Putin Expected A Quick Victory. It’s Quickly Turning Into A Loss.

Biden is president now, and under him in just one year our Russian imports have gone up 17%.

Biden has fucked up just about everything he has touched in the past year, but he does not control how much oil we import because the government is not doing the importing, private companies are. That is why I do not blame either Trump or Biden for such things. We the people do it, not them.
Of course he controls how much oil we import from Russia. That's a fucking lie. He controls it it just like he controls domestic oil production. He closed down the XL pipeline and lifted sanctions on Nordstream 2. How do you feel about that decision?

The United States was a net total energy exporter in 2019 and 2020.

Last time this was achieved was the late 1950’s.

Looks like I forgot to add my own commentary, that has to be a first! lol OK, let me say this- the only thing you’re right about GG is that the oil companies manipulate the price more than any president. Those 2 links above are worth a read to give you a better view, assuming you are looking for the truth.
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Of course he controls how much oil we import from Russia. That's a fucking lie

No he does not. Our oil industry is not nationalized no matter how much you wish it to be so

He controls it it just like he controls domestic oil production.

The POTUS does not control that either. The companies pulling oil out of the ground control that. The POTUS has some modicum of influence by their polices, but that is all

He closed down the XL pipeline

Which had never been open and was for Canadian oil, not American. Literally had NOTHING to do with US oil production

lifted sanctions on Nordstream 2. How do you feel about that decision?

I think it was the right decision. We have no right to tell an ally where they can and cannot get their oil from. How would you like it if the EU told us what pipelines we were allowed to have? Would you be cool with that?

It is also a pipeline that has of yet to ever see a drop of oil, and now Germany has shut its certification back down, which was part of the agreement with Germany when we lifted the sanctions should Russia do the things they are doing now.
And oddly enough our imports from Russia also went up both of those years.
I can’t find a source to support your 39% increase US to Russia oil. Have one handy?

While waiting for your source I found this: “U.S. petroleum products (excluding crude oil) imports and exports declined in 2020 from 2019: imports by 15% and exports by 5%. However, total annual petroleum products exports in 2020 were the third highest on record behind 2019 and 2018. Propane was the most-exported petroleum product in 2020, followed by distillate fuel oil.”

That makes at least 2 posters today spouting our a statistic without a source, and when asked for the source they do not produce one. Shocker.
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I can’t find a source to support your 39% increase US to Russia oil. Have one handy?
Big picture: US has 4 countries -Canada #1, that we trade in oil primarily, Russia isn’t one of them and never will be unless the world flips upside down.

So, I pulled up the info you linked, and this is your evidence of Russia importing 39% more oil under Trump?
Where is the 39% increase limited to only under Trump? Did you miss what was happening in 2010 and all the other years of various fluctuations exceeding 2016-2020? You’ve linked data for 6 months, and the wider view comparison that proves your statement as a falsehood. So which is it? You want me to focus on those last 6 months of 2021? That’s under Biden.


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This war will turn into an insurgency ALA Iraq pre-Surge. Except, unlike Iraq, Ukraine is fill of white people and will get full cooperation from the nations of the world.

This is going go wage on for years. The urban warfare and casualties will come slowly, but hundreds will turn to thousands - and refugeesfleeing the country into Poland and other nearby nations could be in the millions.

This could be Iraq 2.0 but even worse - Ukrainians will be more well funded and well supplied than Al-Qaeda In Iraq (Isis)
View attachment 606722

We’ll use the map above, from the U.K. Minister of Defence, as the big picture overview of the state of the Ukraine War. Note that we’re still early in the process, with the fog of war in full effect. There is active mis- and disinformation surrounding combat operations, not to mention the general confusion that always emerges from combat zones. That said, we seem to have enough hard information that we can get some sense of the state of battle.

Things are not going well on the battlefield for Vladimir. They’re not going well for him at home either. But look at the bright side. He has plenty of friends at Fox Ne
This has to end up as a disaster either way. Hope the Russian people find out what a fraud and sick individual putin is. They will execute him before this is all over.
And there were 100s of threads around here when Trump was the prez, gleefully bashing him whether he deserved it or not. Many of which turned out to be untrue, so the worm turns. IMHO, at times Trump and Biden have both made mistakes and got criticized for it, however unfairly. Blaming Biden for the Ukraine war is kinda out there though.
PUTIN is the one to blame, it solely rests on him.
View attachment 606722

We’ll use the map above, from the U.K. Minister of Defence, as the big picture overview of the state of the Ukraine War. Note that we’re still early in the process, with the fog of war in full effect. There is active mis- and disinformation surrounding combat operations, not to mention the general confusion that always emerges from combat zones. That said, we seem to have enough hard information that we can get some sense of the state of battle.

Things are not going well on the battlefield for Vladimir. They’re not going well for him at home either. But look at the bright side. He has plenty of friends at Fox Ne
Just read about a Ukranian pilot who's already downed 5 Russian jets. The good guys are just getting started.
View attachment 606722

We’ll use the map above, from the U.K. Minister of Defence, as the big picture overview of the state of the Ukraine War. Note that we’re still early in the process, with the fog of war in full effect. There is active mis- and disinformation surrounding combat operations, not to mention the general confusion that always emerges from combat zones. That said, we seem to have enough hard information that we can get some sense of the state of battle.

Things are not going well on the battlefield for Vladimir. They’re not going well for him at home either. But look at the bright side. He has plenty of friends at Fox Ne
Imagine if they could wipe out the entire Russian army and navy. Probably too much to ask for.
Imagine if they could wipe out the entire Russian army and navy. Probably too much to ask for.
The Russians are at the capital and the Ukrainians are down to their absolute last defense, armed citizens with no training and limited morale. All within 72 hours. That doesn't look like Ukraine is doing well at all, much less in any position to defeat the Russians.
The Russians are at the capital and the Ukrainians are down to their absolute last defense, armed citizens with no training and limited morale. All within 72 hours. That doesn't look like Ukraine is doing well at all, much less in any position to defeat the Russians.
Somehow that sounds too easy. I'm hoping it's a big trap. If this all goes south for the Russians, I might be able to get rid of their psychotic leader Putin, that would make it a double win for the world.
Somehow that sounds too easy. I'm hoping it's a big trap. If this all goes south for the Russians, I might be able to get rid of their psychotic leader Putin, that would make it a double win for the world.
They might be able to get rid of crazy Putin.
The point is there are 100 or more threads filled with giddy glee from the Trumpers on here bashing Biden over Ukraine. One of you all even said that Biden was the only person respsonble for the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, he does not even consider Putin to be responsible
Its odd that you would be surprised by lack of support for Biden. He sucks tremendously.
Russia has a massive social media disinformation campaign...it was used to be antivax, anti-mask, and anti-trump and pro BLM for the divisive culture it created.

Just like Russia/USSR invaded Afghanistan during the Carter Administration Russia was pulling for Biden to become president so he could invade Ukraine...

Because he knew that Biden absolutely sucks at strategically using the military. (Afghanistan withdrawal)

So... because Ukraine is now hostile to Russia...it won't be a pleasant occupation for them. Farmers farm and tend to have a form of resistance that Russia will find to be extremely frustrating...same with the tech sector. (Computer chip manufacturing and programming and rocket engines and Uranium mining/processing)

Nobody forced Russia to leave Afghanistan except Russia and Afghanistan... same thing is going to happen here. Russia isn't going to stay and will willingly leave soon enough.
Biden is going to be powerless and impotent during this conflict. I don't see that changing anytime soon.

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