Question for catholics

... why does the vatican have all that gold and silver inside and why they are worth billions ...

Very easy. We are many and we are old. Without Catholics and Orthodoxs nearly no Christians at all would exist on planet Earth. Indeed a penny invested in the right way at the birth of Jesus Christ would today be worth 7 Earthes full of gold. But we decided to be poor and not to be as rich, because this could destabilize the orbit of the Earth around the sun.

The citizens of the USA have by the way a lifestyle as if 4.8 Earthes would exist and more than 50% of the resources of the USA are outside of the USA. That's why you have an household as if the USA would be a military dictatorship and a social developing country.

bottom line...would Jesus approve of that wealth and your reasoning as to why it needs to be there?....or does that matter anymore?....
The Catholic church declares unto all that are of her church to embrace and gather as many statues, medals, relics, and artifacts to themselves as a sign of holiness unto the Lord God. However, the Creator specifically states...

Exodus 20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"

Deuteronomy 29:17, "And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them

Catholic church teaches it's followers to bow down before statues when in prayer. Anyone can walk into a Catholic church and see kneelers before every statue place within.

Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

jinni singular JINN. more precise pronunciation is
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.
show me were you "claimed" i prayed to statues or i said Jesus did,you said it,now back it up,or will you just do what you people always do....twist things to fit what you want it to say....your "religion" is the worlds richest cult and you have bought their bullshit.......ask your pope why does the vatican have all that gold and silver inside and why they are worth billions.....Jesus would have a field day throwing all that stuff out of that place.....

We've already gone over the praying to statues, and now we should both agree no one prays to statues. You said I did, and I assured you I didn't and never had. When you kept using 'you' insisting I and others did, I turned it around and said it must have been you who prayed to statues in order to think anyone else did or does. You assured me you never prayed to statues either. So no one prays to statues. I'm happy we got that truth established.

It's funny you accuse me of twisting when that how this all started out: People twisting displays of artwork into people praying to artwork. Laughing, I gave it a little untwist and tossed it back, but instead of finding the humor in the exchange and getting the point, you want to start a fight. I did not wish to fight--only to make a point.

As far as Vatican City: The Catholic Church gives and tends to the poor more than any other world charity. Last Sunday the Church all over was collecting contributions to help the poor in South America. It is because the Church is so big that it can do so much for the poor. That is a high priority, but the poor is not the Church's sole priority. It also has a responsibility to inspire. Many people, after touring the Vatican, return with a renewed faith, a renewed sense of purpose.

You might recall what Jesus said when Judas complained that the woman who bathed Jesus feet with expensive perfume should have sold it and gave it to the poor. Jesus said, "The poor you always have with you..." and we do. But sometimes, just like Jesus, people need/appreciate the expensive perfume as well.
no one prays to statues. You said I did,
no,i did not say YOU pray to statues,i said when you see people kneeling in front of a statue praying,thats what they are doing.....
and i dont think Jesus would be a very big fan of your "religion" if he was walking around today.....when he tells the church to get rid of all the gold and silver im sure they will then call him a heretic and try to have him silenced as being a phony...
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

are you calling Jesus a liar?
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

He said that was the most important one.
The Catholic church declares unto all that are of her church to embrace and gather as many statues, medals, relics, and artifacts to themselves as a sign of holiness unto the Lord God. However, the Creator specifically states...

Exodus 20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"

Deuteronomy 29:17, "And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them

Catholic church teaches it's followers to bow down before statues when in prayer. Anyone can walk into a Catholic church and see kneelers before every statue place within.

Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews, I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews. Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)

for the record----Solomon did not worship "other gods" nor did he have sex slaves. Probably not all that sexy---he had only one son. ------Rehoboam who became king and was generally despised.
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

He said that was the most important one.

Jesus was a follower of Hillel----he quoted Hillel----a very
typical Pharisee thing
The Catholic church declares unto all that are of her church to embrace and gather as many statues, medals, relics, and artifacts to themselves as a sign of holiness unto the Lord God. However, the Creator specifically states...

