Punishment For Global Warming Deniers: Death - Prison - Fines - Shunning?

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Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Here's a dark secret about the earth's changing climate that many scientists believe, but few seem eager to discuss: It's too late to stop global warming.

Punishment For Global Warming Deniers: Death - Prison - Fines - Shunning?

Most of the bastards are Americans, but what should we do with them in a few years when we all finally get it? I'd support going after on the web who have pushed the shit. It's criminal :mad:

But the cold fact is no matter what Europe and the United States and other "developed" nations do, it's not going to curb global climate change, according to one scientist who was once highly skeptical of the entire issue of global warming.

"Call me a converted skeptic," physicist Richard A. Muller says in an op-ed piece published in the New York Times last July.

Muller's latest book, "Energy for Future Presidents," attempts to poke holes in nearly everything we've been told about energy and climate change, except the fact that "humans are almost entirely the cause" of global warming.

Those of us who live in the "developed" world initiated it. Those who live in the "developing" world will sustain it as they strive for a standard of living equal to ours.

"As far as global warming is concerned, the developed world is becoming irrelevant," Muller insists in his book. We could set an example by curbing our emissions, and thus claim in the future that "it wasn't our fault," but about the only thing that could stop it would be a complete economic collapse in China and the rest of the world's developing countries.

It May Be Too Late to Stop Global Warming - ABC News
Here's a dark secret about the earth's changing climate that many scientists believe, but few seem eager to discuss: It's too late to stop global warming.

Punishment For Global Warming Deniers: Death - Prison - Fines - Shunning?

Most of the bastards are Americans, but what should we do with them in a few years when we all finally get it? I'd support going after on the web who have pushed the shit. It's criminal :mad:

But the cold fact is no matter what Europe and the United States and other "developed" nations do, it's not going to curb global climate change, according to one scientist who was once highly skeptical of the entire issue of global warming.

"Call me a converted skeptic," physicist Richard A. Muller says in an op-ed piece published in the New York Times last July.

Muller's latest book, "Energy for Future Presidents," attempts to poke holes in nearly everything we've been told about energy and climate change, except the fact that "humans are almost entirely the cause" of global warming.

Those of us who live in the "developed" world initiated it. Those who live in the "developing" world will sustain it as they strive for a standard of living equal to ours.

"As far as global warming is concerned, the developed world is becoming irrelevant," Muller insists in his book. We could set an example by curbing our emissions, and thus claim in the future that "it wasn't our fault," but about the only thing that could stop it would be a complete economic collapse in China and the rest of the world's developing countries.

It May Be Too Late to Stop Global Warming - ABC News

Punishment for global warming/climate change scam artists:

Hurricane Sandy
Here's a dark secret about the earth's changing climate that many scientists believe, but few seem eager to discuss: It's too late to stop global warming.

Punishment For Global Warming Deniers: Death - Prison - Fines - Shunning?

Most of the bastards are Americans, but what should we do with them in a few years when we all finally get it? I'd support going after on the web who have pushed the shit. It's criminal :mad:

But the cold fact is no matter what Europe and the United States and other "developed" nations do, it's not going to curb global climate change, according to one scientist who was once highly skeptical of the entire issue of global warming.

"Call me a converted skeptic," physicist Richard A. Muller says in an op-ed piece published in the New York Times last July.

Muller's latest book, "Energy for Future Presidents," attempts to poke holes in nearly everything we've been told about energy and climate change, except the fact that "humans are almost entirely the cause" of global warming.

Those of us who live in the "developed" world initiated it. Those who live in the "developing" world will sustain it as they strive for a standard of living equal to ours.

"As far as global warming is concerned, the developed world is becoming irrelevant," Muller insists in his book. We could set an example by curbing our emissions, and thus claim in the future that "it wasn't our fault," but about the only thing that could stop it would be a complete economic collapse in China and the rest of the world's developing countries.

It May Be Too Late to Stop Global Warming - ABC News

Just think if we had Punished all those fools who said the Scientists were full of shit when they claimed back in the 70's that we were heading for another Ice age.

Man, People that think like you really scare the hell out of me. You are the Classic Authoritarian Lefty. Every Bit as dangerous, and despicable as your counter parts on the right.
Here's a dark secret about the earth's changing climate that many scientists believe, but few seem eager to discuss: It's too late to stop global warming.

Punishment For Global Warming Deniers: Death - Prison - Fines - Shunning?

