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Question for america haters...

never seen so much dancing around a yes or no question. Either your voting abesentee or your not. Or is there more to it. Are you eligable to vote in the American Election? Meaning are you an American citizen.
MtnBiker, I wish I could vote, then I would vote for Kerry. But I’m Canadian and don’t get any say in American politics. Has it ever occurred to you that less than one hundred million Americans vote for the winning party and the policies of that government affect billions of people? The Bush government has destabilized the middle-east for the sake of increasing American wealth and power, and said to hell with the opinions of non-Americans. SO MUCH FOR AMERICA’S LOVE OF DEMOCRACY.

In another chat room I posted this in response to the threat, “The French boycott hurt them badly, it'll hurt you too, hand those deserters (awol soldiers) over.”

“What is the matter with you right-wing Americans? You’ve forgotten all the reasons you had for breaking away from England over 200 years ago. The economy of the 13 colonies was manipulated by England for it’s own benefit, while the colonists had no say in the matter. Remember, NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Now you’ve become more arrogant than your former oppressors. Economic threats and military threats spew out of your mouths. Canada is a sovereign nation, not a colony of the U.S.


And you wonder why the world is losing respect for the U.S.”

There seem to be lots of people here with strong opinions. Do any of you have anything INTELLIGENT to say in reply?
Originally posted by Undeceived
MtnBiker, I wish I could vote, then I would vote for Kerry. But I’m Canadian and don’t get any say in American politics. Has it ever occurred to you that less than one hundred million Americans vote for the winning party and the policies of that government affect billions of people? The Bush government has destabilized the middle-east for the sake of increasing American wealth and power, and said to hell with the opinions of non-Americans. SO MUCH FOR AMERICA’S LOVE OF DEMOCRACY.

"So much for America's love of democracy", do you actually believe citizens of other countries should have a say in our election?

And don't insult me I am very aware of the amount of the electorate.
Originally posted by Undeceived
MtnBiker, I wish I could vote, then I would vote for Kerry. But I’m Canadian and don’t get any say in American politics. Has it ever occurred to you that less than one hundred million Americans vote for the winning party and the policies of that government affect billions of people? The Bush government has destabilized the middle-east for the sake of increasing American wealth and power, and said to hell with the opinions of non-Americans. SO MUCH FOR AMERICA’S LOVE OF DEMOCRACY.

In another chat room I posted this in response to the threat, “The French boycott hurt them badly, it'll hurt you too, hand those deserters (awol soldiers) over.”

“What is the matter with you right-wing Americans? You’ve forgotten all the reasons you had for breaking away from England over 200 years ago. The economy of the 13 colonies was manipulated by England for it’s own benefit, while the colonists had no say in the matter. Remember, NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Now you’ve become more arrogant than your former oppressors. Economic threats and military threats spew out of your mouths. Canada is a sovereign nation, not a colony of the U.S.


And you wonder why the world is losing respect for the U.S.”

There seem to be lots of people here with strong opinions. Do any of you have anything INTELLIGENT to say in reply?

Well as you said, Canada is a soverign nation. There are things going on up there that many of us disagree with. That does not give us the right to vote in your elections.

Furthermore, many of the countries that disagreed with US policies have made a point of ranting and raving about how 'unilateral' we are. How 'arrogant' we are. How 'ignorant' we are. Some might be offended by this.:eek:

They might choose not to visit countries where the citizenry holds such negative views of us. They might choose not to buy products from those countries too. I know I have been careful NOT to buy French. California, Australia, and Italy all make fine wines. I haven't done the same with Canadian products, but if they continue to allow in likely terrorists and not increase security on the borders and implement Sharia law as a fact, well then I'll have to give that some thought.
Originally posted by Undeceived
MtnBiker, I wish I could vote, then I would vote for Kerry. But I’m Canadian and don’t get any say in American politics. Has it ever occurred to you that less than one hundred million Americans vote for the winning party and the policies of that government affect billions of people? The Bush government has destabilized the middle-east for the sake of increasing American wealth and power, and said to hell with the opinions of non-Americans. SO MUCH FOR AMERICA’S LOVE OF DEMOCRACY.

In another chat room I posted this in response to the threat, “The French boycott hurt them badly, it'll hurt you too, hand those deserters (awol soldiers) over.”

“What is the matter with you right-wing Americans? You’ve forgotten all the reasons you had for breaking away from England over 200 years ago. The economy of the 13 colonies was manipulated by England for it’s own benefit, while the colonists had no say in the matter. Remember, NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Now you’ve become more arrogant than your former oppressors. Economic threats and military threats spew out of your mouths. Canada is a sovereign nation, not a colony of the U.S.


And you wonder why the world is losing respect for the U.S.”

There seem to be lots of people here with strong opinions. Do any of you have anything INTELLIGENT to say in reply?

Taxation without representation was due to the fact that colonists were British citizens but could not have a say in their fate. You are not an American citizen. You can vote for your elected officials in Canada and its up to them to decide canadas fate. America does not govern Canada. Anytime we want to we could have annexxed Canada and their miniscule army. Im not saying that Canada's army isnt tough, they just lack sufficient numbers. So don't give me your BS on America ruling the world.

