Question for Christians

So you really think our Faith in God is going to be shaken if we find life on other planets, when the scriptures testify that God has created Worlds without End?

The more life found in the Universe, the more likely there is a Creator and the less likely everything just happens by chance.

This is fucking hilarious. You theists read the bible and don't even know what the fuck you are reading.

I found where it said "There is a world without end". Uh, I think he was talking about heaven?

You thought it said god created "world's without end"? Learn how to use a fucking comma. Learn how to comprehend.

actually, that would be an apostrophe.....
It claims that the starts in the sky are all angels.

lol....are you referring to the passage that describes Mary as being clothed with the sun?.......I take it you are a bible literalist, Hot Momma!.......

I take it you're one of those Christians that likes to pick and choose which parts of the Bible are metaphor and allegory and which parts are literal truth? How do you even decide? Oh wait no, I know. You see all Christians were Bible literalists until large swaths of the Bible were either proven historically inaccurate by science or determined to be morally incompatible by modern society. Then Christians in there slipperiness started changing their dogma and interpretation of the Bible until we get to what we see today in order for their religion to adapt and survive in the modern day. Religious people like you are the worst of all and are the most intellectually dishonest of the bunch.
We're talking about life on other planets, not the heavens stupid.

Fact. The Bible teaches implicitly that we are alone.

According to the Bible, Earth is not the result of billions of years of stellar evolution during which many other planets were also created. No, the bible says earth was created before any other planet or star existed. Earth came into existence on the first day of Creation and God withheld the creation of the Sun, Moon and stars until the fourth day.

Forget the fact that the bible is factually wrong. The men who wrote it didn't know science. They were just making it up or it was a story their forefathers told them and they were just passing on legend. They truly believed we were alone in the universe and special.

So if we found life elsewhere it SHOULD be a big blow to religion but it won't because they are a slippery bunch. Greatest bullshit story ever told.

Religion has been proven wrong a million times. It hasn't stopped them before and it won't when we find them wrong yet again. Hell look they are already trying to wiggle out of it just in case we do find life somewhere else. For the longest time they stayed firm and said we were alone. Today, with the more science we know, they are afraid we are going to find life somewhere else and they don't want that to blow their scam so they are already backing down on this just in case. :badgrin:

Answered the OP in another post, freak. Answered your specific post after the fact. Learn to read you drug addicted bum.

You can't "prove religion wrong." Religion is a belief or state of mind. Damn you're an imbecile.

Watch out folks ... these numskulls drive cars.

Thank you for admitting basically god is all in your head. :eusa_clap:

Do you believe the sun will shine tomorrow morning?
So you really think our Faith in God is going to be shaken if we find life on other planets, when the scriptures testify that God has created Worlds without End?

The more life found in the Universe, the more likely there is a Creator and the less likely everything just happens by chance.

Um, if your faith is based on the Bible then yes I do. The Bible never makes mention of God creating "Worlds without End" quite the opposite in fact. It claims that the starts in the sky are all angels. In my opinion the discover that the celestial bodies in the night sky aren't angels but just chunks of rock and balls of gas is more than enough reason to stop believing.

The Bible doesn't make mention that my mailbox is broken and in need of repair either but that biblical omission hasn't hindered my faith. The Bible doesn't mention Scottsdale, AZ. The Bible doesn't mention the Outback Steakhouse. The Bible doesn't specifically mention the ex-planet, Pluto. The Bible doesn't mention Del Monte green beans. Should I cast my Bible aside as a result? No. That would just be silly.
Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.
No. I'm certain God will have created whatever is discovered.

I have a question for the OP.

What if these Alien Life forms believe in God? Would it shake your non-faith?

Would it change yours if those intelligent aliens were Christians?
If we meet any kind of extraterrestrial intelligence, the only thing I'm asking this is if they ever figured out a definition for division by zero.
Problem is mathematicians, at least human mathematicians, can't come up with a definition for zero that makes sense.

0/X = 0 so it would stand to reason that 0/0 = 0


X/X = 1 so it would stand to reason that 0/0 = 1

So does 0/0 = 0 or does 0/0 = 1 ?

And that's before we get into the closer a denominator gets to 0, the more it asymptotes towards infinity.

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Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

Why should it?
Ok this is a two part question but it essentially deals with the same issue. Anyways here it is.

Part One: If in the next two to three decades we discover life on planets like Mars and Europa (simple life, such as single celled organisms living in the water close to the core of said planet(s) Would that shake your faith in the Bible and cause you to either change your perception of God to one that is outside the perception found in Christianity or even drop your religion and belief in the supernatural entirely? Or would your faith remain completely unaltered?

Part Two: Same question only applied to the discovery of complex or intelligent life to include contact with a sentient species with a society and intelligence rivaling our own.

I can tell you after all the conversations I've had with theists that this would not change their beliefs one bit. It might freak out a very small percentage of christians but can you even point out in the bible where it says we are alone in the universe?

I think 7 out of 10 christians don't even take the bible literally like adam and eve and noah. They know those to be stories to teach morality. BUT, then they still believe that jesus performed miracles and rose from the dead after being born by a virgin. So they can rationalize somewhat but not as much as they need to in order to wake up and see reality clearly.

In fact, christians know exactly where/how/why the mormons, muslims and jewish religions are wrong but they can't apply the same logic to their own religion. Same with the muslims and mormons. They know all the other religions are bullshit but can't see that theirs is too.

And I think the reason for that is because if they accept their own logic about other religions as it applies to their own religion then they are left with the reality that life has not greater meaning outside what meaning we choose to give it for ourselves and that no part of us survives death and that truly terrifies them.