Exodus 20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"

Deuteronomy 29:17, "And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them

Catholic church teaches it's followers to bow down before statues when in prayer. Anyone can walk into a Catholic church and see kneelers before every statue place within.

Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews, I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews. Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)

for the record----Solomon did not worship "other gods" nor did he have sex slaves. Probably not all that sexy---he had only one son. ------Rehoboam who became king and was generally despised.
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

He said that was the most important one.

Jesus was a follower of Hillel----he quoted Hillel----a very
typical Pharisee thing

So you don't believe your OT hey? What the heck are concubines? if not sex slaves.
The Catholic church declares unto all that are of her church to embrace and gather as many statues, medals, relics, and artifacts to themselves as a sign of holiness unto the Lord God. However, the Creator specifically states...

Exodus 20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"

Deuteronomy 29:17, "And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them

Catholic church teaches it's followers to bow down before statues when in prayer. Anyone can walk into a Catholic church and see kneelers before every statue place within.

Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews, I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews. Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)

for the record----Solomon did not worship "other gods" nor did he have sex slaves. Probably not all that sexy---he had only one son. ------Rehoboam who became king and was generally despised.
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

He said that was the most important one.

Jesus was a follower of Hillel----he quoted Hillel----a very
typical Pharisee thing

So you don't believe your OT hey? What the heck are concubines? if not sex slaves.

Unlike you I read it-----Solomon IMPORTED all sorts of people into Jerusalem----he was an empire builder----his big time sin according to the big time religious 'shots' at the time is that he allowed for the continuation of the customs of his importees----which according to them would be just as if HE DID it. In order to understand ancient writings you need some insight into the USAGES of those times Concubines at that time were not sex slaves-----they were more like "ladies of the court" in the time of Henry VIII In jewish law-----an episode of sex CONSTITUTES MARRIAGE if it is consensual-----if it is not consensual ---it is a crime. Since you did not know that fact----it is difficult for you to understand the bible if you should ever decide to read it
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

so a man claimed something, well today i claim i am the king of england

Jewish Messiah claimants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish Concept of Messiah and the Jewish Response to Christian Claims - Jews For Judaism

GOONO----leave the catholics alone------it is not the fault of ALL CATHOLICS that there have been greedy dishonest popes in the history of the catholic church-----they have enough problems NOW-----trying to deal with FRANCES
The Catholic church declares unto all that are of her church to embrace and gather as many statues, medals, relics, and artifacts to themselves as a sign of holiness unto the Lord God. However, the Creator specifically states...

Exodus 20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"

Deuteronomy 29:17, "And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them

Catholic church teaches it's followers to bow down before statues when in prayer. Anyone can walk into a Catholic church and see kneelers before every statue place within.

Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews, I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews. Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)

for the record----Solomon did not worship "other gods" nor did he have sex slaves. Probably not all that sexy---he had only one son. ------Rehoboam who became king and was generally despised.
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

He said that was the most important one.

Jesus was a follower of Hillel----he quoted Hillel----a very
typical Pharisee thing

So you don't believe your OT hey? What the heck are concubines? if not sex slaves.

btw penny dear-------WAT DA HECK IS ""HECK""? -----is that a word you learned from your catechism whore? Try to use words that have some meaning in the English language. Your usage of meaningless words parallels your reading
comprehension. You do not comprehend, so you invent
meanings. Scriptural writings are done CAREFULLY in the languages in which they were written
Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews, I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews. Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)

for the record----Solomon did not worship "other gods" nor did he have sex slaves. Probably not all that sexy---he had only one son. ------Rehoboam who became king and was generally despised.
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

He said that was the most important one.

Jesus was a follower of Hillel----he quoted Hillel----a very
typical Pharisee thing

So you don't believe your OT hey? What the heck are concubines? if not sex slaves.

