Question for Dems. Seriously would you vote for a person who didn't know what state they were in

You realize I’m a veteran, right? US Military retiree in fact.

That still doesn't excuse you being a moron!

You’re right. You’re still a moron.

LOL you’re such a troll. And a foreigner.

Troll maybe, foreigner definitely not. Is this some form of deflection?

Bullshit. And you lied about military service. Amazing.

As they say, "if you don't have the brains to get a real job, join the military. Great repub indoctrination and socialist benefits"
That still doesn't excuse you being a moron!

You’re right. You’re still a moron.

LOL you’re such a troll. And a foreigner.

Troll maybe, foreigner definitely not. Is this some form of deflection?

Bullshit. And you lied about military service. Amazing.

As they say, "if you don't have the brains to get a real job, join the military. Great repub indoctrination and socialist benefits"

Who is “they”?
You realize I’m a veteran, right? US Military retiree in fact.

That still doesn't excuse you being a moron!

You’re right. You’re still a moron.

LOL you’re such a troll. And a foreigner.

Troll maybe, foreigner definitely not. Is this some form of deflection?

Bullshit. And you lied about military service. Amazing.

I served twenty years and two months. I am a retired Chief Petty Officer. When did you serve your country?

What idiom was I allegedly ignorant about?
That still doesn't excuse you being a moron!

You’re right. You’re still a moron.

LOL you’re such a troll. And a foreigner.

Troll maybe, foreigner definitely not. Is this some form of deflection?

Bullshit. And you lied about military service. Amazing.

I served twenty years and two months. I am a retired Chief Petty Officer. When did you serve your country?

What idiom was I allegedly ignorant about?

The lies continue. Allegedly? I called You out on it. Go and check.
Because clearly the leading Democratic candidate does not know where he is, so would you vote for Biden

Joe Biden Forgets Which State He's In | The Stream

And do we need a law passed that Democrats need to be conscious when interviewed?

Because Joe could no longer be interviewed legally

would you vote for a man who talks about grabbing pussy?

would you vote for a man who mocks american prisoners of war?

would you vote for a man who forgot he had a son?

would you vote for a man who was obviously a puppet to russia?
"I was born as a male to parents whose parents emigrated from Europe. But these days I prefer to identify as a woman of colour with.015 % Ethiopian and,12% Pequot Inuit DNA which got me an EEO-mandated position as a University professor of feminine assertiveness."

"Now PROCLAIM me president or forever wear a label as the sexist racist that you are!"

Guess which Democrat presidential candidate will use that as a rallying cry!
You’re right. You’re still a moron.

LOL you’re such a troll. And a foreigner.

Troll maybe, foreigner definitely not. Is this some form of deflection?

Bullshit. And you lied about military service. Amazing.

I served twenty years and two months. I am a retired Chief Petty Officer. When did you serve your country?

What idiom was I allegedly ignorant about?

The lies continue. Allegedly? I called You out on it. Go and check. to it.
LOL you’re such a troll. And a foreigner.

Troll maybe, foreigner definitely not. Is this some form of deflection?

Bullshit. And you lied about military service. Amazing.

I served twenty years and two months. I am a retired Chief Petty Officer. When did you serve your country?

What idiom was I allegedly ignorant about?

The lies continue. Allegedly? I called You out on it. Go and check. to it.

You cannot search your own posts? LOL

This is not the court of law. Burden of proof is not on me.
Troll maybe, foreigner definitely not. Is this some form of deflection?

Bullshit. And you lied about military service. Amazing.

I served twenty years and two months. I am a retired Chief Petty Officer. When did you serve your country?

What idiom was I allegedly ignorant about?

The lies continue. Allegedly? I called You out on it. Go and check. to it.

You cannot search your own posts? LOL

This is not the court of law. Burden of proof is not on me.

Sure it is. You made the claim, you need to back it up otherwise you’re just making shit up. (Which I suspect anyway)
Bullshit. And you lied about military service. Amazing.

