Push-Back Against Gender Identity Politics.

Transgender athletes continue to make it near-impossible for biological women to succeed in their own sports.

  1. Some biological women are considered trans & forced to live "as" men against their will.
  2. The impact of transgender individuals on professional sports or the success of straight "cis" women is negligible.
  3. You are making sport of targeted individuals who experience hate & murder at many, many times the rate of the more privileged women you purport to protect so aggressively from such a small minority.
About darn time.

The Left, the Bolshevik-lite, is on a jihad against traditional values and attitudes.

This is the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Democrats/Liberals infesting government and the judiciary:
If they 'identify' as a different sex, boys can shower with your 14-year-old daughter.

The attitude is simple one step closer to this sort of thing:

"After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
The Abolition of the Family

Of course, who can forget this peek into the Left's intentions:
Apr 11, 2008 - "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion ...."

Well, we can't have that.

But there is hope:

"Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn’t Want A Man In The Locker Room

A Michigan appeals court has ruled in favor of a woman who sued Planet Fitness over its cancellation of her membership because she took issue with its gender identity policies. According to media reports, the ruling sent the case back to a lower court because Planet Fitness did not appropriately disclose to the woman and other gym members that men would be allowed in the female locker room.

Via the Detroit Free Press:

Yvette Cormier, who was 48 at the time of the incident, sued Planet Fitness in March 2015 for invasion of privacy, sexual harassment, retaliation, breach of contract and emotional distress.

The appeals court found on Thursday that the gym was at fault for violating the Consumer Protection Act.

Cormier signed a contract with the Midland Planet Fitness when she joined the gym. The contract said she would have access to a private women’s locker room and restroom, according to the court’s opinion. If she had known transgender women would be allowed to use the restroom, she said in her lawsuit, she would not have joined the gym.

Therefore, the court reasoned, because the gym failed to tell her about the policy, they misled her when signing the contract.

Cormier continued to go to the gym after the incident and warned other women at the gym about the policy. The court said it was reasonable for her to continue using the gym because to cancel her membership early would have resulted in extra charges.

This lawsuit is the second legal action regarding Planet Fitness’ policies we’ve recently seen in the news. As we reported, the conservative legal group Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to Planet Fitness on behalf of a woman in Florida who lost her membership for telling other women that men were allowed in the female locker room.

Planet Fitness has long jumped the shark on religious liberty and gender identity issues. Its “Judgment Free Zone” policy clearly doesn’t apply to women who don’t want strange men to be undressing around them. It doesn’t apply to Liberty Counsel’s client, who says she was previously raped and thus undressing around a strange man is a problem.

This hypocrisy is typical of corporations which put left-wing ideology over simply doing business well. “Diversity” only applies if you’re on board with the leftist agitation priority of the day. Otherwise, you’re not welcome, whether it’s at ESPN, Planet Fitness, or CrossFit."
Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn't Want A Man In The Locker Room - 2ndvote
Planet Misfitness
We need to crush the LGBBBQ into dust.

Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.
We need to crush the LGBBBQ into dust.

Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.
Burn in hell, pedophile.
We need to crush the LGBBBQ into dust.

Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.
Burn in hell, pedophile.

Don't act like such a little child when you're leading a damn murder-for-hire lynch mob of war criminals. You are not as innocent as you let on, you little piece of Jeffrey Epstein pro-sports pop-culture entertainment shit.
We need to crush the LGBBBQ into dust.

Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.
Burn in hell, pedophile.

Don't act like such a little child when you're leading a damn murder-for-hire lynch mob of war criminals. You are not as innocent as you let on, you little piece of Jeffrey Epstein pro-sports pop-culture entertainment shit.
We need to crush the LGBBBQ into dust.

Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.
Burn in hell, pedophile.

Don't act like such a little child when you're leading a damn murder-for-hire lynch mob of war criminals. You are not as innocent as you let on, you little piece of Jeffrey Epstein pro-sports pop-culture entertainment shit.
Listen here, faggot. I barely even watch sports and I hate pop culture so much I do not own a television. You're the faggots and tyranny promoter here, homosexual beast.
Transgender athletes continue to make it near-impossible for biological women to succeed in their own sports.