Unlike you I read it-----Solomon IMPORTED all sorts of people into Jerusalem----he was an empire builder----his big time sin according to the big time religious 'shots' at the time is that he allowed for the continuation of the customs of his importees----which according to them would be just as if HE DID it. In order to understand ancient writings you need some insight into the USAGES of those times Concubines at that time were not sex slaves-----they were more like "ladies of the court" in the time of Henry VIII In jewish law-----an episode of sex CONSTITUTES MARRIAGE if it is consensual-----if it is not consensual ---it is a crime. Since you did not know that fact----it is difficult for you to understand the bible if you should ever decide to read it

Right. Better to call them baby ovens. You call 700 wife's being an empire builder, funny no one has this history except the bible and Jewish library.
Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews, I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews. Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)

for the record----Solomon did not worship "other gods" nor did he have sex slaves. Probably not all that sexy---he had only one son. ------Rehoboam who became king and was generally despised.
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

He said that was the most important one.

Jesus was a follower of Hillel----he quoted Hillel----a very
typical Pharisee thing

So you don't believe your OT hey? What the heck are concubines? if not sex slaves.

btw penny dear-------WAT DA HECK IS ""HECK""? -----is that a word you learned from your catechism whore? Try to use words that have some meaning in the English language. Your usage of meaningless words parallels your reading
comprehension. You do not comprehend, so you invent
meanings. Scriptural writings are done CAREFULLY in the languages in which they were written

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews, I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews. Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)

for the record----Solomon did not worship "other gods" nor did he have sex slaves. Probably not all that sexy---he had only one son. ------Rehoboam who became king and was generally despised.
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

He said that was the most important one.

Jesus was a follower of Hillel----he quoted Hillel----a very
typical Pharisee thing

So you don't believe your OT hey? What the heck are concubines? if not sex slaves.

Unlike you I read it-----Solomon IMPORTED all sorts of people into Jerusalem----he was an empire builder----his big time sin according to the big time religious 'shots' at the time is that he allowed for the continuation of the customs of his importees----which according to them would be just as if HE DID it. In order to understand ancient writings you need some insight into the USAGES of those times Concubines at that time were not sex slaves-----they were more like "ladies of the court" in the time of Henry VIII In jewish law-----an episode of sex CONSTITUTES MARRIAGE if it is consensual-----if it is not consensual ---it is a crime. Since you did not know that fact----it is difficult for you to understand the bible if you should ever decide to read it

Right. Better to call them baby ovens. You call 700 wife's being an empire builder, funny no one has this history except the bible and Jewish library.
Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews, I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews. Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)

for the record----Solomon did not worship "other gods" nor did he have sex slaves. Probably not all that sexy---he had only one son. ------Rehoboam who became king and was generally despised.
Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

He said that was the most important one.

Jesus was a follower of Hillel----he quoted Hillel----a very
typical Pharisee thing

So you don't believe your OT hey? What the heck are concubines? if not sex slaves.

btw penny dear-------WAT DA HECK IS ""HECK""? -----is that a word you learned from your catechism whore? Try to use words that have some meaning in the English language. Your usage of meaningless words parallels your reading
comprehension. You do not comprehend, so you invent
meanings. Scriptural writings are done CAREFULLY in the languages in which they were written


To what "history" do you refer? -------More than 3000 years ago your 8th grade history book did not exist. In fact there were no history books other than the scriptural writings of those times------which includes such works as THE ODYSSEY, THE "BIBLE" and midrashic writings, and the Sanskrit classics--like
writings which you never read. Reading and writing is entirely NEW to your kith and kin-----you ain't got no history
The Catholic church declares unto all that are of her church to embrace and gather as many statues, medals, relics, and artifacts to themselves as a sign of holiness unto the Lord God. However, the Creator specifically states...

Exodus 20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"

Deuteronomy 29:17, "And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them

Catholic church teaches it's followers to bow down before statues when in prayer. Anyone can walk into a Catholic church and see kneelers before every statue place within.

Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews,

You are not a Jew but an Antisemite and not a Catholic. What is your "family of RC's" I don't know. I for sure don't live in a catholic christian church without Joseph, Mary and Jesus or an antitraditional church without apostles or a church without early Christians.

