Pulitzer Prize Journalist:The Osama binLaden raid was a work of fiction, Hussein Obama should resign

Should Obama stand trial for this heinous crime?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 14 58.3%

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i really do wish you leftard liberliar traitors would get the hell out of my country, the one i defended for 25 years.

how many of you liberliar demofools have lifted one finger in defending MY country ??

Bwahahahaha...."your country"?

My father, grandfather, one of my sons all fought for this country.....and now you claim it is yours? Get real.....rw'ers are trying to destroy it with their whack-a-doodle ideas....go pound some sand.
i really do wish you leftard liberliar traitors would get the hell out of my country, the one i defended for 25 years.

how many of you liberliar demofools have lifted one finger in defending MY country ??

Bwahahahaha...."your country"?

My father, grandfather, one of my sons all fought for this country.....and now you claim it is yours? Get real.....rw'ers are trying to destroy it with their whack-a-doodle ideas....go pound some sand.
His country has been tried before. It was called Dark Ages Europe.
I don't know about others but I'm damn sick of RWs accusing our military, including Seal Team Six, of lying.

would you lie if ordered to by your lie master.., B. Hussein ???

that is what i am guessing happened, the biggest lie of all is from that illegal alien Kenyan muslime mulatto sitting his lying ass in the WH. :up:


You really have a lot of hate, don't you? Yeah, everyone in the military is going to lie for Obama.....wonder why they are so afraid of him and you're not?:cuckoo:

could you be any more stupid.., i am guessing YES !! name anyone who said "everyone".

who are you, dumb or dumber ? :lmao:

Oh, so you're claiming the Navy seals who were brave enough to get their asses in to get OBL are too afraid to stand up against a lie (a fabricated one by rw'ers)...that just shows that you are the stupid one.......such a lie would have to be backed up by many in the military as the seals didn't just go in on their own....boy, you are dense.
After exposing the widespread torture, by same reporter, did anyone in the Bush administration resign?

Speaking of torture, doesn't this also expose the previous administrations lies about how the torture of certain individuals led to the whereabouts of BinnyBoy?

And your point is?

Let me guess......Obama benefited from it....or.......we wouldn't have killed him without it......or......Obama found out where he was through "use of torture techniques" and because he found out his location he worked out an under the table deal to take him out with the Pakistanis' blessing.....or he found out where he was and invaded one of our allies' sovereignty to kill him?

Take your pick.

I tend to think Obama never willingly does anything without the game being rigged beforehand. Historically this is his usual m.o.
The amount of ignored content here is immense. The Obamabots must be in full force on this thread.

No. Quite the opposite. You have bought into an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory, hook, line and sinker.

Now look, you have every right to be as stupid as you want to be. In fact, I fight for your right to be this way.

But Hirsch's story is already completely falling apart and in a number of weeks, I am pretty sure you will regret having started this thread, because I plan to throw it up in your face every single day.

Righties are so unbelievably butthurt, they will grab at even the semblance of a straw to scream "impeachment".

It would almost be funny, were it not in reality so very, very sad.

If it wasn't for our similar tastes and talents in music, I'd have you ignored bro. lol Show me articles of equal caliber discrediting his claims.

I posted one....I guess you have selective reading.

The many problems with Seymour Hersh s Osama bin Laden conspiracy theory - Vox
i really do wish you leftard liberliar traitors would get the hell out of my country, the one i defended for 25 years.

how many of you liberliar demofools have lifted one finger in defending MY country ??

Bwahahahaha...."your country"?

My father, grandfather, one of my sons all fought for this country.....and now you claim it is yours? Get real.....rw'ers are trying to destroy it with their whack-a-doodle ideas....go pound some sand.
And which ideas are those?
Or are you just talking out of your ass again?
And which ideas are those?
Or are you just talking out of your ass again?

How about this very OP you are posting in, idiot? Not to mention that whack-a-doodle story that Obama is taking over Texas and also instigated the protests in Ferguson....geez, have you been asleep or is this your normal comatose state?

How does Hersh’s version of the Bin Laden raid compare to beliefs espoused about the same incident by the truly committed conspiracy theorists atInfoWars, the web’s leading outlet of 9/11 trutherism and other paranoias? Is Hersh, who not too long ago was published in the New Yorker, really moving into the territory of charismatically insane Texas-based radio host and InfoWars founder Alex Jones—who believes, among other things, that Obama provoked civil unrest in Ferguson so he could ultimately establish a dictatorship?
Seymour Hersh s Bin Laden story How does it match up with the conspiracy theories on Infowars
Just a continuation of the 9/11 fairy tale. It's all a lie. But no one cares. Most Americans really are just fat and blissfully ignorant. Just give em their reality tv, porn, sports, Walmart, and some freebies. Keep em fat and happy. Big Brother knows his subjects well.
And which ideas are those?
Or are you just talking out of your ass again?

