Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Open Borders - Yes Or No

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Next question. Should we intentionally target children with the intention of traumatizing them as our focus in order to enforce policies?

Agreed. And thankfully, Obabble is no longer President and able to traumatize children by wrapping them in aluminum foil and putting them in cages.
Very very rarely happened, only in special cases, super duper dupe. Not like under your idiot Heroes...

There you go all projecting again...
Yeah, dipshit. When they enter illegally en-masse it's akin to an invasion. If they want to come here for a better life there is a legal process for doing that. It starts with obtaining an Immigrant Visa at the US Consulate in their country of origin. Amazingly, it is an existing pathway to legal US citizenship.

So the Irish, Italians, Jews and every other ethinic group that migrated here in mass constitutued some sort of an invasion? Or is the fact that they filled out the paper work magically changed that?

I'm sure that the choice to travel from their homes, across Mexico, to the U.S. border risking death, injury and imprisonment was jsut SO MUCh easier than going to the U.S. Consulate and applying for a visa.

DO you understand that these people are desparate? That they fear for their lives and that the choices they made were brutal but they were the only possible choices for them?

My wife migrated here following the legal process. But she was not in fear for her life. She was able to wait the months and months that it took for the legal process. They can not.

Your whole premise is wrong. You are attempting to blame U.S. foreign policies from 30 years ago for today’s problems in Central American countries. That’s more than a generation ago. Those governments have changed over serval times since then. The naked truth is that they are fleeing from their own failed culture, but they are bringing that culture with them.

The other bare truth is that the Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor exploitable voters. If these illegal aliens were future Republican voters the Democrats would insist that we enforce our immigration laws. America already has enough poor people.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration. No one has the right to break our immigration laws.

There is nothing short of open borders that will satisfy the Democrats, and that is very dangerous and damaging.

Richard is one of those commies who is still wallowing in the 1950s and 1960s.
They are fleeing huge drug cartels and gangs and the highest murder rates in the world, super dupe. Change the channel.

Who cares what they are fleeing? They wouldn't have huge drug cartels, gangs and high murder rates if their government wasn't so thoroughly corrupt. let them fix their own country. We have no reason to admit them to ours. The problem with Mexico is that it's full of Mexicans, and you want to bring their social pathology here.

Anyone who supports this is a major fucking idiot.
Absolute ass backwards ridiculous logic... Americans are the ones with the Giant drug addiction Wrecking Central America and Afghanistan for that matter...
So the Irish, Italians, Jews and every other ethinic group that migrated here in mass constitutued some sort of an invasion? Or is the fact that they filled out the paper work magically changed that?

I'm sure that the choice to travel from their homes, across Mexico, to the U.S. border risking death, injury and imprisonment was jsut SO MUCh easier than going to the U.S. Consulate and applying for a visa.

DO you understand that these people are desparate? That they fear for their lives and that the choices they made were brutal but they were the only possible choices for them?

My wife migrated here following the legal process. But she was not in fear for her life. She was able to wait the months and months that it took for the legal process. They can not.

Your whole premise is wrong. You are attempting to blame U.S. foreign policies from 30 years ago for today’s problems in Central American countries. That’s more than a generation ago. Those governments have changed over serval times since then. The naked truth is that they are fleeing from their own failed culture, but they are bringing that culture with them.

The other bare truth is that the Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor exploitable voters. If these illegal aliens were future Republican voters the Democrats would insist that we enforce our immigration laws. America already has enough poor people.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration. No one has the right to break our immigration laws.

There is nothing short of open borders that will satisfy the Democrats, and that is very dangerous and damaging.

Richard is one of those commies who is still wallowing in the 1950s and 1960s.
They are fleeing huge drug cartels and gangs and the highest murder rates in the world, super dupe. Change the channel.

Who cares what they are fleeing? They wouldn't have huge drug cartels, gangs and high murder rates if their government wasn't so thoroughly corrupt. let them fix their own country. We have no reason to admit them to ours. The problem with Mexico is that it's full of Mexicans, and you want to bring their social pathology here.

Anyone who supports this is a major fucking idiot.
Absolute ass backwards ridiculous logic... Americans are the ones with the Giant drug addiction Wrecking Central America and Afghanistan for that matter...

