Putting aside policy, what exactly do Trump supporters think of Donnnie himself?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.

Key word accusations, he'll be president for the foreseeable future. Deal with it.

Trump is fine , an old style American in my opinion Billy !!
This picture sort of sums it up for me.
I saw and still see Trump as a pretty good business man who was planning on retiring and wanted one last achievement. He saw an opportunity with the anger and hatred toward DC.

Trump took the opportunity and his character from his tv show and ran all the way to the White House. Rush Limbaugh said it best "Trump supporters take him seriously not literally"

I do think he wants to "drain the swamp" and do good at the end of the day. This is what liberals don't understand it wasn't the leaked emails etc. It was anger and hatred mix that with the fact that Hillary is one of the most unlikeable people alive (seriously Google Assistant has more personality) and you have President Trump.
To be honest, I'm a little disappointed that, whatever the facts here, and we still have a very cloudy and confused picture, that Trump has allowed such a mess to develop right off in his administration. I think the firing of Comey was handled wrong, I think the matter with Flynn very sloppy, I think the stories of Sessions offering to quit very disquieting, I think the constant conflicts between what Trump's press people say and then what Trump says annoying and I'm a little sick and tired of Trump's salty and salacious off-color comments about government officials said on camera or in tweet both unnecessary and damaging. And his tweets in general often unbecoming of a president. He may still be a good president in the long term, but I expected better management from him and all this crap is pissing me off and I think working counter to the nation, and not all of it the media's fault. Some of Trump's problems are Trump's massive ego. That he is new at this can only take you so far and I think he has used that card as far as it can take him. He and the Republicans need to GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER. They have to quit letting the Dems play them for a sucker and always tripping them up with their games and media diversions like Lucy yanking the ball out from under Charlie Brown:


Now, that might surprise you coming from a staunch Trump supporter, but I would be disingenuous to say less. I say it because if he does not get his shit together and get things done, we are back to a far, far worse alternative--- --- democrats again!
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To be honest, I'm a little disappointed that, whatever the facts here, and we still have a very cloudy and confused picture, that Trump has allowed such a mess to develop right off in his administration. I think the firing of Comey was handled wrong, I think the matter with Flynn very sloppy, I think the stories of Sessions offering to quit very disquieting, I think the constant conflicts between what Trump's press people say and then what Trump says annoying and I'm a little sick and tired of Trump's salty and salacious off-color comments about government officials said on camera or in tweet both unnecessary and damaging. And his tweets in general often unbecoming of a president. He may still be a good president in the long term, but I expected better management from him and all this crap is pissing me off and I think working counter to the nation, and not all of it the media's fault. Some of Trump's problems are Trump's massive ego. That he is new at this can only take you so far and I think he has used that card as far as it can take him. He and the Republicans need to GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER. They have to quit letting the Dems play them for a sucker and always tripping them up with their games and media diversions like Lucy yanking the ball out from under Charlie Brown:

View attachment 131867

Now, that might surprise you coming from a staunch Trump supporter, but I would be disingenuous to say less. I say it because if he does not get his shit together and get things done, we are back to a far, far worse alternative--- --- democrats again!
I have to give you kudos for admitting all of this. Trump supporters can think whatever they want about democrats, but if they cannot admit how terrible Trump has been, they are being intellectually dishonest. Plain and simple.
To be honest, I'm a little disappointed that, whatever the facts here, and we still have a very cloudy and confused picture, that Trump has allowed such a mess to develop right off in his administration. I think the firing of Comey was handled wrong, I think the matter with Flynn very sloppy, I think the stories of Sessions offering to quit very disquieting, I think the constant conflicts between what Trump's press people say and then what Trump says annoying and I'm a little sick and tired of Trump's salty and salacious off-color comments about government officials said on camera or in tweet both unnecessary and damaging. And his tweets in general often unbecoming of a president. He may still be a good president in the long term, but I expected better management from him and all this crap is pissing me off and I think working counter to the nation, and not all of it the media's fault. Some of Trump's problems are Trump's massive ego. That he is new at this can only take you so far and I think he has used that card as far as it can take him. He and the Republicans need to GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER. They have to quit letting the Dems play them for a sucker and always tripping them up with their games and media diversions like Lucy yanking the ball out from under Charlie Brown:

View attachment 131867

Now, that might surprise you coming from a staunch Trump supporter, but I would be disingenuous to say less. I say it because if he does not get his shit together and get things done, we are back to a far, far worse alternative--- --- democrats again!
I have to give you kudos for admitting all of this. Trump supporters can think whatever they want about democrats, but if they cannot admit how terrible Trump has been, they are being intellectually dishonest. Plain and simple.

To be sure, it didn't start out this way, but Trump and the GOP had to know and expect this would be the Dem's and media's game. I expect more out of Trump, and while I know there is no impeachment material here, no obstruction case here, no collusion here, it is all just very very sloppy. This could really hurt his entire agenda. That the GOP railed against Obamacare for SEVEN years, and were totally unprepared to lay down a solid plan quickly and hit the ground running only further angers my feeling that as a party, the GOP is very divided and unorganized. I am sick of hearing of these long summer recesses, that they only have these many days to get things done. It always seems that Congress puts their own perks ahead of the nation and they should give up their fucking vacations if they have to and get stuff done! Maybe if they had to work through the summer with no time off, they might be more motivated to accomplish things.

