public school teacher calls white people problemattic and says start a riot


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
There needs to be a better, more effective procedure for removing these problematic leftists from their jobs when it is found that they are using said non-political jobs to advocate for political causes. People like this teacher is a horrible garbage person who is in the wrong line of work.
Why is it that every one of these loons are butt-ugly? I wonder if there is a correlation?
I have often wondered about this too. Sometimes it seems like they try to make themselves look ugly. Just take Linda Sanchez and her stupid purple hair. She was no looker to begin with, and her personality sucks. Then she goes and dyes part of her hair purple, I guess to show solidarity with all the other garbage people.

Another crazy left wing racist communist who needs to be committed. A very sick person. Home teach your kids.
Should parents flip a coin to see who's going to quit their job to stay home and play teacher?
She should be fired immediately.

Oh so we aren't allowed to have personal beliefs anymore? I hate all of you people that hate freedom of speech and freedom of thought. It is a government run school. Freedom of speech is required to be protected by governments in the United States. Hell no. Don't fire teachers for inspiring thought and discussion. Fuck that. I think the teachers I disagree with have just as much right to an opinion as the ones I agree with. Have you ever been in a class room? There are lots of informal discussions that take place that isn't teaching per se. There is nothing irresponsible or illegal about a teacher having an opinion. You are sick and disgusting. It almost makes me want to become a Democrat. There are so many retarded Republicans that make an one time conversation in a classroom into a propaganda conspiracy indoctrination training program. Holy shit. You guys are nuts. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Republican. People will think I am retarded too. Fuck your unAmerican bull shit.
Imagine if a teacher said Blacks, Gays, Latinos, Jews, Muslims or Asians are THE PROBLEM? I don’t care if she is white making these comments.

Her self loathing, guilt and hatred are her problems. The fact that she is doing it on taxpayer dime is a community problem. The Clark County, Nevada taxpayers are being cheated. Not only is she creating division, she is doing nothing to help middle schoolers think and communicate critically.

She is not doing her job and needs to be terminated.
Oh so we aren't allowed to have personal beliefs anymore? I hate all of you people that hate freedom of speech and freedom of thought. It is a government run school. Freedom of speech is required to be protected by governments in the United States. Hell no. Don't fire teachers for inspiring thought and discussion. Fuck that. I think the teachers I disagree with have just as much right to an opinion as the ones I agree with. Have you ever been in a class room? There are lots of informal discussions that take place that isn't teaching per se. There is nothing irresponsible or illegal about a teacher having an opinion. You are sick and disgusting. It almost makes me want to become a Democrat. There are so many retarded Republicans that make an one time conversation in a classroom into a propaganda conspiracy indoctrination training program. Holy shit. You guys are nuts. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Republican. People will think I am retarded too.
If it helps any, I think you are retarded even though you claim to be Republican.

Her sort of blatant subversive indoctrination of other people's children has absolutely no place in school.
Oh so we aren't allowed to have personal beliefs anymore? I hate all of you people that hate freedom of speech and freedom of thought. It is a government run school. Freedom of speech is required to be protected by governments in the United States. Hell no. Don't fire teachers for inspiring thought and discussion. Fuck that. I think the teachers I disagree with have just as much right to an opinion as the ones I agree with. Have you ever been in a class room? There are lots of informal discussions that take place that isn't teaching per se. There is nothing irresponsible or illegal about a teacher having an opinion. You are sick and disgusting. It almost makes me want to become a Democrat. There are so many retarded Republicans that make an one time conversation in a classroom into a propaganda conspiracy indoctrination training program. Holy shit. You guys are nuts. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Republican. People will think I am retarded too. Fuck your unAmerican bull shit.
Free speech rights does not allow you to politically indoctrinate children or otherwise use your position to act as an advocate. I think you know this and are being a dick. Or, you are fucking retarded.
Oh so we aren't allowed to have personal beliefs anymore? I hate all of you people that hate freedom of speech and freedom of thought. It is a government run school. Freedom of speech is required to be protected by governments in the United States. Hell no. Don't fire teachers for inspiring thought and discussion. Fuck that. I think the teachers I disagree with have just as much right to an opinion as the ones I agree with. Have you ever been in a class room? There are lots of informal discussions that take place that isn't teaching per se. There is nothing irresponsible or illegal about a teacher having an opinion. You are sick and disgusting. It almost makes me want to become a Democrat. There are so many retarded Republicans that make an one time conversation in a classroom into a propaganda conspiracy indoctrination training program. Holy shit. You guys are nuts. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Republican. People will think I am retarded too. Fuck your unAmerican bull shit.
Bullshit. This isn’t about a teacher not being allowed to express an opinion or inspiring thought and discussion. There is a way to frame a topic and have voices FROM ALL ANGLES weigh in and teach them how to debate civilly. How, why, and where did this teacher do that? All she did was make declarations.
If it helps any, I think you are retarded even though you claim to be Republican.

Her sort of blatant subversive indoctrination of other people's children has absolutely no place in school.
you tell the hate monger.
Bullshit. This isn’t about a teacher not being allowed to express an opinion or inspiring thought and discussion. There is a way to frame a topic and have voices FROM ALL ANGLES weigh in and teach them how to debate civilly. How, why, and where did this teacher do that? All she did was make declarations.
correct. political hating beliefs don't belong in school. kids are not learning anything in school anymore except walking out of class and rioting anyway. time to home teach.
Imagine if a teacher said Blacks, Gays, Latinos, Jews, Muslims or Asians are THE PROBLEM? I don’t care if she is white making these comments.

Her self loathing, guilt and hatred are her problems. The fact that she is doing it on taxpayer dime is a community problem. The Clark County, Nevada taxpayers are being cheated. Not only is she creating division, she is doing nothing to help middle schoolers think and communicate critically.

She is not doing her job and needs to be terminated.
what she did is not part of teaching period.
There needs to be a better, more effective procedure for removing these problematic leftists from their jobs when it is found that they are using said non-political jobs to advocate for political causes. People like this teacher is a horrible garbage person who is in the wrong line of work.
the schools are full of them

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