Question for Christians

Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

Faith is unaltered.
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

I can tell you after all the conversations I've had with theists that this would not change their beliefs one bit. It might freak out a very small percentage of christians but can you even point out in the bible where it says we are alone in the universe?

I think 7 out of 10 christians don't even take the bible literally like adam and eve and noah. They know those to be stories to teach morality. BUT, then they still believe that jesus performed miracles and rose from the dead after being born by a virgin. So they can rationalize somewhat but not as much as they need to in order to wake up and see reality clearly.

In fact, christians know exactly where/how/why the mormons, muslims and jewish religions are wrong but they can't apply the same logic to their own religion. Same with the muslims and mormons. They know all the other religions are bullshit but can't see that theirs is too.

And I think the reason for that is because if they accept their own logic about other religions as it applies to their own religion then they are left with the reality that life has not greater meaning outside what meaning we choose to give it for ourselves and that no part of us survives death and that truly terrifies them.

Can't you see the beauty of God's work? I know truth, as revealed by God, and it had set me free.
Question for Christians

how about just simply why are there billions of other planets in the universe ?

Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

This is a tricky question for many people. I haven't really decided how I feel about God anymore. I do want to believe that there is other life out there.
I feel like there may quite possibly be life beyond our galaxy.
I've sensed that I haven't been alone a few times.
I've also been looking into ancient prophecies about Nibiru, The Destroyer, Nemesis, the Blue and Red Kachina, and its odd that so many ancient peoples point out the same things but science and government societies want to hide something.
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

My faith wouldn't be shaken under either circumstance. There's no reason why it should be. Just because the Bible focuses on God's relationship with His earthly creation (and most specifically mankind) doesn't mean that Christians MUST believe that there isn't some form other life elsewhere. I don't personally believe that there is but my faith in Jesus Christ wouldn't be shaken if I was proven wrong.


the Bible teaches implicitly that the only things He created with intelligence are the angels, man, and the animals.

It is important to remember that the stars and planets were not created billions of years before Earth. According to the Bible, Earth is not the result of billions of years of stellar evolution during which many other planets were created. WRONG. Earth was created before any other planet or star existed. WRONG! Earth came into existence on the first day of Creation (Genesis 1:1). WRONG! God withheld the creation of the Sun, Moon and stars until the fourth day (Genesis 1:14-19). WRONG!

So of course life on other planets won't change your mind. Your belief in fairy tales is so far out there I doubt any facts would wake you up.

There is no life on other planets. Aliens are not going to show up tomorrow or next year. According to some, the universe farted and earth with humans was created. So sealybobo woships a fart. :lol:
Should any you ever meet an alien, and they just happen to believe in a Creator, I will enjoy watching you fight about which one of you is made in his image, when the obvious answer would be neither...
I can tell you after all the conversations I've had with theists that this would not change their beliefs one bit. It might freak out a very small percentage of christians but can you even point out in the bible where it says we are alone in the universe?

I think 7 out of 10 christians don't even take the bible literally like adam and eve and noah. They know those to be stories to teach morality. BUT, then they still believe that jesus performed miracles and rose from the dead after being born by a virgin. So they can rationalize somewhat but not as much as they need to in order to wake up and see reality clearly.

In fact, christians know exactly where/how/why the mormons, muslims and jewish religions are wrong but they can't apply the same logic to their own religion. Same with the muslims and mormons. They know all the other religions are bullshit but can't see that theirs is too.

And I think the reason for that is because if they accept their own logic about other religions as it applies to their own religion then they are left with the reality that life has not greater meaning outside what meaning we choose to give it for ourselves and that no part of us survives death and that truly terrifies them.

Can't you see the beauty of God's work? I know truth, as revealed by God, and it had set me free.

The truth has set me free as well. The truth of the natural world. I am free from superstition and the supernatural.
There is no life on other planets. Aliens are not going to show up tomorrow or next year. According to some, the universe farted and earth with humans was created. So sealybobo woships a fart. :lol:

Why wouldn't there be any life anywhere else?
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own. would logically assume God created them.....

Two......are you assuming a sentient species with society and intelligence rivaling our own that says "God? wtf are you talking about" or one that says "Holy Shit! You guys disobeyed?"........

That is only relevant if their god is exactly the same as yours or really any god that humans worship. For example if a group of aliens got off their ship and asked us if we had time to talk about Jesus, then it would be a big deal. Otherwise it's just one more unproven religion.

that was my point, dude.... would logically assume God created them.....

Two......are you assuming a sentient species with society and intelligence rivaling our own that says "God? wtf are you talking about" or one that says "Holy Shit! You guys disobeyed?"........

That is only relevant if their god is exactly the same as yours or really any god that humans worship. For example if a group of aliens got off their ship and asked us if we had time to talk about Jesus, then it would be a big deal. Otherwise it's just one more unproven religion.

