Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

You mean always!

You are a far left Obama drone much of what you post is far left propaganda not based in reality.

What are Republicans going to do to stimulate job growth? Be specific.....

Does not matter since they are not in charge!

The far left has done nothing!

Except make the poor get poorer and the rich get richer..

No matter what the (R)'s were to come up with the far left would not let it go through the senate so your question is moot.

Sure it does. Aren't Republicans running in November?
What are Republicans going to do to stimulate job growth? Be specific.....

Does not matter since they are not in charge!

The far left has done nothing!

Except make the poor get poorer and the rich get richer..

No matter what the (R)'s were to come up with the far left would not let it go through the senate so your question is moot.

Sure it does. Aren't Republicans running in November?

Isn't the far left (or as you call then Democrats) running in November?
Does not matter since they are not in charge!

The far left has done nothing!

Except make the poor get poorer and the rich get richer..

No matter what the (R)'s were to come up with the far left would not let it go through the senate so your question is moot.

Sure it does. Aren't Republicans running in November?

Isn't the far left (or as you call then Democrats) running in November?

Democrats want to raise minimum wages and the Republicans have nothing? Should be a short race!
I find it really interesting that even though the Republicans have a sure minority in the Senate, yet they have a faint minority in the House, why is it that they keep blocking bills that could become law, even if it's something they supported originally?

Yanno...................my wish for this day is that all Republicans lose their seat to Democrats in the General Election, and that this country can get on with the business of seeing jobs come back here, rather than being outsourced by some idiot CEO who thinks that jobs in China or India are better than jobs over here.

I'd also like to see the government finally fund things that would repair the infrastructure of this country.

I'd really like to travel roads that don't have potholes, as well as travel along bridges that aren't going to collapse while either myself or another are on them.
Sure it does. Aren't Republicans running in November?

Isn't the far left (or as you call then Democrats) running in November?

Democrats want to raise minimum wages and the Republicans have nothing? Should be a short race!

Yes they want to raise minim wages so that unions get automatic raises and thus more money flows into the DNC.

But once again that does not help the middles class.

Oh wait you are a far left Obama drone so to you middle class = unions.

Then again the far left is against the Keystone pipeline that would bring more jobs (including union jobs) and lower the energy costs for the poor.

So why does the far left want the energy prices high where the poor can not afford them?

Every time the far left does something stupid and makes energy costs go up it hurts the middle class more than anyone.

Although has any of the far left Obama drones here defined in monastery terms what the middle class is?

I mean to Hilary being 5 to 25 million in assets is poor, so can the far left define the middle class?
I find it really interesting that even though the Republicans have a sure minority in the Senate, yet they have a faint minority in the House, why is it that they keep blocking bills that could become law, even if it's something they supported originally?

Yanno...................my wish for this day is that all Republicans lose their seat to Democrats in the General Election, and that this country can get on with the business of seeing jobs come back here, rather than being outsourced by some idiot CEO who thinks that jobs in China or India are better than jobs over here.

I'd also like to see the government finally fund things that would repair the infrastructure of this country.

I'd really like to travel roads that don't have potholes, as well as travel along bridges that aren't going to collapse while either myself or another are on them.

The far left Harry Reid is a republican, when did that happen?
Isn't the far left (or as you call then Democrats) running in November?

Democrats want to raise minimum wages and the Republicans have nothing? Should be a short race!

Yes they want to raise minim wages so that unions get automatic raises and thus more money flows into the DNC.

But once again that does not help the middles class.

Oh wait you are a far left Obama drone so to you middle class = unions.

Then again the far left is against the Keystone pipeline that would bring more jobs (including union jobs) and lower the energy costs for the poor.

So why does the far left want the energy prices high where the poor can not afford them?

Every time the far left does something stupid and makes energy costs go up it hurts the middle class more than anyone.

Although has any of the far left Obama drones here defined in monastery terms what the middle class is?

I mean to Hilary being 5 to 25 million in assets is poor, so can the far left define the middle class?

Kosh, you far right hack. Usually the shit you write is so stupid I just pass on by. But I got to admit that your lack of editing gave me a chuckle this AM.

But what exactly is "monastery terms"? Is that where YOU go to pray for something intelligent to write? It ain't working. Ask for new terms and quit praying to right wing hacks.
You are playing semantics.

No, you are. You want to "give" handouts, and you ask what Republicans want to "give." I am accurately pointing out how you appeal to groups by giving them handouts, lowering the bar. Less government gives them opportunity. And you're back to OK, whatever, so what are you going to give them?

People benefits from more liberty and less tyranny. Democrats divide groups and pit them against each other. And then you say, those meanie Republicans are going to take your check from you! They are going to force your employer to discriminate by not stopping them! You give more opportunity with less government. That is giving everyone the most opportunity. Government checks are not opportunity, they are the reverse, they are dependency.

Now the Republicans delivering on less government, that isn't happening. But your question of what government checks and dependency programs they are going to give people to give them more opportunity is just fatally flawed, it's like have you stopped beating your wife.

