Question about shooting targets

Almost forgot.
Sometimes my daughter and I shoot at a target that has a criminal/terrorist, holding a woman hostage and aiming at the shooter. My obvious preference is to shoot the criminal, my daughter prefers to focus on the hostage. Everyone has their preference as to what target they prefer.
Do you find these types of shooting targets morally wrong, objectionable and do you think anyone who uses them are sick bastards?


it is obvious what these targets are for !! notice none of them are holding assault rifles !! people that trust this administration are fools !!
Well then I wonder why DHS has ordered millions of these targets?

Pretty damn sick. I just use standard 100-yard targets, an 8" steel plate, and clay pigeons for target practice. I guess the Gestapo is trying to desensitize police so they won't hesitate to shoot folks.

Surely an obama supporter like you is only joking
Just write tea party member above their head.

I support Obama because the Repugs suck worse, not because I "worship" him or think his shit doesn't stink. I have always been against the DHS. I think it should be abolished along with the TSA, DEA, and ATF. I certainly don't support this kind of crap, whether it is the DHS with these kind of targets or Repug politicians talking about second amendment solutions and crosshairs on political opponents.
Pretty damn sick. I just use standard 100-yard targets, an 8" steel plate, and clay pigeons for target practice. I guess the Gestapo is trying to desensitize police so they won't hesitate to shoot folks.

Surely an obama supporter like you is only joking
Just write tea party member above their head.

I support Obama because the Repugs suck worse, not because I "worship" him or think his shit doesn't stink. I have always been against the DHS. I think it should be abolished along with the TSA, DEA, and ATF. I certainly don't support this kind of crap, whether it is the DHS with these kind of targets or Repug politicians talking about second amendment solutions and crosshairs on political opponents.

Well that's about as stupid a reason I have heard for supporting obama. With exception too JoeB reason.
Surely an obama supporter like you is only joking
Just write tea party member above their head.

I support Obama because the Repugs suck worse, not because I "worship" him or think his shit doesn't stink. I have always been against the DHS. I think it should be abolished along with the TSA, DEA, and ATF. I certainly don't support this kind of crap, whether it is the DHS with these kind of targets or Repug politicians talking about second amendment solutions and crosshairs on political opponents.

Well that's about as stupid a reason I have heard for supporting obama. With exception too JoeB reason.

Well, given the choice between him and Romney, it was pretty easy for me. I originally voted for him because I thought he would get us out of Iraq while the Repugs would just keep us there forever. He isn't getting us out of Afghanistan is quickly as I would like, but at least he isn't trying to start shit with Iran like Romney wanted to.

Anyway, to get back on topic, I don't like the idea of these sort of targets. Silhouettes are one thing, but to personalize targets this way just desensitizes the shooter and makes it easier to kill the type of people depicted by the target. I can see Bin Laden targets, but this crosses the line, IMHO.

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