Secondly, how could Bush in 3.5 years destablize a region that has been unstable for decades now? This is precisely the reason why i wil NOT vote for kerry. He will hand OUR sovereignty over to people like you. You don't live in America therefore you don't get to say how it will be run. If we hand over our national security to other nations (Who we hear all the time hate us), what can we expect from that? We can expect the jihad that terrorists have declared on our nation since the late 70's to continue with stronger fervor. These people declared war on us on numerous occasions. America and its past presidents have simply not listened to this declaration. Bush has finally acknowledged that we are at War and not just policing a few criminals. Now we are taking the fight to the enemy. We will destroy the place where they are created by sowing a seed of freedom and hope in a land where the people only know pain, subjugation and fear. We eliminate the places that they grow, where the receive money, safe haven, weapons, etc. This does not mean it is solely the middle east that harbors terrorists. This is just the epicenter. Kill the head and the body will wither.

You speak from a POV of ignorance. Learn more of the current situation in the world instead of worrying about what people think about America. What will happen to Canada if America's defense is in the hands of the Dictators and Bueracrats of the UN? Think about that one.
Originally posted by Undeceived
jimnyc, oops I was about to answer it when I got distracted by the links in insein’s posting. I’ll write it up now even though it is almost midnight. Who needs sleep? Thanks for reminding me.
You got distracted 3 1/2 hours earlier, did not reply to Insein's links or even to my question until Jim reminded you. :rolleyes: Whatever.

I wonder if not asked about your nationality how long would you have not reviled it? Possibly passing as an American. Is "Undeceived" representive of your supposed knowledge or the manner of presenting yourself?
Originally posted by Undeceived
jimnyc, just after I posted the above reply, I saw your last message. I'll remember to never be polite to you again asshole.

I'm afraid you'll no longer have that opportunity. Goodbye, Shitbag!
Originally posted by Kathianne
So what would you suggest oh wise one from the east? Kill all the journalists?

Geography: New Zealand is part of the Western World. The majority of our citizens are of European descent. And NZ is west of the USA....

Kill journalists? Hmmm, seems both sides are doing that. Doesn't really work does it.
And let's face it, they wouldn't bother reporting it if there was no market. Like ongoing civil wars and ethnic violence in Africa doesn't get reported.
Yeah, have you read what's been going on in the Sudan? Did it occur to you that Africa might belong more on the lap of the UN or EU which carved it up?
Undeceived, if you are reading this and have not figured it out yet, you have been banned!

Guess you shouldn't call the Administrator an asshole.
Disillussional [ Why is it it's only Americans who claim they get abducted by aliens. If aliens were abducting people surely they'd pick more intelligent people.
War mongers - watch too much action/war films
Afraid to accept responsibility
Sebas said:
Disillussional [ Why is it it's only Americans who claim they get abducted by aliens. If aliens were abducting people surely they'd pick more intelligent people.
War mongers - watch too much action/war films
Afraid to accept responsibility

Smart enough to know your just a troll----and which country might you be from? :trolls:
dilloduck said:
Smart enough to know your just a troll----and which country might you be from? :trolls:

We don't have oil so I don't think you'd care. Actually Americans have very bad geography skills [ or any skill for that matter....no wait...sorry...torturing is one] so you might have difficulty locating it.


Ps Is that a photo of you in your avatar?
scubamike said:
Lets face it terrorism relies on people paying attention to it.

Without media coverage people wouldn't live in fear, and terrorist organisations would have a hard time getting funding.

Nicely said. I'd also like to say that the terrorists have done a lot more than crash airplanes into buildings. Because of them, our core values that we hold sacred such as freedom of speech/protest/petition etc, our right to due process, etc, are being violated. 9/11 did a lot more than Al Quada bargained for, with the help of the patriot act americans are losing their freedom and liberties that Bush has been trying to spread to the middle east. Let's face it, we all like the idea of spreading freedom and all that, but why does it mean we have to lose ours? I don't think we should invade other countries and set up a government that WE want (i.e. Democracy), and basically build the country up from scratch when we have many issues we have to face here at home such as healthcare, education, etc. I understand we went into Afghanistan to fight terrorism, and i think that was a just war, but as we know now, Iraq has no WMD and therefore no iminent threat that we heard about time and again-therefore that was not a just war. That's just my two cents.
The Worried One said:
Nicely said. I'd also like to say that the terrorists have done a lot more than crash airplanes into buildings. Because of them, our core values that we hold sacred such as freedom of speech/protest/petition etc, our right to due process, etc, are being violated. 9/11 did a lot more than Al Quada bargained for, with the help of the patriot act americans are losing their freedom and liberties that Bush has been trying to spread to the middle east. Let's face it, we all like the idea of spreading freedom and all that, but why does it mean we have to lose ours? I don't think we should invade other countries and set up a government that WE want (i.e. Democracy), and basically build the country up from scratch when we have many issues we have to face here at home such as healthcare, education, etc. I understand we went into Afghanistan to fight terrorism, and i think that was a just war, but as we know now, Iraq has no WMD and therefore no iminent threat that we heard about time and again-therefore that was not a just war. That's just my two cents.

good point and on top of it how is enforcing our idea of freedom truely spreading liberty its not history proves time and time agian that when people want freedom they take it. the iraqis did this during the gulf war and GH bush let sadam bring his army home and take his country back sorry bush family a little too little a little too late. but better late than never.
Lovely how why do people hate america conversation turns into a good conversation on beer. By the way budwieser is and will always be king of my America. :beer: May god always bless this great, ah doesn't matter keep drinkin and maybe those haters will go away......j/k

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