Question for Christians


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2014
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

Every if that came into existence since the beginning of mankind = 0-- No one knows what there answer will be decades off in time. Just theory of their (now) thinking.

But from what I read in Gods word is that we are nearing the end of the last days. Gods kingdom will soon take full control of all creation.
Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.
No. I'm certain God will have created whatever is discovered.

I have a question for the OP.

What if these Alien Life forms believe in God? Would it shake your non-faith?
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own. would logically assume God created them.....

Two......are you assuming a sentient species with society and intelligence rivaling our own that says "God? wtf are you talking about" or one that says "Holy Shit! You guys disobeyed?"........
Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.
No. I'm certain God will have created whatever is discovered.

I have a question for the OP.

What if these Alien Life forms believe in God? Would it shake your non-faith?

It would only give me cause to change my mind on religion and faith if said aliens had a religion that was identical to one of our religions. Otherwise it holds no more significance to me than the religious beliefs of the Native Americans would have held to the first European settlers that came to the New World. It would just be one more fantasy made up by intelligent minds that were terrified of the void.
What if these Alien Life forms believe in God? Would it shake your non-faith?

Why would they believe in any definition of an Abrahamic god? What would the point be of having a religion devoted to a human God be?

I'd love to read their Bible though. "In the Beginning, God creation the heavens and this place called Earth. God shaped this man called Adam out of the dirt, made his girlfriend named Eve out of one of Adam's ribs, she listened to this talking snake and then ate some fruit. Some stuff happened and then God made himself impregnate this woman named Mary with a baby version of himself and then had himself nailed to a tree by some Romans. Oh, the Romans, now there's a story..."
What if these Alien Life forms believe in God? Would it shake your non-faith?

Why would they believe in any definition of an Abrahamic god? What would the point be of having a religion devoted to a human God be?

I'd love to read their Bible though. "In the Beginning, God creation the heavens and this place called Earth. God shaped this man called Adam out of the dirt, made his girlfriend named Eve out of one of Adam's ribs, she listened to this talking snake and then ate some fruit. Some stuff happened and then God made himself impregnate this woman named Mary with a baby version of himself and then had himself nailed to a tree by some Romans. Oh, the Romans, now there's a story..."

Humans worship God and create religions about God, but God/ Allah/ YHWH is not a "human god". If God created the Earth than God is by all means an example of extraterrestrial life.
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Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

You can't get there right now.
And I'm pretty sure the beings are called fallen angels.
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

I can tell you after all the conversations I've had with theists that this would not change their beliefs one bit. It might freak out a very small percentage of christians but can you even point out in the bible where it says we are alone in the universe?

I think 7 out of 10 christians don't even take the bible literally like adam and eve and noah. They know those to be stories to teach morality. BUT, then they still believe that jesus performed miracles and rose from the dead after being born by a virgin. So they can rationalize somewhat but not as much as they need to in order to wake up and see reality clearly.

In fact, christians know exactly where/how/why the mormons, muslims and jewish religions are wrong but they can't apply the same logic to their own religion. Same with the muslims and mormons. They know all the other religions are bullshit but can't see that theirs is too.
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own. would logically assume God created them.....

Two......are you assuming a sentient species with society and intelligence rivaling our own that says "God? wtf are you talking about" or one that says "Holy Shit! You guys disobeyed?"........

That is only relevant if their god is exactly the same as yours or really any god that humans worship. For example if a group of aliens got off their ship and asked us if we had time to talk about Jesus, then it would be a big deal. Otherwise it's just one more unproven religion.
Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.
No. I'm certain God will have created whatever is discovered.

I have a question for the OP.

What if these Alien Life forms believe in God? Would it shake your non-faith?

I would ask them if they have any proof or did they just make it up like humans on earth did.

I'm sure if they are intelligent then they have imaginations too and so they too probably invented the idea of god too when they were really primitive.

See, we came up with god because as animals we have a healthy fear of the unknown. What happens when we die? We go to a beautiful place where the streets are paved of gold, lions sleep with lambs, no one ever gets sick or dies, blablabla:cuckoo:
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own. would logically assume God created them.....

Two......are you assuming a sentient species with society and intelligence rivaling our own that says "God? wtf are you talking about" or one that says "Holy Shit! You guys disobeyed?"........

