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Question for america haters...

Originally posted by Undeceived
Reply to kathieanne’s question.

How about apologizing for lying about WMDs and then withdrawing troops as soon as it is humanely possible to do so?

Or how about putting American troops under the command of a truly representative Iraqi government? Notice that the U.S. decision to choose Iyad Allawi as the Prime Minister of Iraq on June 30th is regarded suspiciously by Iraqis and other Muslims. Allawi looks a lot like another Chalabi. Like Chalabi he is an Iraqi exile with a suspicious past and close ties to American government agencies, especially the CIA. When will the Bush administration put the wishes of the Iraqi people ahead of it’s own financial and political greed?

Or if that is too drastic, put American troops under the command of a U.N. peacekeeping force that is commanded by a non-American?

This doesnt answer the question of what we should do about terrorism. This furthers your efforts to prove to us how much of a mindless zombie you are.

However, lets say for the sake of arguement that your Points Of View are not based upon lies. I'll ignore your ignorance on the WMD issue since you obviously are not aware of that situation based upon your statement saying that Bush lied.

How is pulling out at the first sign of trouble going to help America?

How is it American to put OUR troops under ANY foreign governments command?

Also, any person that is Chosen is going to be criticised at this point because of the effort to undermine America's positions on anything. This is merely temporary if you were paying ANY attention to reality. Iraq will hold genral elections later this year if all goes according to plan. At the very latest early 2005.

Now i know its hard for you to grasp this but for a country to go from over 30 years under the ironfist of a tyrannical dictator to a democratic nation of their choosing in under 2 years is pretty remarkable. It is our instant gratification society that sees everything going bad because of a few deaths that are sensationalised on the LMM.

With those innaccurate POV's of yours, I'd have to say that yes you are definitely Anti-American.
Insein, I liked your reply. I also think post of venom worked.:p:
Lets face it terrorism relies on people paying attention to it.

Without media coverage people wouldn't live in fear, and terrorist organisations would have a hard time getting funding.
Originally posted by scubamike
Lets face it terrorism relies on people paying attention to it.

Without media coverage people wouldn't live in fear, and terrorist organisations would have a hard time getting funding.

So what would you suggest oh wise one from the east? Kill all the journalists?
Not a bad idea ! J/k----It's just a shame that the information from journalists is screened so thoughoughly by media editors who insist on showing everything from the worst possible angle. Would it kill em to be a little optimistic once in awhile. They are many ways to look at a fact--we only hear the ones that portray the WOT as a failure.
Insein wrote (p. 3 first posting) “If they truly cared about this country they would have set aside their differences and supported the president once he made the decision to oppose terrorists.”

Why should people keep silent when they think that the current admintration has made a HUGE MISTAKE. That is the most important time to speak up.

None of the 9/11 terrorists was Iraqi. None of them were based in Iraq. Bush lied about WMDs to persuade the American people to support his attack on Iraq. (If he did not lie then where are the WMDs, insein?)

Saddam was not an Islamic fundamentalist. He even arrested people for praying too much. Saddam modeled himself after the atheist Stalin. That’s why there were statues and pictures of Saddam, not religious symbols, all through Iraq.

“Saddam Hussein models himself after Stalin more than any other man in history.
He has a full library of books about Stalin. He reads about him, and when he was a young man -- even before he attained any measure of power -- he used to wander around the offices of the Ba'ath Party telling people "Wait until I take over this country. I will make a Stalinist state out of it yet." People used to laugh him off. They shouldn't have. It was a very serious proposition indeed.”
Taken from:

“Saddam also created a Western-style legal system, making Iraq the only country in the Persian Gulf region not ruled according to Islamic law.””
Taken from:

By attacking Iraq the U.S. has created more terrorists, than it has eliminated.
“Far from being crippled by the US-led war on terror, al-Qaeda has more than 18,000 potential terrorists scattered around the world and the war in Iraq is swelling its ranks, a report says today.”
Taken from:

By the way insein, where do you get your information from? The newspapers, television, your astrologer?
Originally posted by Undeceived
Insein wrote (p. 3 first posting) “If they truly cared about this country they would have set aside their differences and supported the president once he made the decision to oppose terrorists.”

Why should people keep silent when they think that the current admintration has made a HUGE MISTAKE. That is the most important time to speak up.

None of the 9/11 terrorists was Iraqi. None of them were based in Iraq. Bush lied about WMDs to persuade the American people to support his attack on Iraq. (If he did not lie then where are the WMDs, insein?)

Saddam was not an Islamic fundamentalist. He even arrested people for praying too much. Saddam modeled himself after the atheist Stalin. That’s why there were statues and pictures of Saddam, not religious symbols, all through Iraq.

