Quentin Tarantino...CALLS POLICE to remove unwanted person from his garden!!!!

As this thread demonstrates, conservatives on the whole are just kind of slow witted.

Those who don't fail at logic would understand that wanting police to be competent and ethical does not preclude a person from calling police and having them do their jobs. Those who do fail completely at basic logic -- that is, conservatives -- will proudly declare otherwise, totally oblivious to how stupid and crazy it makes them look.

Remember conservatives, you being stupid does not make us hypocrites. It just makes you stupid.
The nerve, expecting them to do the job they're paid to do!!! I'm sure Quentin contributes to paying their salaries, so why should he not call them?
Because he thinks they're murderers?

I'm sure he realizes that some are good, some are bad. He pays his taxes, so I see no reason why he should not expect them to come out and do their job.
As this thread demonstrates, conservatives on the whole are just kind of slow witted.

Those who don't fail at logic would understand that wanting police to be competent and ethical does not preclude a person from calling police and having them do their jobs. Those who do fail completely at basic logic -- that is, conservatives -- will proudly declare otherwise, totally oblivious to how stupid and crazy it makes them look.

Remember conservatives, you being stupid does not make us hypocrites. It just makes you stupid.

So you're saying there are thousands of stupid cops then, because they are the ones most pissed about this and calling for boycotts.
Guess it doesn't matter to you, you'll never need a cop, so no problem.
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Personally, for me, the time I've spent just posting on this Tatantino thread is more time that I question myself for wasting on him.
Quentin Tarantino called police over intruder

You can't make this shit up. Tarantino 2 weeks ago called 911 to get cops to come remove an unwanted person from his garden!!

Tarantino tried to convince the intruder to leave...but he wouldnt. Hmmmmm. Reminds me of the libs who say they could've reasoned with the 16 year old girl in the school who also refused to leave. Guess that doesn't work...anyway.....Tarantino needed to call armed men to come remove the person.

Bet next time they won't rush to hard to get to him. Afterall....the intruder was "unarmed" so he's not a threat anyway.
Are you saying that because of Tarantino's stand against police brutality, he shouldn't expect the police to do their job, or that they should not do their job out of spite? The job of police is to protect and serve without prejudice; without letting personal opinions get in the way. Are you, as an unabashed cop sucker, suggesting that cops shouldn't take, or be expected to take, their jobs seriously?
As this thread demonstrates, conservatives on the whole are just kind of slow witted.

Those who don't fail at logic would understand that wanting police to be competent and ethical ...


A Hillary Clinton proponent... citing ETHICS!


LOL! You can NOT make this crap up!
Are you saying that because of Tarantino's stand against police brutality, he shouldn't expect the police to do their job...

No... He's saying that Tarantino's attempt to paint police as brutally incompetent, he shouldn't expect police to step off the curb to spit on him, in the event he were in fire, in the gutter.

See how that works?
Police Union Issues Ominous Threat to Quentin Tarantino, Promises ‘Surprise’

After Quentin Tarantino called the ongoing police boycott of his films a"distraction" from the issue of police brutality, the head of America's largest police union fired back by noting that Tarantino had a pretty nice movie there, and it would be a shame if anything happened to it. In an interview with THR, the Fraternal Order of Police's Jim Pasco promised that his union had a "surprise" in store for the director: "Something is in the works, but the element of surprise is the most important element ... The right time and place will come up and we'll try to hurt him in the only way that seems to matter to him, and that's economically." Perhaps realizing that he was starting to sound like a supervillain, Pasco also clarified that the surprise would not involve physical violence. "Police officers protect people," he said. "They don't go out to hurt people."

Police Union Issues Ominous Threat to Quentin Tarantino, Promises ‘Surprise’

They have some dirt on him for sure. Maybe a video of him making racist remarks when he calls 911 for garden intruders??
Are you saying that because of Tarantino's stand against police brutality, he shouldn't expect the police to do their job...

No... He's saying that Tarantino's attempt to paint police as brutally incompetent, he shouldn't expect police to step off the curb to spit on him, in the event he were in fire, in the gutter.

See how that works?
Yeah, he's saying that police shouldn't do their job out of spite. How mature of both of you. I would hope that any self-respecting cop would take your opinion and tell you to shove it up your ass.
Hmm, people who w o rk for us refusing to do their job because someone said something they didn't like.

How about that 1st Amendment huh? Or does it not count for people who don't know how to say stuff people don't like?
The conservatives here seem to think of police as just another gang which happens to be on their side, and which kicks the asses of any other gangs or people they don't like.

Liberals, OTOH, have a much higher opinion of the police.
Hmm, people who w o rk for us refusing to do their job because someone said something they didn't like.

