Putin Expected A Quick Victory. It’s Quickly Turning Into A Loss.

Biden IS responsible because he is a weak leader. That doesn't mean he won't do something really stupid that will cause this country much grief
You people are nuts. Putin is solely responsible for this crisis he fabricated the whole thing like his partner here in America fabricated tons of s***. putin and trump are both psychopaths no good could come from either one of them.
Honestly, I really think Leftists have a very hard time with subtle renderings of human beings. We try and try to explain to them that we might not have personally loved Trump but he made a great president but they just can't compute. I think everyone them is "GOOD!" or "BAD!"

I find all partisans to be this way, not just those on the left
View attachment 606722

We’ll use the map above, from the U.K. Minister of Defence, as the big picture overview of the state of the Ukraine War. Note that we’re still early in the process, with the fog of war in full effect. There is active mis- and disinformation surrounding combat operations, not to mention the general confusion that always emerges from combat zones. That said, we seem to have enough hard information that we can get some sense of the state of battle.

Things are not going well on the battlefield for Vladimir. They’re not going well for him at home either. But look at the bright side. He has plenty of friends at Fox Ne
here we go another moron post
Did Hillary bomb an apartment complex in order to gain power?

How many countries has Hillary invaded?

How many political rivals has Hillary poisoned?
Fortunately she's never been in high political office, but the deaths she and her husband are directly responsible for are still there for all the world to see.

I don't know if any of her victims were actually poisoned. I'll have to check
Did you ever stop to consider some people care about the citizens of Ukraine?

Did you ever stop to consider that if Putin takes the Ukraine and everyone just ignores him doing so since the country is so corrupt that he will not stop there?
Why do you refuse to look at the reasons going way back now, that have since caused the situation to then set the stage for it all ?? You attempting to defend your side with all these little jabs and stick's while ignoring the bigger picture is annoying to say the least. Wake up.

Ignoring the degradation of our culture is the biggest culprit of all, and then electing a man (Biden), that has shown blatant corruption and dishonesty in his dealings with Ukraine etc, and in his prior politics over the years (right out in the open), giving him a pass on everything has IMHO caused all of this.

Defending the indefensible isn't working out for you, yet you just keep going as if you could care less what anyone thinks of your character. Interesting.
No he does not. Our oil industry is not nationalized no matter how much you wish it to be so

The POTUS does not control that either. The companies pulling oil out of the ground control that. The POTUS has some modicum of influence by their polices, but that is all

Which had never been open and was for Canadian oil, not American. Literally had NOTHING to do with US oil production

I think it was the right decision. We have no right to tell an ally where they can and cannot get their oil from. How would you like it if the EU told us what pipelines we were allowed to have? Would you be cool with that?

It is also a pipeline that has of yet to ever see a drop of oil, and now Germany has shut its certification back down, which was part of the agreement with Germany when we lifted the sanctions should Russia do the things they are doing now.

Yes, I just said that. You said the president CONTORLS production. Glad you now see how stupid that was.

Yes, it was going to bring oil to the US to be shipped out on tankers.

And I bet so are we. Can you prove we are not? We have been buying oil from Russia non-stop since 1995

You're doing a great job of defending Poopy Pants...lol
Somehow that sounds too easy. I'm hoping it's a big trap. If this all goes south for the Russians, I might be able to get rid of their psychotic leader Putin, that would make it a double win for the world.
No offense, but you are going to be very disappointed. There is no trap, as the Russians are encircling numerous cities, have air superiority, and hundreds of thousands of active duty troops who are not participating.
Why do you refuse to look at the reasons going way back now, that have since caused the situation to then set the stage for it all ?? You attempting to defend your side with all these little jabs and stick's while ignoring the bigger picture is annoying to say the least. Wake up.

I am not defending a side, I am caring about innocent people dying.

Some things are more important than petty partisan politics....well at least to some us.
Putin changed my mind. I thought he was a better person than one who took out his grit on of all things a Nursery school for orphans. He killed 15 babies with one shot from a Terminator Tank. I thought he was going to fall back on principles. Instead, he painted his pitchfork red with the blood of babes.
What are you talking about?! Just yesterday the school in the Luhansk Republic was shelled with heavy mortars. Two female teachers were killed on the spot, another person was seriously injured. There are also victims in the Donetsk region. Ukrainian bandits, as usual, are firing aimlessly at residential areas, which they have been doing in recent years. And no one in the West cared. How disgusting is this hypocritical humanism of the West today.
I am not at all surprised by lack of support for Biden, and I agree that he sucks tremendously.

The surprise for me is the support for Putin from the folks on this forum. Though I guess I should not be surprised
I see little evidence of "support".
I see little evidence of "support".

Hard to see much when this is how you are looking

New "Times" cover. What exactly was your dream, Europe? Legalization of pedophilia?

By all accounts of what we are seeing going on today, yes your meme could be very much spot on in the interpretation by which you have given it. Seems I've read or heard this - "For if a person teaches the little one's to commit deadly sin, then it best that the person place a talent around their own neck, and sink themself to the bottom of the sea". It is that bad.

We are seeing all sorts of language's being twisted and spun by our current administration when it speaks, otherwise that attempts to identify and make war against those who are opposed to sinfulness in the extremes, and are opposed to great troubling things being brought out into the open before the little one's eyes to behold, otherwise as if such things are ok when they are not. The technology has exacerbated the situation to very high levels, because we've allowed the wrong individuals to reside over our tech industries without any regulatory actions put into place first, otherwise to make sure that everything is to be done decently and in order, and that our most valuable asset and loved one's are protected.

The evil intent that has resided over our tech world has begun to destroy our mind's and our character's with no checks and balances in place to stop it in it's track's. Do people even realize how dangerous this has all become for us in our lives ??? It's not like the proof hasn't been documented for centuries over time. What has put the world to sleep ?? Are we in the end times, and therefore these things must come to pass ? I think so. Not to say that at anytime, any people or any nation can't change, because they surely can. That's the mercy and love that was shed for all who calls on his name to save them from the sins in which they suffer from. Praise his Holy name forever and ever Amen.
When it comes to this sort of blind partisanship, I often times find myself wondering if I am dealing with an actual human with some sort of working brain or simply an algorithm programmed by the DNC.

Talking sense to these mindless creatures is like talking to the most hysterical bible-thumping fundamentalist. It is all about rigid faith devoid of even a scintilla of reason.
So you got something against the Bible ? Either you believe or you don't believe, but I do understand that their are some who interpret the Bible in a very rigid way, but the word doesn't lie in it's definitions or sound reasoning concerning the things that we are supposed to avoid as best we can in life, and we should support each other in order to keep the evilness at bay. Yes things are said that hinder or affect what someone's desires and wants might be in life, and when this happens it irritates a person whom might think ohhh crap, now here comes this Bible thumper trying to stop me from attempting to stare at the rack on that other woman although I'm married. Aggravating Bible thumper... However you know that the so called Bible thumper is right, but no one likes being caught doing wrong or worse being corrected about it. Praise the Bible Thumper's for having the toughest job in the world. Think about this way, where as what if a person turns their life around, do they become a Bible thumper if they use their testimony to try and save another from falling in the same ways that they may have ?? I agree that a thumper should thump, but if the target refuses any instruction then just back off until another time might arise, and hopefully the person is ready for that instruction by then.
You and the Daily Kos are declaring Ukrains's victory. As much as I wish that were true, DK is run by idiots and you are one yourself.
That's not at all what the article says or implies.

You low information morons just make shit up out of thin air.
By all accounts, Russia has already lost almost as many troops in 36 hours as the US lost in 15 years in Iraq.

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