Putin endorses Biden.

Oh look a Kremlin stooge raises its ugly head
It's essentially the GQP platform at this point.

What the fuck happened to this party? When did they fold like this?

He’s been attacking Ukraine continuously since 2014
And according to Republicans it's because Putin's the good guy and Ukraine are Nazi's. LOL.

What is Putin's background? He was the head of the KGB. What is Zelinski's past? He was a comedian who played the piano with his penis. In other words, a real bad guy. According to Putin.
This is how crazy you purple hair weirdos have become…the historical data PROVES that Putin waited for the Crypt Keeper to take office before invading Ukraine but somehow you dream up a theory on the basis of ‘because I said so’.
How crazy are you crazies planning to get?

So you admit Putin and Trump are coordinating? You say Putin waited to see if Trump lost and then invaded when he lost? But wouldn't have if Trump won? Wow you're an idiot.

Sounds like Biden would be justified taking Trump out. He's a threat to the world.
Leftists be like.

Putin "I support Trump".

Leftists "Trump is Putin's lapdog".

Putin "I support Biden".

Leftists "Trump is Putin's lapdog"
We know Russia would already own Ukraine if Trump was POTUS.
Holy smokes you are a lying sack. You don’t know that.

What we DO know is Putin didn’t touch Ukraine while Trump was President.

Accept reality Simp, Putin loves your Vegetabke Messiah.
So you admit Putin and Trump are coordinating? You say Putin waited to see if Trump lost and then invaded when he lost? But wouldn't have if Trump won? Wow you're an idiot.

Sounds like Biden would be justified taking Trump out. He's a threat to the world.
You are getting so desperate you are now calling on Biden to assassinate Trump.

Your are one unhinged lunatic.
Yup. Just saw it on Fox. Let me ask you something. Do you believe Putin?
Yes, everyone believes that Putin would prefer Biden over Trump. You can name any power hungry dictator in the world and their answer would be the same.

Joe is a senile, weak, inneffective leader. The entire world knows this. I know thats inconvenient for you politically, but even YOU know its true. :dunno:
Yes, everyone believes that Putin would prefer Biden over Trump. You can name any power hungry dictator in the world and their answer would be the same.

Joe is a senile, weak, inneffective leader. The entire world knows this. I know thats inconvenient for you politically, but even YOU know its true. :dunno:
Has a Biden sent love letters to any dictators?

Trump did
I believe Putin and Trump did something never done before. Met in complete private. No one there to make notes. Who knows what they discussed? Punishing Ukraine for not digging up dirt on Hunter is my guess.
Here is the left wing conspiracy nuts coming out.
Odd that he would say the opposite in Helsinki then
Then is not now, now he finds it better with Biden. Why does Putin need to lie about who he wants for President? What advantage does it give Putin either way?

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