QM and General Relativity may have finally been merged

I think you are hung up on a label, you have beat this poor horse to death.

Just because a system is deterministic does not mean it's predictable. Chaotic systems are only predictable within boundary conditions. They don't "get into that state" They are in that state by definition.

A hurricane is a chaotic system. Hurricanes cause a lot of damage, and we spend a lot of money trying to predict them. We monitor them with satellites and aircraft and balloons, etc. We gather huge amounts of data and use supercomputers to model their paths.

When you look at the predictions, they are pretty good in the immediate future, but the predicted path is a fan shape, the uncertainty grows rapidly with time. That is the nature of chaotic systems (which is pretty much everything in nature).

Hurricanes are "deterministic", sure. Air obeys rules. Hot air always rises, air always flows from high pressure to low pressure, etc. But that does not mean hurricanes are predictable- we can never gather enough data or model it precisely enough to make anything other than a short-term prediction (that rapidly degrades).
Yes I totally agree 100%; the weather is not random, it is deterministic but chaotic. I do not for a moment dispute that some deterministic systems are chaotic, but they are not random, if they were we'd have no need for the concept of "chaos" we'd just use "random".

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