I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews.

Because Jesus Lefebvre was the son of a soldier of the round table of King Arthurs SS, who served in the roman army?

Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)


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The Catholic church declares unto all that are of her church to embrace and gather as many statues, medals, relics, and artifacts to themselves as a sign of holiness unto the Lord God. However, the Creator specifically states...

Exodus 20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"

Deuteronomy 29:17, "And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them

Catholic church teaches it's followers to bow down before statues when in prayer. Anyone can walk into a Catholic church and see kneelers before every statue place within.

Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews,

You are not a Jew but an Antisemite and not a Catholic. What is your "family of RC's" I don't know. I for sure don't live in a catholic christian church without Joseph, Mary and Jesus or an antitraditional church without apostles or a church without early Christians.

I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews.

Because Jesus Lefebvre was the son of a soldier of the round table of King Arthurs SS, who served in the roman army?

Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)



Jesus was not a jew, there were probably jews named Jesus, but not the Jesus, the RC Jesus. Antisemite is a non meaning word since many self proclaimed jew are anti-Semites, and Palestinians are more semitic that most Israelis.:badgrin: PS: I'd tell you who I think Jesus was but you'd probably have a stroke, and yes Jesus was born and died in the first century.
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Catholics don't worship statues, though they do ask saints to intervene on their behalf.

Jesus canceled the 10 commandments and replaced them with love your neighbor.

so a man claimed something, well today i claim i am the king of england

Jewish Messiah claimants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish Concept of Messiah and the Jewish Response to Christian Claims - Jews For Judaism

You might do well to read some Philo.

both Philo and Jesus were jews. The Jew Jesus is the main protagonist in the roman edited book about the life and times of Jesus the jew------now called "the new testament". The new testament is chock full of lies -------but the fact that it describes Jesus as a jew-------entirely true
The Catholic church declares unto all that are of her church to embrace and gather as many statues, medals, relics, and artifacts to themselves as a sign of holiness unto the Lord God. However, the Creator specifically states...

Exodus 20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"

Deuteronomy 29:17, "And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them

Catholic church teaches it's followers to bow down before statues when in prayer. Anyone can walk into a Catholic church and see kneelers before every statue place within.

Hey the jewish God had an issue with jealousy, and to be frank he was right, your were all pagans and just used and abused your God to the max. Take Solomon, no wonder.

The RCC God does not have that issue, we keep it all in the family.

Who is "we"? Nothing what you say here has only a little to do with the holy catholic church. Specially your antisemitism is absolutely incompatible with Catholics and nothing replaces Jews or the Old Testament in the holy catholic church nor produces the holy catholic church a special kind of god. There's only one god and this god is for everyone the same god. And what for heavens sake is your problem with Solomon? Made he a seal on your bottle and threw you into the sea, genie ... ahm: jinnny?

We the family of RC's , we are not Jews,

You are not a Jew but an Antisemite and not a Catholic. What is your "family of RC's" I don't know. I for sure don't live in a catholic christian church without Joseph, Mary and Jesus or an antitraditional church without apostles or a church without early Christians.

I wish Christians would realize that we are not jews.

Because Jesus Lefebvre was the son of a soldier of the round table of King Arthurs SS, who served in the roman army?

Solomon (in the story) got wisdom from God which brought him wealth, and yet he turns into the biggest worshipper of other Gods, kinda of like slapping your God in the face time and time again hey. We do not want to emulate ole Solomon, who had 700 wifes and even more sex slaves. (according to the story)



Jesus was not a jew, there were probably jews named Jesus, but not the Jesus, the RC Jesus. Antisemite is a non meaning word since many self proclaimed jew are anti-Semites, and Palestinians are more semitic that most Israelis.:badgrin: PS: I'd tell you who I think Jesus was but you'd probably have a stroke, and yes Jesus was born and died in the first century.

Yes, Jesus was a Jew. How sad that you find that unpalatable.

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