Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Open Borders - Yes Or No

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As the NWO Globalists continue pushing their Open Borders Agenda, do you support it or not?
We don't have a border or immigrant crisis. We need more immigrants to grow.

We need merit based immigration as Trump suggested. However, that is not what the crisis at the border is all about. The crisis on the border is dealing with Central America exporting their poverty to the US. We would be a nation of fools to allow that.

Merit based ? You really want some rich , high educated immigrant to swoop in and take your nice job and pretty wife?

You damn right! That is what I want. Beats the hell of of some stupid uneducated third worlder voting for disastrous Democrats just to maintain a welfare check.

Trump wants job creators to come to this country. That stupid asshole Obama wanted MS-13 "Dreamers" to come.
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You righties are fountains of misinformation.

Immigrants have a sponsor because they re not allowed to go on any welfare .

Immigrants can’t and do not vote unless they make it to citizenship.

The US formula for success depends on an underclass of hard working immigrants doing the jobs citizens won’t do .
You righties are fountains of misinformation.

Immigrants have a sponsor because they re not allowed to go on any welfare .

Immigrants can’t and do not vote unless they make it to citizenship.

The US formula for success depends on an underclass of hard working immigrants doing the jobs citizens won’t do .

The big issue with this theory is that soon all the jobs citizens won't do will be done by automation or robots, and many that citizens are willing to do as well. That is a big crisis on the horizon.
stupid poll

no open borders - enforce the laws on the books.

end of problem
You clowns just had a meltdown over enforcing the law on the books.
Where does it say the laws had to be enforced in that manner? Can you show me or are you parroting?
Catch and release doesn't work, moron. We've alreasy tried that, but that's exactly what you douchebags want.

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stupid poll

no open borders - enforce the laws on the books.

end of problem
You clowns just had a meltdown over enforcing the law on the books.
Where does it say the laws had to be enforced in that manner? Can you show me or are you parroting?
Catch and release doesn't work, moron. We've alreasy tried that, but that's exactly what you douchebags want.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Who claimed catch and released worked you idiot? Dont deflect from the question little one.
As the NWO Globalists continue pushing their Open Borders Agenda, do you support it or not?

We haven't had an open border in decades.

Who do you imagine wants a completely open border?

George Soros-owned NWO Globalist Democrats.

Can you quote one of them calling for completely open borders?

I am sure that there must be one somewhere, but I cannot remember ever seeing any Democrat calling for open borders.

Diane Feinstein?
Nancy Pelosi
Chuck Schumer?
Jerry Brown?
Kamala Harris?

Just looking for that quote.
As the NWO Globalists continue pushing their Open Borders Agenda, do you support it or not?
We don't have a border or immigrant crisis. We need more immigrants to grow.

We need merit based immigration as Trump suggested. However, that is not what the crisis at the border is all about. The crisis on the border is dealing with Central America exporting their poverty to the US. We would be a nation of fools to allow that.

Merit based ? You really want some rich , high educated immigrant to swoop in and take your nice job and pretty wife?

You damn right!that is what I want. Beats the hell of of some stupid uneducated third worlder voting for disastrous Democrats just to maintain a welfare check.

Trump wants job creators to come to this country. That stupid asshole Obama wanted MS-13 "Dreamers" to come.

Yes I still remember when Obama proclaimed his welcome to MS-13........

Oh right- I forget- Trumpsters think that all Mexicans are rapists and members of MS-13.
As the NWO Globalists continue pushing their Open Borders Agenda, do you support it or not?

We haven't had an open border in decades.

Who do you imagine wants a completely open border?

George Soros-owned NWO Globalist Democrats.

Can you quote one of them calling for completely open borders?

I am sure that there must be one somewhere, but I cannot remember ever seeing any Democrat calling for open borders.

Diane Feinstein?
Nancy Pelosi
Chuck Schumer?
Jerry Brown?
Kamala Harris?

Just looking for that quote.
Its unfair to ask them to actually post the quote. That would require them to be independent and do research for themselves. :laugh:
The United States is warming faster than other parts of the world, for the sake of climate change we cannot accept any more CO2 spewing illegals up here.
There is going to be a reckoning.
My advice to the LIBs is to learn to speak Spanish and arm yourselves.
The S.A. cartels have already set up shop in hundreds of locations in America.
And MS13 are their storm troopers.
Within a few years MS13 will have over two million members.
Then we'll see how the LIBs enjoy going outside their homes.

