Push-Back Against Gender Identity Politics.

The policies supported by Trump are not immoral. The same cannot be said about policies supported by Democrats.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

Not to mention their blatant support for homosexuality, transsexualism,and other forms of extreme sexual immorality and madness. And they're on the verge of adding pedophilia as well. They already support the abusive sexual grooming and manipulation of children in public schools.

Anyone who defends that solid digestive waste is certainly in no position to disparage anyone's morality,

Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.
"Bigoted Boy Scouts Welcome Girls But Still Exclude All 49,247 Other Genders
May 2nd, 2018

IRVING, TX—In a bold move designed to garner praise from the nation’s progressives, the Boy Scouts of America finally admitted girls into their ranks, but were discovered to be hopelessly bigoted upon the revelation that they are still excluding the 49,247 other genders that have been scientifically identified.

The Scouts immediately drew heavy criticism for only allowing one additional gender to join their ranks while ignoring the tens of thousands of other genders who might wish to become a Scout.

“How can they call themselves progressive when they still won’t recognize even basic gender identities like toothpaste and Space Marine?” one progressive leader said in a Huffington Post article slamming the organization for its obvious traditional biases.

“It’s 2018, and a person who identifies as a metronome still can’t join the Boy Scouts. Let that sink in,” she added. “I mean, seriously. Let that kid who thinks he’s a sink join the group for cryin’ out loud.”

The Scouts quickly apologized for their decision and attempted to make things right by introducing a barrage of new social justice-oriented merit badges, including a Woke Badge, a Marginalized Badge, and a Help, Help, I’m Being Repressed Badge."
Bigoted Boy Scouts Welcome Girls But Still Exclude All 49,247 Other Genders
Another step in the right direction:

USA Powerlifting is facing a discrimination complaint in Minnesota over its transgender athlete policy after it said JayCee Cooper, a biological man, couldn’t compete in women’s events. The federation’s president told The Daily Caller it’s prepared to go to court to keep the policy in place, and framed the policy as protecting the federal rights of women.

“At some point, we are going to have to defend the biology and stand on women being a protected class, and it might as well start in Minnesota,” Larry Maile, USA Powerlifting president, told the Caller. The policy is not new, but the federation commissioned a group of experts to find out if it’s backed by science earlier this year, after the dispute with Cooper thrust them into the media spotlight late last year. The results were clear: It’s unfair to allow biological men to compete with women.

The federation allows transgender athletes to compete with their biological sex under the policy, so long as they do not use testosterone. Biological men cannot compete with women under any circumstances, and biological women who use testosterone cannot compete with men or women, because the federation is premised on drug-free competition."
USA Powerlifting Federation Prepares To Defend Transgender Athlete Policy In Court
I simply fail to see how adjusting for the feelings I e 1 is better than the feelings of all others.
I simply fail to see how adjusting for the feelings I e 1 is better than the feelings of all others.
right? I mean, how does another's right, trump any other's right? I still don't get it at all. I supposed some are just like, fk the feelings of everyone else only this dudette thingy here matters in life.
I simply fail to see how adjusting for the feelings I e 1 is better than the feelings of all others.

Covered in Rule #6

Rule #6
Only Liberals have rights
my bad. i keep forgetting that one for some reason.

This is serious!

Who knows which of the others you're forgetting!

Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses not" and "ignorance of law excuses no one" respectively)

....unless you convert....to Liberalism......Heaven forfend!
Here, as a public service, the rules that must be obeyed in contemporary America.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Rule #3
The only limit on liberal insanity in this country is how many issues liberals can get before a court…A lot is at stake for liberals with the court. If they lose a liberal vote, they will be forced t fight political battles through a messy little system know as ‘democracy.’

Rule #4
For Liberals, feeling passes for knowing. Hence, facts, experience, history, reality…..none have any moment.

Rule #5
Liberal government has two purposes: either ban, or mandate. Liberty, individuality, nor difference of opinion have any place in their firmament. That’s the reason for concentration camps.

Rule #6
Only Liberals have rights. Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.