I appreciate your compliment, but I am not a hack, I am not a Bot, I'm a skilled analyst and trained to see things very clearly. I don't say that the democrats are very fucked up lightly. But the GOP wanted the House, and they were given it. Then they said they needed the Senate and were given it. Then they said they needed the White House, and were given it. Now, still, the GOP is not the whole government and don't have overwhelming majority. The democrats are not going away and are not going to go along willingly. You have to have a plan to deal with this. I don't think shit of McConnell, I don't think much of Ryan. Trump is a guy willing to move their agenda, he is an outsider and innovator. OK, so they got all that they can expect to get, now they better PRODUCE. I lost my patience with the GOP several years ago and am giving them a last chance to prove me wrong. I'm not a patient person.
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.

Key word accusations, he'll be president for the foreseeable future. Deal with it.

I'll also add that he curtsied in front of a Muslim. If that doesn't get your blood boiling I don't know what will!
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.

Key word accusations, he'll be president for the foreseeable future. Deal with it.

I'll also add that he curtsied in front of a Muslim. If that doesn't get your blood boiling I don't know what will!

Yeah you keep running with that lie all the way to 2018. LMAO

To be honest, I'm a little disappointed that, whatever the facts here, and we still have a very cloudy and confused picture, that Trump has allowed such a mess to develop right off in his administration. I think the firing of Comey was handled wrong, I think the matter with Flynn very sloppy, I think the stories of Sessions offering to quit very disquieting, I think the constant conflicts between what Trump's press people say and then what Trump says annoying and I'm a little sick and tired of Trump's salty and salacious off-color comments about government officials said on camera or in tweet both unnecessary and damaging. And his tweets in general often unbecoming of a president. He may still be a good president in the long term, but I expected better management from him and all this crap is pissing me off and I think working counter to the nation, and not all of it the media's fault. Some of Trump's problems are Trump's massive ego. That he is new at this can only take you so far and I think he has used that card as far as it can take him. He and the Republicans need to GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER. They have to quit letting the Dems play them for a sucker and always tripping them up with their games and media diversions like Lucy yanking the ball out from under Charlie Brown:

View attachment 131867

Now, that might surprise you coming from a staunch Trump supporter, but I would be disingenuous to say less. I say it because if he does not get his shit together and get things done, we are back to a far, far worse alternative--- --- democrats again!
I have to give you kudos for admitting all of this. Trump supporters can think whatever they want about democrats, but if they cannot admit how terrible Trump has been, they are being intellectually dishonest. Plain and simple.

To be sure, it didn't start out this way, but Trump and the GOP had to know and expect this would be the Dem's and media's game. I expect more out of Trump, and while I know there is no impeachment material here, no obstruction case here, no collusion here, it is all just very very sloppy. This could really hurt his entire agenda. That the GOP railed against Obamacare for SEVEN years, and were totally unprepared to lay down a solid plan quickly and hit the ground running only further angers my feeling that as a party, the GOP is very divided and unorganized. I am sick of hearing of these long summer recesses, that they only have these many days to get things done. It always seems that Congress puts their own perks ahead of the nation and they should give up their fucking vacations if they have to and get stuff done! Maybe if they had to work through the summer with no time off, they might be more motivated to accomplish things.

I appreciate your compliment, but I am not a hack, I am not a Bot, I'm a skilled analyst and trained to see things very clearly. I don't say that the democrats are very fucked up lightly. But the GOP wanted the House, and they were given it. Then they said they needed the Senate and were given it. Then they said they needed the White House, and were given it. Now, still, the GOP is not the whole government and don't have overwhelming majority. The democrats are not going away and are not going to go along willingly. You have to have a plan to deal with this. I don't think shit of McConnell, I don't think much of Ryan. Trump is a guy willing to move their agenda, he is an outsider and innovator. OK, so they got all that they can expect to get, now they better PRODUCE. I lost my patience with the GOP several years ago and am giving them a last chance to prove me wrong. I'm not a patient person.
The work ethic of government needs a overhaul. Even setting them to grade school attendance would be an increase of time spent on the job.
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.

Key word accusations, he'll be president for the foreseeable future. Deal with it.

I'll also add that he curtsied in front of a Muslim. If that doesn't get your blood boiling I don't know what will!

Yeah you keep running with that lie all the way to 2018. LMAO

Lol dude it's on video. It's clear evidence.
I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.

Key word accusations, he'll be president for the foreseeable future. Deal with it.

I'll also add that he curtsied in front of a Muslim. If that doesn't get your blood boiling I don't know what will!

Yeah you keep running with that lie all the way to 2018. LMAO

Lol dude it's on video. It's clear evidence.

You dumb ass he bent his knees a little so a shorter man could put an award around his neck without screwing up his hair. You pathetic snowflakes are grasping for anything and coming up with thin air. LMAO

I suppose they probably see him as this alpha male who gets shit done, but the reality is that Trump is completely far from an alpha male. I mean sure Trump WANTS everyone to think he's an alpha male, but anyone rational would see through that facade. He's a whiny little bitch. He is insecure, petty, immature, and painfully stupid. This is a president, who Twitter trolls other leaders in the early morning hours.

The rightwing has really embraced their delusion of him. Can you imagine if Obama had gone through this Russia scandal with the exact same accusations? Obama would be impeached months ago. Rightwingers on this board would be going ape shit.

Trump's lies and corruption are unprecedented for a president, but his supporters see him as this power hitter. The stupidity of that blows my mind.

Key word accusations, he'll be president for the foreseeable future. Deal with it.

I'll also add that he curtsied in front of a Muslim. If that doesn't get your blood boiling I don't know what will!

Yeah you keep running with that lie all the way to 2018. LMAO

Lol dude it's on video. It's clear evidence.

You dumb ass he bent his knees a little so a shorter man could put an award around his neck without screwing up his hair. You pathetic snowflakes are grasping for anything and coming up with thin air. LMAO

Lol he bent his knees a little. Yeah that's a curtsy. Why didn't he just keep his posture? The other guy was clearly tall enough to place the medal.

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