Pulitzer Prize Journalist:The Osama binLaden raid was a work of fiction, Hussein Obama should resign

Should Obama stand trial for this heinous crime?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 14 58.3%

  • Total voters
This thread does indeed belong in the conspiracy theories forum.

How so?
There is only one response to that: :lmao:

Maybe you need to look up the word conspiracy.

NBC backs Hersh. So where is the conspiracy theory?

And by the way this journalist's credentials are impeccable.

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh s claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief Daily Mail Online

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh's claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief
  • American broadcaster NBC has backed parts of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh's controversial claims
This thread does indeed belong in the conspiracy theories forum.

How so?
There is only one response to that: :lmao:

Maybe you need to look up the word conspiracy.

NBC backs Hersh. So where is the conspiracy theory?

And by the way this journalist's credentials are impeccable.

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh s claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief Daily Mail Online

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh's claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief
  • American broadcaster NBC has backed parts of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh's controversial claims

NBC does not back Hersch. You are lying again.
The amount of ignored content here is immense. The Obamabots must be in full force on this thread.

No. Quite the opposite. You have bought into an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory, hook, line and sinker.

Now look, you have every right to be as stupid as you want to be. In fact, I fight for your right to be this way.

But Hirsch's story is already completely falling apart and in a number of weeks, I am pretty sure you will regret having started this thread, because I plan to throw it up in your face every single day.

Righties are so unbelievably butthurt, they will grab at even the semblance of a straw to scream "impeachment".

It would almost be funny, were it not in reality so very, very sad.
Never fails, when a lib is flummoxed they start screaming BBbbbuuuuutttttttt Booooooosh!!!!!!!!! Everytime

Let me refresh your memory, many members of the Bush Administration spoke out after Bin Laden was killed about how it was made possible because of the information they gleaned by torturing suspects. This story, if true, destroys them as well.

The story is not true.

NBC begs to differ with you.

No they don't. You are talking about the walk in informant. That only kills the RW theory that torture led to the intel. Idiot.

Oh a tad more than just the walk in fool.:lol: Really truly a tad more.

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh s claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief Daily Mail Online

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh's claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief

No. That is not what it says.

It says that the walk-in informant who claimed to know OBL's whereabouts was a Pakistani. It did not list the year in which said "informant" gave that information.

See how that works?
Obama is a gangster from Chicago and everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

Osama's killing by Obama is another of his lies.


You're a scum sucking, lyin idiot.

Prove it.

Prove bin Laden is still alive.

Prove our military and Seal Team Six lied.


Who said that Bin Laden is still alive?


Can't you even read? Aren't you wearing your reading glasses ??

Why do you always throw this hissy fits??? Relax will you!!

I said that Obama is a gangster from Chicago and that everything that comes out of his communist mouth is a lie!

You wrote:

"Osama's killing by Obama is another of his lies."

Prove our military, our Seal Team Six and our president lied.


you can stick your link where the sun never shines.

now go and throw another tantrum!


In other words, she doesn't care about facts....like a true Fauxbot....she'll believe whatever goes against Obama. Typical comatose conservative.
Hersh, either aware of how hungry conservatives are for anything they can latch on to go against Obama, started working on this piece of made up bullshit, or he has suffered the same type of lobotomy that has afflicted the majority of conservatives.

He'll make his millions because I'm sure every conservative will go out and buy the book, actually several of them to pass on to everyone they know....:eek:

but the facts are, his story is not even credible. But, blood thirsty conservatives are so willing to lap it up....:rofl:soon enough this story will end up in the same bin as Benghazi, having run out of steam and credence.

Hersh's story is amazing to read, alleging a vast American-Pakistani conspiracy to stage the raid and even to fake high-level diplomatic incidents as a sort of cover. But his allegations are largely supported only by two sources, neither of whom has direct knowledge of what happened, both of whom are retired, and one of whom is anonymous. The story is riven with internal contradictions and inconsistencies.

The story simply does not hold up to scrutiny — and, sadly, is in line with Hersh's recent turn away from the investigative reporting that made him famous into unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

But more recently, his reports have become less and less credible. He's claimed that much of the US special forces is controlled by secret members of Opus Dei, that the US military flew Iranian terrorists to Nevada for training, and that the 2013 chemical weapons attack in Syria was a "false flag" staged by the government of Turkey. Those reports have had little proof and, rather than being borne out by subsequent investigations, have been either unsubstantiated or outright debunked. A close reading of Hersh's bin Laden story suggests it is likely to suffer the same fate.