Ok. So we deport drug offenders.
But Trump has separated more families for no reason, that's the stupid and cruel part. Pass the 2010 democratic immigration bill with SS ID card and end illegal immigration, Dunces.
You are wrong AGAIN.

Read this editorial from The Old "liberal" Grey Lady....
Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers
By The Editorial Board
  • July 18, 2016
And the centers stand on dubious legal ground. Last year, a district judge ruled that the administration was violating a 1997 court-ordered settlement, called the Flores agreement, that governs the treatment of underage migrants who seek asylum or enter the country illegally. The judge said the children were being held for too long, and ordered the administration to release them as quickly as possible to the care of relatives or other guardians as their cases move through the immigration courts.

The administration appealed, saying that the agreement applied only to children who had crossed the border alone, not those who were accompanied by parents or other adult relatives. On July 6, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit disagreed, upholding the district ruling that Flores covers all children, accompanied or not. But it said the administration could still detain their parents.
Opinion | Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers

Except you are the one wrong.

The family detention centers the Obama administration has been operating in Texas and Pennsylvania have been an expedient way to handle the soaring numbers of Central Americans, many of them young children, who have arrived at the Southern border since 2014.

These were family detention centers.

Which leaves things pretty much where they were — unsettled, unsatisfactory, unfit for a country that aspires (or once did, anyway) to be an example to the world in its welcome for desperate refugees. The administration hasn’t said whether it will appeal, but it’s hard to imagine that it will use the appeals court ruling to break up families — sending children to foster care, maybe, while continuing to hold their mothers behind bars.

Opinion | Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers

Obama did not break up families. Now we can debate how Obama was wrong for doing this, even as Trump is the president now in order to avoid another Trump failure, and that would be fair, but to lie and claim Obama did what Trump did is not. Because he did not.

You can quibble about how Big Ears handled the crisis, to protect your Messiah. It is a minor difference and one only a partisan would make. He detained children in prisons just as Donnie Tiny Hands is doing. Separating child from their mothers may be new but I tend to doubt it, though I can't find media reports proving my doubts. Many child are arriving they are already separated from their parents.

This again from the liberal Old Grey Lady....

A Judge’s Rebuke of Immigration Detention

By The Editorial Board

  • Aug. 5, 2015
Children do not belong in prison. The mass detention of families offends American values, a lesson this country learned long ago at Manzanar, Tule Lake, Heart Mountain and the other Japanese-American internment camps of World War II.

Learned, but apparently forgotten by the Obama administration, which has just been ordered by a federal judge to release several hundred women and children locked up in its immigration detention centers in southern Texas. The centers, in Dilley and Karnes City, were thrown up hastily last year to contain a surge of families and unaccompanied children from Central America, many desperately seeking refuge from gang and drug and political violence at home.
Opinion | A Judge’s Rebuke of Immigration Detention
They should be sent back home to their own countries.
That won't do any good. They will just come back.

They come because their home countries are such a crime ridden mess. These countries are a mess because of Americans insatiable appetite for illegal drugs. The governments of these countries help them leave, because they know money will flow back to help extended family members.

Either we legalize drugs to terminate the cartels and criminal gangs running Central America, or the stinking US government disallows entry entirely. Doesn't seem that either option is in the works, so this will continue.
Either we legalize drugs and get rid of all government handouts and get rid of the minimum wage, or we build a wall.
We can't support all the people who want to come to America.
In other words, you're for open borders. There will never be tough enforcement of employer sanctions. If you support your moronic I.D., then why not support E verify? Of course, your filthy party supports neither of these. You can't name a single enforcement measure they support. Voting Democrat means you support open-borders. It's as simple as that.
The GOP will never do anything good... The Democrats support an ID card, they support E verify, they support anything but stupidity and cruelty.
The Dim party opposes both things, moron. The only thing it actually supports is open borders. They just got done crying like petulant little children because they insisted that Trump implement catch and release by executive order.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Link to any Democrats saying that, super duper? The GOP blocks any ID card every time...

