Putin is so brilliant as Trump proclaimed.

I laughed my ass off when I was watching Fox news and the reporter's were cringing but totally afraid to correct trump. Or they believed as trump did that Putin was so brilliant.

It's one of those two.
Sorry bout that,

1. Trump did a beautiful spin on Putin's War, that Biden green flagged to begin.
2. He told Putin he was Brilliant to take free land, kind of like Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man, the movie, tells Gen. Custard to, "Go on down their and fight the Indians", his whole troop was slaughtered, kind of like what's happening to Putin's army.
3. Reverse phycology is what its called.
4. Praise them and tell them its all clear, and go ahead and take what's yours to take.
5. Seems Trump perhaps mislead Putin, depending on how you read this.
6. Now Trump can always say he didn't mislead Putin, but then maybe he did, after the fact though, maybe just maybe he misled the media and Putin at same time???
7. The media will always tell it how he praised Putin's War.

I'm so glad you are virtue signalling once again.

'Virtue Signaling'??

I am just pointing out to you that Trump is no longer President, that Biden is, a fact of which you seem to be ignorant.

Trump has no say in our nation's decisions. His opinion means nothing...which doesn't seem to sate your rabid hatred of the man.

There is enough existing evidence that proves our current President, head of possibly the 2nd largest political crime family in US history - 2nd only to the Clinton's, made millions of dollars laundering money and taking Russian cash (again, based on Hunter's laptop).

Trump is gone. He can't affect our government's policies or actions. I worry less about sucj people and focus more on the ones currently in office committing crimes and destroying the country.

Snowflakes just can't let Trump go and ignore what's going on with those in power.

Lastly, I would trust almost anyone's judgement over a dementia-ravaged gaffe machine who shakes hands with thin air....

...but that's just me.
Sorry bout that,

1. Trump did a beautiful spin on Putin's War, that Biden green flagged to begin.
2. He told Putin he was Brilliant to take free land, kind of like Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man, the movie, tells Gen. Custard to, "Go on down their and fight the Indians", his whole troop was slaughtered, kind of like what's happening to Putin's army.
3. Reverse phycology is what its called.
4. Praise them and tell them its all clear, and go ahead and take what's yours to take.
5. Seems Trump perhaps mislead Putin, depending on how you read this.
6. Now Trump can always say he didn't mislead Putin, but then maybe he did, after the fact though, maybe just maybe he misled the media and Putin at same time???
7. The media will always tell it how he praised Putin's War.

Oh so trump was using KGB tactics and making Putin feel real good so good about his decision.

Because we all know Putin takes order from trump and trump convinced Putin to attack Ukraine because Trump knew it would have a reverse reaction in the world and strength NATO and it was all trump plan.

Come on man. I didn't fall off the turnip truck.
I see what you did there. 😂 These cons don't see that Trump will never say a bad thing about Putin. He is in love with Putin. Loves everything about him.
Only snowflakes obsessed with Trump give a damn what Trump says these days, especially about Putin. Trump is not in power, is not President, is not significant in our government.

It's like you live everyday for Trump, hanging on his every word or action, waiting to criticize and attack him. Dude, move on.

Your obsession with the man is not normal.
'Virtue Signaling'??

I am just pointing out to you that Trump is no longer President, that Biden is, a fact of which you seem to be ignorant.

Trump has no say in our nation's decisions. His opinion means nothing...which doesn't seem to sate your rabid hatred of the man.

There is enough existing evidence that proves our current President, head of possibly the 2nd largest political crime family in US history - 2nd only to the Clinton's, made millions of dollars laundering money and taking Russian cash (again, based on Hunter's laptop).

Trump is gone. He can't affect our government's policies or actions. I worry less about sucj people and focus more on the ones currently in office committing crimes and destroying the country.

Snowflakes just can't let Trump go and ignore what's going on with those in power.

Lastly, I would trust almost anyone's judgement over a dementia-ravaged gaffe machine who shakes hands with thin air....

...but that's just me.
So you want me to play your game.

Here we go.

So you are saying trump was right and Putin was brilliant when he attacked Ukraine and united the free world against him when he wanted less territory bordering NATO and then gained twice the territory with NATO afterwards?
Only snowflakes obsessed with Trump give a damn what Trump says these days, especially about Putin. Trump is not in power, is not President, is not significant in our government.

It's like you live everyday for Trump, hanging on his every word or action, waiting to criticize and attack him. Dude, move on.

Your obsession with the man is not normal.
So you are saying trump was right and Putin was brilliant. Ok.
Oh so trump was using KGB tactics and making Putin feel real good so good about his decision.