And what if they said the real way to be baptized is to let them fuck you in the ass?

then I would say they were just like you.....
Question for Christians

how about just simply why are there billions of other planets in the universe ?


where would God put all the other things he's created........did you expect him to create a separate vast, unexplorable universe for each one of them?.......
So you really think our Faith in God is going to be shaken if we find life on other planets, when the scriptures testify that God has created Worlds without End?

The more life found in the Universe, the more likely there is a Creator and the less likely everything just happens by chance.
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

You can't get there right now.
And I'm pretty sure the beings are called fallen angels.

Are you saying we can't get to Mars or Europa? Because the truth of the matter is the opposite. We can and have sent rovers to mars and craft to observe Jupiter and its moons (Europa included) and will someday soon begin to delve even deeper.

And do you mean to imply that any intelligent life we may find are fallen angels?

What freaks me out though is the closest possible other star that may have intelligent life on it is light years away. All those stars we see in the sky, can not be reached by man until we invent warp speed which might not be possible. Although my grandparents always said if it can be imagined it can be done.
And I think the reason for that is because if they accept their own logic about other religions as it applies to their own religion then they are left with the reality that life has not greater meaning outside what meaning we choose to give it for ourselves and that no part of us survives death and that truly terrifies them.

Can't you see the beauty of God's work? I know truth, as revealed by God, and it had set me free.

The truth has set me free as well. The truth of the natural world. I am free from superstition and the supernatural.

Yup. No boogy men, ghosts, things coming back to life from the dead, possessions, witches, angels, devils, santa clause, god. And still yet I don't have the urge to rape or pillage. Perhaps god and organized religion aren't a necessary evil after all. Maybe even completely unnecessary and maybe even hold us back on evolving faster and solving more problems quicker. Lets face it, religion has failed. If this is the best it can do, NEXT! I feel like American Christians are the same people who Jesus yelled at and the same people who Noah didn't let on his boat. What's the purpose god? Why wipe almost all of us out just to have us come back as even bigger assholes? WITH NUKES! OMG. Maybe the end is coming. I would love if Jesus would take all the religous people away :eusa_pray: That I will pray for.
My faith wouldn't be shaken under either circumstance. There's no reason why it should be. Just because the Bible focuses on God's relationship with His earthly creation (and most specifically mankind) doesn't mean that Christians MUST believe that there isn't some form other life elsewhere. I don't personally believe that there is but my faith in Jesus Christ wouldn't be shaken if I was proven wrong.


the Bible teaches implicitly that the only things He created with intelligence are the angels, man, and the animals.

It is important to remember that the stars and planets were not created billions of years before Earth. According to the Bible, Earth is not the result of billions of years of stellar evolution during which many other planets were created. WRONG. Earth was created before any other planet or star existed. WRONG! Earth came into existence on the first day of Creation (Genesis 1:1). WRONG! God withheld the creation of the Sun, Moon and stars until the fourth day (Genesis 1:14-19). WRONG!

So of course life on other planets won't change your mind. Your belief in fairy tales is so far out there I doubt any facts would wake you up.

There is no life on other planets. Aliens are not going to show up tomorrow or next year. According to some, the universe farted and earth with humans was created. So sealybobo woships a fart. :lol:

There has to be life on other planets. Science has located hundreds of other planets that are in the goldilocks zone. Close enough to a star but not too far. They are all around us. But they are also several light years away. We can't reach them and they can't reach us unless they are REALLY smart. Warp speed smart.

And the chances of their planet having something as smart as us is slim. We were truly a fluke. But they would have shark and fish and ape and rats and insects and birds and wolves. Some theists use this as proof god made us special. I doubt that. I think we were probably just a fluke. A miracle? No such thing. Rare? Amazing? Yes. Can I explain it? No. But to say a god did it is insane. Unless you have actual proof? Please don't tell me what an ancient book said. It was written by ancient men. Superstitious and uneducated.
So you really think our Faith in God is going to be shaken if we find life on other planets, when the scriptures testify that God has created Worlds without End?

The more life found in the Universe, the more likely there is a Creator and the less likely everything just happens by chance.

See everyone? They win either way. Can't pin down a snake oil salesman or a preacher. Do you know what the bible says? It says everything. It's a rambly babbling book that has something for every occasion. And which one? They have several books. James, Ezequeal, Jebediah, Lutheran, john the baptist, catholic, protestant, mormons, presbyterians, greek orthodox, etc. Greatest bullshit book(s) ever written. Not the first but the best. The Muslim book seems to be just as convincing to other parts of the world but lets say the Bible is in the top 2 at least for greatest bullshit stories ever told.

Very few people read about the Jews and convert so their religion can't be right. It's only right for them. And look at how well they live in piece. All over territory/land/money. Noah and Jesus were right. Society sucks. Even Christian society. You guys ready for war with Godless Russia? Notice he is using every tactic to fool his citizens that Bush used on us after 9-11. His popularity in Russia is up because he's a war time president, same reason Bush was popular for a little while. Bush used religion to con you guys into invading the Muslim war. Fatwa. Holy war. Dummies. Just as dumb and played as the Russian people who like Putin right now. They are being spoon fed lies in the Putin controlled media just like we are being conned by the corporate media. The people who own America. The rich. They pray on a stupid society and I'd say a society that believes in invisible men is pretty dumb. You.
So you really think our Faith in God is going to be shaken if we find life on other planets, when the scriptures testify that God has created Worlds without End?

