Pussy Grabbing, Revisited

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
We all remember the Billy Bush/Access Hollywood interview with Trump in which Trump is talking shit about going around grabbing women's pussies. It is hilarious, as intended. But then the humorless American Bolsheviks decided to make it into something it was not, to wit: an admission of sexual assault!! OH MY!!!! CNN staff homosexual, Anderson Pooper, even asked Trump about his "admission" to being a sexual abuser during a 2016 presidential debate. He asked about it, with a straight face, with ZERO regard to the context in which it was said. On the rare occasion that some media boob has to confront the context, then their response is a self-righteous "What kind of horrible person speaks in jest of sexual assault and battery?!?!?!?"

The left went into absolute hysterics over pussy grabbing. This media spectacle that ensued is one of those watershed moments when countries like China and Russia think to themselves, "Yeah, I can take these American fags. What a bunch of sniveling homos!" But the American left does not care. It is about 2 things: power and destroying the republic.

Well, today pussy grabbing made a comeback in the NY trial of that dimwitted Carroll whoowah, pimped by George Conway and bankrolled by a leftist money man. In other words, it was pure politics. Trump blew if off because, why not? It was not worth his time. He will appeal anyway. But let's get some things correct about this case. First, it is a civil case, not a criminal case. There is no guilt or innocence at issue. There is only civil liability (money). Second, it was not a rape trial. It was a defamation trial. She said Trump diddled her fiddle in a department store dressing room and that it was nonconsensual. Trump said she lied. She them sued Trump for defaming her by calling her a liar, thereby putting the truth of the rape allegation into question. As I understand it, the jury found Trump not liable for defamation, meaning they did not believe Carroll's rape allegation. However, they found that trump probably TOUCHED the nitwit; i.e., simple battery. Again, not criminal battery; rather, the tort of battery. In other words, a big nothing. Now the leftist media is taking the verdict and saying it means the jury found Trump guilty of sexual battery against this moron, which is not exactly what happened. But, you know, in a post-truth world, facts and reality do not matter any longer.

Personally, I have never grabbed a pussy without consent. It was not overt, express consent either. Back in the day it did not need to be. I figure that once my cock gets wet then everything is game, save for anal (I am a gentleman). I strongly suspect that Trump has never grabbed a pussy without consent either. Could he really have gotten away with serial sexual battery? Him? REALLY? With all the gold digging whoowahs out there, even before meToo opened the flood gates, having your pussy grabbed by Trump would be like winning the fucking lottery. You don't think women would have taken advantage of THAT? Of course they would!!! Especially the type of chicks Trump hung around. But nothing of the sort occurred, until Trump ran for office. <=====UNTIL TRUMP RAN FOR OFFICE.

So, if pushed to take a position on pussy grabbing, I guess I would have to say that I am against it unless the grabber has express consent from the grabbee to do so. But that kind of takes the fun out of it, doesn't it? Can you imagine sitting on a dock on a pristine and idyllic lake as the loons sing in the background, against a setting sun. You are sitting next to your girl, who you having come to know as the one true love of your life. You take each other hands, stare deeply into each other's eyes, then enjoy a passionate kiss. When your eyes reopen you ask, "Mary, may I have your express consent to grab your pussy?" See how weird that is? Disgusted, Mary will push your dumb ass into the lake and run off to find some dirt bag like me who will grab her pussy when it's pussy grabbing time.

Finally, what if Trump's clear, blatant, and obvious joke about pussy grabbing IS truth? Who fucking cares? The chick can redress it. She can go to the police or sue. People say "Oh, he is a sexual predator." Well guess what? We are ALL sexual predators. You are lying if you say you are not. Frankly, I would not trust a man if he did not think about grabbing pussy. Doing it is another story. But we all think about stupid shit like that (men do, anyway). And it has never been proven that Trump has grabbed anyone's pussy without consent. Even that ridiculous Carroll case was not using the standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt". It used the preponderance standard. Second, it was a politically charged case. George Conway concocted the whole defamation theory and encouraged Carroll to do it. Third, the trial was conducted in front of a NYC jury of Bolsheviks and a Trump-hating judge. Frankly, I am surprised the jury did not find Trump liable for defamation, implying they believed that Trump raped that idiot. That is how anti-Trump the people are there. It is irrational.