E-VERIFY VICTORY -- 8 Senators Switch Sides Since March Defeat

Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.) is the Democrats' leader who is expected to introduce his "comprehensive immigration reform" amnesty legislation later this year. Amazingly, he tried to get all Democrats today to vote against the E-Verify mandate because he said E-Verify isn't TOUGH enough. Can you believe it?
So you agree no Democrat has ever said they R 4 open borders? Thank you very much.
Do you know the definition of the words open borders? No wall means the border is open dumb ass.
The GOP will never do anything good... The Democrats support an ID card, they support E verify, they support anything but stupidity and cruelty.
The Dim party opposes both things, moron. The only thing it actually supports is open borders. They just got done crying like petulant little children because they insisted that Trump implement catch and release by executive order.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Link to any Democrats saying that, super duper? The GOP blocks any ID card every time...

E-VERIFY VICTORY -- 8 Senators Switch Sides Since March Defeat

Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.) is the Democrats' leader who is expected to introduce his "comprehensive immigration reform" amnesty legislation later this year. Amazingly, he tried to get all Democrats today to vote against the E-Verify mandate because he said E-Verify isn't TOUGH enough. Can you believe it?
So you agree no Democrat has ever said they R 4 open borders? Thank you very much.
Do you know the definition of the words open borders? No wall means the border is open dumb ass.
We already have a wall. Most illegals come here legally and overstay their visas. We need a good SSID SS ID CARD and strong enforcement. Which the GOP has blocked forever. You are totally duped.
Your whole premise is wrong. You are attempting to blame U.S. foreign policies from 30 years ago for today’s problems in Central American countries. That’s more than a generation ago. Those governments have changed over serval times since then. The naked truth is that they are fleeing from their own failed culture, but they are bringing that culture with them.

The other bare truth is that the Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor exploitable voters. If these illegal aliens were future Republican voters the Democrats would insist that we enforce our immigration laws. America already has enough poor people.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration. No one has the right to break our immigration laws.

There is nothing short of open borders that will satisfy the Democrats, and that is very dangerous and damaging.

Richard is one of those commies who is still wallowing in the 1950s and 1960s.
They are fleeing huge drug cartels and gangs and the highest murder rates in the world, super dupe. Change the channel.

Who cares what they are fleeing? They wouldn't have huge drug cartels, gangs and high murder rates if their government wasn't so thoroughly corrupt. let them fix their own country. We have no reason to admit them to ours. The problem with Mexico is that it's full of Mexicans, and you want to bring their social pathology here.

Anyone who supports this is a major fucking idiot.
Absolute ass backwards ridiculous logic... Americans are the ones with the Giant drug addiction Wrecking Central America and Afghanistan for that matter...

Ok. So we deport drug offenders.
We already do LOL. End the War on Drugs, legalize tax and treat and end this bulshit... And stop drug gangs South of the Border and the reason they come.
The Dim party opposes both things, moron. The only thing it actually supports is open borders. They just got done crying like petulant little children because they insisted that Trump implement catch and release by executive order.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Link to any Democrats saying that, super duper? The GOP blocks any ID card every time...

E-VERIFY VICTORY -- 8 Senators Switch Sides Since March Defeat

Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.) is the Democrats' leader who is expected to introduce his "comprehensive immigration reform" amnesty legislation later this year. Amazingly, he tried to get all Democrats today to vote against the E-Verify mandate because he said E-Verify isn't TOUGH enough. Can you believe it?
So you agree no Democrat has ever said they R 4 open borders? Thank you very much.
Do you know the definition of the words open borders? No wall means the border is open dumb ass.
We already have a wall. Most illegals come here legally and overstay their visas. We need a good SSID SS ID CARD and strong enforcement. Which the GOP has blocked forever. You are totally duped.
We need a better wall.
And I'll add, a better biometric Social Security Card.
Richard is one of those commies who is still wallowing in the 1950s and 1960s.
They are fleeing huge drug cartels and gangs and the highest murder rates in the world, super dupe. Change the channel.

Who cares what they are fleeing? They wouldn't have huge drug cartels, gangs and high murder rates if their government wasn't so thoroughly corrupt. let them fix their own country. We have no reason to admit them to ours. The problem with Mexico is that it's full of Mexicans, and you want to bring their social pathology here.

Anyone who supports this is a major fucking idiot.
Absolute ass backwards ridiculous logic... Americans are the ones with the Giant drug addiction Wrecking Central America and Afghanistan for that matter...

