Put Up, or Shut Up; What are Republicans offering the Middle class? Be Specific

The last President to significantly close loopholes was Reagan. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/23/b...form-what-reagan-did.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

Republicans and Democrats alike have added many loopholes. They need to be closed and remain closed and hypocrites like you need all your wealth confiscated and redistributed like you profess that you want to do, at least they would do what you claim you want to do.

Reagan raised taxes on the workers while giving more generous business deductions.

So you don't know your history, of course history doesn't fit your narrative, so you will remain the ignorant hypocritical asshole you have always been.

So you can refute my post?
Reagan raised taxes on the workers while giving more generous business deductions.

So you don't know your history, of course history doesn't fit your narrative, so you will remain the ignorant hypocritical asshole you have always been.

So you can refute my post?

Learn to read, study history and you will get the correct answer. Many articles and I posted one talked on how he raised the effective tax rate while lowering actual tax rate. After he left office, Congress started adding in more loopholes and the effective rates went down. I know you can't refute the facts of what I said.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Financial gain is income is revenue which is handled (tax wise) in differing ways depending on how the gain was achieved. It's all IRS rules.

Financial gain is income is revenue which is handled (tax wise) in differing ways depending on how the gain was achieved.

What does gain have to do with it?
You said, business revenue was the same as income.

Financial gain, business revenue, and income are all the same, just handled differently under IRS rules.

I'm sorry. I cannot believe anyone can take you seriously enough not to put you on ignore. Your statements are so ignorant as to suggest you arent worth insulting, much less debating. No one has time to deal with such stupidity and nonsense.
So what 'OPPORTUNITY' are Republicans offering the middle class? Be specific.

Um...you don't understand what I said, you just repeated my point.

You are playing semantics.

No, you are. You want to "give" handouts, and you ask what Republicans want to "give." I am accurately pointing out how you appeal to groups by giving them handouts, lowering the bar. Less government gives them opportunity. And you're back to OK, whatever, so what are you going to give them?

People benefits from more liberty and less tyranny. Democrats divide groups and pit them against each other. And then you say, those meanie Republicans are going to take your check from you! They are going to force your employer to discriminate by not stopping them! You give more opportunity with less government. That is giving everyone the most opportunity. Government checks are not opportunity, they are the reverse, they are dependency.

Now the Republicans delivering on less government, that isn't happening. But your question of what government checks and dependency programs they are going to give people to give them more opportunity is just fatally flawed, it's like have you stopped beating your wife.
Um...you don't understand what I said, you just repeated my point.

You are playing semantics.

No, you are. You want to "give" handouts, and you ask what Republicans want to "give." I am accurately pointing out how you appeal to groups by giving them handouts, lowering the bar. Less government gives them opportunity. And you're back to OK, whatever, so what are you going to give them?

People benefits from more liberty and less tyranny. Democrats divide groups and pit them against each other. And then you say, those meanie Republicans are going to take your check from you! They are going to force your employer to discriminate by not stopping them! You give more opportunity with less government. That is giving everyone the most opportunity. Government checks are not opportunity, they are the reverse, they are dependency.

Now the Republicans delivering on less government, that isn't happening. But your question of what government checks and dependency programs they are going to give people to give them more opportunity is just fatally flawed, it's like have you stopped beating your wife.

OnePercenter's handle comes from his functioning brain capacity. He is a liar, poseur, and ignoramus. He is literally too stupid to debate not because he doesnt know anything but because everything he knows is wrong.
This is yet another thread where the dumb percenter has had his ass whopped.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
How are people supposed to survive if you cut their food stamps while the wealthy job creators are still only creating jobs in China?

Not having jobs or having jobs that pay jack shit are the reasons that so many people are on food stamps in the first place. Meanwhile, billionaires are making more money than ever before.

Will the Keystone XL pipeline create enough jobs to feed the poorest 50 million Americans?
What do left wing democrats really think about the middle class? Do they think that the minimum wage is important or preventing voter I.D. laws or homosexual marriage or freaking global warming? The biggest issue facing the middle class is the cost of energy and the democrat party is on record for increasing energy prices. The rich don't worry about the cost of a 30 mile commute or the price of food at Walmart. The poor are convinced that they will be subsidized by the government no matter what so the middle class is caught in the middle. The price of diesel fuel impacts the cost of commodities on the shelf. The subsidized poor and borderline poor don't have to worry about keeping warm in the winter because the middle class that owns the apartments and tries to make a profit are burdoned by the ever increasing cost of heating oil and fossil fuel. Middle class home owners want to keep warm in winter but they have to foot the bill for energy cost. Now it seems the Obama administration is determined to put the coal industry out of business and increase the cost of energy....to....the....middle class.
Um...you don't understand what I said, you just repeated my point.

You are playing semantics.

No, you are. You want to "give" handouts, and you ask what Republicans want to "give." I am accurately pointing out how you appeal to groups by giving them handouts, lowering the bar. Less government gives them opportunity. And you're back to OK, whatever, so what are you going to give them?