The left is too uptight and humorless. They will refuse to laugh at Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but are just fine with dudes dressing up in women's lingerie and stripping in front of children. This is not the kind of behavior of normal people. Leftists suffer from a profound pathology that disengages them from reality and normalcy and allows them to believe that sickness is wellness. They are some seriously fucked up people.
he wasnt charged with rape like the left wanted but instead basically charged with being a rude groper ... Trumps appealing the ruling ... the jury didnt find the womans claims of rape to be credible but still charged Trump with basically groping her ... one part of her story wasnt true but the other part was ? the accuser left the courtroom with a big smile on her face .. why would she be smiling if Trump actually raped her and wasnt charged with said rape ? Trumps lawyer also claims the juriors were anonymous and the defense new nothing of their backrounds or political leanings . expect Trumps polls to go higher just as they have whenever the left hits him with bullshit legal actions . and tomorrow the Biden crime family will be exposed ...Biden will tank and Trump will surge !
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We all remember the Billy Bush/Access Hollywood interview with Trump in which Trump is talking shit about going around grabbing women's pussies. It is hilarious, as intended. But then the humorless American Bolsheviks decided to make it into something it was not, to wit: an admission of sexual assault!! OH MY!!!! CNN staff homosexual, Anderson Pooper, even asked Trump about his "admission" to being a sexual abuser during a 2016 presidential debate. He asked about it, with a straight face, with ZERO regard to the context in which it was said. On the rare occasion that some media boob has to confront the context, then their response is a self-righteous "What kind of horrible person speaks in jest of sexual assault and battery?!?!?!?"

The left went into absolute hysterics over pussy grabbing. This media spectacle that ensued is one of those watershed moments when countries like China and Russia think to themselves, "Yeah, I can take these American fags. What a bunch of sniveling homos!" But the American left does not care. It is about 2 things: power and destroying the republic.

Well, today pussy grabbing made a comeback in the NY trial of that dimwitted Carroll whoowah, pimped by George Conway and bankrolled by a leftist money man. In other words, it was pure politics. Trump blew if off because, why not? It was not worth his time. He will appeal anyway. But let's get some things correct about this case. First, it is a civil case, not a criminal case. There is no guilt or innocence at issue. There is only civil liability (money). Second, it was not a rape trial. It was a defamation trial. She said Trump diddled her fiddle in a department store dressing room and that it was nonconsensual. Trump said she lied. She them sued Trump for defaming her by calling her a liar, thereby putting the truth of the rape allegation into question. As I understand it, the jury found Trump not liable for defamation, meaning they did not believe Carroll's rape allegation. However, they found that trump probably TOUCHED the nitwit; i.e., simple battery. Again, not criminal battery; rather, the tort of battery. In other words, a big nothing. Now the leftist media is taking the verdict and saying it means the jury found Trump guilty of sexual battery against this moron, which is not exactly what happened. But, you know, in a post-truth world, facts and reality do not matter any longer.

Personally, I have never grabbed a pussy without consent. It was not overt, express consent either. Back in the day it did not need to be. I figure that once my cock gets wet then everything is game, save for anal (I am a gentleman). I strongly suspect that Trump has never grabbed a pussy without consent either. Could he really have gotten away with serial sexual battery? Him? REALLY? With all the gold digging whoowahs out there, even before meToo opened the flood gates, having your pussy grabbed by Trump would be like winning the fucking lottery. You don't think women would have taken advantage of THAT? Of course they would!!! Especially the type of chicks Trump hung around. But nothing of the sort occurred, until Trump ran for office. <=====UNTIL TRUMP RAN FOR OFFICE.

