Putin gets it right again

this kind of got off track. The point was that Putin is trying to protect his country's culture and obama is trying to destroy ours.

why would anyone support allowing sharia law in the USA? Why have we allowed this country to become bi-lingual? our national language is english, learn it or leave.

this country was founded by immigrants. English IS the national language.

So, you're not only a Putin-loving unAmerican sack of shit, but you're dumb as a rock on top of it.

Really? then why does every phone menu that you call say "press 1 for english". why is the sign up for obozocare in 150 languages? the assholes were actually bragging about that.

yes, founded by immigrants----------who came here legally and became americans.

they learned english and left their old country and its customs and flags behind.

Its really sad that loony reactionaries on the far right confuse America with Russia.

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