Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

Right from the horse's ass -
"I would also say that, you know, the — the President and the United States has been leading this effort around the world in building this coalition, which includes many countries in Europe but also many from other parts of the world, in standing up to President Putin and standing up to the aggression and the invasion of Ukraine.

And so, all of this coordinated action did not happen by accident. It wouldn’t have happened without the President’s efforts, the President’s time he spent on diplomacy, the time of our national security team.

The order of announcements and how that has gone, I would not overread into that because we would not be here had the President not been leading this effort around the world for months." - Psaki

She finally got something right.
Right from the horse's ass -
"I would also say that, you know, the — the President and the United States has been leading this effort around the world in building this coalition, which includes many countries in Europe but also many from other parts of the world, in standing up to President Putin and standing up to the aggression and the invasion of Ukraine.

And so, all of this coordinated action did not happen by accident. It wouldn’t have happened without the President’s efforts, the President’s time he spent on diplomacy, the time of our national security team.

The order of announcements and how that has gone, I would not overread into that because we would not be here had the President not been leading this effort around the world for months." - Psaki

She finally got something right.

Umm yes, dumbass, when Putin launched his war he was counting on discord within EU on sactions against Russia and instead what he found was a world united and resolute against this historic Russian aggression.
Umm yes, dumbass, when Putin launched his war he was counting on discord within EU on sactions against Russia and instead what he found was a world united and resolute against this historic Russian aggression.
LOL. Yeah really stunned him. Great job! Talk about painting a failure as a win.
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He didn’t need to. This is an attack on NATO and the EU.

Trump was doing that for him

Good point. And that’s why Putin was so discouraged November 05 2021 when his Trump lost the election. And then double disappointment I’m sure when Trump failed to overturn the election on January 6, 2021 or bring chaos to the streets. PUTIN’s Useful idiot was out of power. PUTIN No longer had a useful idiot in the White House so what started six days ago apparently is the result. Putin may have misjudged in thinking that the entire GOP was with him on his Ukraine because of Trump and Trump’s lies that he represented the majority of the American people and won the election that led to January 6. I’m sure Putin enjoyed that day until democracy survived.
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Good point. And that’s why Putin was so discouraged November 05 2021 when his Trump lost the election. And then double disappointment I’m sure when Trump failed to overturn the election on January 6, 2021 or bring chaos to the streets. PUTIN’s Useful idiot was out of power. PUTIN No longer had a useful idiot in the White House so what started six days ago apparently is the result. Putin may have misjudged in thinking that the entire GOP was with him on his Ukraine because of Trump and Trump’s lies that he represented the majority of the American people and won the election that led to January 6. I’m sure Putin enjoyed that day until democracy survived.
It didn't start 6 days ago. Putin started sending troops to the Ukraine borderjust weeks after Biden became president. By April, 2021, he had 100K troops in position.
Yes, the chart is crystal clear.

Trump: -2.2%
Biden: +1.3%

Then there's the labor force. On average per year It grew under both presidents. Only under Biden so far, it's grown about 25 times more than it did under Trump...

Trump ...... 141,000
Biden .... 3,503,000

Oh brother again like no one understands the dems shutting down entire states for the COVID SCAM forcing people out of work. Grow up and be honest. Following covid by this point if BIDEN was even average as president---we should be back at full employment but we aren't and we are starting to lose JOBS. We are entering a double dip recession that is going to last for years even worse than the Obama double dip.
Oh brother again like no one understands the dems shutting down entire states for the COVID SCAM forcing people out of work. Grow up and be honest. Following covid by this point if BIDEN was even average as president---we should be back at full employment but we aren't and we are starting to lose JOBS. We are entering a double dip recession that is going to last for years even worse than the Obama double dip.

Moron, it was Trump who recommended the shutdowns...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

Sadly, he was president for 4 years, not 3. And the annual average number of people entering the labor force is...

Trump ...... 141,000
Biden .... 3,503,000

... no amount of excuses from you is going to change that.

And we're not losing jobs. You're out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:
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It didn't start 6 days ago.
He announced intent to take over all Ukraine 6 days ago confirming the Intelligence that was announced by Biden in order to prepare the EU and Ukraine for what was coming.

My wife is Russian. we still have family and friends there. I was with her when she voted for Putin in 2000. She went from benefit of the doubt absolute absoluteShe went from benefit of the doubt absolute madman Ashamed of her country allowing terrorist to be in power. We’ve been watching closely everything that happened prior to six days ago most concern. Invasion in history significant Germany’s invasion of Poland freedom and democracy.
Oh brother again like no one understands the dems shutting down entire states for the COVID SCAM forcing people out of work.

Trump is not a democrat. We will not have an openly Racist in our party. But nevertheless, Trump took credit for shutting down the economy. It was no hoax. Serious shit!

Dying on Airplanes
Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing
Issued on: April 1, 2020

THE PRESIDENT: It says 100- to 200,000. Anything — it’s a lot of people, right? It’s a lot of people.

Well, you didn’t ask the other question. What would have happened — because this is the question that I’ve been asking Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx for a long time, and they’ve been working on this for a long time.

The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life.

Now, I don’t think that would have been possible because you would have had people dying all over the place. This would not have been a normal life. How many people have even seen anybody die? You would have seen people dying on airplanes. You would have been seeing people dying in hotel lobbies. You would’ve seen death all over.

So I think, from a practical standpoint, that couldn’t have been carried out too far. But — but if you — if you did nothing, on the higher side, the number would be 2.2 and maybe even more, and on the lower side, 1.6 million people.

