Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Open Borders - Yes Or No

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  • Poll closed .

Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Should adults use their children in a criminal act to gain entrance into a country?

Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Actions have consequences, the folks to blame are the one who took the wrong actions. You got what you wanted, the families will now stay together.
In prison until they are vetted and cleared. try and be happy.

Isn't it wonderful, we are sending children into prisons with criminals.

"You" are sending people into prison with their children, who take a risk to make their lives better. "We" (Europe) lets such people die in the "mare nostrum". And the people on private ships, who help them not to drown, are the "criminals". This "criminals" are still lucky that no one "crucifies" them. …

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Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Should adults use their children in a criminal act to gain entrance into a country?

Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Actions have consequences, the folks to blame are the one who took the wrong actions. You got what you wanted, the families will now stay together.
In prison until they are vetted and cleared. try and be happy.

Isn't it wonderful, we are sending children into prisons with criminals.

"You" are sending people into prison with their children, who take a risk to make their lives better. "We" (Europe) lets such people die in the "mare nostrum". And the people on private ships, who help them not to drown, are the "criminals". This "criminals" are still lucky that no one "crucifies" them. …

Not watching a video, but thanks anyway. They can come to the US legally, not illegally. If they can’t follow the laws then you can have them. We want law abiding citizens.

Not sure why you think you should,have a say in our immigration policies, you are as bad and disgusting as Russia.
It appears that the question is not stupid because everything that the Democrats oppose in GOP legislation point to the Democrats favor everyone coming in at any time.

Now historically we did have that... when on August 3,1882 the first "general immigration law" was passed.
Immigration Act of 1882 - Wikipedia
And the population of the USA at that time was 50,189,209 or 1/6 what it is today.

So our country was founded on the rule of law... not emotion. Not illogic. But founded on the preamble of the US Constitution what clearly states.."provide for the common defence".

So if we have no borders. No laws regarding who can come in what do we have but back to where we were
over 136 years when EVERYONE had a gun. A lot of the country had no law and anyone could come in.

So is that what the Democrats want? Our country to revert back to the way we were in the 1880s?

I'm all in favor then as there would be open season on protecting me and my property it sounds like.

Wow what a farce!

First, there are many other functions that borders provide beside keeping immigrants out.

Second, the Democrats not supporting current Republican proposals does not equate to the Democrats wanting open borders.

Third, the majority of immigrants are not breaking any laws. They are applying for asylum and other various immigrant status. That is not against the law at all. It's these law abiding people who are having their children taken away. That gives a whole lot more incentive for people to try to enter the country illegally.

Fourth, the vast majority of these people are law abiding, peaceful people who are only hoping for a better life. They are an awful lot like your ancestors (except they don't want to kill native Americans).

Fifth, you are a paranoid idiot if you think that these people are a threat to you and your property. Just becuase you are a violent theiving idiot doesn't mean that they are.

330,000 illegal immigrants are arrested every year for entering into the US illegally. Another 70,000 come to the US seeking asylum, so they are in the minority by a long ways. Furthermore those arrested for entering into the country illegally are breaking a law and thus are not law abiding people.

Lastly, use a spell checker.

What you say here is by the way a reason why the hell is full of lawyers.


Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Should adults use their children in a criminal act to gain entrance into a country?

Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Actions have consequences, the folks to blame are the one who took the wrong actions. You got what you wanted, the families will now stay together.
In prison until they are vetted and cleared. try and be happy.

Isn't it wonderful, we are sending children into prisons with criminals.

"You" are sending people into prison with their children, who take a risk to make their lives better. "We" (Europe) lets such people die in the "mare nostrum". And the people on private ships, who help them not to drown, are the "criminals". This "criminals" are still lucky that no one "crucifies" them. …

Not watching a video, but thanks anyway. They can come to the US legally, not illegally. If they can’t follow the laws then you can have them. We want law abiding citizens.

Not sure why you think you should,have a say in our immigration policies, you are as bad and disgusting as Russia.

Sure we are bad and disgusting people. Specially I. I am a German with Jewish ancestors. And I love Germany - and I never did not love our football team too ... latest since 2006, which was the best year since World War 2 in Germany. They are now in Russia. Good luck, guys. And I guess nearly nothing would be for me personally more painful then to have to drive to the USA. No safety in your country. Every idiot has weapons. For sure one of them would kill an asshole like me.

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Give them working papers if they are worthy and not criminals. You can't throw 12 million people out never going to happen. End it.

Maybe you can't get all 12 million of the little roaches but you can get as many as you can.

