Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Open Borders - Yes Or No

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Hopefully guys with diapers on their heads and women wearing black hefty bags will " re-discover" the dump. Ollie willing.
The lazy fucks can chain up the "dual citizens" and rid the place of the " self chosen" and get them to re-build it to be as nice as Dubai.
It appears that the question is not stupid because everything that the Democrats oppose in GOP legislation point to the Democrats favor everyone coming in at any time.

Now historically we did have that... when on August 3,1882 the first "general immigration law" was passed.
Immigration Act of 1882 - Wikipedia
And the population of the USA at that time was 50,189,209 or 1/6 what it is today.

So our country was founded on the rule of law... not emotion. Not illogic. But founded on the preamble of the US Constitution what clearly states.."provide for the common defence".

So if we have no borders. No laws regarding who can come in what do we have but back to where we were
over 136 years when EVERYONE had a gun. A lot of the country had no law and anyone could come in.

So is that what the Democrats want? Our country to revert back to the way we were in the 1880s?

I'm all in favor then as there would be open season on protecting me and my property it sounds like.
The democrats are part of the Globalization, New World Order, crowd. To them, it doesn't matter how many citizens are killed by those coming in, just as long as Globalization is successful.
Sorry, but your Party does. Get informed.
No my party doesnt support open borders. You should get educated. Better yet you should show us some proof of your claim.

The Dems had the chance to protect the dreamers and close the borders. There is your proof.

Hillary tells some bankers in Brazil she has a dream of open borders for trade only someday and you dupes believe she wants open borders. LOL arghhh...

So the Dems didn't choose between the borders and the dreamers?

Not a chance and they are for a SSID card that can't be faked, the only solution. Along with working papers for the Worthy.

Their voting record says otherwise.

You righties are fountains of misinformation.

Immigrants have a sponsor because they re not allowed to go on any welfare .

Immigrants can’t and do not vote unless they make it to citizenship.

The US formula for success depends on an underclass of hard working immigrants doing the jobs citizens won’t do .

I only object to people illegally entering this country. We have programs for workers to come into the US legally, we do not want nor do we need people that are unwilling to abide from our laws.
As the NWO Globalists continue pushing their Open Borders Agenda, do you support it or not?
We don't have a border or immigrant crisis. We need more immigrants to grow.

We need merit based immigration as Trump suggested. However, that is not what the crisis at the border is all about. The crisis on the border is dealing with Central America exporting their poverty to the US. We would be a nation of fools to allow that.

Merit based ? You really want some rich , high educated immigrant to swoop in and take your nice job and pretty wife?

You damn right!that is what I want. Beats the hell of of some stupid uneducated third worlder voting for disastrous Democrats just to maintain a welfare check.

Trump wants job creators to come to this country. That stupid asshole Obama wanted MS-13 "Dreamers" to come.

Yes I still remember when Obama proclaimed his welcome to MS-13........

Oh right- I forget- Trumpsters think that all Mexicans are rapists and members of MS-13.

Trump got that one right.

Fuck the Illegals.

They need to apply for legal immigration or change the government in their own country.

Only dumbasses think they should be allowed in this country.

Of course we really know the reason you stupid Moon Bats want them in, don't we?

The Democrat Party has gone so far batshit crazy Left that it has no future with working Americans. It has become a party of welfare queens, queers, Marxists and other assorted shitheads. Their only hope is to import more welfare queens. The Illegals are a great source of future Democrat voters.
Fuck the Democrats and there open borders, The Democrats are traitors ,they should deport them all !
The Dems had the chance to protect the dreamers and close the borders. There is your proof.

Hillary tells some bankers in Brazil she has a dream of open borders for trade only someday and you dupes believe she wants open borders. LOL arghhh...

So the Dems didn't choose between the borders and the dreamers?

amazing how twisted some some stupid email b*******between some some drone staffers can get...

It's been proven Democratic Party Leadership does answer to George Soros. It's fact.
Just like he is Nazi... Breaking for silly dupes... If you have the actual facts and intelligence, you agree with the Democrats.