Oh, so you weren't asking your question because you were actually interested in knowing what Christians believe and think. You were asking just to give yourself a vehicle for saying, "Ha ha! Christians are so stupid, and that gives me the only excuse I will ever have in my existence for claiming to be smart, because I don't agree with them!"

In that case, the answer to your question about what I believe is, "Piss off, bigot. None of your business until your head pops out of your sphincter enough to function."
It claims that the starts in the sky are all angels.

lol....are you referring to the passage that describes Mary as being clothed with the sun?.......I take it you are a bible literalist, Hot Momma!.......

I take it you're one of those Christians that likes to pick and choose which parts of the Bible are metaphor and allegory and which parts are literal truth? How do you even decide? Oh wait no, I know. You see all Christians were Bible literalists until large swaths of the Bible were either proven historically inaccurate by science or determined to be morally incompatible by modern society. Then Christians in there slipperiness started changing their dogma and interpretation of the Bible until we get to what we see today in order for their religion to adapt and survive in the modern day. Religious people like you are the worst of all and are the most intellectually dishonest of the bunch.

Thank you for letting us know your opinion of religious people.

God bless you.
I've heard certain Athiests (not all of them) before tell me that Heaven couldn't be real because humans don't see it in the clouds or in the sky. And they thought the idea that Heaven could be in space or another dimension was absurd.

Just like not all theists are idiots, not all atheists are brilliant. But at least they don't believe a fairy tale when they hear one. I'll give them that.

Even we realize that "heaven", if one exists, is in a realm far far away. So do they expect that they would be able to look up and see their dead relatives in those clouds?

I'm going to go out on a limb and call bullshit. Only a theist would say or think something so dumb. Atheists are too logical to think something so stupid. Can you find one of them on USMB? Did they post this to you or did an atheist say this to you in person? I'm calling you out. I'm calling you a liar. :eusa_liar:

This came from a few different people in person while I was discussing with them the physical existence of gods and their realms, as opposed to the existence of thoughtforms that humans have unlimited potential to create in their minds.

They said there is no Heaven in the sky and no God in the clouds. I told them the Universe/ Multiverse is a big place and they laughed at the idea of God being an extraterrestrial from far, far away.

Most Athiests are smarter than that though. But regardless of how "smart" an Athiest thinks they are, they usually aren't very wise, and are usually incredibly boring humans, who assume that because they are "above religion or spirituality" that it somehow erases the fact that most of them are still indoctrinated, law worshipping, herded Mundanes. If it is not religion controlling their fate, it is the media, the law, the government, society, or the culture around them.

Very few humans, whether Athiest or otherwise... have the Will/ desire to break free from the Mundane mindset to become something far greater.

Athiesm, for some, can most certainly be a step in the right direction... but y'all are still usually waaay past boring and annoying as fuck... with some exceptions.
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Fact. The Bible teaches implicitly that we are alone.

uh, no.....

Sorry Sealy, but Postmodern is correct on this one. Now just to put this into perspective, postmodern and I disagree on just about everything when it comes to religion so if I am agreeing with him it's pretty much a slam dunk. LOL. On this one he is absolutely correct. The Bible really has nothing to say on the matter one way or the other.
So you really think our Faith in God is going to be shaken if we find life on other planets, when the scriptures testify that God has created Worlds without End?

The more life found in the Universe, the more likely there is a Creator and the less likely everything just happens by chance.

This is fucking hilarious. You theists read the bible and don't even know what the fuck you are reading.

I found where it said "There is a world without end". Uh, I think he was talking about heaven?

You thought it said god created "world's without end"? Learn how to use a fucking comma. Learn how to comprehend.

There are no commas in the greek. Learn something and give it a rest.

This brings up another problem with the bible. Translation. First of all, I think you know what I meant. That guy misinterpreted what the bible said. Flat out got it wrong. You know the differences between world(s) without end and a world (1 world/heaven) without end. I think god was talking about heaven when he said that. But doofis read it however he wanted to see it. So I hate it when someone says, "the bible says" or "scripture says". Scripture says a lot of things. A LOT! I'm sure scripture can even argue with itself. Pick an argument and we'll go through the old book and see what it says about it.

Hell, I found where in the bible it says being gay doesn't necessarily mean you will go to hell and it won't keep you from heaven. Want to know where it is? It's the part where it says two woman will lay in one bed grinding, one will go and one will not. Now when I found that and showed it to gay bashers they said that's not what it means. Really? Well that is my interpretation.

In fact, it was the Greeks who translated the old bible txt from Hebrew to Greek and eventually to English. How do you guys know what it says? They are still debating it today. Literally Greek monks are debating the words of the bible to this day. Now factor in your corrupt red neck or catholic church and how much it has altered/edited the bible not to mention misinterpreted it.

LUKE 17:35 Two [women] shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Fact. The Bible teaches implicitly that we are alone.

uh, no.....

Sorry Sealy, but Postmodern is correct on this one. Now just to put this into perspective, postmodern and I disagree on just about everything when it comes to religion so if I am agreeing with him it's pretty much a slam dunk. LOL. On this one he is absolutely correct. The Bible really has nothing to say on the matter one way or the other.

Implicit - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

It implies it when it says before us there was nothing. Then he built around us. We are the center and his only creation. He didn't mention other planets or other beings on other planets and that all implies we are it.
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I take it you're one of those Christians that likes to pick and choose which parts of the Bible are metaphor and allegory and which parts are literal truth?
its rather foolish not to, after all.....since there are many different genres in the Bible and they should not be treated the same way....

How do you even decide?
careful study and textual analysis.....

Religious people like you are the worst of all and are the most intellectually dishonest of the bunch.
well, to be honest, I expect you consider us the worst.....nobody likes to argue with someone who's actually done some studying........

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