So, if pushed to take a position on pussy grabbing, I guess I would have to say that I am against it unless the grabber has express consent from the grabbee to do so. But that kind of takes the fun out of it, doesn't it? Can you imagine sitting on a dock on a pristine and idyllic lake as the loons sing in the background, against a setting sun. You are sitting next to your girl, who you having come to know as the one true love of your life. You take each other hands, stare deeply into each other's eyes, then enjoy a passionate kiss. When your eyes reopen you ask, "Mary, may I have your express consent to grab your pussy?" See how weird that is? Disgusted, Mary will push your dumb ass into the lake and run off to find some dirt bag like me who will grab her pussy when it's pussy grabbing time.

Finally, what if Trump's clear, blatant, and obvious joke about pussy grabbing IS truth? Who fucking cares? The chick can redress it. She can go to the police or sue. People say "Oh, he is a sexual predator." Well guess what? We are ALL sexual predators. You are lying if you say you are not. Frankly, I would not trust a man if he did not think about grabbing pussy. Doing it is another story. But we all think about stupid shit like that (men do, anyway). And it has never been proven that Trump has grabbed anyone's pussy without consent. Even that ridiculous Carroll case was not using the standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt". It used the preponderance standard. Second, it was a politically charged case. George Conway concocted the whole defamation theory and encouraged Carroll to do it. Third, the trial was conducted in front of a NYC jury of Bolsheviks and a Trump-hating judge. Frankly, I am surprised the jury did not find Trump liable for defamation, implying they believed that Trump raped that idiot. That is how anti-Trump the people are there. It is irrational.

The left is too uptight and humorless. They will refuse to laugh at Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but are just fine with dudes dressing up in women's lingerie and stripping in front of children. This is not the kind of behavior of normal people. Leftists suffer from a profound pathology that disengages them from reality and normalcy and allows them to believe that sickness is wellness. They are some seriously fucked up people.
So you wouldn't mind if your female loved ones had some guy who thinks he's a "star" came up and grabbed them in the p*ssy?
Personally, I have never grabbed a pussy without consent.
What the Leftists keep denying is that he NEVER ADMITTED touching a woman against her will. His words were VERY clear but they couldn't trash him and politically damage him by actually admitting his real statement. Turns out, it didn't harm him anyway. THEY are the ones who created the "monster" they all fear now. They've lied so often and so obviously that they've made the man Teflon coated. People who didn't hate him in 2020 aren't going to hate him in 2024. In fact, I think by that time -IF WE HAVE ANOTHER ELECTION - he'll have made significant progress taking voters, Indie AND democrat, away from diaper Joe and Cackles.
We all remember the Billy Bush/Access Hollywood interview with Trump in which Trump is talking shit about going around grabbing women's pussies. It is hilarious, as intended. But then the humorless American Bolsheviks decided to make it into something it was not, to wit: an admission of sexual assault!! OH MY!!!! CNN staff homosexual, Anderson Pooper, even asked Trump about his "admission" to being a sexual abuser during a 2016 presidential debate. He asked about it, with a straight face, with ZERO regard to the context in which it was said. On the rare occasion that some media boob has to confront the context, then their response is a self-righteous "What kind of horrible person speaks in jest of sexual assault and battery?!?!?!?"

The left went into absolute hysterics over pussy grabbing. This media spectacle that ensued is one of those watershed moments when countries like China and Russia think to themselves, "Yeah, I can take these American fags. What a bunch of sniveling homos!" But the American left does not care. It is about 2 things: power and destroying the republic.

Well, today pussy grabbing made a comeback in the NY trial of that dimwitted Carroll whoowah, pimped by George Conway and bankrolled by a leftist money man. In other words, it was pure politics. Trump blew if off because, why not? It was not worth his time. He will appeal anyway. But let's get some things correct about this case. First, it is a civil case, not a criminal case. There is no guilt or innocence at issue. There is only civil liability (money). Second, it was not a rape trial. It was a defamation trial. She said Trump diddled her fiddle in a department store dressing room and that it was nonconsensual. Trump said she lied. She them sued Trump for defaming her by calling her a liar, thereby putting the truth of the rape allegation into question. As I understand it, the jury found Trump not liable for defamation, meaning they did not believe Carroll's rape allegation. However, they found that trump probably TOUCHED the nitwit; i.e., simple battery. Again, not criminal battery; rather, the tort of battery. In other words, a big nothing. Now the leftist media is taking the verdict and saying it means the jury found Trump guilty of sexual battery against this moron, which is not exactly what happened. But, you know, in a post-truth world, facts and reality do not matter any longer.