That is only relevant if their god is exactly the same as yours or really any god that humans worship. For example if a group of aliens got off their ship and asked us if we had time to talk about Jesus, then it would be a big deal. Otherwise it's just one more unproven religion.

And what if they said the real way to be baptized is to let them fuck you in the ass?
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

My faith wouldn't be shaken under either circumstance. There's no reason why it should be. Just because the Bible focuses on God's relationship with His earthly creation (and most specifically mankind) doesn't mean that Christians MUST believe that there isn't some form other life elsewhere. I don't personally believe that there is but my faith in Jesus Christ wouldn't be shaken if I was proven wrong.
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

My faith wouldn't be shaken under either circumstance. There's no reason why it should be. Just because the Bible focuses on God's relationship with His earthly creation (and most specifically mankind) doesn't mean that Christians MUST believe that there isn't some form other life elsewhere. I don't personally believe that there is but my faith in Jesus Christ wouldn't be shaken if I was proven wrong.


the Bible teaches implicitly that the only things He created with intelligence are the angels, man, and the animals.

It is important to remember that the stars and planets were not created billions of years before Earth. According to the Bible, Earth is not the result of billions of years of stellar evolution during which many other planets were created. WRONG. Earth was created before any other planet or star existed. WRONG! Earth came into existence on the first day of Creation (Genesis 1:1). WRONG! God withheld the creation of the Sun, Moon and stars until the fourth day (Genesis 1:14-19). WRONG!

So of course life on other planets won't change your mind. Your belief in fairy tales is so far out there I doubt any facts would wake you up.
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

You can't get there right now.
And I'm pretty sure the beings are called fallen angels.

Are you saying we can't get to Mars or Europa? Because the truth of the matter is the opposite. We can and have sent rovers to mars and craft to observe Jupiter and its moons (Europa included) and will someday soon begin to delve even deeper.

And do you mean to imply that any intelligent life we may find are fallen angels?
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

I can tell you after all the conversations I've had with theists that this would not change their beliefs one bit. It might freak out a very small percentage of christians but can you even point out in the bible where it says we are alone in the universe?

I think 7 out of 10 christians don't even take the bible literally like adam and eve and noah. They know those to be stories to teach morality. BUT, then they still believe that jesus performed miracles and rose from the dead after being born by a virgin. So they can rationalize somewhat but not as much as they need to in order to wake up and see reality clearly.

In fact, christians know exactly where/how/why the mormons, muslims and jewish religions are wrong but they can't apply the same logic to their own religion. Same with the muslims and mormons. They know all the other religions are bullshit but can't see that theirs is too.

And I think the reason for that is because if they accept their own logic about other religions as it applies to their own religion then they are left with the reality that life has not greater meaning outside what meaning we choose to give it for ourselves and that no part of us survives death and that truly terrifies them. would logically assume God created them.....

Two......are you assuming a sentient species with society and intelligence rivaling our own that says "God? wtf are you talking about" or one that says "Holy Shit! You guys disobeyed?"........

That is only relevant if their god is exactly the same as yours or really any god that humans worship. For example if a group of aliens got off their ship and asked us if we had time to talk about Jesus, then it would be a big deal. Otherwise it's just one more unproven religion.

And what if they said the real way to be baptized is to let them fuck you in the ass?

Then I would say that they're speakin my language ;) haha no but seriously you think I'd let some space priests put stuff in my brown eye because they told me some line about salvation? Guess again. I don't care if Jesus manifested in front of me right now and told me that I'd go to hell unless he could stick his pinky in my ass. I'd become a believer on the spot but I still wouldn't let him put his pinky in my ass.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, they all say their Hershey highway is exit only, but get a few drinks in them and they back up like a cat in heat.
God is an excellent creator. There are colors out there that we have never seen. I can't imagine Him not creating. A brand new creation could be a mere dimension away. But this one has His children in it. Because of Christ, we are God's Royal Lineage, and always will be. And what ever He creates belongs to Christ, who would like to share it with us. For eternity, because spirits never die.

I agree with Chuck about the possibility of fallen angels. This world was filled with hybrid humans before the flood. The flood killed the nephilim, (the end result of a union between a human or animal and a fallen angel). But angels are spirit, they never die. They left, and then some came right back after the flood. So God chained the ones responsible for the second attack on mankind in Tartarus.

I don't think I'd be too hasty in welcoming aliens, especially if they are carrying a book entitled, "How to Serve Mankind" :eek:
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