You can take them off all government welfare. You can kick their children out of public schools and you can throw employers in jail.

You can build a wall to keep Jose's cousins from coming in and you can have aggressive ICE roundups.

You sure as hell can keep the dipshits from voting like we saw 3-5 million of the sonofabitches do in 2016.
This is the kind of lies and fake news we get from Liberals.

Fake News: Iconic Crying Migrant Girl Never Separated from Mother, Says Father

Fake News: Iconic Crying Migrant Girl Was Never Separated from Mother, Says Father

The father of the tearful two-year-old Honduran migrant girl who became the face of the “family separation” news coverage says that his young daughter was never actually separated from her mother when caught by U.S. Border Patrol.
Instead, he says, his daughter and her mother are together in U.S. custody at “at a family residential center in Texas.”

Moreover, the mother had been deported from the U.S. in 2013, according to a statement given by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to Buzzfeed on Thursday evening.

It appears that the question is not stupid because everything that the Democrats oppose in GOP legislation point to the Democrats favor everyone coming in at any time.

Now historically we did have that... when on August 3,1882 the first "general immigration law" was passed.
Immigration Act of 1882 - Wikipedia
And the population of the USA at that time was 50,189,209 or 1/6 what it is today.

So our country was founded on the rule of law... not emotion. Not illogic. But founded on the preamble of the US Constitution what clearly states.."provide for the common defence".

So if we have no borders. No laws regarding who can come in what do we have but back to where we were
over 136 years when EVERYONE had a gun. A lot of the country had no law and anyone could come in.

So is that what the Democrats want? Our country to revert back to the way we were in the 1880s?

I'm all in favor then as there would be open season on protecting me and my property it sounds like.
Of course not


Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Actions have consequences, the folks to blame are the one who took the wrong actions. You got what you wanted, the families will now stay together.
In prison until they are vetted and cleared. try and be happy.

So that's a yes, Children should be targeted with the intention of traumatizing them. Should children be physically harmed as well? How about thrown in to gas chambers? Where do you draw the line? Do you have a line?

So you are one of those that believe what Trump was doing is as bad or worst than what Nazi Germany did but in reality Trump was acting more like FDR instead...
Who did border patrol in 1830?

It ranged from 10 (1822) - 560 (1838) Rangers and grew from there.

Some noted Rangers were ...

W.W. Hill
Isaac Burton
James Parker
R.M. Coleman
William H. Smith
F.C. Booker
Albert Sidney Johnson
William M. Eastland
Van Benthuysen
Alfred Miles
Kelsey Douglas
Jesse Billingsley
John L. Lynch

Every mounted Ranger earned $25 a month, officers $75 (they elected their officers)
After a year's service they also received 1280 acres of land.


Sure we are bad and disgusting people. Specially I. I am a German with Jewish ancestors. And I love Germany - and I never did not love our football team too ... latest since 2006, which was the best year since World War 2 in Germany. They are now in Russia. Good luck, guys. And I guess nearly nothing would be for me personally more painful then to have to drive to the USA. No safety in your country. Every idiot has weapons. For sure one of them would kill an asshole like me.

Mexico beat Germany ... :thup:

It appears that the question is not stupid because everything that the Democrats oppose in GOP legislation point to the Democrats favor everyone coming in at any time.

Now historically we did have that... when on August 3,1882 the first "general immigration law" was passed.
Immigration Act of 1882 - Wikipedia
And the population of the USA at that time was 50,189,209 or 1/6 what it is today.

So our country was founded on the rule of law... not emotion. Not illogic. But founded on the preamble of the US Constitution what clearly states.."provide for the common defence".

So if we have no borders. No laws regarding who can come in what do we have but back to where we were
over 136 years when EVERYONE had a gun. A lot of the country had no law and anyone could come in.

So is that what the Democrats want? Our country to revert back to the way we were in the 1880s?

I'm all in favor then as there would be open season on protecting me and my property it sounds like.

This is a stupid question since you are only concerned with one border.
This is the kind of lies and fake news we get from Liberals.

Fake News: Iconic Crying Migrant Girl Never Separated from Mother, Says Father

Fake News: Iconic Crying Migrant Girl Was Never Separated from Mother, Says Father

The father of the tearful two-year-old Honduran migrant girl who became the face of the “family separation” news coverage says that his young daughter was never actually separated from her mother when caught by U.S. Border Patrol.
Instead, he says, his daughter and her mother are together in U.S. custody at “at a family residential center in Texas.”

Moreover, the mother had been deported from the U.S. in 2013, according to a statement given by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to Buzzfeed on Thursday evening.