George Soros does own the US Democratic Party. And he's a fanatical Open Borders NWO Globalist. So do the math.
The issue with open borders is most other countries aren't ready for it. Open borders can only work if there is equality among the countries with open borders. The best way to help people that want to come here for a better life is to let them immigrate legally so they can be a part of the system and not have to put up with shit from anybody. I know because that's how my family did it. My family isn't working for shit with people who don't care. As legal US citizens they can do anything they want, go anywhere they want and VOTE for anybody they want.
stupid poll

no open borders - enforce the laws on the books.

end of problem

Trump was enforcing the current laws on the books. You guys had temper tantrum
Drumpf capitulated after claiming he couldnt do anything about the way he enforced the current law. You guys are dumb as pocket lint.
What do the Dems have to do with my party?

Hmm. The party platform means nothing unless those elected in the party back the platform. It is obvious they do not.

That didnt really address my question. Obviously you assumed I was a Dem. Even so the borders shouldnt be closed unless they are closed to all.

What do you mean "closed to all"?

Not sure what is so difficult to comprehend about the word "all"?

Legal and illegal?

Thats what all means. It means everyone. That way people are not let in at the discretion of whatever whim is used to define someone as legal or illegal.
We don't have a border or immigrant crisis. We need more immigrants to grow.

We need merit based immigration as Trump suggested. However, that is not what the crisis at the border is all about. The crisis on the border is dealing with Central America exporting their poverty to the US. We would be a nation of fools to allow that.

Merit based ? You really want some rich , high educated immigrant to swoop in and take your nice job and pretty wife?

You damn right!that is what I want. Beats the hell of of some stupid uneducated third worlder voting for disastrous Democrats just to maintain a welfare check.

Trump wants job creators to come to this country. That stupid asshole Obama wanted MS-13 "Dreamers" to come.

Yes I still remember when Obama proclaimed his welcome to MS-13........

Oh right- I forget- Trumpsters think that all Mexicans are rapists and members of MS-13.

Trump got that one right.

Fuck the Illegals.

They need to apply for legal immigration or change the government in their own country.

Only dumbasses think they should be allowed in this country.

Of course we really know the reason you stupid Moon Bats want them in, don't we?

The Democrat Party has gone so far batshit crazy Left that it has no future with working Americans. It has become a party of welfare queens, queers, Marxists and other assorted shitheads. Their only hope is to import more welfare queens. The Illegals are a great source of future Democrat voters.
We need a good SS ID card to stop them from coming. End of story.
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So where did the native Indians come from?
But archeologists predicted that they either came from the Ice Bridge from Russia of Asia that led to what is now Alaska and they walked down North America.
Who's land was it then?
Plus... There are up to 200,000 Indian American millionaires in the United States. 1/9 Indians Americans are millionaires in the US. The statistics were done by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, a subsidiary company of Bank of America. There are up to 223,000 firms own up by Indians Americans plus 20,000 hotels in the United States belong to Indian Americans. You can view the remainder of the statistics below the reference.

Seems like they've done pretty well!
According to the 2010 Census, 5.2 million people in the United States identified as American Indian and Alaska Native,

Wow.. think about that: nearly 4% of all American Indians are millionaires!

Wow but your are stupid. Indian American and American Indian are totally different. LMAO

You are right. I immediately took the article to be about native American Indians.

So I did a more specific search...

There's little need for any member of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe to work. Each adult in the 460-person American Indian nation receives more than $1million a year - for doing nothing.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe: Casino revenue pays each member $1million a year | Daily Mail Online

So here are 460 American Indian Millionaires. In One tribe.

The Council of Energy Resource Tribes, a consortium of tribes whose aim is to augment Native American control over energy resources, recently estimated the total value of these resources at nearly $1.5 trillion.
The Southern Ute Tribe in Colorado owns and operates five energy companies and invests its energy revenues in a growth fund estimated to be worth $4 billion. Today, the tribe’s 1,400 members are each worth millions and receive dividends every year from the growth fund.
The Wealth Of (Indian) Nations

The 1,573 Pala Tribe members have benefited: Today, each receives monthly payouts that add up to more than $150,000 per year, as well as free health care and free college.
$150,000 at 5% interest is an asset that is worth $3,000,000 each. In other words to generate income $150,000 EACH they'd have to have an asset worth $3,000,000 earning 5%

Each of the 4,000 Seminole Indian tribe member, even children, earns about $7,500 a month or $90,000 a year. Which would at 5% interest would be $1,800,000 asset... million are.
Seminole Lives Enriched But Divided By Casino

So we have between the Seminoles, Pala, Shakopee and the Ute 7, 433 AMERICAN INDIAN millionaires.
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Interesting considering american Indians stole land from others, raped and pillaged the innocent. Some were great people and society, some savages.