6a. Laws are only applied against the Right/Republicans

Carry them with you at all times.
It is the appropriate response to "Let me see your paperz!!!"
Here, as a public service, the rules that must be obeyed in contemporary America.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Rule #3
The only limit on liberal insanity in this country is how many issues liberals can get before a court…A lot is at stake for liberals with the court. If they lose a liberal vote, they will be forced t fight political battles through a messy little system know as ‘democracy.’

Rule #4
For Liberals, feeling passes for knowing. Hence, facts, experience, history, reality…..none have any moment.

Rule #5
Liberal government has two purposes: either ban, or mandate. Liberty, individuality, nor difference of opinion have any place in their firmament. That’s the reason for concentration camps.

Rule #6
Only Liberals have rights. Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.

6a. Laws are only applied against the Right/Republicans

Carry them with you at all times.
It is the appropriate response to "Let me see your paperz!!!"

I would add that Liberals believe that morality is whatever they say it is relative to what they want, not what is right.
Here, as a public service, the rules that must be obeyed in contemporary America.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Rule #3
The only limit on liberal insanity in this country is how many issues liberals can get before a court…A lot is at stake for liberals with the court. If they lose a liberal vote, they will be forced t fight political battles through a messy little system know as ‘democracy.’

Rule #4
For Liberals, feeling passes for knowing. Hence, facts, experience, history, reality…..none have any moment.

Rule #5
Liberal government has two purposes: either ban, or mandate. Liberty, individuality, nor difference of opinion have any place in their firmament. That’s the reason for concentration camps.

Rule #6
Only Liberals have rights. Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.

6a. Laws are only applied against the Right/Republicans

Carry them with you at all times.
It is the appropriate response to "Let me see your paperz!!!"

I would add that Liberals believe that morality is whatever they say it is relative to what they want, not what is right.

I can tell that you have had a great deal of experience with that particular cult.

Best hopes for a rapid healing!
Another step in the right direction:

USA Powerlifting is facing a discrimination complaint in Minnesota over its transgender athlete policy after it said JayCee Cooper, a biological man, couldn’t compete in women’s events. The federation’s president told The Daily Caller it’s prepared to go to court to keep the policy in place, and framed the policy as protecting the federal rights of women.

“At some point, we are going to have to defend the biology and stand on women being a protected class, and it might as well start in Minnesota,” Larry Maile, USA Powerlifting president, told the Caller. The policy is not new, but the federation commissioned a group of experts to find out if it’s backed by science earlier this year, after the dispute with Cooper thrust them into the media spotlight late last year. The results were clear: It’s unfair to allow biological men to compete with women.

The federation allows transgender athletes to compete with their biological sex under the policy, so long as they do not use testosterone. Biological men cannot compete with women under any circumstances, and biological women who use testosterone cannot compete with men or women, because the federation is premised on drug-free competition."
USA Powerlifting Federation Prepares To Defend Transgender Athlete Policy In Court

I don't even know that I'd consider that "women being a protected class". It's really just a matter of a level competition field, the same way that wrestling and boxing have different weight classes.
How much you want to bet that at the end of the lawsuits, Planet Fitness will still allow transgendered individuals to use the changing room of their chosen gender? Oh sure, the wording in their contract might change, but their policy won't.

The lessons learned by Indiana and North Carolina should tell you that.
The entire point of the lawsuit was to force disclosure not to change their policy.
How much you want to bet that at the end of the lawsuits, Planet Fitness will still allow transgendered individuals to use the changing room of their chosen gender? Oh sure, the wording in their contract might change, but their policy won't.

The lessons learned by Indiana and North Carolina should tell you that.
The entire point of the lawsuit was to force disclosure not to change their policy.

Leftists never seem to get the difference between "voluntary policy" and "government-imposed policy", do they?
Rule #6
Only Liberals have rights. Man walks into women’s showers, accuses concerned naked woman of harassment for questioning his gender.

6a. Laws are only applied against the Right/Republicans

Conservative. Transgender woman.

#1. I don't do Holocaust gas chamber showers.
#2. There's too much of a baby shower going on, and some women have too much space at the expense of others.

Wait....let me get my Rosetta Stone to decipher your post......
Wait....let me get my Rosetta Stone to decipher your post......

