Question for Hillary supporters

the 24-year (and counting) right wing shitstorm she's weathered

Which one of the Whitewater partners was "right wing?"

Which right wingers assisted Hillary in looting Vince Foster's office?

Who was right wing in the Castle Grande deal?

Who was right wing in the cattle futures scam payoff from Tyson Foods?

Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Brodderick, none of those were Republicans UNTIL Bill the PREDATOR assaulted them... and Hillary was trotted out to slime and discredit them...

Which of those accusations were investigated?

Which of these investigations resulted in criminal prosecution and a guilty verdict?
(Hint: Several years and $40 million later, Clinton was impeached for lying about an affair that was never any of their fucking business).

Who taught wingers any investigation that doesn't culminate in an indictment against a liberal, can only be part of a conspiracy against conservatives?

Who taught wingers reality has a "liberal bias," therefore conservatives are entitled to your very own facts?

I'll go out on a limb here, and guess it came from the same place right wingers were taught liberals must accept accountability for everything you do.
With all due respect, Alang...Hillary's "success" was a cakewalk. She was elected to the Senate in a State she wasn't even from or really lived in. She was given that Senate seat because she was married to a former President who was a liberal icon.

I don't see any past 1st ladies achieving the success of HRC. And getting elected in a state she wasn't even from or really lived in sounds like an uphill battle to me, not a cakewalk.

Donald Trump took that small fortune and made it into a huge fortune with DECADES of hard work. He wasn't given that fortune because his father was wealthy.

Fred Trump died in 1999 with an estimated net wealth between $250 million and $300 million according to a New York Times article at the time of death. While the specific amount Trump inherited from his father has not been revealed, a January article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald. Further, in 2003, it was reported that Donald and his siblings sold a portion of their father’s real estate holdings for around half a billion dollars. In addition to this inheritance, Trump’s father helped the mogul financially throughout his lifetime by giving him loans and access to trust funds, and establishing a wealth of real estate and political connections for his son.

The two are not comparable at all!
You're right there. HRC started off middle class and raised herself to the highest level of success. Trump started off wealthy and stayed that way.
So he had 300 million but only divided up 20 million?

Check your numbers.

And economists say if Trump had just held on to the money and let the interest grow, he would have had 20 billion. So he lost at least 10.
She was elected senator 2x.

Now , Same question for Trump . But replace "bill" with "daddies money".

Ah, Timmy? Trump took a small fortune and turned it into a HUGE fortune! The number of people who have squandered daddy's money is extensive. Trump's accomplishment is notable.

No. it was a huge amount of money he took . And trumps biz failures are well known.

Bill wasn't from New York . You think Laura Bush could just walk in a become a Senator ?

Hillarys been married to bill since law school. If you count everything since she was 25 as being "Bills coat tails " then there's really no point to this thread .

No, they had to carpetbag to NY, so she could get elected.

and she ran on being the First Lady the first of those elections, incumbent and Queen of the Party the second

trump was given 10's of millions by daddy . Daddy even bought his way into a Wharton education .

Trump still managed to declare bankruptcy like 4x.

But in your demented mind he is self made and Hillary is not ?

Trump hasn't ever declared personal bankruptcy, you moron!

Libs don't have a clue how business works...

Anyway, be my guest if you want to make the case that a billionaire is unsuccessful... #230 richest man in the world just isn't successful enough. I wonder, how is Hillary successful enough for you? She has never even opened a business as far as I am aware. Of course, she has made quite a fortune by selling the country to wall street.
No Donald just had his businesses declare bankruptcies losing other people's money. I bet you are proud of that. If Trump was so successful, why did he stiff all those contractors. Why doesn't he release his tax returns.
No Donald just had his businesses declare bankruptcies losing other people's money. I bet you are proud of that. If Trump was so successful, why did he stiff all those contractors. Why doesn't he release his tax returns.

Then why is he worth billions?

Why don't you admit that you are a taxpayer funded leech who understands precisely nothing about business, real estate, taxes, bankruptcy, or patriotism to the US.
Getting Donald Trump to "take the bait"

That's her campaign staff telling her everything from when to smile and wave...

nice try.

It meets the criteria. She did it. That she did it by heeding the advice of her staff does not mean she did not do it. Her staff weren't on the debate floor with Trump making her do it. Think of the advice Trump has not taken from his advisors. Indeed, taking and learning to take the sage advice of others is something else Mrs. Clinton has accomplished.
Which of those accusations were investigated?

Glad you asked....