Hersh produces no supporting documents or proof, nor is the authority of either source established. We are given no reason to believe that either Durrani or the "knowledgeable official" would have even second- or thirdhand knowledge of what occurred, yet their word is treated as gospel. His other two sources are anonymous "consultants" who are vaguely described as insiders.

In recent years, however, Hersh has appeared increasingly to have gone off the rails. His stories, often alleging vast and shadowy conspiracies, have made startling — and often internally inconsistent — accusations, based on little or no proof beyond a handful of anonymous "officials."

The many problems with Seymour Hersh s Osama bin Laden conspiracy theory - Vox
I'm not going to wade through this thread, but I'm curious:

Is there doubt that the guy is dead?

None. He might have been dead prior to the raid.

Did Hersch say that? Did Hersch say that Bin Laden was dead before the raid?
Go away. You have zero credibility on this thread any more.

You just said that Bin Laden may have been dead prior to the raid. Where did you get that idea? It wasn't from Hersch.....the guy you trust because he's got a Pulitzer. Whose asshole did you pull that from?
Where's the number, jack off?
Should be charged with first-degree homocide for the various murders of US citizens abroad. Terrorists or not, they had US citizenship, and targetting American citizens for death via military equipment seems like breach of several US laws like Posse Commitatus, murder, violation of civil rights, etc.
I don't know about others but I'm damn sick of RWs accusing our military, including Seal Team Six, of lying.

would you lie if ordered to by your lie master.., B. Hussein ???

that is what i am guessing happened, the biggest lie of all is from that illegal alien Kenyan muslime mulatto sitting his lying ass in the WH. :up:

I don't know about others but I'm damn sick of RWs accusing our military, including Seal Team Six, of lying.

would you lie if ordered to by your lie master.., B. Hussein ???

that is what i am guessing happened, the biggest lie of all is from that illegal alien Kenyan muslime mulatto sitting his lying ass in the WH. :up:


You really have a lot of hate, don't you? Yeah, everyone in the military is going to lie for Obama.....wonder why they are so afraid of him and you're not?:cuckoo:
I don't know about others but I'm damn sick of RWs accusing our military, including Seal Team Six, of lying.

would you lie if ordered to by your lie master.., B. Hussein ???

that is what i am guessing happened, the biggest lie of all is from that illegal alien Kenyan muslime mulatto sitting his lying ass in the WH. :up:


Would you lie for national security's sake?
I don't know about others but I'm damn sick of RWs accusing our military, including Seal Team Six, of lying.

would you lie if ordered to by your lie master.., B. Hussein ???

that is what i am guessing happened, the biggest lie of all is from that illegal alien Kenyan muslime mulatto sitting his lying ass in the WH. :up:


Would you lie for national security's sake?

define in your own words national security..,betcha can not !
I don't know about others but I'm damn sick of RWs accusing our military, including Seal Team Six, of lying.

would you lie if ordered to by your lie master.., B. Hussein ???

that is what i am guessing happened, the biggest lie of all is from that illegal alien Kenyan muslime mulatto sitting his lying ass in the WH. :up:


You really have a lot of hate, don't you? Yeah, everyone in the military is going to lie for Obama.....wonder why they are so afraid of him and you're not?:cuckoo:

could you be any more stupid.., i am guessing YES !! name anyone who said "everyone".

who are you, dumb or dumber ? :lmao:
The amount of ignored content here is immense. The Obamabots must be in full force on this thread.

No. Quite the opposite. You have bought into an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory, hook, line and sinker.

Now look, you have every right to be as stupid as you want to be. In fact, I fight for your right to be this way.

But Hirsch's story is already completely falling apart and in a number of weeks, I am pretty sure you will regret having started this thread, because I plan to throw it up in your face every single day.

Righties are so unbelievably butthurt, they will grab at even the semblance of a straw to scream "impeachment".

It would almost be funny, were it not in reality so very, very sad.

If it wasn't for our similar tastes and talents in music, I'd have you ignored bro. lol Show me articles of equal caliber discrediting his claims.
That moment you watch Right Wingers think they are correct and start blasting Left wingers about the very same mistakes Right Wingers made.

Watching Big Gov. pat your backs is fun to watch. Just know in this scenario, Big Gov is Lockheed Martin and the like. We can't just not have war. No profits there.

There is absolute documentation that we trained Osama Bin Laden to do what he did and others. Why ignore that America?

I love how dense Corporate Huggers are.

Hey AntiParty I know this is going to shock you, but I agree with everything you just said. I"m not r right-winger! LOL

And honestly, you're name should be "Left Party" not "Anti Party" since all you ever do is defend the left the religious fervor.

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