How about that 1st Amendment huh? Or does it not count for people who don't know how to say stuff people don't like?

Of course they should respond and enforce any laws broken. That's what they do. They even do it for liberal shitheads. If Tarantino were held hostage by gunmen...cops would go in and risk death to save his gay ass anyway.

My point is....why call armed men to take away an unarmed man who refuses to leave?? Just like the SC school brat...all Tarantino had to do was reason with him, wait him out, or...just leave the house and let the man leave when he is ready.
Police Union Issues Ominous Threat to Quentin Tarantino, Promises ‘Surprise’

After Quentin Tarantino called the ongoing police boycott of his films a"distraction" from the issue of police brutality, the head of America's largest police union fired back by noting that Tarantino had a pretty nice movie there, and it would be a shame if anything happened to it. In an interview with THR, the Fraternal Order of Police's Jim Pasco promised that his union had a "surprise" in store for the director: "Something is in the works, but the element of surprise is the most important element ... The right time and place will come up and we'll try to hurt him in the only way that seems to matter to him, and that's economically." Perhaps realizing that he was starting to sound like a supervillain, Pasco also clarified that the surprise would not involve physical violence. "Police officers protect people," he said. "They don't go out to hurt people."

Police Union Issues Ominous Threat to Quentin Tarantino, Promises ‘Surprise’

They have some dirt on him for sure. Maybe a video of him making racist remarks when he calls 911 for garden intruders??

Quentin Tarantino accused of ‘Blaxploitation’ by Spike Lee... again
Lee restarts feud with director over excessive use of the ‘n-word’ in latest film
It is one of the ugliest and longest-running feuds in Hollywood, and Spike Lee has re-ignited his grudge with fellow director Quentin Tarantino over the latter’s most recent movie.

Tarantino’s Django Unchained, a violent, blackly comic Western in which a freed slave takes bloody revenge on a plantation owner, was released in the US yesterday. According to a review in Variety, it contains “no fewer than 109 instances of the ‘N word,’ most of them deployed either for laughs or alliteration.”

Over the weekend, Lee tweeted: “American Slavery Was Not A Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western. It Was A Holocaust.” Lee, whose films include Malcolm X and Do the Right Thing, told Vibe magazine he would not watch Tarantino’s work as: “It’s disrespectful to my ancestors.”

The row between the filmmakers began 15 years ago, after the release of Tarantino’s Jackie Brown, a homage to Blaxploitation movies, which included some 38 n-words. “I have a definite problem with Quentin Tarantino’s excessive use of the n-word,” Lee said at the time. “I think something is wrong with him... It’s just the n-word, the n-word, the n-word.”

Tarantino has also been forced to defend Django Unchained – nominated for five Golden Globe Awards – from suggestions that its violent scenes might inspire real-world violence, such as the Sandy Hook shootings. “It’s a Western,” he told reporters at a press showing. “Give me a break.”

Quentin Tarantino accused of ‘Blaxploitation’ by Spike Lee...
The conservatives here seem to think of police as just another gang which happens to be on their side, and which kicks the asses of any other gangs or people they don't like.

Liberals, OTOH, have a much higher opinion of the police.

"Liberals, OTOH, have a much higher opinion of the police"

Hmm, people who w o rk for us refusing to do their job because someone said something they didn't like.

How about that 1st Amendment huh? Or does it not count for people who don't know how to say stuff people don't like?

Of course they should respond and enforce any laws broken. That's what they do. They even do it for liberal shitheads. If Tarantino were held hostage by gunmen...cops would go in and risk death to save his gay ass anyway.

When did you change your opinion? It wasn't after Ferguson because you said cops should leave because of mean words like "Dont beat me".

My point is....why call armed men to take away an unarmed man who refuses to leave?? Just like the SC school brat...all Tarantino had to do was reason with him, wait him out, or...just leave the house and let the man leave when he is ready.

Whew lawd, that's a big strawman. You lied in that thread. Did you apologize yet for claiming the girl that was slammed told people to get out their cell phones?

I'm betting you didnt, only credible people would. You're the other guy.
How about Tarantino not making blanket statements about police being murderers especially 4 days after a police officer was murdered? If he had specific cases he wanted point out he could and should have done so simply put try thinking about what your saying and how your saying it before poping off.
How about Tarantino not making blanket statements about police being murderers especially 4 days after a police officer was murdered? If he had specific cases he wanted point out he could and should have done so simply put try thinking about what your saying and how your saying it before poping off.

He didn't make blanket statements and not only that he DID mention Specific cases.

But you've been told a lie by the "Liberal Media" and never checked for yourself. It's understandable tho..sounds real bad. Knee Jerk yanno?

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