How about this very OP you are posting in, idiot? Not to mention that whack-a-doodle story that Obama is taking over Texas and also instigated the protests in Ferguson....geez, have you been asleep or is this your normal comatose state?

How does Hersh’s version of the Bin Laden raid compare to beliefs espoused about the same incident by the truly committed conspiracy theorists atInfoWars, the web’s leading outlet of 9/11 trutherism and other paranoias? Is Hersh, who not too long ago was published in the New Yorker, really moving into the territory of charismatically insane Texas-based radio host and InfoWars founder Alex Jones—who believes, among other things, that Obama provoked civil unrest in Ferguson so he could ultimately establish a dictatorship?
Seymour Hersh s Bin Laden story How does it match up with the conspiracy theories on Infowars
Texas and Ferguson have nothing to do with this thread.

Try again.
This thread does indeed belong in the conspiracy theories forum.

How so?
There is only one response to that: :lmao:

Maybe you need to look up the word conspiracy.

NBC backs Hersh. So where is the conspiracy theory?

And by the way this journalist's credentials are impeccable.

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh s claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief Daily Mail Online

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh's claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief
  • American broadcaster NBC has backed parts of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh's controversial claims

NBC does not back Hersch. You are lying again.

Fuck you. I've put up the links that have NBC backing parts of Hersh's claims.

On the other hand you have given no proof of your bloviating claim that NBC DOESN'T back parts of Hersh's claim.

Put up or shut the fuck up asswipe.
Big Brother and his Corporate Media are lying. But does anyone really care? Very few do. Most Americans are too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching their porn/sports, and gobbling up their cheap Chinese-made shite at Walmart, to give a rat's balls. Most will go on blissfully believing anything Big Brother and his Corporate Media tell em. That's the sad truth. And it is very sad.

You're a scum sucking, lyin idiot.

Prove it.

Prove bin Laden is still alive.

Prove our military and Seal Team Six lied.


Who said that Bin Laden is still alive?


Can't you even read? Aren't you wearing your reading glasses ??

Why do you always throw this hissy fits??? Relax will you!!

I said that Obama is a gangster from Chicago and that everything that comes out of his communist mouth is a lie!

You wrote:

"Osama's killing by Obama is another of his lies."

Prove our military, our Seal Team Six and our president lied.


you can stick your link where the sun never shines.

now go and throw another tantrum!


In other words, she doesn't care about facts....like a true Fauxbot....she'll believe whatever goes against Obama. Typical comatose conservative.

Hey shit for brains. I don't have television. My sources are foreign press for the most part like the BBC, CBC, France24, Der Spiegel and Al Jazeera.

So you can fuck right off.

Now that we've got the fuck right off part out of the way, why don't you start putting up articles with links negating the links I've put up stating that NBC backs parts of the claims by Hersh.

Hersh is an outstanding reporter. If you don't know his track record before you lay into anything he puts out there, you're a bloody fool.

"Both the New York Times and NBC News are backing up parts of the recent story by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh that accuses President Barack Obama of lying about the killing of Osama bin Laden.

The key assertion of the Hersh piece, published in the London Review of Books, claims that the Pakistani government knew the whereabouts of the world’s most wanted terrorist. The White House strongly deniedthe story as filled with “inaccuracies and baseless assertions.”

However, a New York Times correspondent Carlotta Gall wrote in a first person account that some of Hersh’s reporting checks out [emphasis added]:

Among other things, Hersh contends that the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, Pakistan’s military-intelligence agency, held Bin Laden prisoner in the Abbottabad compound since 2006, and that “the C.I.A. did not learn of Bin Laden’s whereabouts by tracking his couriers, as the White House has claimed since May 2011, but from a former senior Pakistani intelligence officer who betrayed the secret in return for much of the $25 million reward offered by the U.S.”

On this count, my own reporting tracks with Hersh’s. Beginning in 2001, I spent nearly 12 years covering Pakistan and Afghanistan for The Times. (In his article, Hersh cites an article I wrote for The Times Magazine last year, an excerpt from a book drawn from this reporting.) The story of the Pakistani informer was circulating in the rumor mill within days of the Abbottabad raid, but at the time, no one could or would corroborate the claim. Such is the difficulty of reporting on covert operations and intelligence matters; there are no official documents to draw on, few officials who will talk and few ways to check the details they give you when they do.