Personally, I have never grabbed a pussy without consent. It was not overt, express consent either. Back in the day it did not need to be. I figure that once my cock gets wet then everything is game, save for anal (I am a gentleman). I strongly suspect that Trump has never grabbed a pussy without consent either. Could he really have gotten away with serial sexual battery? Him? REALLY? With all the gold digging whoowahs out there, even before meToo opened the flood gates, having your pussy grabbed by Trump would be like winning the fucking lottery. You don't think women would have taken advantage of THAT? Of course they would!!! Especially the type of chicks Trump hung around. But nothing of the sort occurred, until Trump ran for office. <=====UNTIL TRUMP RAN FOR OFFICE.

So, if pushed to take a position on pussy grabbing, I guess I would have to say that I am against it unless the grabber has express consent from the grabbee to do so. But that kind of takes the fun out of it, doesn't it? Can you imagine sitting on a dock on a pristine and idyllic lake as the loons sing in the background, against a setting sun. You are sitting next to your girl, who you having come to know as the one true love of your life. You take each other hands, stare deeply into each other's eyes, then enjoy a passionate kiss. When your eyes reopen you ask, "Mary, may I have your express consent to grab your pussy?" See how weird that is? Disgusted, Mary will push your dumb ass into the lake and run off to find some dirt bag like me who will grab her pussy when it's pussy grabbing time.

Finally, what if Trump's clear, blatant, and obvious joke about pussy grabbing IS truth? Who fucking cares? The chick can redress it. She can go to the police or sue. People say "Oh, he is a sexual predator." Well guess what? We are ALL sexual predators. You are lying if you say you are not. Frankly, I would not trust a man if he did not think about grabbing pussy. Doing it is another story. But we all think about stupid shit like that (men do, anyway). And it has never been proven that Trump has grabbed anyone's pussy without consent. Even that ridiculous Carroll case was not using the standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt". It used the preponderance standard. Second, it was a politically charged case. George Conway concocted the whole defamation theory and encouraged Carroll to do it. Third, the trial was conducted in front of a NYC jury of Bolsheviks and a Trump-hating judge. Frankly, I am surprised the jury did not find Trump liable for defamation, implying they believed that Trump raped that idiot. That is how anti-Trump the people are there. It is irrational.

The left is too uptight and humorless. They will refuse to laugh at Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but are just fine with dudes dressing up in women's lingerie and stripping in front of children. This is not the kind of behavior of normal people. Leftists suffer from a profound pathology that disengages them from reality and normalcy and allows them to believe that sickness is wellness. They are some seriously fucked up people.
Lol you are such a snowflake
That quote is fake. Although I have no doubts that happened. Who wouldnt try to dodge that incestuous FREAK?
The lefty "fact-checkers" say it's fake and since nobody has access to the evidence being protected by the FBI, we will likely never know what the diary says in its entirety.
Hypocrite lefties never get tired of revisiting pussy grabbing while they defend Clinton diddling an intern with a cigar.
We all remember the Billy Bush/Access Hollywood interview with Trump in which Trump is talking shit about going around grabbing women's pussies. It is hilarious, as intended. But then the humorless American Bolsheviks decided to make it into something it was not, to wit: an admission of sexual assault!! OH MY!!!! CNN staff homosexual, Anderson Pooper, even asked Trump about his "admission" to being a sexual abuser during a 2016 presidential debate. He asked about it, with a straight face, with ZERO regard to the context in which it was said. On the rare occasion that some media boob has to confront the context, then their response is a self-righteous "What kind of horrible person speaks in jest of sexual assault and battery?!?!?!?"