AND for those of you that say OH that source was Breitbart !!!

HERE is the Washington Post NO lover of Trump...

In Honduras, Denis Javier Varela Hernandez recognized his daughter in the photo and also feared she was separated from her mother, he told The Post.

But he learned this week that his wife and daughter were not, in fact, separated. The mother, 32-year-old Sandra Sanchez, was detained with her nearly 2-year-old daughter, Yanela, at a facility in McAllen Tex., Varela said.
The crying Honduran girl on the cover of Time was not separated from her mother, father says

So PLEASE all you people so quick to jump through MSM biased HOOPS!
This is the kind of lies and fake news we get from Liberals.

Fake News: Iconic Crying Migrant Girl Never Separated from Mother, Says Father

Fake News: Iconic Crying Migrant Girl Was Never Separated from Mother, Says Father

The father of the tearful two-year-old Honduran migrant girl who became the face of the “family separation” news coverage says that his young daughter was never actually separated from her mother when caught by U.S. Border Patrol.
Instead, he says, his daughter and her mother are together in U.S. custody at “at a family residential center in Texas.”

Moreover, the mother had been deported from the U.S. in 2013, according to a statement given by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to Buzzfeed on Thursday evening.


AND for those of you that say OH that source was Breitbart !!!

HERE is the Washington Post NO lover of Trump...

In Honduras, Denis Javier Varela Hernandez recognized his daughter in the photo and also feared she was separated from her mother, he told The Post.

But he learned this week that his wife and daughter were not, in fact, separated. The mother, 32-year-old Sandra Sanchez, was detained with her nearly 2-year-old daughter, Yanela, at a facility in McAllen Tex., Varela said.
The crying Honduran girl on the cover of Time was not separated from her mother, father says

So PLEASE all you people so quick to jump through MSM biased HOOPS!

Facts don't mean anything to these Moon Bats. I bet we won't see Time magazine retract their cover.

The real truth is that the Left really don't anything about children or much of anything else.

Their agenda is to flood the country with as many welfare recipients as possible to shore up the failing Democrat Party.

Without Illegals the Democrats would have a significant less base.

Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Should adults use their children in a criminal act to gain entrance into a country?

Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Actions have consequences, the folks to blame are the one who took the wrong actions. You got what you wanted, the families will now stay together.
In prison until they are vetted and cleared. try and be happy.

Isn't it wonderful, we are sending children into prisons with criminals.

"You" are sending people into prison with their children, who take a risk to make their lives better. "We" (Europe) lets such people die in the "mare nostrum". And the people on private ships, who help them not to drown, are the "criminals". This "criminals" are still lucky that no one "crucifies" them. …

You open borders snowflake douchebags is the "get out of jail free" card that allows anyone to violate our immigration laws. Here's some news for you: it doesn't. The people who smuggle foreigners with no visas into the country are criminals. So are the people they are smuggling. I fail to understand why morons like you believe some people don't have to obey the law.
As the NWO Globalists continue pushing their Open Borders Agenda, do you support it or not?
Retarded pointless poll. No one supports open borders.

Sorry, but your Party does. Get informed.
No my party doesnt support open borders. You should get educated. Better yet you should show us some proof of your claim.

The Dems had the chance to protect the dreamers and close the borders. There is your proof.

It appears that the question is not stupid because everything that the Democrats oppose in GOP legislation point to the Democrats favor everyone coming in at any time.

Now historically we did have that... when on August 3,1882 the first "general immigration law" was passed.
Immigration Act of 1882 - Wikipedia
And the population of the USA at that time was 50,189,209 or 1/6 what it is today.

So our country was founded on the rule of law... not emotion. Not illogic. But founded on the preamble of the US Constitution what clearly states.."provide for the common defence".

So if we have no borders. No laws regarding who can come in what do we have but back to where we were
over 136 years when EVERYONE had a gun. A lot of the country had no law and anyone could come in.

So is that what the Democrats want? Our country to revert back to the way we were in the 1880s?

I'm all in favor then as there would be open season on protecting me and my property it sounds like.

Wow what a farce!

First, there are many other functions that borders provide beside keeping immigrants out.

Second, the Democrats not supporting current Republican proposals does not equate to the Democrats wanting open borders.

Third, the majority of immigrants are not breaking any laws. They are applying for asylum and other various immigrant status. That is not against the law at all. It's these law abiding people who are having their children taken away. That gives a whole lot more incentive for people to try to enter the country illegally.

Fourth, the vast majority of these people are law abiding, peaceful people who are only hoping for a better life. They are an awful lot like your ancestors (except they don't want to kill native Americans).