I never wrote 'handouts', you did.

So tell us, what are Republicans going to do to increase the number of jobs in the US?

Repeal Obamacare.
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The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The Republican solutions for this country's problems are as vague as they are laden with simple minded rhetoric. They offer nothing.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The Republican solutions for this country's problems are as vague as they are laden with simple minded rhetoric. They offer nothing.

That's true only if you're discombobulated. For those of us who are more combobulated the answers of less government, lower taxes work just fine to produce genuine prosperity across the board.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The Republican solutions for this country's problems are as vague as they are laden with simple minded rhetoric. They offer nothing.

That's true only if you're discombobulated. For those of us who are more combobulated the answers of less government, lower taxes work just fine to produce genuine prosperity across the board.

That sounds remarkably like more vague, simple minded rhetoric.
The powers that be closed my thread because I posted a question that was too hard to answer.

So here it is again;

What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The Republican solutions for this country's problems are as vague as they are laden with simple minded rhetoric. They offer nothing.

laden with simple minded rhetoric.

The Republican solutions for this country's problems are as vague as they are laden with simple minded rhetoric. They offer nothing.

That's true only if you're discombobulated. For those of us who are more combobulated the answers of less government, lower taxes work just fine to produce genuine prosperity across the board.

That sounds remarkably like more vague, simple minded rhetoric.

To the economically illiterate it probably does.
What did you want to hear? The GOP will vote a subsidy of $5k to every family earning under $30? The GOP will force employers to pay for employees rent?
That's not what we do. We trust in the market for the most part to be self regulating because we know no single person or even agency has enough information to price goods and services.
That's an advanced concept in economics, a subject I am certain you never studied.
Oil companies make 6 cents per dollar on gas, where as in the state of California, including state and federal tax, the government earns 9 cents per dollar of gas.

The middle class needs less government interference and lower taxes, that's what republicans offer although good luck getting it

That's the point......They can't.

Wrong. You were asking the same question over, and over, and over again. There were many responses that you chose to ignore. That constitutes SPAM. If you continue in that manner it will get closed again.

Your statement here...

"That's the point......They can't"

Implies that you have merely posted a baiting and polarizing thread and that too is a violation of the rules. Why don't you tell us what the Democrats are going to do to help the middle class. So far, the middle class gets to pay almost double for gasoline over what the gas prices were during the Bush era....and they have maintained that elevated level for the entire time that Obama has been in office.

Regular energy costs will likewise skyrocket if the EPA is able to enforce the rules they want to. That enriches the rich but once again it screws the middle class. How exactly are the Democrats going to mitigate that? By ripping off the upper middle class to help the lower middle class?

How about the ACA? How many are going to die because they can't get in to see doctors? If the VA is any sort of analog (and weren't you ALL crowing about how great the VA was before the truth came out) the backlog is going to be epic and tens of thousands will die before they get the care they need.

How exactly is that going to help the middle class? Or are you one of those who believe in killing something to save it?

Be specific in your responses.

I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Gasoline and oil are priced on the market. No sitting President has any control. The rich are doing it.

Which EPA rules do you speak?

Who isn't getting care under ACA?

The VA is better than it was under Bush, but remains severely underfunded. Something you have to ask the Republicans about.
You are playing semantics.

No, you are. You want to "give" handouts, and you ask what Republicans want to "give." I am accurately pointing out how you appeal to groups by giving them handouts, lowering the bar. Less government gives them opportunity. And you're back to OK, whatever, so what are you going to give them?

People benefits from more liberty and less tyranny. Democrats divide groups and pit them against each other. And then you say, those meanie Republicans are going to take your check from you! They are going to force your employer to discriminate by not stopping them! You give more opportunity with less government. That is giving everyone the most opportunity. Government checks are not opportunity, they are the reverse, they are dependency.

Now the Republicans delivering on less government, that isn't happening. But your question of what government checks and dependency programs they are going to give people to give them more opportunity is just fatally flawed, it's like have you stopped beating your wife.

I never wrote 'handouts', you did.

So tell us, what are Republicans going to do to increase the number of jobs in the US?

Fiscal conservatives would do the only plan that works. Reduce regulation and taxes and let free enterprise solve the problem. The big lie of the left, Homey, is that government can create a job. Government creates nothing, so it creates no value. It's a leach on the economy. Government creating jobs that create no value cannot create a net job.

You have a pool that's half full. And you have a bucket. Fill the pool by repeatedly taking water out of the pool, dumping some water on the ground, and pouring the rest back into the pool. That's what a government created job does.
No, you are. You want to "give" handouts, and you ask what Republicans want to "give." I am accurately pointing out how you appeal to groups by giving them handouts, lowering the bar. Less government gives them opportunity. And you're back to OK, whatever, so what are you going to give them?

People benefits from more liberty and less tyranny. Democrats divide groups and pit them against each other. And then you say, those meanie Republicans are going to take your check from you! They are going to force your employer to discriminate by not stopping them! You give more opportunity with less government. That is giving everyone the most opportunity. Government checks are not opportunity, they are the reverse, they are dependency.