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You actually think Hunter got all of those millions and Joe wasn't "involved"? There is naive, Faun...and then there is clueless! Which are you?
oh fk no, creepy Joe got it. hahahahhahahahaha see how stupid you are?

NFBW “1” wrote: In 2009 Biden was the only member of the Obama administration opposed to sending more troops into Afghanistan. Every Republican hearing that Squealed like a stuck pig at that time. But in 2015 Trump ran on a campaign based upon anti-war opinion that Biden was correct in 2009. Reality matters more than partisan hatchet throwing

It has been six days since Putin became the world’s number one terrorist by slaughtering innocent women and children in Ukraine.

Trump’s comment six days ago was that Putin was a genius for doing this. Trump voters think Trump was right six days ago. Biden voters correctly say Trump was on the side of the number one terrorist in the world who is continuing to step up slaughtering innocent women and children.

The rubber hits the road now Trump voters. We have one president right now. The question is is it can you devote your energy to defeating the number one terrorist behind the Ukrainians on the front line in the world and saving democracy or will you keep spitting complaints against your political opposition because he beat yours and a free and fair democratic election.

Are you for Putin or against Putin?

Ukrainians are showing that they will fight to the death to save their country. It’s a Patrick Henry moment in the world.

Thanks to President Joe Biden mending the damage that Trump did to NATO in support of Vladimir Putin for the past five years NATO is prepared to defeat the number one terrorist in the world right now.

Thanks to President Joe Biden mending the damage that Trump did to the EU the European Union is incredibly united in support of Ukraine in defense of democracy against the number one terrorist in the world.

I voted for Joe Biden. I hate Donald Trump and everyone of his voters. He and you created Vladimir Putin’s idea that he can get away with this because Trump divided America and curses our democracy.

I am willing to support the coalition and united effort that Joe Biden has put together to defeat the number one terrorist in the world and number one crusader against democracy, next to Donald Trump of course, as we witnessed on January 6.

I am willing to pay double the price or more for a gallon gas to help Ukraine win and Putin to be sent off like Osama bin Laden (Obama/Joe Biden victory) or Mussolini

I can park my car and get my groceries by bicycle because I am fortunate to be in that position but I think that’s a minuscule sacrifice to make compared to what the Ukrainian people are going through right now.

So what is it Trump voters? What are you willing to give up to destroy the number one terrorist in the world? All I ask did you quit periodic selfish partisan sniping until Ukraine the brave Ukrainians defeat the monster who has invaded their nation and in the first six days is already used cluster bombs on the civilian population because his army appears to be a huge fraud that he has a powerful one on the ground. He must kill from a safe distance from the killing. Whose side are you on.

Zelinski is a man of courage remaining in the combat zone. Trump’s genius Putin is a coward sitting at a 50 foot long table safe in his bunker in the Kremlin. Who’s side are you gonna be on Trump voters?
You are a fool if you think Biden pulled NATO together after Trump "destroyed NATO" by telling them to "pay up". Now all of a sudden that the threat is real Germany FINALY is upping the ante. Trump was also the one to give Ukraine real weapons, unlike Obama and Joe who sent them pillows and blankets, when the "russian separatists" started their war in eastern Ukraine. You seem to think Joe will "destroy the number one terrorist in the world", Joe did not even want to take out Bin Laden. Finally if Joe wouldn't have pulled the plug on the Keystone pipeline and leases on federal land we would still be controlling the price of oil GLOBALY and hurting Russia. Why did Joe wait so long for real sanctions and leave Russian oil out of it? Remember when Joe said "he was the one to keep Putin in line", that sounds like some of your BS too.
Who the fuck do you think you're convincing?

The left doesn't believe your bullshit

Trumpers aren't falling for it any more

Give it up and go away Igor
well fk, we don't believe your bullshit. that's for fking sure.
He announced intent to take over all Ukraine 6 days ago confirming the Intelligence that was announced by Biden in order to prepare the EU and Ukraine for what was coming.

My wife is Russian. we still have family and friends there. I was with her when she voted for Putin in 2000. She went from benefit of the doubt absolute absoluteShe went from benefit of the doubt absolute madman Ashamed of her country allowing terrorist to be in power. We’ve been watching closely everything that happened prior to six days ago most concern. Invasion in history significant Germany’s invasion of Poland freedom and democracy.

He announced his intentions when he deployed 100K troops to the Ukraine border.
Trump was also the one to give Ukraine real weapons,
After attempting extortion. But the javelins came with the stipulations that they had to be stored in the west of Ukraine and not used in the disputed regions where there was fighting against Russia. And apparently they weren’t until now. So WTF they need them now to hit the long convoy of trucks circling Kiev. The weapons pouring into Ukraine right now from everybody in the civilized world are what counts. Trump’s golfing in Mar-a-Lago and doing wedding receptions. I’ve heard nothing from him that would be a help to Ukraine. Nothing
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Nothing hard about it.
Its obvious.
We gave Putin no choice.
We have been corrupting and taking over the Ukraine for decades.
right? creepy joe got a prosecutor fired. I mean, that says it all that Ukraine didn't have a government.
After attempting extortion. But then javelins came of the stipulations that they had to be stored in the west of Ukraine and not used in the disputed regions where there was fighting against Russia. And apparently they weren’t until now. So WTF they need them now long convoy of trucks and circling Kiev. The weapons pouring into Ukraine right now from everybody civilized world or what counts. Trump thing in Mar-a-Lago and doing what are wedding receptions I’ve heard nothing from him that would be a help to Ukraine. Nothing

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