I served twenty years and two months. I am a retired Chief Petty Officer. When did you serve your country?

What idiom was I allegedly ignorant about?

The lies continue. Allegedly? I called You out on it. Go and check. to it.

You cannot search your own posts? LOL

This is not the court of law. Burden of proof is not on me.

Sure it is. You made the claim, you need to back it up otherwise you’re just making shit up. (Which I suspect anyway)

Do I? You will slip up again.
I served twenty years and two months. I am a retired Chief Petty Officer. When did you serve your country?

What idiom was I allegedly ignorant about?

The lies continue. Allegedly? I called You out on it. Go and check. to it.

You cannot search your own posts? LOL

This is not the court of law. Burden of proof is not on me.

Sure it is. You made the claim, you need to back it up otherwise you’re just making shit up. (Which I suspect anyway)

Do I? You will slip up again.

Sure, go with that. Smells like you can't back up your own bullshit to me. You haven't answered...when did you serve?
The lies continue. Allegedly? I called You out on it. Go and check. to it.

You cannot search your own posts? LOL

This is not the court of law. Burden of proof is not on me.

Sure it is. You made the claim, you need to back it up otherwise you’re just making shit up. (Which I suspect anyway)

Do I? You will slip up again.

Sure, go with that. Smells like you can't back up your own bullshit to me. You haven't answered...when did you serve?

Hey posts only go so far back. Do you have dementia that you don’t recall me calling you out? 18 Beta. to it.

You cannot search your own posts? LOL

This is not the court of law. Burden of proof is not on me.

Sure it is. You made the claim, you need to back it up otherwise you’re just making shit up. (Which I suspect anyway)

Do I? You will slip up again.

Sure, go with that. Smells like you can't back up your own bullshit to me. You haven't answered...when did you serve?

Hey posts only go so far back. Do you have dementia that you don’t recall me calling you out? 18 Beta.
No, I dont. I recall that you , out of the blue, decided I was a "foreigner". I'm not. 4th generation Californian actually. Native daughter of the Golden West, military retiree and current county elections office employee. For every single job I've held since I turned 18 I have sworn an oath to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States. Have you ever sworn to uphold and defend the constitution?
You cannot search your own posts? LOL

This is not the court of law. Burden of proof is not on me.

Sure it is. You made the claim, you need to back it up otherwise you’re just making shit up. (Which I suspect anyway)

Do I? You will slip up again.

Sure, go with that. Smells like you can't back up your own bullshit to me. You haven't answered...when did you serve?

Hey posts only go so far back. Do you have dementia that you don’t recall me calling you out? 18 Beta.
No, I dont. I recall that you , out of the blue, decided I was a "foreigner". I'm not. 4th generation Californian actually. Native daughter of the Golden West, military retiree and current county elections office employee. For every single job I've held since I turned 18 I have sworn an oath to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States. Have you ever sworn to uphold and defend the constitution?

Indeed. Yet your posts prove otherwise. Something smells rotten here. You didn’t get my inference on the 18 Beta. Interesting....the plot thickens.
Sure it is. You made the claim, you need to back it up otherwise you’re just making shit up. (Which I suspect anyway)

Do I? You will slip up again.

Sure, go with that. Smells like you can't back up your own bullshit to me. You haven't answered...when did you serve?

Hey posts only go so far back. Do you have dementia that you don’t recall me calling you out? 18 Beta.
No, I dont. I recall that you , out of the blue, decided I was a "foreigner". I'm not. 4th generation Californian actually. Native daughter of the Golden West, military retiree and current county elections office employee. For every single job I've held since I turned 18 I have sworn an oath to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States. Have you ever sworn to uphold and defend the constitution?

Indeed. Yet your posts prove otherwise. Something smells rotten here. You didn’t get my inference on the 18 Beta. Interesting....the plot thickens.

Yeah you keep saying that but have yet to provide proof of your oft repeated claims. A quick search of the forums finds that your MO is to accuse anyone spanking your sad, sorry ass of being a foreigner.

I doubt anyone but you got your inference. Are you still using betamax?