Now the Republicans delivering on less government, that isn't happening. But your question of what government checks and dependency programs they are going to give people to give them more opportunity is just fatally flawed, it's like have you stopped beating your wife.

I never wrote 'handouts', you did.

So tell us, what are Republicans going to do to increase the number of jobs in the US?

Fiscal conservatives would do the only plan that works. Reduce regulation and taxes and let free enterprise solve the problem. The big lie of the left, Homey, is that government can create a job. Government creates nothing, so it creates no value. It's a leach on the economy. Government creating jobs that create no value cannot create a net job.

You have a pool that's half full. And you have a bucket. Fill the pool by repeatedly taking water out of the pool, dumping some water on the ground, and pouring the rest back into the pool. That's what a government created job does.

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

Every Republican administration in memory has created record deficits - passing that money along to the wealthy, where it remains in the bank accounts and out of the economy.

The Republican/conservative sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.
No, you are. You want to "give" handouts, and you ask what Republicans want to "give." I am accurately pointing out how you appeal to groups by giving them handouts, lowering the bar. Less government gives them opportunity. And you're back to OK, whatever, so what are you going to give them?

People benefits from more liberty and less tyranny. Democrats divide groups and pit them against each other. And then you say, those meanie Republicans are going to take your check from you! They are going to force your employer to discriminate by not stopping them! You give more opportunity with less government. That is giving everyone the most opportunity. Government checks are not opportunity, they are the reverse, they are dependency.

Now the Republicans delivering on less government, that isn't happening. But your question of what government checks and dependency programs they are going to give people to give them more opportunity is just fatally flawed, it's like have you stopped beating your wife.

I never wrote 'handouts', you did.

So tell us, what are Republicans going to do to increase the number of jobs in the US?

Fiscal conservatives would do the only plan that works. Reduce regulation and taxes and let free enterprise solve the problem. The big lie of the left, Homey, is that government can create a job. Government creates nothing, so it creates no value. It's a leach on the economy. Government creating jobs that create no value cannot create a net job.

You have a pool that's half full. And you have a bucket. Fill the pool by repeatedly taking water out of the pool, dumping some water on the ground, and pouring the rest back into the pool. That's what a government created job does.

That's not 100% true. But it's close enough.
Government does engage in some limited functions that require personnel but probably create more weatlh than they consume. Patents, standards of weights and measures, contract law and enforcement are examples that come to mind. BUt we're talking about maybe 2% of what the present government does.
I never wrote 'handouts', you did.

So tell us, what are Republicans going to do to increase the number of jobs in the US?

Fiscal conservatives would do the only plan that works. Reduce regulation and taxes and let free enterprise solve the problem. The big lie of the left, Homey, is that government can create a job. Government creates nothing, so it creates no value. It's a leach on the economy. Government creating jobs that create no value cannot create a net job.

You have a pool that's half full. And you have a bucket. Fill the pool by repeatedly taking water out of the pool, dumping some water on the ground, and pouring the rest back into the pool. That's what a government created job does.

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

Every Republican administration in memory has created record deficits - passing that money along to the wealthy, where it remains in the bank accounts and out of the economy.

The Republican/conservative sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

And again, you object to the term "Marxist," why exactly, Vladimir?
I never wrote 'handouts', you did.

So tell us, what are Republicans going to do to increase the number of jobs in the US?

Fiscal conservatives would do the only plan that works. Reduce regulation and taxes and let free enterprise solve the problem. The big lie of the left, Homey, is that government can create a job. Government creates nothing, so it creates no value. It's a leach on the economy. Government creating jobs that create no value cannot create a net job.

You have a pool that's half full. And you have a bucket. Fill the pool by repeatedly taking water out of the pool, dumping some water on the ground, and pouring the rest back into the pool. That's what a government created job does.

That's not 100% true. But it's close enough.
Government does engage in some limited functions that require personnel but probably create more weatlh than they consume. Patents, standards of weights and measures, contract law and enforcement are examples that come to mind. BUt we're talking about maybe 2% of what the present government does.

In terms of "creating" value, no. However, we buy for example insurance to protect what we have. Insurance does not make us wealthier, but it keeps us from being poorer. The military, police, etc. do this. There is also transaction costs of living, like drivers licenses. Managing limited resources and recognition of property rights are the cost of doing business, private markets are built on those, they can't solve them. But create value, government does not do.

The discussion was not whether government performs a function. I'm a small government libertarian, not an anarchist, so yes, I do see that government serves a purpose. The discussion was whether government can create jobs. Government cannot create net jobs. Any job created killed at least one job, probably more.
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Sure it does. Aren't Republicans running in November?

Isn't the far left (or as you call then Democrats) running in November?

Democrats want to raise minimum wages and the Republicans have nothing? Should be a short race!

Please...make that your centerpiece. I'd love it.

It is going to be a short race.

Everybody accepts that the GOP will pick up seats in the senate. Many believe they will have the majority.

So you keep at it. We need losers like you running the other campaigns.

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