Ok. So we deport drug offenders.
We already do LOL. End the War on Drugs, legalize tax and treat and end this bulshit... And stop drug gangs South of the Border and the reason they come.
My nephew took a single toke from a vape of legal Synthesized Marijuana. He went into a Seizure and almost drowned on his own puke. They took him to the hospital and pumped his stomach. He now owes the Hospital $5,000 plus other fees for Ambulance and Doctor. Who is going to pay his medical bills due to them negligently legalizing a dangerous substance?
Link to any Democrats saying that, super duper? The GOP blocks any ID card every time...

E-VERIFY VICTORY -- 8 Senators Switch Sides Since March Defeat

Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.) is the Democrats' leader who is expected to introduce his "comprehensive immigration reform" amnesty legislation later this year. Amazingly, he tried to get all Democrats today to vote against the E-Verify mandate because he said E-Verify isn't TOUGH enough. Can you believe it?
So you agree no Democrat has ever said they R 4 open borders? Thank you very much.
Do you know the definition of the words open borders? No wall means the border is open dumb ass.
We already have a wall. Most illegals come here legally and overstay their visas. We need a good SSID SS ID CARD and strong enforcement. Which the GOP has blocked forever. You are totally duped.
We need a better wall.
And I'll add, a better biometric Social Security Card.
The wall is a joke. You will add? I've been talking about that 4 years and so have Democrats... LOL!
They are fleeing huge drug cartels and gangs and the highest murder rates in the world, super dupe. Change the channel.

Who cares what they are fleeing? They wouldn't have huge drug cartels, gangs and high murder rates if their government wasn't so thoroughly corrupt. let them fix their own country. We have no reason to admit them to ours. The problem with Mexico is that it's full of Mexicans, and you want to bring their social pathology here.

Anyone who supports this is a major fucking idiot.
Absolute ass backwards ridiculous logic... Americans are the ones with the Giant drug addiction Wrecking Central America and Afghanistan for that matter...

Ok. So we deport drug offenders.
We already do LOL. End the War on Drugs, legalize tax and treat and end this bulshit... And stop drug gangs South of the Border and the reason they come.
My nephew took a single toke from a vape of legal Synthesized Marijuana. He went into a Seizure and almost drowned on his own puke. They took him to the hospital and pumped his stomach. He now owes the Hospital $5,000 plus other fees for Ambulance and Doctor. Who is going to pay his medical bills due to them negligently legalizing a dangerous substance?
Too bad we don't have real marijuana legalized... And Healthcare. Thanks GOP great job.
Of course not, we need to have secure borders. But having fully secure borders is not possible. Trump's wall is an absurdity, the US has miles and miles of coastline, much of it too difficult and too expensive to secure, but not too difficult to breach. The border between Texas and California would require expensive technology, lots of guards and means to see under ground.

See: Pictures of tunnels between mexico and the us - Google Search
It appears that the question is not stupid because everything that the Democrats oppose in GOP legislation point to the Democrats favor everyone coming in at any time.

Now historically we did have that... when on August 3,1882 the first "general immigration law" was passed.
Immigration Act of 1882 - Wikipedia
And the population of the USA at that time was 50,189,209 or 1/6 what it is today.

So our country was founded on the rule of law... not emotion. Not illogic. But founded on the preamble of the US Constitution what clearly states.."provide for the common defence".

So if we have no borders. No laws regarding who can come in what do we have but back to where we were
over 136 years when EVERYONE had a gun. A lot of the country had no law and anyone could come in.

So is that what the Democrats want? Our country to revert back to the way we were in the 1880s?

I'm all in favor then as there would be open season on protecting me and my property it sounds like.
Yep just open the borders to drugs, people, and turn this place into a third worlds nation, with the rich selling drugs from their stores, and poor people robbing to get the money to buy the drugs. Have free drugs for card carrying Progressives, and have them vote for who the Progressive want in office. Shut down the welfare system and have the Progressive gov pay them off. You could even restart a Company "Stores" for the working poor,. Pot heads could work the farms of the rich and the women could work in houses of ill repute. The Gov, could look like Mexico's or Honduras and all oil and mining could be done by the Government nationalize it all like Cuba. The Factory s could be modified into housing for the homeless. Yeh, open borders are a good idea.
Of course not, we need to have secure borders. But having fully secure borders is not possible. Trump's wall is an absurdity, the US has miles and miles of coastline, much of it too difficult and too expensive to secure, but not too difficult to breach. The border between Texas and California would require expensive technology, lots of guards and means to see under ground.