Also still waiting for you to answer a simple question, did you serve?
Do I? You will slip up again.

Sure, go with that. Smells like you can't back up your own bullshit to me. You haven't answered...when did you serve?

Hey posts only go so far back. Do you have dementia that you don’t recall me calling you out? 18 Beta.
No, I dont. I recall that you , out of the blue, decided I was a "foreigner". I'm not. 4th generation Californian actually. Native daughter of the Golden West, military retiree and current county elections office employee. For every single job I've held since I turned 18 I have sworn an oath to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States. Have you ever sworn to uphold and defend the constitution?

Indeed. Yet your posts prove otherwise. Something smells rotten here. You didn’t get my inference on the 18 Beta. Interesting....the plot thickens.

Yeah you keep saying that but have yet to provide proof of your oft repeated claims. A quick search of the forums finds that your MO is to accuse anyone spanking your sad, sorry ass of being a foreigner.

I doubt anyone but you got your inference. Are you still using betamax?

Also still waiting for you to answer a simple question, did you serve?

I already answered that question. I only accused you and BWK of being foreigners? Who else did I accuse?
If Warren wins the nomination, how can she get past lying about having indigenous persons lineage?
She does have it, only 6 generations back, on her mother's side, her mother's grandmother's mother or grandmother. That's what the DNA results said.... so her Native American root lore, that was passed on to her, about Native American heritage, was correct.... the presumption of the timing of the family lore, might have been incorrect... it was farther back than she was told.


Trump just told people... bragging his father was born in Germany, when he knows damn well his father was NOT born in Germany, his grandfather was born in Germany....

who cares?
Her roots were with South American Natives, not North American. It was a scam on her part, there is no doubt about that.
There was no scam Meister, she did NOT obtain any of her jobs thru her Native American heritage. Believing family lore, is not a scam either.... nor is being proud of it.

Do you have a link that it was South American Natives? How did the Native from South America, make it up here to North America to marry a white, European rooted American?
Two Native American geneticists interpret Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test | Center for Genetics and Society
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA match is to Latin Americans, not Native Americans

There is no doubt that I have as much if not more Native American DNA than Liz does, and I would never refer to it as fact.
And, yes, she did benefit from it whether you want to admit it or not.
Native Americans don't like or use DNA tests, at least the Cherokee, because they have mixed with whites so much.... So they use their heritage from word of mouth, and census records of where they lived...later on reservations and stuff like that...

She never got any of her jobs from being Native American.... That is simply a right wing lie your right wing media made up, meister.....right wing media is good at it.... they excel in creating lies for you all to believe.... much like the birther movement lie.... And yes, you will say the same about left wing media... ;)

As far as her jobs, there is proof, she was hired as a white woman, and NOT because of being Native American.... that's just made up right wing lies that went viral.... because you know...partisan crap of only a white MAN can achieve an exceptional job and everyone else got one through affirmative action as the claim against Obama, and Warren's exceptional job and career came only because she claimed she was a Native American.... I'm surprised you can't see this tactic of your right wing masters in media and politics....

In the most exhaustive review undertaken of Elizabeth Warren’s professional history, the Globe found clear evidence, in documents and interviews, that her claim to Native American ethnicity was never considered by the Harvard Law faculty, which voted resoundingly to hire her, or by those who hired her to four prior positions at other law schools. At every step of her remarkable rise in the legal profession, the people responsible for hiring her saw her as a white woman.

The Globe examined hundreds of documents, many of them never before available, and reached out to all 52 of the law professors who are still living and were eligible to be in that Pound Hall room at Harvard Law School. Some are Warren’s allies. Others are not. Thirty-one agreed to talk to the Globe — including the law professor who was, at the time, in charge of recruiting minority faculty. Most said they were unaware of her claims to Native American heritage and all but one of the 31 said those claims were not discussed as part of her hire. One professor told the Globe he is unsure whether her heritage came up, but is certain that, if it did, it had no bearing on his vote on Warren’s appointment.

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe

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