“Saddam Hussein models himself after Stalin more than any other man in history.
He has a full library of books about Stalin. He reads about him, and when he was a young man -- even before he attained any measure of power -- he used to wander around the offices of the Ba'ath Party telling people "Wait until I take over this country. I will make a Stalinist state out of it yet." People used to laugh him off. They shouldn't have. It was a very serious proposition indeed.”
Taken from:

“Saddam also created a Western-style legal system, making Iraq the only country in the Persian Gulf region not ruled according to Islamic law.””
Taken from:

By attacking Iraq the U.S. has created more terrorists, than it has eliminated.
“Far from being crippled by the US-led war on terror, al-Qaeda has more than 18,000 potential terrorists scattered around the world and the war in Iraq is swelling its ranks, a report says today.”
Taken from:

By the way insein, where do you get your information from? The newspapers, television, your astrologer?

For the sake of this conversation ONLY let's say Bush lied. Given the current mindset of some Americans combined with the need for secrecy in the WOT maybe lying was the only way to get America to engage the WOT where it is supported and encouraged. What if the plan is to firmly imbed some form of freedom RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the terrorist world in order to
make intelligence gathering easier and encourage the terrorists to attack us there? We're killed thousands as they stream in from neighboring coutries. Using the ends to justify the means? So what---no one said this WOT would be fair or pretty. If I have to tell a lie to save lives, I will do it. Any attempt to prove that by attacking Iraq we created MORE terrorists is bullshit.
MtnBiker, why do you ask if I vote absentee?

Answer my question and then I'll answer yours.

Originally posted by Undeceived
Insein wrote (p. 3 first posting) “If they truly cared about this country they would have set aside their differences and supported the president once he made the decision to oppose terrorists.”

Why should people keep silent when they think that the current admintration has made a HUGE MISTAKE. That is the most important time to speak up.

None of the 9/11 terrorists was Iraqi. None of them were based in Iraq. Bush lied about WMDs to persuade the American people to support his attack on Iraq. (If he did not lie then where are the WMDs, insein?)

Saddam was not an Islamic fundamentalist. He even arrested people for praying too much. Saddam modeled himself after the atheist Stalin. That’s why there were statues and pictures of Saddam, not religious symbols, all through Iraq.

“Saddam Hussein models himself after Stalin more than any other man in history.
He has a full library of books about Stalin. He reads about him, and when he was a young man -- even before he attained any measure of power -- he used to wander around the offices of the Ba'ath Party telling people "Wait until I take over this country. I will make a Stalinist state out of it yet." People used to laugh him off. They shouldn't have. It was a very serious proposition indeed.”
Taken from:

“Saddam also created a Western-style legal system, making Iraq the only country in the Persian Gulf region not ruled according to Islamic law.””
Taken from:

By attacking Iraq the U.S. has created more terrorists, than it has eliminated.
“Far from being crippled by the US-led war on terror, al-Qaeda has more than 18,000 potential terrorists scattered around the world and the war in Iraq is swelling its ranks, a report says today.”
Taken from:

By the way insein, where do you get your information from? The newspapers, television, your astrologer?

WMD's in Syria you say? Jordan foiled a plot to kill 80,000? Syria got them from where? Iraq? No they don't have any WMDs.

Whats that? Debka said that awhile ago? Hmmm...

Whats that? Al Queda terror cell in iraq? Hmmm that can't be because Al Queda and Iraq don't like each other and have nothing to do with one another.

Whats that terror Camp reported in 2002 byt a Liberal newspaper? Imagine that.

Hmmm even CNN has shown that these attackers received training in Iraq and weapons from Syria.

And some new information that has just recently come to light that shows a DIRECT LINK with Saddam and Al Queda on 9/11.

See the more and more we uncover in Iraq, the more and more of an ass it makes you look for being blinded by your hatred.
Originally posted by dilloduck
For the sake of this conversation ONLY let's say Bush lied. Given the current mindset of some Americans combined with the need for secrecy in the WOT maybe lying was the only way to get America to engage the WOT where it is supported and encouraged. What if the plan is to firmly imbed some form of freedom RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the terrorist world in order to
make intelligence gathering easier and encourage the terrorists to attack us there? We're killed thousands as they stream in from neighboring coutries. Using the ends to justify the means? So what---no one said this WOT would be fair or pretty. If I have to tell a lie to save lives, I will do it. Any attempt to prove that by attacking Iraq we created MORE terrorists is bullshit.

With that said, the evidence continues to mount showing that Bush as well as Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy, the UN, France, Germany and many other nations and left wing leaders all did not lie about the WMDs in Iraq (at least in their initial assesment in 1998). They in fact told the truth when they said that saddam had them and was in the works for making more.
Insein, thanks for the links. It will take me awhile to study them properly.

Originally posted by Undeceived
MtnBiker, why do you ask if I vote absentee?

Answer my question and then I'll answer yours.


I see you have come back 2x now and failed to answer his question as you said you would. Typical Canadian shitbag.
jimnyc, oops I was about to answer it when I got distracted by the links in insein’s posting. I’ll write it up now even though it is almost midnight. Who needs sleep? Thanks for reminding me.
jimnyc, just after I posted the above reply, I saw your last message. I'll remember to never be polite to you again asshole.

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