See: Pictures of tunnels between mexico and the us - Google Search

All horseshit, of course. If the wall really didn't work, then turds like you wouldn't be so dead set against it. Walls work everywhere they have ever been tried. In Hungary their wall reduced illegal immigrants by 99%.
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Sure, but only if we ended taxation, wealth redistribution and the welfare state. Without that evil upon us, no one would care who picks the strawberries.

Until then, no.

When I was growing up, my summer was filled with picking strawberries, cherries, peaches, string beans and on and on, I’d make money and spend and enjoy the fruits of my labor, today it is a violation of child labor laws, so now kids sit at home, get fat and play video games and avoid social interaction.
Are you telling us you oppose child labor laws?

Are you saying that picking berries should be a violation of child labor laws?
Do you think child labor laws are a mistake?

Deflect much?

Noticed how the twit ran from the question.
Of course not, we need to have secure borders. But having fully secure borders is not possible. Trump's wall is an absurdity, the US has miles and miles of coastline, much of it too difficult and too expensive to secure, but not too difficult to breach. The border between Texas and California would require expensive technology, lots of guards and means to see under ground.

See: Pictures of tunnels between mexico and the us - Google Search

All horseshit, of course. If the wall really didn't work, then turds like you wouldn't be so dead set against it. Walls work everywhere they have ever been tried. In Hungary their wall reduced illegal immigrants by 99%.
In Hungary, they just found a different place to cross, or a different method.
Conservative cato explains why wall wont work.
Of course not, we need to have secure borders. But having fully secure borders is not possible. Trump's wall is an absurdity, the US has miles and miles of coastline, much of it too difficult and too expensive to secure, but not too difficult to breach. The border between Texas and California would require expensive technology, lots of guards and means to see under ground.

See: Pictures of tunnels between mexico and the us - Google Search

All horseshit, of course. If the wall really didn't work, then turds like you wouldn't be so dead set against it. Walls work everywhere they have ever been tried. In Hungary their wall reduced illegal immigrants by 99%.
In Hungary, they just found a different place to cross, or a different method.
Conservative cato explains why wall wont work.
Wrong, idiot. There is no other place to cross. They went to other countries that aren't nearly as smart as Hungary. Immigration is easy to stop if you only try. Dims are doing everything they can to increase illegal immigration. They are the main enemy on that front. No one is fooled.

Your article explains all the obstacles Dims will throw up against the wall. It doesn't say walls don't work.
Of course not, we need to have secure borders. But having fully secure borders is not possible. Trump's wall is an absurdity, the US has miles and miles of coastline, much of it too difficult and too expensive to secure, but not too difficult to breach. The border between Texas and California would require expensive technology, lots of guards and means to see under ground.

See: Pictures of tunnels between mexico and the us - Google Search

All horseshit, of course. If the wall really didn't work, then turds like you wouldn't be so dead set against it. Walls work everywhere they have ever been tried. In Hungary their wall reduced illegal immigrants by 99%.
In Hungary, they just found a different place to cross, or a different method.
Conservative cato explains why wall wont work.
Wrong, idiot. There is no other place to cross. They went to other countries that aren't nearly as smart as Hungary. Immigration is easy to stop if you only try. Dims are doing everything they can to increase illegal immigration. They are the main enemy on that front. No one is fooled.

Your article explains all the obstacles Dims will throw up against the wall. It doesn't say walls don't work.

And it is the ONLY way they can get votes! Remember the Motor Voter Bill that Clinton signed?
The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) (52 U.S.C. §§ 2050120511) (formerly 42 U.S.C. §§ 1973gg1973gg-10), also known as the Motor Voter Act, is a United States federal law signed into law by President Bill Clinton on May 20, 1993, and which came into effect on January 1, 1995. The law was enacted under the Elections Clause of the United States Constitution. The law advances voting rights in the United States by requiring state governments to offer voter registration opportunities to any eligible person who applies for or renews a driver's license or applies for public assistance.National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia
It put millions of people on Demo voter rolls.
That's truly the only way they've been able to stay in existence, that and the extremely biased MSM that donated the following to the Democrats!

"In all, people identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism — have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump," the Center for Public Integrity said in a new report.
"Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton," the organization concluded. "$382,000."

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