The ladies are cutting hair, stabbing out eyes, and making false criminal charges of harassment, rape, etc., and they do that to another woman. Philistines, feminazis, what do you call them? The wild bridesmaids' bachelorette party looking for a human sacrifice.
About darn time.

The Left, the Bolshevik-lite, is on a jihad against traditional values and attitudes.

This is the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Democrats/Liberals infesting government and the judiciary:
If they 'identify' as a different sex, boys can shower with your 14-year-old daughter.

The attitude is simple one step closer to this sort of thing:

"After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
The Abolition of the Family

Of course, who can forget this peek into the Left's intentions:
Apr 11, 2008 - "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion ...."

Well, we can't have that.

But there is hope:

"Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn’t Want A Man In The Locker Room

A Michigan appeals court has ruled in favor of a woman who sued Planet Fitness over its cancellation of her membership because she took issue with its gender identity policies. According to media reports, the ruling sent the case back to a lower court because Planet Fitness did not appropriately disclose to the woman and other gym members that men would be allowed in the female locker room.

Via the Detroit Free Press:

Yvette Cormier, who was 48 at the time of the incident, sued Planet Fitness in March 2015 for invasion of privacy, sexual harassment, retaliation, breach of contract and emotional distress.

The appeals court found on Thursday that the gym was at fault for violating the Consumer Protection Act.

Cormier signed a contract with the Midland Planet Fitness when she joined the gym. The contract said she would have access to a private women’s locker room and restroom, according to the court’s opinion. If she had known transgender women would be allowed to use the restroom, she said in her lawsuit, she would not have joined the gym.

Therefore, the court reasoned, because the gym failed to tell her about the policy, they misled her when signing the contract.

Cormier continued to go to the gym after the incident and warned other women at the gym about the policy. The court said it was reasonable for her to continue using the gym because to cancel her membership early would have resulted in extra charges.

This lawsuit is the second legal action regarding Planet Fitness’ policies we’ve recently seen in the news. As we reported, the conservative legal group Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to Planet Fitness on behalf of a woman in Florida who lost her membership for telling other women that men were allowed in the female locker room.

Planet Fitness has long jumped the shark on religious liberty and gender identity issues. Its “Judgment Free Zone” policy clearly doesn’t apply to women who don’t want strange men to be undressing around them. It doesn’t apply to Liberty Counsel’s client, who says she was previously raped and thus undressing around a strange man is a problem.

This hypocrisy is typical of corporations which put left-wing ideology over simply doing business well. “Diversity” only applies if you’re on board with the leftist agitation priority of the day. Otherwise, you’re not welcome, whether it’s at ESPN, Planet Fitness, or CrossFit."
Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn't Want A Man In The Locker Room - 2ndvote
"Rose McGowan’s Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Maced in a Women’s Bathroom


Rain Dove, a gender fluid model who’s currently dating actress Rose McGowan was maced by a woman in a woman bathroom after being mistaken for a man.
“This person peppersprayed me in a ‘women’s restroom’ a little bit ago. I didn’t get to converse with this being because this person just sprayed me and ran past with their kids in terror, asking the security guard to come in and confront me. I wasn’t even able to get the humans name because of the chaos and the washing,” Rain Dove said."

Rose McGowan's Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Maced in a Women's Bathroom

Wth is that thing in the pic?

At least that thing is an adult.....this is an 11-year old boy...


Meet the 11-year-old drag queen who transforms society’s expectations of women into hyper-feminised looks - Caters News Agency

The parents should be put against a wall and shot.


"Transgender weightlifter wins gold twice in women’s competition

Laurel Hubbard, 41, formerly known as Gavin Hubbard, scored first place in both the Women’s +89kg Snatch and the Women’s +89kg and second place in the Women’s +89kg Clean and Jerk.

Transgender athletes continue to make it near-impossible for biological women to succeed in their own sports.

“Eventually, it’s going to get to the point where the biological females will be on the sidelines, watching their own sports,” 16-year-old Selina Soule rightly said after she failed to qualify for a track event after being beaten by two biological males.

Men and women are inherently different, and women most of all will continue to pay an especially high price if we continue to pretend otherwise."
Transgender weightlifter wins gold twice in women’s competition at the Samoa 2019 Pacific Games

This is as correct as everything else Liberals endorse.

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