Which is why we will all have to be armed like we were in the wild west in the 1880s...

That is a damn myth. In most western towns you had to check your guns in with the sheriff where he held them till you left town. You ever hear of the shoot-out at the OK corral?
Truth.View attachment 200101

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So where did the native Indians come from?
But archeologists predicted that they either came from the Ice Bridge from Russia of Asia that led to what is now Alaska and they walked down North America.
Who's land was it then?
Plus... There are up to 200,000 Indian American millionaires in the United States. 1/9 Indians Americans are millionaires in the US. The statistics were done by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, a subsidiary company of Bank of America. There are up to 223,000 firms own up by Indians Americans plus 20,000 hotels in the United States belong to Indian Americans. You can view the remainder of the statistics below the reference.

Seems like they've done pretty well!
According to the 2010 Census, 5.2 million people in the United States identified as American Indian and Alaska Native,

Wow.. think about that: nearly 4% of all American Indians are millionaires!

Wow but your are stupid. Indian American and American Indian are totally different. LMAO
stupid poll

no open borders - enforce the laws on the books.

end of problem

Trump was enforcing the current laws on the books. You guys had temper tantrum
Drumpf capitulated after claiming he couldnt do anything about the way he enforced the current law. You guys are dumb as pocket lint.
The Dems had the chance to protect the dreamers and close the borders. There is your proof.

What do the Dems have to do with my party?

Hmm. The party platform means nothing unless those elected in the party back the platform. It is obvious they do not.

That didnt really address my question. Obviously you assumed I was a Dem. Even so the borders shouldnt be closed unless they are closed to all.

What do you mean "closed to all"?

Not sure what is so difficult to comprehend about the word "all"?

Legal and illegal?

amazingNo my party doesnt support open borders. You should get educated. Better yet you should show us some proof of your claim.

The Dems had the chance to protect the dreamers and close the borders. There is your proof.

Hillary tells some bankers in Brazil she has a dream of open borders for trade only someday and you dupes believe she wants open borders. LOL arghhh...

So the Dems didn't choose between the borders and the dreamers?

amazing how twisted some some stupid email b*******between some some drone staffers can get...

It's been proven Democratic Party Leadership does answer to George Soros. It's fact.
Just like he is Nazi... Breaking for silly dupes... If you have the actual facts and intelligence, you agree with the Democrats.
It appears that the question is not stupid because everything that the Democrats oppose in GOP legislation point to the Democrats favor everyone coming in at any time.

Now historically we did have that... when on August 3,1882 the first "general immigration law" was passed.
Immigration Act of 1882 - Wikipedia
And the population of the USA at that time was 50,189,209 or 1/6 what it is today.

So our country was founded on the rule of law... not emotion. Not illogic. But founded on the preamble of the US Constitution what clearly states.."provide for the common defence".

So if we have no borders. No laws regarding who can come in what do we have but back to where we were
over 136 years when EVERYONE had a gun. A lot of the country had no law and anyone could come in.

So is that what the Democrats want? Our country to revert back to the way we were in the 1880s?

I'm all in favor then as there would be open season on protecting me and my property it sounds like.
Your country was " founded" by a white boy invasion killing tens to hundreds of thousands already living in this uninhabited(according to his-story place." Red Savages" according to the syphilis infected dirtbags.
Hopefully guys with diapers on their heads and women wearing black hefty bags will " re-discover" the dump. Ollie willing.
... Blah-Blah-Blah

Third, the majority of immigrants are not breaking any laws. They are applying for asylum and other various immigrant status.

... Blah-Blah-Blah

Well ... 80% of our Mexican friends and upwards of 70% of our other southern neighbors currently applying for asylum are being denied.

No one thought to tell them asylum under international law doesn't mean "country shopping".
Nor were they informed that being poor, or not liking your home government, doesn't qualify you for asylum.

Not mention that someone applying for asylum is required to do so at an approved entry point ...
And crossing the border illegally is still against the law.



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