1. Whitewater - 12 of 14 Whitewater partners went to PRISON, including Webb Hubbell, Chelsea's bio daddy
2. Madison - fraudulent S&L represented by Hillary - both McDougles went to prison as did others
3. Castle Grande - fraud where Hillary lost her billing records, which turned up in the WH showing her billing for it. At the last second, Chelsea's bio daddy, fresh out of prison for Whitewater, went into the court and claimed he did the work Hillary billed for, and did 2 more years in the can. Hillary was neither prosecuted nor disbarred for CONFESSING to BILLING FRAUD
4. cattle futures - Tyson paid a fine, the firm that switched the trades was shut down - Hillary initially claimed she was a "genius" at trading cattle futures - in reality, the firm started a long and short position, and allocated the winner to Hillary and the loser to Tyson, a tax deductible bribe to the governor's wife
So he had 300 million but only divided up 20 million?

Check your numbers.

And economists say if Trump had just held on to the money and let the interest grow, he would have had 20 billion. So he lost at least 10.
I'd guess a Generation-Skipping Trust Definition was involved.

I recently heard that Trump's valuation of his wealth attributed over $3 billion to his licensing of his name. Others have valued it at less than a billion.
At least Trump's business record is not FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD, because that is what Hillary's record is...
how many jobs has hitlery created?

How much legislation has Don passed ?

When was he in Congress, and how long was he there?

Exactly. He's running for prez , the top gov job, but has zero gov experience.
and hitlery is a criminal and isn't qualified to be prez.
That and OP are totally full of BS GOP propaganda and hate. No fraud and no lies. Fact check anything- always at least HIGHLY debatable. Start with Zeifman lies. These a-holes are all paid off by the GOP. Includes Paula Jones.
Ah, Timmy? Trump took a small fortune and turned it into a HUGE fortune! The number of people who have squandered daddy's money is extensive. Trump's accomplishment is notable.

Uh, actually, we don't know how much of a fortune Trump has because he won't release his tax returns.

But the money he inherited from his dad after he cheated his siblings out of their share, would be worth just as much now if he did nothing.
Because it's unimportant.
There have been plenty of stories of Trump refusing to pay his subcontractors so the cheating charge, even if true, seems like a wash.
Like you liberals say allegations.
Trump defended his refusals to pay his subcontractors, he didn't deny them.
No that is and what he said. You should learn to listen carefully
My recollection of the 1st debate is that Trump said he refused to fully pay his subcontractors because the didn't think they did a good job.
There have been plenty of stories of Trump refusing to pay his subcontractors so the cheating charge, even if true, seems like a wash.
Like you liberals say allegations.
Trump defended his refusals to pay his subcontractors, he didn't deny them.
No that is and what he said. You should learn to listen carefully
My recollection of the 1st debate is that Trump said he refused to fully pay his subcontractors because the didn't think they did a good job.
Which happens in construction. Dumbass.
how many jobs has hitlery created?
How many bills did Trump sponsor?
since he isn't a politicians, zip. again in 30 years, how many jobs has hitlery created. zero. we know that answer it is a rhetorical question. Just seeing your response. When Trump becomes president he will make many bills law.
You people are just too stupid to get a rather simple concept.
Would Trump have made a HUGE fortune without a small fortune to start with? HRC took her name recognition and got herself elected to the Senate and probably the Presidency. It sounds like comparable successes to me.
how many jobs has hitlery created?

How much legislation has Don passed ?

When was he in Congress, and how long was he there?

Exactly. He's running for prez , the top gov job, but has zero gov experience.
and hitlery is a criminal and isn't qualified to be prez.
What crime?
since he isn't a politicians, zip. again in 30 years, how many jobs has hitlery created. zero. we know that answer it is a rhetorical question. Just seeing your response. When Trump becomes president he will make many bills law.
Unless he expands the government work force he won't be creating any new jobs as president
dude, there will be great numbers of jobs.
First,you people claim government can't create jobs & then you claim Groper Donald will create jobs if he wins.
Despite a 24-year long (and counting), petty right wing shitstorm of hatred, bile, lies and worthless accusations, Hillary Clinton has calmly taken everything conservatives have thrown at her, and just let them reveal themselves for the rabid, gibbering idiots they are.

Hillary's demonstrated the temperament to be President, while Cons have demonstrated the temper of 2nd graders.

Are we back to the "...vast right wing conspiracy" thing again, Gtarguy?

What Hillary Clinton has demonstrated over the past two decades that she is probably the most corrupt politician ever to occupy the White House...someone who has made herself fabulously wealthy by exchanging political favors for cash and has no qualms about destroying evidence of her crimes and lying to the American people about it when she gets caught. Why you think that demonstrates the temperament to be President is a mystery to me.
What corruption? When? How?

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