Fifth, you are a paranoid idiot if you think that these people are a threat to you and your property. Just becuase you are a violent theiving idiot doesn't mean that they are.

330,000 illegal immigrants are arrested every year for entering into the US illegally. Another 70,000 come to the US seeking asylum, so they are in the minority by a long ways. Furthermore those arrested for entering into the country illegally are breaking a law and thus are not law abiding people.

Lastly, use a spell checker.

What you say here is by the way a reason why the hell is full of lawyers.


Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Should adults use their children in a criminal act to gain entrance into a country?

Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Actions have consequences, the folks to blame are the one who took the wrong actions. You got what you wanted, the families will now stay together.
In prison until they are vetted and cleared. try and be happy.

Isn't it wonderful, we are sending children into prisons with criminals.

"You" are sending people into prison with their children, who take a risk to make their lives better. "We" (Europe) lets such people die in the "mare nostrum". And the people on private ships, who help them not to drown, are the "criminals". This "criminals" are still lucky that no one "crucifies" them. …

Not watching a video, but thanks anyway. They can come to the US legally, not illegally. If they can’t follow the laws then you can have them. We want law abiding citizens.

Not sure why you think you should,have a say in our immigration policies, you are as bad and disgusting as Russia.

Sure we are bad and disgusting people. Specially I. I am a German with Jewish ancestors. And I love Germany - and I never did not love our football team too ... latest since 2006, which was the best year since World War 2 in Germany. They are now in Russia. Good luck, guys. And I guess nearly nothing would be for me personally more painful then to have to drive to the USA. No safety in your country. Every idiot has weapons. For sure one of them would kill an asshole like me.

Didn’t say you were disgusting, I said your actions of wanting to interfere with our country is disgusting, you sure like drama.

Haven’t watched the Cup, nor do I plan on it.

Lastly, get off those drugs.
So if Trump does nothing he isn't following the law of the land, if Trump does follow the law of the land........
You guys are being played like a fiddle by the media, and just too damn stupid to see that. And YOU call me
a moron. :laughing0301:
I see youre another low intellect Drumpf drone and yes a moron.

How is it that Obama deported more illegals yet he didnt have 2K separated children in a couple of months like Drumpf did? Stop whining and thank your boss for changing his mind due to the bad PR.
well you should be happy then......but you're not.
Of course I am happy. Its always funny to see you low intellect Drumpf supporters repeating his lies.
if I recall you're not only an idiot, but you are a you really hate whitey.
What lies.....lets see that huge intellect of yours.
This lie for starters where he pretty much claims his hands are tied.

"“So what I’m asking Congress to do is to give us a third option, which we have been requesting since last year — the legal authority to detain and promptly remove families together as a unit. We have to be able to do this. This is the only solution to the border crisis. We have to stop child smuggling. This is the way to do it.”

then he signs an EO.

You fools must enjoy being fools. No one is that stupid unknowingly.
Hey dipshit, is is the law....flores 1997, look it up.
he did sign it...I bet one of you tranny freaks will challenge it...….and then I'm gonna be such a dick to you, always in your face, whenever you post.
Sure we are bad and disgusting people. Specially I. I am a German with Jewish ancestors. And I love Germany - and I never did not love our football team too ... latest since 2006, which was the best year since World War 2 in Germany. They are now in Russia. Good luck, guys. And I guess nearly nothing would be for me personally more painful then to have to drive to the USA. No safety in your country. Every idiot has weapons. For sure one of them would kill an asshole like me.

Mexico beat Germany ... :thup:

And the USA was not under the first 32 nations of the world: "US-America absent". Your favorite game seems to be "trade war" - a kind of monopoly with the rule "USA wins and the winner takes it all."
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Sure we are bad and disgusting people. Specially I. I am a German with Jewish ancestors. And I love Germany - and I never did not love our football team too ... latest since 2006, which was the best year since World War 2 in Germany. They are now in Russia. Good luck, guys. And I guess nearly nothing would be for me personally more painful then to have to drive to the USA. No safety in your country. Every idiot has weapons. For sure one of them would kill an asshole like me.

Mexico beat Germany ... :thup:

And the USA was not under the first 32 nations of the world: "US-America absent". Your favorite game seems to be "trade war" - a kind of monopoly with the rule "USA wins and the winner takes it all."

Of course it is our favorite game because it is one of the tools in providing opportunities for people to "play" soccer and all the other little kids' sports.
Adults have to take care of kids it appears and if it means the USA taking care of the rest of the world while the rest of the world plays ... so be it.

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