Oh well, I guess that makes it acceptable for white men to do it. Not.
The fact of the matter is white men came to this land, lied, raped, murdered, passed laws to end the existence of the Indian.

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You won't hear an argument from me, I know what they did. I was just pointing out how many tribes and people did the same kind of things.
stupid poll

no open borders - enforce the laws on the books.

end of problem
You clowns just had a meltdown over enforcing the law on the books.
Where does it say the laws had to be enforced in that manner? Can you show me or are you parroting?
Catch and release doesn't work, moron. We've alreasy tried that, but that's exactly what you douchebags want.

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Who claimed catch and released worked you idiot? Dont deflect from the question little one.
That's what the Dims are advocating, douchebag.
Trump was enforcing the current laws on the books. You guys had temper tantrum
Drumpf capitulated after claiming he couldnt do anything about the way he enforced the current law. You guys are dumb as pocket lint.
Hmm. The party platform means nothing unless those elected in the party back the platform. It is obvious they do not.

That didnt really address my question. Obviously you assumed I was a Dem. Even so the borders shouldnt be closed unless they are closed to all.

What do you mean "closed to all"?

Not sure what is so difficult to comprehend about the word "all"?

Legal and illegal?

Thats what all means. It means everyone. That way people are not let in at the discretion of whatever whim is used to define someone as legal or illegal.
The voters decide that, moron. Your belief that we have to open the floodgates to illegals to avoid the possibility of showing partiality couldn't be more hilarious.
As the NWO Globalists continue pushing their Open Borders Agenda, do you support it or not?

We haven't had an open border in decades.

Who do you imagine wants a completely open border?

George Soros-owned NWO Globalist Democrats.

Can you quote one of them calling for completely open borders?

I am sure that there must be one somewhere, but I cannot remember ever seeing any Democrat calling for open borders.

Diane Feinstein?
Nancy Pelosi
Chuck Schumer?
Jerry Brown?
Kamala Harris?

Just looking for that quote.
Oh, do you think they are going to admit it in so many words if that's what they are for.
The issue with open borders is most other countries aren't ready for it. Open borders can only work if there is equality among the countries with open borders. The best way to help people that want to come here for a better life is to let them immigrate legally so they can be a part of the system and not have to put up with shit from anybody. I know because that's how my family did it. My family isn't working for shit with people who don't care. As legal US citizens they can do anything they want, go anywhere they want and VOTE for anybody they want.
Your belief that we want to help them is where you go wrong. Let them rot in the countries where they live. If they want a better life, then they can fix their own countries. I'll be damned if I can think of one good reason for letting them in to stink up America the way they stunk up the countries where they live.
As the NWO Globalists continue pushing their Open Borders Agenda, do you support it or not?

We can't have open borders for obvious reasons. We need to know who's in this country. But it has been Republicans who have been in charge of immigration for the last 9 years, and they have said NO to every single immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline. It is the sole responsibility of congress to write immigration laws and Repubicans have failed miserably. Henceforth the current disaster of separating kids from their parents at the border. This is the consequences of Republicans not doing their jobs.
Laura Bush pens scathing column on child separation as part of immigration policy - CNNPolitics
Laura Bush blasts Trump migrant policy as 'cruel' and 'immoral'

So we needed immigration reform years ago. Republicans are terrified of their "reich wing" anti-immigrant base, and are scared to death to approach this issue. If you want immigration reform. and also want to protect "dreamers", you'll have to vote for Democrats this coming November.


Trump's 1000 mile wall would have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it was built. A 3 minute very informative video.

The TUNNELS are a real deterent to spending billions on a WALL. They have found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's hundreds more they haven't found.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

So in my opinion the only solution is to install high tech motion detectors, and more border patrol stations, that can respond quickly to a signal. Anything they can see, can, and will always be compromised. Something they can't see won't even be attempted.
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