Question for Hillary supporters

Which of those accusations were investigated?

Glad you asked....

1. Whitewater - 12 of 14 Whitewater partners went to PRISON, including Webb Hubbell, Chelsea's bio daddy
2. Madison - fraudulent S&L represented by Hillary - both McDougles went to prison as did others
3. Castle Grande - fraud where Hillary lost her billing records, which turned up in the WH showing her billing for it. At the last second, Chelsea's bio daddy, fresh out of prison for Whitewater, went into the court and claimed he did the work Hillary billed for, and did 2 more years in the can. Hillary was neither prosecuted nor disbarred for CONFESSING to BILLING FRAUD
4. cattle futures - Tyson paid a fine, the firm that switched the trades was shut down - Hillary initially claimed she was a "genius" at trading cattle futures - in reality, the firm started a long and short position, and allocated the winner to Hillary and the loser to Tyson, a tax deductible bribe to the governor's wife

And like it or not, a lengthy, 40 million dollar investigation into these matters cleared the Clintons.

I got it Dexter. Right wingers hate the Clintons. All the personal animosity in the world doesn't make them guilty though, anymore than lying about Chelsea's parentage changes who her father is. What it does do, is a damn fine job of confirming my previous point with regard to how accomplished her mom is at not letting you intimidate her, no matter how low you sink in your decades-long efforts to do so.

Perhaps you can help me.

How many Clinton "associates" ended up

A) dead
B) in prison
C) accusing the Clintons of criminal or inappropriate behavior

Who knew that attorneys are guilty when their clients do stupid sh*t.
They found nothing on Hillary


Every time we look at Hillary's past, we find the following:

2. associates going to jail without ratting out the Clintons
3. money vanishing
4. dead bodies
5. left wingers claiming that's "nothing"
Every time we look into your posts we find
2) stupidity
3) Limbaugh spew
4) Ignorance
Perhaps you can help me ...

How many Clinton "associates" ended up

A) dead
B) in prison
C) accusing the Clintons of criminal or inappropriate behavior?

--- L A Dexter --

Sorry. Can't hep you there, I have no idea.

You obviously already have access to a list though. How many of those events have you checked into yourself, and can verify these allegations of Clinton wrongdoing in connection with them are based on legitimate evidence?

Going by the constant emphatic insistence of criminal wrongdoing on their part I assume you would most likely jump at an opportunity to share verifiable evidence of the Clinton's hands in their fate. So judging by the fact that you've provided nothing of the kind, I'm gonna guess the correct answer falls somewhere between 0 and 1.

But by all means, don't let my guesswork come between you and demonstrating otherwise.

Hillary Clinton wouldn't
Who knew that attorneys are guilty when their clients do stupid sh*t.

Not me. You have an example of a case where the attorney was sentenced and punished over a perpetrator's guilty verdict?

Wow. That's interesting. Please provide a link.
There is a difference between a client and a business partner.

The Clintons were PARTNERS in Whitewater. 12 of 14 PARTNERS went to prison, all saying the other two "knew nothing."

Those "know nothings" were named BILL and HILLARY.

So if you think they were innocent, you are the new KNOW NOTHINGS....
Got it Dex.

The independent council's investigation into the Clintons doesn't count, because Ken Starr didn't find enough evidence of wrongdoing on their part to even warrant an indictment.

The Clinton's are guilty of murder, because World Net Daily says they are..... oh, and I'm ignorant.

You should forward this open and shut case to Trump, Dexter. Bet you're qualified for his version of a Supreme Court Justice nominee.

As I stated, TRUTHFULLY, just about every "associate" of the Clintons is one of the following:

1. convicted of FRAUD
2. dead
3. claimed in court the Clintons "knew nothing" of the crimes

As I stated, TRUTHFULLY, just about every "associate" of the Clintons is one of the following:

1. convicted of FRAUD
2. dead
3. claimed in court the Clintons "knew nothing" of the crimes
Associates are not the Clintons.
Associates are not the Clintons.

Yeah, and Capone's mob was not Capone...

Sadly, you're too stupid to comprehend WhiteWater was thoroughly investigated twice and neither investigation found any wrong doing by the Clinton's. You can talk about "associates" and "Al Capone" all you want, it only makes a conspiracy nut like you look even more insane.
Right wingers arrive at these conclusions in an attempt to justify hating Bill and Hillary Clinton. They aint about to let facts, evidence and logic get in the way.

After all, it just wouldn't do for a bunch of 'independent minded,' George Patton / John Wayne wannabees to admit it's only because Rush Limbaugh spoon-feeds their political views to them.

No matter how obvious it is.

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