Putin Expected A Quick Victory. It’s Quickly Turning Into A Loss.

Did you ever stop to consider some people care about the citizens of Ukraine?

Did you ever stop to consider that if Putin takes the Ukraine and everyone just ignores him doing so since the country is so corrupt that he will not stop there?
Are you implying Biden's sanctions aren't or won't work? Since you folks don't care that our Eurotrash allies don't pay their fair share, this won't be a problem will it?

Did you ever stop to consider some people care about the citizens of Ukraine?

Did you ever stop to consider that if Putin takes the Ukraine and everyone just ignores him doing so since the country is so corrupt that he will not stop there?

What, are you on a board of directors there?

I note that you did not comment on the second part of my post. Perfect timing if you ask me.
The whole world, with the exception of maybe China, loses because of this fucked up war. The fact that China will probably benefit proves that they are the earth's evil empire.
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We’ll use the map above, from the U.K. Minister of Defence, as the big picture overview of the state of the Ukraine War. Note that we’re still early in the process, with the fog of war in full effect. There is active mis- and disinformation surrounding combat operations, not to mention the general confusion that always emerges from combat zones. That said, we seem to have enough hard information that we can get some sense of the state of battle.

Things are not going well on the battlefield for Vladimir. They’re not going well for him at home either. But look at the bright side. He has plenty of friends at Fox Ne
Wow...who knew Dimmer skews was a battle general? Such a tiny mind at that....
Did you ever stop to consider some people care about the citizens of Ukraine?

Did you ever stop to consider some people care about the citizens of Ukraine?
You don't care about the people, simply advancing the intetests of your political party to which you cling with an intensity just as furious as the most fervent fundamentalist clutches their bible.
New "Times" cover. What exactly was your dream, Europe? Legalization of pedophilia?

You don't care about the people, simply advancing the intetests of your political party to which you cling with an intensity just as furious as the most fervent fundamentalist clutches their bible.

I do not think the Libertarian party cares much about the Ukraine outside of the fact their human rights are being violated
What does the libertarian party have to do with an authoritarian Biden supporter like yourself?
you asked his political alignment, he told you.

not attacking someone 24x7 doesn't mean you support them 100%.

That's the type of binary thinking that got us here.
The point is there are 100 or more threads filled with giddy glee from the Trumpers on here bashing Biden over Ukraine. One of you all even said that Biden was the only person respsonble for the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, he does not even consider Putin to be responsible

And there were 100s of threads around here when Trump was the prez, gleefully bashing him whether he deserved it or not. Many of which turned out to be untrue, so the worm turns. IMHO, at times Trump and Biden have both made mistakes and got criticized for it, however unfairly. Blaming Biden for the Ukraine war is kinda out there though.
The Leftists still believe Putin rigged the 2016 election and he must pay for that. Their gittyness over the war is absolutely surreal.
When it comes to this sort of blind partisanship, I often times find myself wondering if I am dealing with an actual human with some sort of working brain or simply an algorithm programmed by the DNC.

Talking sense to these mindless creatures is like talking to the most hysterical bible-thumping fundamentalist. It is all about rigid faith devoid of even a scintilla of reason.
What does the libertarian party have to do with an authoritarian Biden supporter like yourself?

I do not support Biden at all, I think he is a blithering idiot, have said so about 1000 times on this forum. You really should keep up with current events more.

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