The left went into absolute hysterics over pussy grabbing. This media spectacle that ensued is one of those watershed moments when countries like China and Russia think to themselves, "Yeah, I can take these American fags. What a bunch of sniveling homos!" But the American left does not care. It is about 2 things: power and destroying the republic.

Well, today pussy grabbing made a comeback in the NY trial of that dimwitted Carroll whoowah, pimped by George Conway and bankrolled by a leftist money man. In other words, it was pure politics. Trump blew if off because, why not? It was not worth his time. He will appeal anyway. But let's get some things correct about this case. First, it is a civil case, not a criminal case. There is no guilt or innocence at issue. There is only civil liability (money). Second, it was not a rape trial. It was a defamation trial. She said Trump diddled her fiddle in a department store dressing room and that it was nonconsensual. Trump said she lied. She them sued Trump for defaming her by calling her a liar, thereby putting the truth of the rape allegation into question. As I understand it, the jury found Trump not liable for defamation, meaning they did not believe Carroll's rape allegation. However, they found that trump probably TOUCHED the nitwit; i.e., simple battery. Again, not criminal battery; rather, the tort of battery. In other words, a big nothing. Now the leftist media is taking the verdict and saying it means the jury found Trump guilty of sexual battery against this moron, which is not exactly what happened. But, you know, in a post-truth world, facts and reality do not matter any longer.

Personally, I have never grabbed a pussy without consent. It was not overt, express consent either. Back in the day it did not need to be. I figure that once my cock gets wet then everything is game, save for anal (I am a gentleman). I strongly suspect that Trump has never grabbed a pussy without consent either. Could he really have gotten away with serial sexual battery? Him? REALLY? With all the gold digging whoowahs out there, even before meToo opened the flood gates, having your pussy grabbed by Trump would be like winning the fucking lottery. You don't think women would have taken advantage of THAT? Of course they would!!! Especially the type of chicks Trump hung around. But nothing of the sort occurred, until Trump ran for office. <=====UNTIL TRUMP RAN FOR OFFICE.

So, if pushed to take a position on pussy grabbing, I guess I would have to say that I am against it unless the grabber has express consent from the grabbee to do so. But that kind of takes the fun out of it, doesn't it? Can you imagine sitting on a dock on a pristine and idyllic lake as the loons sing in the background, against a setting sun. You are sitting next to your girl, who you having come to know as the one true love of your life. You take each other hands, stare deeply into each other's eyes, then enjoy a passionate kiss. When your eyes reopen you ask, "Mary, may I have your express consent to grab your pussy?" See how weird that is? Disgusted, Mary will push your dumb ass into the lake and run off to find some dirt bag like me who will grab her pussy when it's pussy grabbing time.

Finally, what if Trump's clear, blatant, and obvious joke about pussy grabbing IS truth? Who fucking cares? The chick can redress it. She can go to the police or sue. People say "Oh, he is a sexual predator." Well guess what? We are ALL sexual predators. You are lying if you say you are not. Frankly, I would not trust a man if he did not think about grabbing pussy. Doing it is another story. But we all think about stupid shit like that (men do, anyway). And it has never been proven that Trump has grabbed anyone's pussy without consent. Even that ridiculous Carroll case was not using the standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt". It used the preponderance standard. Second, it was a politically charged case. George Conway concocted the whole defamation theory and encouraged Carroll to do it. Third, the trial was conducted in front of a NYC jury of Bolsheviks and a Trump-hating judge. Frankly, I am surprised the jury did not find Trump liable for defamation, implying they believed that Trump raped that idiot. That is how anti-Trump the people are there. It is irrational.

The left is too uptight and humorless. They will refuse to laugh at Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but are just fine with dudes dressing up in women's lingerie and stripping in front of children. This is not the kind of behavior of normal people. Leftists suffer from a profound pathology that disengages them from reality and normalcy and allows them to believe that sickness is wellness. They are some seriously fucked up people.

You are seriously fucked up.

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