Question for all on this board

In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?
What "oath" says a bureaucrat is supposed to stab the President in the back?
How is reporting illegal activity stabbing him in the back?

You need a Trump Dictionary to understand this. Apparently reporting potentially illegal activity is stabbing the perp in the back.
You mean lying and slandering, don't you?
I went to work for another company.

Running the foremost super power in the world and being CiC of the most powerful military is not running a business. Civil servants swear to defend the Constitution, not the executive. They didn't force Trumpybear to use US aid to Ukraine as leverage to get a publicly announced investigation into his main political rivals. You can't blame them for calling foul.
If the boss's actions were ignoring the constitution, and harming the entire country, I'm pretty sure I would try to stop him any way I could.

The key word in your response... "IF".... do you have any proof of ignoring the constitution and harming the entire country" then where is it?
That's all I asking you.. Prove Trump ignored the constitution and harmed the entire country. Please provide the "proof".

Whether I would expose evidence of what might be wrong doing doesn't require proof. It is only pointing out irregularities that are worthy of investigation. If you want proof, then you should wait for completion of the investigation. If they find proof of wrong doing, we will know. If they don't find proof of wrong doing, we will know that too.
The whistleblower doesn’t matter: we now have many witnesses claiming quid pro quo. Trump released a transcript where honors asking about Biden . Mulvaney admitted quid pro quo....

The whistleblower was correct in his accusations
Trump has confirmed it

He provided a valuable service to our nation
View attachment 288470
Yeah, right.

he provided probable cause. It's not his testimony that is important anymore. You are just playing a Carnie Side Show. You must be a fervent follower of Rump.
The transcript of the phone call has been released. You have nothing, but you have set up a new way to go after future Democrat presidents. That won't be for a long time. After the crap you have pulled off.
Edited transcript
What is Trump hiding?
In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?
What "oath" says a bureaucrat is supposed to stab the President in the back?
How is reporting illegal activity stabbing him in the back?
What illegal activity?

Withholding military aid to a foreign country unless personal favors are performed
In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?

Again... what illegal activity?
Even the star witness,
“I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Mr. Sondland said.
Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo
He "presumed"?

Also if quid pro quo is determined to be a violation of an oath...
What about these examples:
Should we NOT with VIDEO proof go and convict Obama and Biden of the violation of their oath?

Obama asks Medvedev THIS QUID PRO QUO for Obama's re-election...
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space.
(QUID...give me space...)
President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space.
(QUID...give me space...)
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
(QUO...Obama has more flexibility...)
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

"I (Biden) looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor is not fired, (QUID...) you’re not getting the money. (QUO) Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired.
And they put in place someone who was solid at the time...(someone who wouldn't investigate Burisma, Biden's son's employer.)..
FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.
In the private sector, we'd call the efforts of the "whistle-blower" and his cohort a conspiracy to falsely accuse their boss of a crime and have him fired.
If you pay attention, the left has no issue with such actions, which is why they cheer these efforts against Trump.
It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.
In the private sector, we'd call the efforts of the "whistle-blower" and his cohort a conspiracy to falsely accuse their boss of a crime and have him fired.

You'd quash the story like a TV network huh? Just dismiss the whole thing as "inconvenient".

Fortunately in the real world, the account gets investigated.
The whistleblower doesn’t matter: we now have many witnesses claiming quid pro quo. Trump released a transcript where honors asking about Biden . Mulvaney admitted quid pro quo....

The whistleblower was correct in his accusations
Trump has confirmed it

He provided a valuable service to our nation
View attachment 288470
Yeah, right.

he provided probable cause. It's not his testimony that is important anymore. You are just playing a Carnie Side Show. You must be a fervent follower of Rump.
The transcript of the phone call has been released. You have nothing, but you have set up a new way to go after future Democrat presidents. That won't be for a long time. After the crap you have pulled off.
Edited transcript
What is Trump hiding?
What evidence do you have that it was edited?
In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?
What "oath" says a bureaucrat is supposed to stab the President in the back?
How is reporting illegal activity stabbing him in the back?
What illegal activity?

Withholding military aid to a foreign country unless personal favors are performed
That didn't happen, shit for brains.
The whistleblower doesn’t matter: we now have many witnesses claiming quid pro quo. Trump released a transcript where honors asking about Biden . Mulvaney admitted quid pro quo....

The whistleblower was correct in his accusations
Trump has confirmed it

He provided a valuable service to our nation
View attachment 288470
Yeah, right.

he provided probable cause. It's not his testimony that is important anymore. You are just playing a Carnie Side Show. You must be a fervent follower of Rump.
The transcript of the phone call has been released. You have nothing, but you have set up a new way to go after future Democrat presidents. That won't be for a long time. After the crap you have pulled off.
Edited transcript
What is Trump hiding?
Not edited, sorry liberal lies are no longer acceptable. You haven't been watching the news today. The phone call outrage is omploding.
So, President Trump THOUGHT ABOUT doing somethat that would have been unethical, but not illegal. He didn't do it.

To review: He thought about withholding aid unless and until the Ukrainians started an investigation of the Biden's, and publicly announced same. But he didn't do it. They never started an investigation, never made an announcement and THEY GOT THE AID.

And all of the hysteria about "national security" and violating Constitutional whatever are total bullshit. (Fortunately, the American people are starting to figure this out, as polling indicates).

Government employees MUST follow the lead of the President. If they don't like it, they can GTFO - not that ANY government teat-sucker would ever even consider getting a real job - but I digress.

This whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, or whatever DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER OR THE RIGHT to countermand Presidential policies or actions, even if he doesn't like them. Same for some of these other ass-holes who are assuring us that there was a QPQ...regardless of the fact that the Ukrainians weren't aware of it, the President denies it, and the money flowed ON TIME!




I don't know where you get your information, but what everyone else has heard is that the payment was held up for seven months and wasn't released by the President until two days after the phone call was made public.
And the Ukrainians were very aware of the hold up; at least according to recent testimony.
Back in the late 1990's I was a whistleblower against my manager. One of my fondest moments was a few weeks afterwards when the manager came to my office, closed the door, sat down and said that she never was out to cheat our company's board and council but that somehow they had caught on to the ramifications of the business practices she was set on implementing through new application systems.

Knowing she was fishing about how they came to know, I didn't feel it necessary to admit nor deny anything since I hadn't spoken with any board nor council member. I had gone to a company vice president who at one point did interject, "The board needs to know about this."

Within 2 months both the manager and her boss (our division's director) were out the door.
I went to work for another company.

Running the foremost super power in the world and being CiC of the most powerful military is not running a business. Civil servants swear to defend the Constitution, not the executive. They didn't force Trumpybear to use US aid to Ukraine as leverage to get a publicly announced investigation into his main political rivals. You can't blame them for calling foul.
I went to work for another company.
Me, too. I looked into "blowing the whistle," but I had to sign a confidentiality agreement when I was hired and I was afraid I'd be sued if I blew the whistle to another agency when I left.
I found out that the information the state licensing board needed to know they had already gotten from somewhere else, so it was okay. No one died because of my cowardice.

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