  1. Some biological women are considered trans & forced to live "as" men against their will.
  2. The impact of transgender individuals on professional sports or the success of straight "cis" women is negligible.
  3. You are making sport of targeted individuals who experience hate & murder at many, many times the rate of the more privileged women you purport to protect so aggressively from such a small minority.

1. What the actual fuck are you talking about?
2. Negligible in whose estimation? Yours? I'm guessing you're not any sort of competitive athlete.
3. Shove your "we're VICTIMS, so anything we do or want is okay, and you don't deserve to disagree or protest because VICTIM!" up your butt until such time as your good opinion becomes something people want or even care about. And send your "This is true just because I state that it is" attempts at arguments right along with them.
We need to crush the LGBBBQ into dust.

Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.

Well, at least you're not bright enough to hide your intent to persecute to get your way. Saves a lot of time that you're so honest about your hostile divisiveness.

You should save your rejection of people's friendship until such time as anyone actually WANTS to be your friend, and also stop deluding yourself about where you are on the political spectrum. If you don't like the title that goes with what you say, maybe you should think - for the first time, probably - about what you're saying.
Transgender athletes continue to make it near-impossible for biological women to succeed in their own sports.

  1. Some biological women are considered trans & forced to live "as" men against their will.
  2. The impact of transgender individuals on professional sports or the success of straight "cis" women is negligible.
  3. You are making sport of targeted individuals who experience hate & murder at many, many times the rate of the more privileged women you purport to protect so aggressively from such a small minority.

1. What the actual fuck are you talking about?
2. Negligible in whose estimation? Yours? I'm guessing you're not any sort of competitive athlete.
3. Shove your "we're VICTIMS, so anything we do or want is okay, and you don't deserve to disagree or protest because VICTIM!" up your butt until such time as your good opinion becomes something people want or even care about. And send your "This is true just because I state that it is" attempts at arguments right along with them.
She's a degenerate filth monger claiming to be on the right. Disgusting.
We need to crush the LGBBBQ into dust.

Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.

Well, at least you're not bright enough to hide your intent to persecute to get your way. Saves a lot of time that you're so honest about your hostile divisiveness.

You should save your rejection of people's friendship until such time as anyone actually WANTS to be your friend, and also stop deluding yourself about where you are on the political spectrum. If you don't like the title that goes with what you say, maybe you should think - for the first time, probably - about what you're saying.
I don't even want to meet someone like her.
Transgender athletes continue to make it near-impossible for biological women to succeed in their own sports.

  1. Some biological women are considered trans & forced to live "as" men against their will.
  2. The impact of transgender individuals on professional sports or the success of straight "cis" women is negligible.
  3. You are making sport of targeted individuals who experience hate & murder at many, many times the rate of the more privileged women you purport to protect so aggressively from such a small minority.

Why do you wish these confused individual to hold sway over actual women and girls?

How about they simply be given therapy instead of gold medals?

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

Any questions?
We need to crush the LGBBBQ into dust.

Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.
Burn in hell, pedophile.

Don't act like such a little child when you're leading a damn murder-for-hire lynch mob of war criminals. You are not as innocent as you let on, you little piece of Jeffrey Epstein pro-sports pop-culture entertainment shit.

"You disagree with me!! That makes you a MURDERER. WAR CRIMINAL, whatever bad name I can think to call you because AAAAAUUUUGGGHHH!!!"

Amazing how in three posts you went from "Dumb shit on the Internet who deserves to be spit upon by real people" to "fucking lunatic who deserves to be ignored and forgotten like yesterday's bowel movement."

Transgender athletes continue to make it near-impossible for biological women to succeed in their own sports.

  1. Some biological women are considered trans & forced to live "as" men against their will.
  2. The impact of transgender individuals on professional sports or the success of straight "cis" women is negligible.
  3. You are making sport of targeted individuals who experience hate & murder at many, many times the rate of the more privileged women you purport to protect so aggressively from such a small minority.

Why do you wish these confused individual to hold sway over actual women and girls?

How about they simply be given therapy instead of gold medals?

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

Any questions?
Most sex offenders have a transgender\cross dressing fetish. These people are all suspect.
We need to crush the LGBBBQ into dust.

Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.

Well, at least you're not bright enough to hide your intent to persecute to get your way. Saves a lot of time that you're so honest about your hostile divisiveness.

You should save your rejection of people's friendship until such time as anyone actually WANTS to be your friend, and also stop deluding yourself about where you are on the political spectrum. If you don't like the title that goes with what you say, maybe you should think - for the first time, probably - about what you're saying.
I don't even want to meet someone like her.

Not sure I can produce enough saliva to spit on her to the extent she deserves.
Put it back in your pants & zip it up, dude. Don't expose your vulnerable parts on the Internet.
Don't comment on my genitals, you disgusting sodomite reprobate.

You will be punished for that, my friend. We shall never rest until you are brought to justice for your vicious hate crimes & war crimes.

I have better friends than you and your kind, and no, I am not on the left.
Burn in hell, pedophile.

Don't act like such a little child when you're leading a damn murder-for-hire lynch mob of war criminals. You are not as innocent as you let on, you little piece of Jeffrey Epstein pro-sports pop-culture entertainment shit.

"You disagree with me!! That makes you a MURDERER. WAR CRIMINAL, whatever bad name I can think to call you because AAAAAUUUUGGGHHH!!!"

Amazing how in three posts you went from "Dumb shit on the Internet who deserves to be spit upon by real people" to "fucking lunatic who deserves to be ignored and forgotten like yesterday's bowel movement."

What the hell is she even talking about when she calls people "leaders of war criminals"? I've never been in the military, let alone a war.
About darn time.

The Left, the Bolshevik-lite, is on a jihad against traditional values and attitudes.

This is the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Democrats/Liberals infesting government and the judiciary:
If they 'identify' as a different sex, boys can shower with your 14-year-old daughter.

The attitude is simple one step closer to this sort of thing:

"After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
The Abolition of the Family

Of course, who can forget this peek into the Left's intentions:
Apr 11, 2008 - "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion ...."

Well, we can't have that.

But there is hope:

"Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn’t Want A Man In The Locker Room

A Michigan appeals court has ruled in favor of a woman who sued Planet Fitness over its cancellation of her membership because she took issue with its gender identity policies. According to media reports, the ruling sent the case back to a lower court because Planet Fitness did not appropriately disclose to the woman and other gym members that men would be allowed in the female locker room.

Via the Detroit Free Press:

Yvette Cormier, who was 48 at the time of the incident, sued Planet Fitness in March 2015 for invasion of privacy, sexual harassment, retaliation, breach of contract and emotional distress.

The appeals court found on Thursday that the gym was at fault for violating the Consumer Protection Act.

Cormier signed a contract with the Midland Planet Fitness when she joined the gym. The contract said she would have access to a private women’s locker room and restroom, according to the court’s opinion. If she had known transgender women would be allowed to use the restroom, she said in her lawsuit, she would not have joined the gym.

Therefore, the court reasoned, because the gym failed to tell her about the policy, they misled her when signing the contract.

Cormier continued to go to the gym after the incident and warned other women at the gym about the policy. The court said it was reasonable for her to continue using the gym because to cancel her membership early would have resulted in extra charges.

This lawsuit is the second legal action regarding Planet Fitness’ policies we’ve recently seen in the news. As we reported, the conservative legal group Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to Planet Fitness on behalf of a woman in Florida who lost her membership for telling other women that men were allowed in the female locker room.

Planet Fitness has long jumped the shark on religious liberty and gender identity issues. Its “Judgment Free Zone” policy clearly doesn’t apply to women who don’t want strange men to be undressing around them. It doesn’t apply to Liberty Counsel’s client, who says she was previously raped and thus undressing around a strange man is a problem.

This hypocrisy is typical of corporations which put left-wing ideology over simply doing business well. “Diversity” only applies if you’re on board with the leftist agitation priority of the day. Otherwise, you’re not welcome, whether it’s at ESPN, Planet Fitness, or CrossFit."
Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn't Want A Man In The Locker Room - 2ndvote

I am proud to say that I have always held firm the the TRUTH that homosexuality is a mental disorder and that this transgender, gender fluidity bullshit is all crap, garbage, junk science.

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