Question for Christians

Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

Worth mentioning Judaism has already faced this question and has remarked, "The discovery of aliens wouldn't effect Judaism any more than the discovery of a new species of rabbit."

For one thing, if you believe in God and angels you already believe in aliens. If God created the Earth, it's obviously not from the Earth, ergo, alien.

Is There Life on Other Planets? - The Jewish view on UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence - Questions & Answers


Someone told me that according to Judaism, human beings are the only conscious beings in the universe. Is there any basis to this?

Certainly not!


But should we be looking?

Dr. Velvl Greene was a biologist who was enlisted by NASA in their project to determine if there is life on Mars. He asked the Lubavitcher Rebbe privately if this was something he should be doing.

The Rebbe replied, “Dr. Greene, look for life on Mars! And if you don’t find it there, look somewhere else in the universe for it. Because for you to sit here and say there is no life outside of planet Earth is to put limitations on the Creator, and that is not something any of His creatures can do!”"
I don't know any Christians who deny hard, factual, scientific evidence. Most of us don't pay much attention to the speculative kind of "science" because it's not true science. Science means knowledge and until something is truly known, it really isn't scientific fact.

A lot of things in science are theories and not fact.

True. For example, you do not exist. I can not see you, feel you, or hear you. In fact, I believe that you are actually a computer programmed to bump the thread for the CNMB to increase advertiser revenue. Prove me wrong.

Well, then, the same thing would apply to you and all members. Nobody exists, so no one is reading the ads, so how is that increasing revenue?
Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.
No. I'm certain God will have created whatever is discovered.

I have a question for the OP.

What if these Alien Life forms believe in God? Would it shake your non-faith?

Are these aliens also going to have zero evidence....a book handed down?
Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.
No. I'm certain God will have created whatever is discovered.

I have a question for the OP.

What if these Alien Life forms believe in God? Would it shake your non-faith?

Are these aliens also going to have zero evidence....a book handed down?

Why worry about stuff that hasn't happened yet? What if they have the gospel of John? Are you then going to worry about that?
I've heard certain Athiests (not all of them) before tell me that Heaven couldn't be real because humans don't see it in the clouds or in the sky. And they thought the idea that Heaven could be in space or another dimension was absurd.

Just like not all theists are idiots, not all atheists are brilliant. But at least they don't believe a fairy tale when they hear one. I'll give them that.

Even we realize that "heaven", if one exists, is in a realm far far away. So do they expect that they would be able to look up and see their dead relatives in those clouds?

I'm going to go out on a limb and call bullshit. Only a theist would say or think something so dumb. Atheists are too logical to think something so stupid. Can you find one of them on USMB? Did they post this to you or did an atheist say this to you in person? I'm calling you out. I'm calling you a liar. :eusa_liar:

This came from a few different people in person while I was discussing with them the physical existence of gods and their realms, as opposed to the existence of thoughtforms that humans have unlimited potential to create in their minds.

They said there is no Heaven in the sky and no God in the clouds. I told them the Universe/ Multiverse is a big place and they laughed at the idea of God being an extraterrestrial from far, far away.

Most Athiests are smarter than that though. But regardless of how "smart" an Athiest thinks they are, they usually aren't very wise, and are usually incredibly boring humans, who assume that because they are "above religion or spirituality" that it somehow erases the fact that most of them are still indoctrinated, law worshipping, herded Mundanes. If it is not religion controlling their fate, it is the media, the law, the government, society, or the culture around them.

Very few humans, whether Athiest or otherwise... have the Will/ desire to break free from the Mundane mindset to become something far greater.

Athiesm, for some, can most certainly be a step in the right direction... but y'all are still usually waaay past boring and annoying as fuck... with some exceptions.

Honestly I think that the idea of God as an extraterrestrial being with abilities far beyond what we can comprehend is probably the version with the highest likelihood of being true. This being could even predate the big bang and the formation of this universe or even have something to do with it. The universe is an enormous place so really anything could be out there.
Problem is mathematicians, at least human mathematicians, can't come up with a definition for zero that makes sense.

0/X = 0 so it would stand to reason that 0/0 = 0


X/X = 1 so it would stand to reason that 0/0 = 1

So does 0/0 = 0 or does 0/0 = 1 ?

And that's before we get into the closer a denominator gets to 0, the more it asymptotes towards infinity.


The actual problem is you think zero is a number.

Well, it is. Actually it is a real number. The problem is that he confuses a bar trick with math.

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