Two years later, when I was researching my book, I learned from a high-level member of the Pakistani intelligence service that the ISI had been hiding Bin Laden and ran a desk specifically to handle him as an intelligence asset. After the book came out, I learned more: that it was indeed a Pakistani Army brigadier — all the senior officers of the ISI are in the military — who told the C.I.A. where Bin Laden was hiding, and that Bin Laden was living there with the knowledge and protection of the ISI.

Separately, NBC News reported that sources confirmed to them that Pakistani intelligence officials were aware of bin Laden’s whereabouts [emphasis added]:

The NBC News sources that confirm that a former Pakistani military intelligence official became a U.S. intelligence asset include a special operations officer and a CIA officer who had served in Pakistan. These two sources and a third source, a very senior former U.S. intelligence official, also say that elements of the ISI were aware of bin Laden’s presence in Abbottabad. The former official was emphatic about the ISI’s awareness, saying twice, “They knew.”

Another top official acknowledged to NBC News that the U.S. government had long harbored “deep suspicions” that ISI and al Qaeda were “cooperating.” And a book by former acting CIA director Mike Morrell that will be published tomorrow says that U.S. officials could not dismiss the possibility of such cooperation.

None of the sources characterized how high up in ISI the knowledge might have gone. Said one former senior official, “We were suspicious that someone inside ISI … knew where bin Laden was, but we did not have intelligence about specific individuals having specific knowledge.”

The NBC story includes an editor’s note that said:

This story has been updated since it was first published. The original version of this story said that a Pakistani asset told the U.S. where bin Laden was hiding. Sources say that while the asset provided information vital to the hunt for bin Laden, he was not the source of his whereabouts."
Oh and now a writer for the New York Times NOT A FOX NEWS PERSON is backing part of Hersh's story as well.

Look you fucking left wing wankers, you can blindly follow Obama's lies all you want but it's really not worth your post count to try to turn your dear leader into the Second Coming of Christ.

Obama quite simply put is the Liar in Chief.

"And Carlotta Gall, a New York Times correspondent based in Afghanistan, writes today in the Times that she too encountered evidence to support one claim made by Hersh—that Pakistan had been hiding bin Laden in Abbottabad all along:"

"Two years later, when I was researching my book, I learned from a high-level member of the Pakistani intelligence service that the ISI had been hiding Bin Laden and ran a desk specifically to handle him as an intelligence asset.

After the book came out, I learned more: that it was indeed a Pakistani Army brigadier — all the senior officers of the ISI are in the military — who told the C.I.A. where Bin Laden was hiding, and that Bin Laden was living there with the knowledge and protection of the ISI.

I trusted my source — I did not speak with him, and his information came to me through a friend, but he was high enough in the intelligence apparatus to know what he was talking about. I was confident the information was true, but I held off publishing it.

It was going to be extremely 10,356-worddifficult to corroborate in the United States, not least because the informant was presumably in witness protection."

New York Times and NBC Reporters Back Portions of Osama bin Laden Story
This thread does indeed belong in the conspiracy theories forum.

How so?
There is only one response to that: :lmao:

Maybe you need to look up the word conspiracy.

NBC backs Hersh. So where is the conspiracy theory?

And by the way this journalist's credentials are impeccable.

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh s claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief Daily Mail Online

NBC investigation claims Obama knew where bin Laden was ONE YEAR before 2011 raid and backs Seymour Hersh's claim Pakistan intelligence hid al-Qaeda chief
  • American broadcaster NBC has backed parts of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh's controversial claims

NBC does not back Hersch. You are lying again.

Fuck you. I've put up the links that have NBC backing parts of Hersh's claims.

On the other hand you have given no proof of your bloviating claim that NBC DOESN'T back parts of Hersh's claim.

Put up or shut the fuck up asswipe.

NBC backed the walk-in informant claim. That's it. They have not backed any of the shit that you are buying about the Obama administration lying about the raid.

You are a dummy.....so yiu can easily be fooled. Check on that condition.
What lie did Obama tell regarding the raid and killing of Bin Laden?

Did the seals go in with an invitation from the Pakistani government? Did they cut Bin Laden into pieces and toss his body parts out of the heliocopter?

If you believe Hersh.....that is what you believe. Can you grasp how stupid you are if you believe that?
They wrapped him up in fine linen, gave him an honorable Muslim sendoff, and then gently rolled him off a navy ship.

Ha, people really believe that fairy tale Bullshit? Seriously, WTF's wrong with Americans?
They wrapped him up in fine linen, gave him an honorable Muslim sendoff, and then gently rolled him off a navy ship.

Ha, people really believe that fairy tale Bullshit? Seriously, WTF's wrong with Americans?

While singing Anchors Away.......

It appears we have to believe the White House version because as we all have been told, Obama never ever lies.



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