The more life found in the Universe, the more likely there is a Creator and the less likely everything just happens by chance.

See everyone? They win either way. Can't pin down a snake oil salesman or a preacher. Do you know what the bible says? It says everything. It's a rambly babbling book that has something for every occasion. And which one? They have several books. James, Ezequeal, Jebediah, Lutheran, john the baptist, catholic, protestant, mormons, presbyterians, greek orthodox, etc. Greatest bullshit book(s) ever written. Not the first but the best. The Muslim book seems to be just as convincing to other parts of the world but lets say the Bible is in the top 2 at least for greatest bullshit stories ever told.

Very few people read about the Jews and convert so their religion can't be right. It's only right for them. And look at how well they live in piece. All over territory/land/money. Noah and Jesus were right. Society sucks. Even Christian society. You guys ready for war with Godless Russia? Notice he is using every tactic to fool his citizens that Bush used on us after 9-11. His popularity in Russia is up because he's a war time president, same reason Bush was popular for a little while. Bush used religion to con you guys into invading the Muslim war. Fatwa. Holy war. Dummies. Just as dumb and played as the Russian people who like Putin right now. They are being spoon fed lies in the Putin controlled media just like we are being conned by the corporate media. The people who own America. The rich. They pray on a stupid society and I'd say a society that believes in invisible men is pretty dumb. You.

Really? Everything? because the scriptures don't mention there not being life anywhere else in the universe.
So you really think our Faith in God is going to be shaken if we find life on other planets, when the scriptures testify that God has created Worlds without End?

The more life found in the Universe, the more likely there is a Creator and the less likely everything just happens by chance.

See everyone? They win either way. Can't pin down a snake oil salesman or a preacher. Do you know what the bible says? It says everything. It's a rambly babbling book that has something for every occasion. And which one? They have several books. James, Ezequeal, Jebediah, Lutheran, john the baptist, catholic, protestant, mormons, presbyterians, greek orthodox, etc. Greatest bullshit book(s) ever written. Not the first but the best. The Muslim book seems to be just as convincing to other parts of the world but lets say the Bible is in the top 2 at least for greatest bullshit stories ever told.

Very few people read about the Jews and convert so their religion can't be right. It's only right for them. And look at how well they live in piece. All over territory/land/money. Noah and Jesus were right. Society sucks. Even Christian society. You guys ready for war with Godless Russia? Notice he is using every tactic to fool his citizens that Bush used on us after 9-11. His popularity in Russia is up because he's a war time president, same reason Bush was popular for a little while. Bush used religion to con you guys into invading the Muslim war. Fatwa. Holy war. Dummies. Just as dumb and played as the Russian people who like Putin right now. They are being spoon fed lies in the Putin controlled media just like we are being conned by the corporate media. The people who own America. The rich. They pray on a stupid society and I'd say a society that believes in invisible men is pretty dumb. You.

Really? Everything? because the scriptures don't mention there not being life anywhere else in the universe.

The Scriptures do not directly address the question of alien beings. The Bible does not explicitly confirm or deny the existence of intelligent life from other planets. Although the subject is not addressed explicitly, the Bible teaches it implicitly. According to the bible the only thing god creates with intelligence are the angels, man, and the animals.

It is important to remember that according to scripture, the stars and other planets were not created billions of years before Earth. According to the Bible, Earth is not the result of billions of years of stellar evolution during which many other planets were created. Earth was created before any other planet or star existed. Earth came into existence on the first day of Creation (Genesis 1:1). God withheld the creation of the Sun, Moon and stars until the fourth day (Genesis 1:14-19). Earth, according to scripture is unique and holds center stage in God's Creation.

So if we find life on other planets, that would expose yet just another lie/error in the bible. Doesn't seem to sway the devoted.
You can't get there right now.
And I'm pretty sure the beings are called fallen angels.

Are you saying we can't get to Mars or Europa? Because the truth of the matter is the opposite. We can and have sent rovers to mars and craft to observe Jupiter and its moons (Europa included) and will someday soon begin to delve even deeper.

And do you mean to imply that any intelligent life we may find are fallen angels?

What freaks me out though is the closest possible other star that may have intelligent life on it is light years away. All those stars we see in the sky, can not be reached by man until we invent warp speed which might not be possible. Although my grandparents always said if it can be imagined it can be done.

reached by man ... until we invent warp speed

that's not the only problem, if you can accelerate at 1G gravitational force without passing out it would take ~ 30,000 years to reach the speed of light and another 30,000 years to deaccelerate with the time to reach the destination between the two ... :eusa_hand: may need to add to yor life expectancy.


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