on to the people that use those businesses 90 percent of what you pay at a store goes to cover taxes

Do you realize that 90 percent of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot?
Advances in pay come as a result of an employee improving or adding to their skill set. An employee that stagnates and performs the same menial job, year after year has added nothing to the process and does not deserve a raise simply because they show up every day. Entry level jobs are just that. If you want more money, become more valuable.
That's a whole nuther topic than what I was responding to....

Yes, raises on merit from increased productivity or responsibility.... But there are also cost of living raises, which all govt employees get, plus merit raises when earned and deserved.

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