People benefits from more liberty and less tyranny. Democrats divide groups and pit them against each other. And then you say, those meanie Republicans are going to take your check from you! They are going to force your employer to discriminate by not stopping them! You give more opportunity with less government. That is giving everyone the most opportunity. Government checks are not opportunity, they are the reverse, they are dependency.

Now the Republicans delivering on less government, that isn't happening. But your question of what government checks and dependency programs they are going to give people to give them more opportunity is just fatally flawed, it's like have you stopped beating your wife.

I never wrote 'handouts', you did.

So tell us, what are Republicans going to do to increase the number of jobs in the US?
What do left wing democrats really think about the middle class? Do they think that the minimum wage is important or preventing voter I.D. laws or homosexual marriage or freaking global warming? The biggest issue facing the middle class is the cost of energy and the democrat party is on record for increasing energy prices. The rich don't worry about the cost of a 30 mile commute or the price of food at Walmart. The poor are convinced that they will be subsidized by the government no matter what so the middle class is caught in the middle. The price of diesel fuel impacts the cost of commodities on the shelf. The subsidized poor and borderline poor don't have to worry about keeping warm in the winter because the middle class that owns the apartments and tries to make a profit are burdoned by the ever increasing cost of heating oil and fossil fuel. Middle class home owners want to keep warm in winter but they have to foot the bill for energy cost. Now it seems the Obama administration is determined to put the coal industry out of business and increase the cost of energy....to....the....middle class.

The minimum wage increase is designed to increase union wages. As the minimum wage goes up so does union pay. That is why the far left care about it.

To the far left the middle class = union jobs.

They could care less about the poor as long as they can make that union money flow into the DNC coffers that is all they care about.
1. tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires
2. wars for Israel
3. mass immigration
4. free trade

Not much different from Democrats.
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That's the point......They can't.

Wrong. You were asking the same question over, and over, and over again. There were many responses that you chose to ignore. That constitutes SPAM. If you continue in that manner it will get closed again.

Your statement here...

"That's the point......They can't"

Implies that you have merely posted a baiting and polarizing thread and that too is a violation of the rules. Why don't you tell us what the Democrats are going to do to help the middle class. So far, the middle class gets to pay almost double for gasoline over what the gas prices were during the Bush era....and they have maintained that elevated level for the entire time that Obama has been in office.

Regular energy costs will likewise skyrocket if the EPA is able to enforce the rules they want to. That enriches the rich but once again it screws the middle class. How exactly are the Democrats going to mitigate that? By ripping off the upper middle class to help the lower middle class?

How about the ACA? How many are going to die because they can't get in to see doctors? If the VA is any sort of analog (and weren't you ALL crowing about how great the VA was before the truth came out) the backlog is going to be epic and tens of thousands will die before they get the care they need.

How exactly is that going to help the middle class? Or are you one of those who believe in killing something to save it?

Be specific in your responses.

I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Who isn't getting care under ACA?
My sister. She has Hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis and she can't get a doctor to give her the so called cure. She is going to die because no doctor will take her medicaid and she has no insurance.
Wrong. You were asking the same question over, and over, and over again. There were many responses that you chose to ignore. That constitutes SPAM. If you continue in that manner it will get closed again.

Your statement here...

"That's the point......They can't"

Implies that you have merely posted a baiting and polarizing thread and that too is a violation of the rules. Why don't you tell us what the Democrats are going to do to help the middle class. So far, the middle class gets to pay almost double for gasoline over what the gas prices were during the Bush era....and they have maintained that elevated level for the entire time that Obama has been in office.

Regular energy costs will likewise skyrocket if the EPA is able to enforce the rules they want to. That enriches the rich but once again it screws the middle class. How exactly are the Democrats going to mitigate that? By ripping off the upper middle class to help the lower middle class?

How about the ACA? How many are going to die because they can't get in to see doctors? If the VA is any sort of analog (and weren't you ALL crowing about how great the VA was before the truth came out) the backlog is going to be epic and tens of thousands will die before they get the care they need.

How exactly is that going to help the middle class? Or are you one of those who believe in killing something to save it?

Be specific in your responses.

I'm asking a question that nobody can answer.

For your questions:

Who isn't getting care under ACA?
My sister. She has Hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis and she can't get a doctor to give her the so called cure. She is going to die because no doctor will take her medicaid and she has no insurance.

What city and state does she live?
Will the Keystone XL pipeline create enough jobs to feed the poorest 50 million Americans?

Often times, "support" jobs far outnumber "primary" jobs.

This has been the case since Obama took office.

The truly sad testament is that neither Obama nor you or your brethren can see it.

But the Energy Information Agency sees it...


You mean always!

You are a far left Obama drone much of what you post is far left propaganda not based in reality.

What are Republicans going to do to stimulate job growth? Be specific.....

Does not matter since they are not in charge!

The far left has done nothing!

Except make the poor get poorer and the rich get richer..

No matter what the (R)'s were to come up with the far left would not let it go through the senate so your question is moot.

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