Because we all know Putin takes order from trump and trump convinced Putin to attack Ukraine because Trump knew it would have a reverse reaction in the world and strength NATO and it was all trump plan.

Come on man. I didn't fall off the turnip truck.
Sorry bout that,

1. Why didn't Trump say something before hand.
2. Before Biden started the War?
3. As I remember Biden said "A minor excursion was acceptable".
4. Trump wisely stayed out of it, till the kick off had started.
5. But you can bet Putin wanted to hear from Trump.
6. And Trump said, "You go on down there and fight the Ukrainians." Also what *Little Big Man*, did. Your just too stupid to see it, your hatred for Trumps deeper than logic.
7. Engage the Slaughter.

So you want me to play your game.

Here we go.

So you are saying trump was right and Putin was brilliant when he attacked Ukraine and united the free world against him when he wanted less territory bordering NATO and then gained twice the territory with NATO afterwards?
What game, snowflake?

Trump really isn't the President.

Our President is a proven compromised traitor whose son he helped take millions from Russia and China...

Trump's opinion is no more significant or powerful than yours or mine.

The fact that what Trump thinks drives you obsessed snowflakes after all this time he is gone is both hilarious and disturbing.

It reminds me how the same snowflakes attacking Trump now, after he has left office, are the sane snowflakes who were whining, crying, and demanding no one could bring up / discuss Obama after he left offfice...

....but almost every day these snowflakes post another 5 - 6 'I Still Hate Trump' threads so all of them can have a circle jerk while competing against each other about who hates Trump more. :p

Just curious - what would happen tomorrow if Trump came out and insulted, rebuked, and took Putin to task?

Everyone damn-well knows what would happen. You snowflakes would not be satisfied, would attack him for what he said, how he said it, etc...

You are the most miserable people I have ever heard / seen, and you are only happy when attacking Trump.....

The man literally lives rent-free in your heads 24/7. I bet you can not go 1 day without saying something about Trump! No way in hell. :p

Me? I'm going to continue to ignore what the man says, move on, and focus on things that actually matter.
What game, snowflake?

Trump really isn't the President.

Our President is a proven compromised traitor whose son he helped take millions from Russia and China...

Trump's opinion is no more significant or powerful than yours or mine.

The fact that what Trump thinks drives you obsessed snowflakes after all this time he is gone is both hilarious and disturbing.

It reminds me how the same snowflakes attacking Trump now, after he has left office, are the sane snowflakes who were whining, crying, and demanding no one could bring up / discuss Obama after he left offfice...office....

....but almost every day these snowflakes post another 5 - 6 'I Still Hate Trump' threads so all of them can have a circle jerk while competing against each other about who hates Trump more.

Just curious - what would happen tomorrow if Trump came out and insulted, rebuked, and took Putin to task?

Everyone damn-well knows what would happen. You snowflakes would not be satisfied, would attack him for what he said, how he said it, etc...

You are the most miserable people I have ever heard / seen, and you are only happy when attacking Trump.....

The man literally lives rent-free in your heads 24/7. I bet you can not go 1 day without saying something about Trump! No way in hell. :p

Me? I'm going to continue to ignore what the man says, move on, and focus on things that actually matter.
Well I guess everything trump did was perfect in your eyes. Maybe you think Putin is brilliant but not me. I thought the invasion of Ukraine was the stupidest thing in world event in this century.

But you and trump feel otherwise I guess.
They get triggered by a word like global and they're off the races. I swear, Trump makes people stupid as hell.

It is the continued obsession over a man who has been out of office for TWO years is what is going on here somehow, he still lives in your leftists' heads.

Russia attacked during the Obama and Biden years but nothing under Trumps time who posted a bunch of sanctions against Russia that actually hurt Russia and closed down the big K1 pipeline which Biden reopened.
So you are trying to blame Trump for Putin's actions or just trying to question Trump's opinion?

Hy crap the let's hatred of Trump is off the friggin' charts.

I mean, the man hasn't been in office for over a year, and snowflakes can't shit up a out him....what he thinks, what he says, what he does, his opinions....

I guess anything to avoid talking about the disaster that is Biden.

It is not enough to be able to celebrate the fact that Ukraine is destroying Putin's military and that Putin is unifying Europe. No, snowflakes have to try to find a way to attack Trump in every issue. Its truly pathetic and a sign that snowflakes need serious psychiatric help to get over their obsession.

You’re still defending Trump??? How stupid and gullible are you?
He so brilliant that Everytime he threatens the world with violence and death he pushes the world further and further away and strengthens the very world against the Russian dictator.

His world is get smaller.

And I bet like trump he has a bunch of ass kisser around him telling him how brilliant he is and what a great leader he is.

Or they get removed
Obama said Putin is really smart and admires him.

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