Most of the bastards are Americans, but what should we do with them in a few years when we all finally get it? I'd support going after on the web who have pushed the shit. It's criminal :mad:

But the cold fact is no matter what Europe and the United States and other "developed" nations do, it's not going to curb global climate change, according to one scientist who was once highly skeptical of the entire issue of global warming.

"Call me a converted skeptic," physicist Richard A. Muller says in an op-ed piece published in the New York Times last July.

Muller's latest book, "Energy for Future Presidents," attempts to poke holes in nearly everything we've been told about energy and climate change, except the fact that "humans are almost entirely the cause" of global warming.

Those of us who live in the "developed" world initiated it. Those who live in the "developing" world will sustain it as they strive for a standard of living equal to ours.

"As far as global warming is concerned, the developed world is becoming irrelevant," Muller insists in his book. We could set an example by curbing our emissions, and thus claim in the future that "it wasn't our fault," but about the only thing that could stop it would be a complete economic collapse in China and the rest of the world's developing countries.

It May Be Too Late to Stop Global Warming - ABC News

Just think if we had Punished all those fools who said the Scientists were full of shit when they claimed back in the 70's that we were heading for another Ice age.

Man, People that think like you really scare the hell out of me. You are the Classic Authoritarian Lefty. Every Bit as dangerous, and despicable as your counter parts on the right.

Today it is not a few scientists, it is the scientific community. You're actually conflating a scientific fad with right wing myth.

Climate myths: They predicted global cooling in the 1970s - environment - 16 May 2007 - New Scientist

At least, a handful of scientific papers discussed the possibility of a new ice age at some point in the future, leading to some pretty sensational media coverage (see Histories: The ice age that never was).

Update: A survey of the scientific literature has found that between 1965 and 1979, 44 scientific papers predicted warming, 20 were neutral and just 7 predicted cooling. So while predictions of cooling got more media attention, the majority of scientists were predicting warming even then.

What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?

I can't believe how many myths are pushed here at USMB


Further reading

The Myth of the 1970's Global Cooling Scientific Consensus, published by the American Meteorological Society.

Was an imminent Ice Age predicted in the '70's? by William Connelly documents all the scientific literature in the 70's on global cooling.

Past Cycles: Ice Age Speculations by Spencer Weart (part of the History of Global Warming series) documents the development of ice age science.

Logical Science goes to the trouble of purchasing the 1975 National Academy of Sciences report to see what the NAS had to say about global cooling in the 70's.

James Hansen responds to the claims that "Hansen predicted an ice age in the 70's", explaining the role of his computer program used in Rasool's paper.

Check out this New York Times article from 1956 that discusses a forecasted increase in global temperatures as emissions from burning fossil fuels increase atmospheric CO2. Thanks to George Morrison for the heads up.

Robert Brulle at the Wonk Room looks at a range of New York Times articles on climate science in the late 60's and early 70's.

The 1979 report from the National Academy of Sciences, "Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment" finds "when it is assumed that the CO2 content of the atmosphere is doubled and statistical thermal equilibrium is achieved, the more realistic of the modeling efforts predict a global surface warming of between 2°C and 3.5°C, with greater increases at high latitudes."
Here's a dark secret about the earth's changing climate that many scientists believe, but few seem eager to discuss: It's too late to stop global warming.

Punishment For Global Warming Deniers: Death - Prison - Fines - Shunning?

Most of the bastards are Americans, but what should we do with them in a few years when we all finally get it? I'd support going after on the web who have pushed the shit. It's criminal :mad:

But the cold fact is no matter what Europe and the United States and other "developed" nations do, it's not going to curb global climate change, according to one scientist who was once highly skeptical of the entire issue of global warming.

"Call me a converted skeptic," physicist Richard A. Muller says in an op-ed piece published in the New York Times last July.

Muller's latest book, "Energy for Future Presidents," attempts to poke holes in nearly everything we've been told about energy and climate change, except the fact that "humans are almost entirely the cause" of global warming.

Those of us who live in the "developed" world initiated it. Those who live in the "developing" world will sustain it as they strive for a standard of living equal to ours.

"As far as global warming is concerned, the developed world is becoming irrelevant," Muller insists in his book. We could set an example by curbing our emissions, and thus claim in the future that "it wasn't our fault," but about the only thing that could stop it would be a complete economic collapse in China and the rest of the world's developing countries.

It May Be Too Late to Stop Global Warming - ABC News

Especially when like the led companies and tobacco companies, they knew they were lying.

Utilities Knew About Climate Change Back In 1968 And Still Battled The Science | HuffPost

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